;TE2 BVrUKr TOI2S, aT3. X3. i: 1 7 mows Mm-W. fc "Bud" Miller, News, Adv. Representative Dculoville Daplisls Baptize 34 People Info Christianity After Successful Revival Beulaville and vicinity, has Just experienced a religious revival which not only stirred the mem bers and congregation of the Bap tist church, but which reached out to neighboring communities. . '( The attendance, each morning at ten-thirty and each evening at seven thirty, wag not only good but , a deeply spiritual Interest was no ticeable even from the beginning , The preaching was of a high or der, the messages being Interest ing, Inspiring, true to the Scrip tures and heart-searching. The real power of the meeting was manifested by the fact that thirty-four were baptized Sunday night in the presence of a congre gation which packed the church building to over-flowing. Every available seating space was taken and some had to stand. The Baptisimal service was very Impressive , with the auditorium ot and only the Invisible light above the elevated Baptistry shedding its soft light upon the scene.. Those baptized ranged in age from Juniors boys ' and girl to adult heads of families. Ira addition to those who were baptized, a number were received on statement of f sdth and former membership, and others by trans fer of membership from other Baptist churches. Other churches will receive members as a result of the meeting. . The meeting began March 17th and closed Sunday March 30th with Rev. George H. Wallace, pas tor of the Allen Jay 3aptltt church, of High Point, as .gaest minister' Mr. Wallace is an outstanding pas tor, evangelist, whose Messages are clean-cut, positively Scriptural and are delivered with heart warming force. His attractive and sincere personality drove the truth home to the hearts of his listener. The absence of jokes and "lieht pleasantries," which so many speak ers use loaay, made ine messages even more Impressive and created a wholesome spiritual atmosphere. inspiring music church choir added much to the fine spirit of the meeting. Thirty nine members were added to the Beulavill Baptist church in addition to those uniting with oth er churches, and the entire com munity .has felt the influence of this meeting. By Rev. A. L. Brown, Pastor of the Beulaville Baptist Church. Ramona Brinson Is Honored At Teen Age Party Mrs. Clyde Brinson was hostess Thursday evening when she en tertained a number of teen-agers honoring her daughter. Ramona Batchelor. The delightful affair was held in the school lunch room, years. ana morsea we xtjtn imrthday an niversary of the honoreej Dur ing the evening several spirited contests and games were enjoyed, when prizes were awarded win ners. The refreshment table was covered with a lace cloth and cen tered with an arrangement of 'spi- C:vi.3 Pi:ncor Cuzcn, Claude L. iDculuville U. D. C. Vcde Celebrates SO.h Birthday Sundayjlnvites James A nloneer rttlni. mr. m.lj. fMr. and Mrs. Leslie T Wade of ! " ' ' M ' ' ""tad- "ached I Rfflan iMmt ouui uirmaay Sunday Aoril' 8th i""- " aouuuto, air. ua airs, i - i and the occasion was appropriately recognized when family nd friends Bnuwrea to enjoy a delicious bar becue and picnic dinner in his honor. Dinner was served from a spacious table arranffprf in th assembly room of th m,o,-,i i ton Bostic of Warsaw, Mesdames Lodge . The centeiuipw .. Cecil and Hosea Hunter and little lovely white birthday cake with Jerry Wade Hunter of Brown's yellow decorations and bearlns no MiI1. N J- Attending locally were 11 a i . - i HIT , . A ueorge ijosuc ema Miss Annie Beulaville U. D. C. meeting No. G.ram0re ?,J,r,!rMW,J?.M:;2 extends an invitation from the n e MUler of Tarboro; Mr. J. W. ' James Kenan chapter to hold the Blalock of Bowden, Mr. and Mrs. Memorlal Day meetmg with that ??ta--ilc'M Jan'2eBS?tif' h:jter on the first Sunday in I n "" "uu May, which was accepted. During the social hour the hos- 14 t A ' " 'if' yj 3 l&w- WITH A SKIP AND A HOP MR. EASTER BUNNY ashed into our store this week. Up one aista, down the other, watering from floor to the other,, he tossed wonderful Easter rifts on all our counter. Befor yoa could say "Jack Babbit" his Easter basket was empty atad our store filled to the eeilinia with the most woaderM Easter merchandise In aU the world. Everything- for ereryiwe . . . the perfect seleo doa to make everyone's Easter terteot Drop tn today and see Mr. Easter Bunny's work, r know you'll he just as en thusiastic as we are . . . for eteryone loves the Easter Bunny! CAnstaHna nt congregational singing and special) rea and flowering quince in a crys musical numbers rendered by the tal bowl. A prettily decorated ' 5 I at nno atari nrhllA tuinoli urno aAMiail vuw wnw yuuvu wfma arc. wa from the opposite end. With the punch and cake, the hostess, serv ed chocolate sundaes and salted pecans. Young guests attending Included Misses Betty Jean Lanier, Sue Lanier, Patsy Nethercutt, Judy Muldrow. Minnie Simoson. Glen- da Edwards, , Wilma Brinson and Kate Murrell Boggs and Messrs. James Edwards, Bobby Miller, Ar chie. Muldrow, Ronald Quinn, Mur phy and Jerry Thigpen, Sidney Blizzard, Richard McDowell, Jim my Johnson, Ervin Doboon. The honoree was the recipient of many attractive gifts upon the occasion. Mrs. M. M. Thigpen assisted Mrs. Brinson in directing games end serving yellow candles. Mr. Wade came to Beulaville as a lad of 15 years. He is a son of the late A. I. and Mary Susan Wade. For twelve yerirs he work ed for the late John William Gresh am, and then for nineteen vears he was employed by the late Ste phen W. Gresham. Since then he has engaged in farming activities, owning his own farm near Beula ville. His wife is the former Emma Bostic eind at present they reside at the home of Mr. A. W. Gresham in Beulaville. Mr. Wade has been an active member of the Hallsville Baptist Church for a number of He has four children, three daughters and one son: Mrs. Hosea Hunter and Mm. Sidney Hunter of Beulaville nd Fort Dix, N. J., Mrs. Haywood Miller and Mr. Walter L. Wade of Beulaville. Out of town guests at the anni versary celebration Sunday were KRAMER'S DEFT Young Ladies Cirde Meets The young ladles circle of the Ronlavills Bantist W. M. U. meet Monday night wl& Mrs. Elwood Quinn The resident Mrs. Oreo Thigpen presided. Mrs. JameS Thomas and Miss Jessie Ann Tho to, th ivotional. The pro- 000'04att "Cuba for Christ" was dev- 1.O00O0OI9O0O000OOO0000O000OOOOOOOOOOOO STORE IN WALLACE 4 P.T.A. Will Meet On Monday Night The Beulaville P.T.A. will meet Monday night at 7:30. It will be the last meetiryg of the year, new officers will be installed and all members are urged to be present. Mr. :'nd Mrs. Gardner Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sandlin. Sr., Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Jones, Miss Bobby Ann Miller, Mrs. Kate Miller, Miss Ka tie Grace Miller, Mrs. Anna Wal ker, Mr. and Mrs. H:ywood Miller and Richie Miller, Mr. A. W. Gresham, Miss Anne Gresham, Mr. and Mr$. Walter L. Wade and children, Mr. Charlie Hiiles, Mr. E. L. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Spec Waller and children, Mr. W. R. Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Al bertson, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Shaw and f:mlly, Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Brown, Mrs. M. M. Thigpen, Mrs. Larry Kennedy and Mr. Win Brin son. The honored guest received a shower of gifts from bis many ad mirers and friends. tess assisted by Mr. Stokely Bos tic and Mrs. Chas. Carroll served an ice cream course which empha sized the Easter season and the U. D. C. colors. This consisted of ice cream, topped with cherries, c:ke with small confederate flags as decorations, fruit punch, East er eggs and red and white Easter chicks. Miniature corsages in red and white were given as fa vors. There were present sixteen members and guests. aosville last " Thursday was ' well represented by the local club. They report a very proxltaoie and en joyable day. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker at tended quarterly conference of the Mt. Olive charge at Smith Chapel Saturday. Mrs. Katie Outlaw spent several days lat week with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Outlaw in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Frank Out law were among visitors in Wil mington and azalea gardens there on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Prater, Mrs. K;.tie Outlaw and Mrs. Lottie Ben ger attended the Institute Day in Rocky Mt. Saturday. A combination treatment of Ura- mon and Cyanamid has given good resultss in controlling tobacco plant bed weeds for E. E. Nethercutt, Route 1, Snow Hill, for the pasts several ye:irs. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Ml DEB.ICACDES V" ;' '. ;' , " ;'': !''. '- ':: '", FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES DAILY FROZEN FOODS STAPLE GROCERIES FIRST QUALITY MEATS , WEEK END SPECIALS AT ; ' WELLS SUPERETTE BETWEEN THE TW OSTOP LIGHTS ON HIGHWAY 117 WALLACE, N. C. O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o eloped by Mesdiaimes Herman 'Gore. J. Macon Brown, Bud Miller. The group sang a hymn and Mrs. Thig pen led the benediction. Mrs. Ro land Batchelor caled the roll and plans were made for prsonal ser vice work. The hostess served open faced sandwiches, cookies, Sandy eggs and drinks to the 18 attending. Personals Mrs. Zollie Batchelor of Jack sonville has been spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Batchelor and Jftr. and Mrs. W. F. Miller, '.ij'v ' In Ooldshoro Sunday to attend the' automobile meea were Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas and daugh ter, Annette, Messrs Macon Brown, Dewitt Miller, BoDDy nuiier, J. w. Smith Gordon Muldrow. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller and son visited Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Williams in Kinston Sunday. Ralph (Bo Thomas, U. S. Navy, Norfolk, Va., spent the week end with his 'parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Thomas. Mrs. Paul Parker I SDendlna several days with Mrs. J. O. Miller m new Bern. Walter J. Hardison. U. S. Armv who has .been stationed in Germany ior several montns nas been spend ing some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hardison. Little Miss Pat Norri spent last week end with her grand parents, Mr. end Mrs. D. C. Whltehurst. Mrs. E. H. Thigpen visited rela tives near Blchlands last week end. Friends of little Jerry Sandlin regret to know he is ill in a Kinston hospital. Lt, and Mrs, William Mulr of Camp Lejeune are now residing in the I. J. Sandlin Jr. home. Mrs. Roland Batchelor and Mrs. Floyd Brown shopped In Kinston Tuesday. Bob Brown U. S. Navy, Norfolk, Virginia spent me week end with his wife, Jane and parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Brown. Mrs. Lula Q. Parker spent last week in New Bern with her sister and brother in law, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Miller. .Mr. Vance Clodfelter of Win ston Salem visited Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Kennedy Monday. Mr. Ralph Cottle spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ice land Cottle in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. John V. Cottle were Sunday guests and accompanied Ralph home. (Friends of Mrs. J. 1. Thomas are happy to know she has returned to her home from Duke hospital. Harriet Ann Pope daughter of Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Pope spent two weeks In Durh'im visiting her aunt Mrs W. E. Arnold. Mrs. Oliver Quinn of Wallace vlsltd ber mother, Mrs. Pearl Sandlin Sunday. (Dr. S. A. Pope and daughter. Harriet Ann, Archie Muldrow were in Wheeling, , West Va., last week and were accompanied home by Miss Anna Metntel who is visit ing Mrs. S. A. Pope. Mr. and Mrs. Koger ui ana family of Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Jones and family visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Grover Hill at Middlesex Sunday. Friends of Mr. Clscro Summer are pleased to know he is recup erating at nis home following a re cent illness. Mrs. W. D. Brown and Mis Mary Q. Brown visited Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Johnson in Kerr Sun day afternoon. Rev. end Mrs. A. L. Brown vis ited Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Watson and Mr. apd Mrs. John Dall In Smith- field Friday. Mrs. Bill Carroll was hostess to tne John ivey Thomas Chanter UJXC. when it held its monthly meexing ai ner florae on the after- noon of April fourth. The home which was enouite for the occas slon combined the Easter motif and the U.D.C. colors of red end white in its floral decorations. These were effected with yellow ana white iris in the dining room and White Iris, red Tulips, Spiral and Red Quince in the living room and den. The meeting opened with the Ritual and was presided over by Mrs. Cowbelle Williams, presi dent of the dispatched, after which Revival Meeting At Cedar Fork Rev. A. L. Brown ha announced that Rev. N. E. Gresham of Chin quapin will conduct a revival meet ing rit .the Cedar Fork Baptist Church beginning Sunday night April 13, at 7:45 through Friday night the 18th. The public is cordially invited to attend. . Boll testing la one of the t t known methods for determiakii the fertilizer needs of your crop or lawn. .. F.r x I Ifcmfadbv l9 and ffallt I h J r rry mt KOXSNIM TITO Pleasant View News Mr. Durham Gradv left Friday for New York City to visit her son Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Grady. Shel was accompanied oy Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Herring and son of Lumber- ton who were going on to Maine to visit other relatives. Mrs. Bessie Binell and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Taylor and family visited relatives in Mt Olive Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F. Grady and sons vixtted Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Westbrook and Mr. end Mrs. Wil lard Smith Sunday afternoon. Rev. N. P. Farrior was dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mew born of Lidell Sunday. Miss Elsie Byrd of Rocky Mount visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Byrd Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Townsend spent Sunday in Wilmington and attended church services at the Presbyterian church. Miss Jo Ann Grady is much im proved after being out of school two weeks with flu. Miss Hazel Kornegay of Golds boro and Raymond Grady of Sev en Springs visited Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F. Grady Sunday night. Little son of Coy Quinn remains in serious condition in Sidhury's Hosoital in Wilmington. Bertie Outlaw of uuuaw Scottish Bile Masonic Bodies Wilmington, N. C. Announce their ANNUAL SPRING REUNION to be held in tk Masonic Temple. Wilmington, N. C. TUESDAY, MAY 6, beginning at 9:00 A.M. 4th through the 14th Degrees WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, beginning at 8:30 A. M. 15th through the 27th Degrees THURSDAY, MAY 8. beeinnine at 9:30 A. M. t 28th through the 32nd Degrees All Scottish Bite Masons are cordially Invited to attend. (1932) Chas. B. Newcomb, Secretaa-Refutrar Mm it was turned over to Miss Cornelia Bridge and Durham Grady eittend- Qufnn. program chairman, who os-ed the funeral of Robert Stroud s plained the subject for the meet-. daughter in Kinston Monday auer ing. which stressed the Confederate noon. Flags. Miss Quinn played "The Bonnie Blue Flag" and gave its origin. She then introduced Mrs. Norwood Boney of Kenansville, who gave in interesting and instructive talk on the "Origin of the Confed erate Flag" and showed pictures of four of them. ' Several members who attended the district meeting in Clinton gave report of it. Mrs. Chas. Carrol of Warsaw was a visitor. Note Of Thanks We wish to express our great est appreciation and thanks to our friends an dneighbors for the kind ness shown us during the recent illness rnd death of our mother, Mrs. Winnie Outlaw. The Children. Mrs. Lanier Is Dinner Hostess Mrs. Alton E. Lanier was hos tess Sunday when she entertained members of family and friends at a dinner at her home. Special honor guests on this occasion were Outlaw's Bridge The AUW will meet Saturday afternoon, April 12th in the home of Mrs. M. L. Outlaw. All mem bers are urged to be present. Special music will be a feiturs of the Easter services Sund y mor ning at eleven o'clock. Rev. L. C. Prater filled his reg ular appointments with the Kin ston and Woodington congregation? Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Lewis ot Goldsboro spent Saturday riht with Mrs. Lewis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Outlaw. The District meeting of Home Demonstration clubs held in Ken- Get The Milk That Is GOOD For You 1 Nr) iff Milk her husband, Mr. Lanier, and her brother, Mr. Bryson W. lnigpen, both of whom were celeb?ting thai bithdays. The dining table was centered with a beautiful white cake with pink decoration. En joying this happy affair with the hostess, the honorees and their Immediate families were the fol lowing:- Mr. ?ma ivixs. '"-"' Grady end daugnier o Dion T.anipr. lvir. uu ' j t ior Miss Mamie Thigpen, WIHJU Loii- c Mrs. Sadie Thigpen and Mrs. M. S. Bratcher. 4 :Km GARDNERS Dairy Products 503 W. Mulberry Goldsboro, N. C. Phone 164 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc OOOOQOQ POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOO o O ro o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 a o o o o o o o o o o o w ANNOUNCEMENT To THE VOTERS OF THE SECOND COMMISSIONER DISTRICT, Comprising Albertfion, Wolfescrape, Glisson and Smith Townships: I hereby announce my candidacy for County Commissioner from this . District. I feel that it is time to make a change. We've had the same Commissioner since the district was set up and I believe in rotation In office. Your Vote and Support Will Be Appreciated. o o o o o o o Q o o o o o lo o o o o o o o o o o o o o ) c poooooooooooooctoooooooooooooooooooo 6 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o p u El U COLONIAL W PELLETS THEY KILL ME-- BUT I LOVE 'EM! Kills Rats & IMicc Contains TO SEE THE Azaleas, Dogwood, Wisfena o til In Full Bfeom See More than a nrite of the FORMOSA AZALEAS in full bloom . . . . reflecting in the mirrored lakes at oil Warfarin Faison Milling and Supply Co, 2 ' vr r rT n a n u If II. c. - GEf coloiiial 'mpms FR05I BIG DOLLAR FEED STOSE