TT3 . CCTSJTJ fx.: t a t t 9 9 9 9 9 9 Y r . . k-j Li L. . I , j t - '.1 " - - UUlJLJ l J Lit J -fit l Irs. Ed Srni;h fifarf:ins Church IToiiien Af Honie ; Circle No. I of the Presbyterian women w. w uniroa wan enter tained by Mrs. Earl Smith TAiesdev tugnu iiwimw viucers elected at a previous meeting, were installed at this time. They re President Mrs. Xi m. chub; vnauinan of Ed ucation, Mrs. 3. L. Johnson; Chair man of Assemblies special Course Mrs. N. P. Farrior. Chairman of Spiritual Growth, Mrs. H. A. Ed wards, Historian, Mrs. Grahcm 1rmpr kni hAllmAn n sir i Missions, Mrs. Levi Everett. Mrs T. J. Turner was Installed as Cir-' el No. 2 Chairman inH tlt . n. i urauy replaces Mirs. T. A. Turner through 27. vii nunfiAMaw e.a . - ISSfSTHS-!?'"" five con- BUST 'TKff5W Th iwv: -"wuWi,Oing the - iiu vi coiossians. a imuntui i rruwu ours, sills. .v., " vi me circle chairman, Mrs. jasper Smith was in charge of the. meeting. The hostess served a salad plate with Iced drinks. The next rniio- su v - - w0 urevuuig Will he held the first Tuesday night in May and the hostess will be Mrs. - a. woriey. A short eaurae (n vtfsn i wen viaeoiuK Will De held At the MnnhuI r-i.. Technical Institute from June 16 fooooooooooooooooooooooot 0 JUST RECEIVED OUR 1952 ALLOTMENT OF O 9 9 Fertilizer Distributors o 0 0 0 J II. C. Dale, Mgr. 9-- ; Cole Planters AND e o o o e o o o o ALSO NEW Junior-Senior Banquet Held The Annual Junintjaau- d. iuet of the Pink H1U High School was held at Hotel Kinston at 7:00 P.m. Friday, April 4. A turkey dinner was served. The rainbow 'COlor Hhem mM nuUl 1 . bhjrley Howard was toastmaster ana me address of welcome was DV Rttv Tfanvnivl Th. - ; o ..... . AtM wasi bo VT1H .... wjr nuuu A. Spenoe and the faculty by Lou Ann Davis. Ptorine Deliver gave the toast to the school. - The song Some Where Ov Thz. iD.inv - hv IWUIUIUW. was sung by the group. Principal " nuey gave me wast to the seniors and Mr. David Green said the benediction. At 9:00 p.m. Paul Stanleys Band from Goldsboro. played for a dance. Miss Lou Aim iavis entertsir-'-d the Pink Hill School ball players at a welner roast at her home in P.nk Hill SaturriAV Itvaniiur anA c -.7 -w....-& D1IU Vlll OUU- aay the Juniors were hosts to the Beach Party at the J. M. Jones Jot- nn AHan DanAk sT i i ! Senior Plncc rv a . Spence, President; Harold Johnson Vice President; Florine Deaver. becretary; Marietta Quinn; Treas urer; Edith Wiley, Class Sponsor. Junior V, ico rkrfirio . cuu Howard, President; Betty Howard Vice Procirinnf. Uqm. 1? it ' - w..., uuud xa (ii per, wuEuu-y; jimmy jonnson, Treas urer; SedaUa S. Green, Class Sponsor. Turner Cultivators .. v SEVEN SPRINGS SUPPLY CO O o o o o o o o o 'O o Seven Springs, N. C. O O Mrs. Everett Circle Hostess Mrs. Tvl ISvonoH win uic ivii. at. sr .nr 'nvrriA m ri a wuav vu cay afternoon with 10 members present ana one addition to the roll. Mrs. Rrtiam It.. Sented the nrmmm ikn r'.n t Circle Chairman, Mrs. T. J. Turner K-ivsiuea. Wednesday cifternoon. Lovely spring flowers were arranged in tne living room where tables were set for three pogresslons of bridge Mrs. H. G. Tyndall and Mrs. J. J. Smith received hteh and second high score prizes, respectively, and Mrs. Levi Ekreriutt mvU tv. - WIV prize lor visitors high score. The hosteiM iprviwt freshments. Mrs. Turner Bridge iooooooobooooooooAoAAAAAii, an m ner onage clubs at her home 90O0OOOOO0O000OOOOOOOOO0I0O00O0000OOOI Mrs. LvriWOrtH Turner woo Iu ess to her bridge clubs at her home We Have A Comnlete I. of New Spinets & Used Practice All Pianos Completely Guaranteed JOHNSON PIANO CO. j' '- -L i joooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOooooooo 133 W. North St Dial 3584 Kinst0II O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Hostesses At Shower Mrs. Alvln Smith anI IMloo s nie Smith were hostesses at a stork shower to honor Mn iiK.i Smith, at the home of Miss Smith Potato 4hirM ehlnlreik aa7iul omA WicheS. assorteil ealrea anI irA drinks were served to the approx imately 60 guests attending. The following of town. Mrs. Dora Williams and Mrs. Fred Sachet Sr n..rhnn. MrS. M. H. Stmiul Savon o.i 'I . ' upiwxa, Mn VAnniMi CJU . . mi r Hill and Mrs. Stetametz of DeeD AUU. Group's Headquarters Detachment. Private WUkwgbby entered the Amy in mi gust 1890. Me attended Pink Hill High (by the Griffin Lumber Co. Pink Hill Group In Lenoir's First Music Festival Pink Hill Hleh RnhnnV -RxoomK. res unaer me airection of Mrs. Jack r-encuu oitereyt throe ni - HHb Coward's "I'll See Vnn A a popular number, "You Made Me Love You" And PWa ctl: Through" at the Lenoir Countv's .l-n . . L. 1 1 i i . . " m yuiuuK sonooi music festival which was held in Rranu. mh School Allrtltnri.. Vl-j?. iiimauay evening. ix)u Ann Da vis renaereo a soprano solo and Dorothy Carol Stroud and Ann Buf- ua were accompanist. Roger Hill Contest Winner Roger Post Hill of Pint win ceived $10.00 as third place winner in the "Green Pastures, Their Use aim management" contest, in the xiniais neia at tne agricul ture building in Kinston, March 28. Attend District Home Dem. Meet lowed to Westvie w Cemetery. f Attending the District meeting of ouKiTiua wiui ins wiie, me lor- xycmunstrauon uiuDs in Ken- mer Vina. U.n 1 l.J . Ansvlllo fnrni U I mi . ; ' ." ' aavuia, arc IWU ' " ... -viua aiva 1 IlurSuaV uuBuva, iiiia. nuuen noil or ' imia. j. iv jsoutherland Pink Hill and Mrs. CirrnM waitor. Mrs. Raymond Turner m-. o: xaurange; two .brothers, L. A. "ray, Mrs. Ambrose Smith Mr Ctokes of Mavsvllle anrt Will Slnt... R. A. Smith Mrs Wlllio c'.... ' tf Teun., three sister?, Mrs. Ottis Mrs- John G. Smith, Mrs Scott ey oi ivaf u igton, w. c, Mrs. ixs. a. k. Dunn, Mrs Annie Smith nf rhirhsm n. I Lehman Wllllamo njr n Charles Dnd:ey of Grifton; and six I Smith, Miss vWwestbrook Mrs" . I vacuum, .aw,, jje west- oiuara was luorn in rut County, the son of the late R n mj d becca Bell. Stokes. He had been employed at the Caswell Training ouiwi iur 4At years jj- .-p---- i .. , . ii i i ,i L f- jC &J it '' . 4:vA x ': ' " - ......... 4 y. E sr , i y - Mrs. Shivar Resigns At Jones . . awwira rmi tuu mgn I ."f cuuvar nas reeign School and was formerly employed rr. PosWon with W. H. Jones hv the Oriffln TJmxW ' laid Co PlnV win -- id Co, Pink Hill to accent cm. wiia tne u. B. Air Faroe. 6h will aacume ber duties la tint Ponoel office of Kioaton Air 'oree Base on April 14th livja. Cffeethre kn.ii. a . . iniK blossoms are now oa the mar- Jfi .a5fycn -PPlled with) mint of the labor seeded for hand thinning. By reducinc hun mt4 m. . ment tends to atahilize vieM. . to oorreet a1te-- . th2 JfU one ye4r libt Turner & Turner INSURANCE AGENCY "We're Known By The Service We Give" Mrs. Christine Williams Office Mgr. Phone 2836 Pink HUl N 'c L. C. Turner. Jr. T. J. Turner Pneallnd Y? o -nil in n4 4HM. ..a n. . . - . I . bvxbou, buu iwuov oorrowM zrom Old World folk-lore the idea nf Henratna an Kaatav -hm .a n.-. I time. Decorating trees with gaily-colored eggs at this season one was a cherished family custom In many localities of Europe, accordma to the Poultry and Egg National Board. Miss RnsseH, currently Manta in "Bell, Book and Candle" In Chicago, said aha finds it is 'lust as much fun and more practical" in her casa to adapt tha of a ma a vcumifwca, BARRUS COriSTRUCTION CO. PAVING CONTRACTORS GRADING and DRAINAGE TELEPHONE 4075 Kinston, N. C. ployee of the Caswell Training r i tuny morning. Funeral services were held from Tyndall - Wood-Jarman Funeral HOme at '4 n m Satnrrl.anj urlth Rev. Clifton Rice, Free Will Baptist minister, oniciating. Burial fol Personals Turner Feast mployees T. A. Turner an A r1- t.. . ost to their employee at dell- croua noes siew at their store in Pink Hill Wednesdav evenino About 20 attended. Father Mrs. Holt Dies In Kinston Robert Herman nta. i -it ' rMt TTCil- known Kinston resident and em i School, died In a hospital there T y 1 ' -u Priced In'htTifild! - " Is la Laxa 2oof Sadaa-llka aaay CWaW I n o n no o oh n-i n nn Mr. John Hjirvev Tiipn.. n . recent visitor at Greensboro and Chapel Hill. Mrs. T. A.. Turner Parrott and daughters of Kinston were recent Wilmington visitors. Mrs. John O'Connor and vnuns son have been visiting relatives in Charlotte. Mesdamei T. A nima. t t Smith m i .. '"Z"' Sallle Westbrook, Floyd Heath and Miss LuU TyndaU attended an 4n- icusive i oinie study conducted at Grove Preshvterian ri....i. " ansviUe Wednesday nlgnF ' - ' Mrs. E. R nfanratl la 111 i home in Pink HiU. " uer i "fc3fe""aaa - ''AT HERE'S THE WAY to pull a tearmounted plow 'Sf;vrIl lnss you low r7cfdl r all iSnm fine iWwe found In no oilier fow-pnced cerl . , TOWa , MAKES, tOLORCHOICI 4-way eMGrnC - tlKBICsTinM 'v. ..CAST tsotr. Alloy pistons SArTTYfUrr GLASS Alt AROUND ,5?! CelU M xweU of Kinston visited relatives here Friday. Miss Miriam Smith ha. j her work as firat vmH. m the Pink Hill School following weeks illness at her home in Ayden, Mr. and Mrs Jucn.. c.t.u a Mr. J. K. Smith visited p.wi ad Mrs Richard Stroud at South ern Pines recently. Mesdames J. L. Johnson and JVTattfe Shennrd ureiru. in ptj.i Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. .T V Twr, visitors at Morehead Saturday afternoon. Mesdames Alvin Smit. -di. olmtn ann Herman J t-v. 1I u 1V11SS &3die Davis Smith attamrtaA v, funeral of their cousin, 'Mrs. Ed Kennedy at Dudlev lnnA noon. Mr. and Mrs - m have moved into their new home on the Kenansville Road .tt 5"! Mrs" CoUidge Turner attended the marriaaji tut- tT i enck. Brooks of Kinston to Mir s Emma SdiVpt Hnlm t. place at Sanford Saturday eve ning. Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Edwards wers called to Kenansville Wednesday to e at the bedside of Dr. Ed wards brother. Mr V0..1.' u , V 1U wardi who is critically ill. Mr. and Mrs Bsilanl ,n..4. ..UIM CU1U two children of Wheat Swamp re- Centlv Vlsiteri the it.l. 1?... family. Mrs. Rnth Rhvrnil aMM.-i.j uwra memiDers oi tne iLenoir County staf f of . Public Wel fare .attended a maatini .u- . . "T,"- Wi w " vanuiiu comerence of Soc ial' Servina heM at -Tv l.i- first of the week. Mr. and Mrs ,irimi nota t n- a Rapids, Minnesota who have been visiting Mrs. Helen Turner and other relatives in Pink Hill, have gone to Greenville, S. C. on busi ness. ,y b suited to the delicate digs live organs of baby chicks. GhnM them th right start contains Mm Tnyx-bu&fing elements they nood. For full k fonnanon about mo Red Rom System used so tuccsstMly by thousands of pcHihrymsw . SEE US TODAY. Parrott Bros. Heritaere St. Kinston, N. C. Look at the Allis-Chalmer mounted clows for WD and CA Tractors. Here is the hitch that boosts traction by adding imrjlement weicht to tha mi. wheels. It's also the hitch that gives constant-depth plowing, Let us prove that Allia-Chal men free-swing plows give you both for th best plowing you've ever hfiitiit few fre cost. fRII-fWINO HITCH 9 Only 1 hitch point to hno up P Siinple to oduit as of watklng plow rVofettisharMandpfo Tune in BsMoas asl UskMeall wrar raw; JJt: . TURNER TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT CO. Kinston, N. C. T. A. TURNER & CO. PINK HILL. N. Itemed On i Disaster POWER GUDE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION aa Da tw UNITIZED KNEE-ACTION MD WIDEST TREAD 'a BODY BY FISHEX EJ-EYI MATI GIASS MOST POWERJVL VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINI mori nom sur CHivsoim than ant othu caii Tr ersor ju unvi jo:::s Chevrolet co::?a:jy - raw r:"ro:.:?A!iY- ii Mr. T. J. Turner ami Xfra Tloh- ton Tomer of Pink Hill have been namea on the Disaster committee of the Lenoir County Chapter of turn jumnDBii teen nvani n Kni etfuu.uv wmcn is juenov Uoun tva aha re nf Hie Reil Avai w a intorcunate vicams. -. Pink Hill Soldier In Texas Operations Richard E. Willoughby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rlcherd H. Willoughby Pink . Hill N. C h irfuii.a In Exercise Long Horn, the largest maneuver to be held in the United States since World Wax II. - - .New terhnlmtea a .tnml. aaaaaaaa a-JaaaaaaaaaMlaaMaaaaiiaaaaaaiaaMaaaaaaaaarf 9000000000000000000000000000000000 . .-.mmm e. v:--:-:----(v.. eajv o o o o a o o A' a a a o o ' 4 v o a o a a a a a c f It Takes A HEAP Of PLANNING To Make A HOUSE A HOME Top quality oak flooring . . . now at a special low price. Carefully cut of top quality lumber, tongued and grooved, all ready to be laid. Be sure to check with us also, on fine flooring in other woods. MALLARD GRIFFIN Inc. W. Vernon and W. Washington Sts. Phones 22504921 "Lit" Mallard i(ini,ii.c. "Bert" Griffin I, N. C. - WWUUU " fare are being used In the 17-day , i r. c than 115,010 men and r ii ; 1

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