- hv V t j p 'risaijwif jYiifsrr- yi i:"fiTr I 3 ivft ;i;-1 v -' r'r-" ' .",Vv- Classified ads 3c Per Word, Minimum Charge 75c. Cash With Order Unless You Have An Account With Us. , . M---wv-"-w ,. i .f"'":' ........ ' . ' - GENUINE D-CON Noted rat pols- on now on sale at Clinic Drug Company, in Mount Olive. tic VACCINATED CHICKS All our chick are vaccinated against New castle disease with killed virus and are N. C.-U. S. approved Pullorum clean from strains that really pro duce eggs. Mount Olive Hatchery. tie Have opening in Duplin County lor 4 ,uv ir Aver&ee earn- MSb IIiaK ww i. tA2S oer week. Write or rn, nmih r.n P O. Box Tin. WUminaton. N C. Phone 2-2803. Tcf r.ERMEX muT unnr.FT sanitation: It's (it.)il nnultrv-FSklnK Sanitize houses, equipment, ana tools regularly with Dr. Salsbury s j-i .w i.v nr Ormex here I Leon O. Simmons Hardware in Mt. Olive. DAIRY COWS waste feed after they eat it. Let us tell you how to stop this waste and get more milk with Dr. Hess Stock Tome. Holt-Simmons Co., Kenansville. USED TRACTOR HEADQUARTERS 1950 Famuli Super A and Eqpt. 1S50 Farmall Gub tt Eqpt 1948 FarmaU Cut) & JSqpt. 1048 Farmall Cub and Eqpt 1940 Farmall A tt Eqpt 1938 Farmall F-12 Complete 1938 Farmall F-20 Complete 1934 farmau F-zo en steel 1949 Ford Tractor Complete 1940 Ford Tractor w-balf track 1948 Ford Tractor Complete 1949 Ford Tractor Complete 1949 Oliver Cleatrac Tractor - 1949 Avery V and Eqpt 1938 Avery A Bqpt 1949 Massy Harris Pony tt Eaot 1938 John Deere on steel 1947 Fordsen Tractor on Steel Plows Disc Harrows Equipment Your Ford Tractor Dealer BHTAN-EDMOKSON Tractor Co, Mt Olive Hgwy., Phone 3000 Goldsboro FOR SALE: One saddle horse at a reasonable price. See Marjorie Jones at the Kenansville Cafe in Kenansville.' 5-29 2T. Pd. ; When In Mt Olive Visit REAVES RESTAURANT A Good Place To Eat 8-26-7T. C. LOST: Setting out of ring. Black onyx setting with gold initial T and chip diamond. Reward offered. Notify Seymour Teltelbaumv In Kenansville, N. C. 5-29 IT C. FOR SALE: One 8 ft. meat count er; 1 pr. sanitary scales; 1 meat block. All in good condition. N. A. Sloan, Calypso. 6-12 3t. Pd. Surveys Indicate 'that farmers will need a total of about 16 per cent more new farm machinery ana equipment in 1953 than they bought in 1949. MATERNITY and CHILDREN'S wear nationally advertised lines at saving prices. Baileys Mater- nltv and Children's Shop. 107 JS. Mulberry St, Goldsboro. 9-29 2T. C. Reliable man with car wanted to call on farmers in Duplin County. Wonderful opportunity. $10 to $20 in a day No experience or capital 'required. Permanent Write today. MONESS COMPANY, , Dept. C, Candler Sldg, Baltimore 2, Md. 6-5 2T pd. Farmers see me for your land plaster needs. W. E. Belanga, Kenansville. 6-12 4TC. Acetylene and electric welding on all farm machinery. Sprays and dusters repaired. Trailers, hitch es put on. Lawn mowers sharpen ed and repaired. A good weld means longer wear. Work done by Garnie S. Herring at A. C. Hall, Hardware la Wallace, -ctf TYPEWRITER-ADDING machines repaired. New Royal typewriters for every need. Call Goldsboro 251. Worley Typewriter Exchange, 105 1-2 N. Center Street 5-29 5T C. For Sale Cockerel Chicks $8:00 per hundred. All beasty breeds. Southerland Hatchery, Wallace, N. C, Phone 3921. ' 6-12 3TC. FOR ATHLETE'S FOOT Use' T-4-L for 3 to 5 days. If aot pleased, your 40c back. Watch the old. tainted skin slough off to be replaced by healthy skin. Get instant-drying T-4-L irom any arug glst .Now at Kenansville Drug Store. .'''' . 5-29-5T C FOR SALE: One five room house in Warsaw. Reasonable. Call 528 or write Box 541 Warsaw. 8-26 IT I. H. NEW FORD. For the best deal on a new Ford car- or truck see W. L. Cavenaugh at Kenansville Also many good used cars and trucks. Telephone W. L. Cavenaugh at Keaansville 2183. PLENTY OF GOOD WATER FROM A DRILLED WELL. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET AND ESTIMATE, CHvnra Vs directionand , HOW FAR YOU LTVK FROM ! YOUBPOSTOFWCE. HEATER :WELL -CO, INC RALEIGH. ML C. LET US REC AP YOBB TIERS Full circle fuQ cap I Fully Guaranteed Wet U S. Tire Distributors BRYAN-EDMONSON Tractor Co. Mt OlWe Hwy. Pbeoe MM GoUabore , BOUARB BANCS Meaat Olive Gymnasium every Saturday night at vara, music oy -rue itayuua Four Phis One." AdnUaaioa 75e per person. "A dcaa dance far clean people." sponsored by the America Legloo. - FOB RUBBER. ASPHALT, LINOL EUM and plastic wan tile, end for expert laying, call J. P. Smith or A. Q. Smith at East Carolina Tile t Co., Magnolia, N. C Wcrwwsnshtp guaranteed . Free estimate. Pbene night 2110, day 3147, Box 108, Mag nolia. , , I V, FREE RQGERS SILVERWARE at Clinic Drug Co. Get your card to day and own a set of silverware eoon. Lovely patterns. tfc to eighi Inches below any sign of discoloration of the bark. Blossom bllaht infection has been reported to be reduced considerably! n oy an annual practice ox spraying during bloom with a weak Bor deaux mixture, 2-4-100 (made with two pounds copper sulfate and four pounds hydrated lime in 100 gal lons ; water). - Perfect control of blight should not be expected from bloom spraying because it is Im possible, to cover with , the spray all the parts of the blooms and shoots that develop during rainy periods when blight infection can take place. ' Sgt. Jesse Returns To Arizona S-Sgt Jesse L. Tillman has re turned to Tucson, Arizona after spending a 20 day furlough with his, foster parents Mr. and Mrs. Francis Taylor, Rt 2, Kenansville. SsSgt. Tillman Is in the Air Force Corn is a five-billion dollar crop In the United States greater in dollar value than any other crop. IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO State Collera Answers QUESTION. What is fire blight. and how can It be controlled? ANSWER: Fire blight is a bac terial disease that often appears suddenly on shoots and blooms of apple aSd pear trees soon after bloom. It blights blooms, spurs, and twigs, results In cankers on branches and trunks, reduces set of fruit ana kills spurs, orancnes, and even trees. It is very wide spread and severe in North Caro lina this year. A simple, practical, and fully effective control measure for fire blight has not been developed. Once the infection starts, there is no way to control it On a long- term basis, however, the follow ing practices will aid in control: Eliminate hold-over cankers. Cut off branches with cankers during winter, and rub off all water-sprouts during spring and summer. Use best orchard practices to keep trees from being over - stimulated to too rapid and vigorous growth, particularly during and just after the bloom period. Avoid planting varieties of pears and apples that are extremely sus ceptible to fire blight. , - ) Remove scattered bloom clusters on young trees before they open. If seen early In their develop ment, break off blighted shoots six o o o or- o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o NOTICE DUE TO SHORTAGE OF LABOR and VACATION j WE WILL BE ' .1. I CLOSED EACH SATURDAY AFTERNOON DURING THE SUMMER O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o MONTHS BEGINNING SATURDAY, JUNE 7th O o . o o o o SEVEN SPRINGS SUPPLY CO Watch This Space Daily Far The Best Buys In . A-l CARS AND TRUCKS ' 1951 Ford Custom Fordor $1944.00 Low Mllease-Loaded 1948 Pontlac Del. 4 door .$1290.00 ., Extra Clean 1938 Ford Coupe $ 350.00 Real Clean-New Motor 1948 Ford 2 ton Dump Truck A-l Condition ....41090.00 1946 Ford 1-2 ton Pickup S 599.00 A Good Buy 1945 Willys Jeep 390.90 Good Condition You Can Find The Car Or Truck You Need At Our Big Lot On North Center St. . Sales Dept. Open Evenings , Until 9:00 p.m. WE BUY-SELL-TRADE COMUNITY MOTORS CORPORATION GOLDSBORO , ctf Seven Springs, N. C. O ioooooooooooooopooooooooo H. C.Dale, Mgr. OO00OO0OO0OOOO0OOOOOO0OCIO00O0O00OOOO4 Educational Insurance Now is the time to begin that educational pro gram for that child. Drop me a card today. No obligations. AU forma of life insurance. James G. Dickson, Calypso, N. C. 6-29-4T C. Bealeatate If you wish to sell or buy a fans, heme, er any kind of realeatate. See James G, Dick son, Calypso, N. C. 6-29-4T C. Sheetrok Up torn Board Plas ter Ltme Brixment Cement Doors Windows Tobacco Flues. Place Your Order Now For Tobacco Flues J. C Buss, War- w. N. C. B-29-4T C. BEACH COTTAGES For Sale or Rent , Reasonable Rates Beach Lots. For best Information write or visit Tucker Real Estate Co, Phone 2696, P. O. Box 661-A, Carolina Beach, N. C. 6-6-4T Pd. ? ! WELCOME TO WALLACE DURING STRAWBERRY DAYS Come In And Let's Talk Over Your f 'r.,';i.''.;'..'w rY;!r'Vf! -"v j Auto and Truck Problems. T. FADING RIOTOUS DOnfiE Cat nI "SALES and simCE'- o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 8' C) ') spono i) nnnn ri THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE HAS BEEN MAILED TO EACH LEGISLATIVE CANDIDATE IN OUR COUNTY If elected, wlU you actively sapper! with liquor referendum? vet and Influence a state-wide S. If elected, will you actively support with year vote aad Influence the aheOtlea ef the ae sailed 'gag rule'T What will be your position toward gransfaur special prtvUegea auck aa vetiaar prtrUegea to munldpaHttei and Bdaertty creeps, aeaUcA to oouaUes aad statesT . What wUl your attitude toward legaUsed gaasbUag la the state bet FOB TOUR INFORMATION WE GIVE BELOW EACH CANDIDATES ANSWER: (The numbers below correspond with the numbers above) r. M. CARE 3. In the language of this Is not democracy but dicta- (house) quetioa this would preclude torshlp, the same as tbe Gag 1. yea ' 1 ' ' any legislation for munlclpall- rule'. I am opposed to dicta- 2. The rules that govern the ties, for bond issue, or other torshlp. House of Representatives are wise, and is not clear to me. I am opposed to legalised proposed by the Committee I will not introduce, or aid In gambling and other things on Rules, for the orderly , the passage of any bill for which have existed and or transaction of the business of the establishment of an A.B.C, now exist In our county, and the House, and upon their Store In any municipality in state but not touched upon report to this body, they are Duplin County, nor any other In the questions submitted, generally adopted by a voice municipality in the State of which questions cover only a vote without an opportunity North Carolina, '.t t -V. small part of the whole pro- for consideration or debate. 4, I will vote against legal- blem of good government. , iu nun; uuumcea me two txeu gambling. , . - . 1, ' I.S.BLAIB ''aflH (house) :,(i:f:i 1. ;';, es '! I , 2. yes ' . ' - ' ) 3. The votln tnivileoe , good for the enactment of not a special privilege but have a liquor store when the good legislation, and until the a riant It la the cornerstone county itself la dry. since it Rules are presented to the of our democracy. To deny follows that you have in ef House, then, and only then, the people In a county w a feet made the county wet any could I base my opinion as to town the right to vote and, at way. my vote, lor or against the the same time, grant it to -t wiu vote against legai- thlrds rule Instances the two good legislation, .and enables the House to proceed with proper decision and dispatch of business. However,. I win be guided upon whatsoever Is 't ft ' MITCHELL BRITT y '. (house) . 1. yes i, Prj'.s '' a ';2.;J yes''':;;:'''':?'':;;..'?:'-: : 3. I will introduce or support no bill allowing a town to Rules. other counties and-or towns ixed gambling in the State. We are aot oampatarung for any one candidate,1 but we believe that ' every, : eligible voter should avail himself of this yrlceless privilege and vote for the man you believe win do tie moat foe. good government. TV. ',;:'..:..V-l,vV' mmn. , ninrvrr "Mr'jT; V 1 ft) ! Hi W Iti.-l. . .J L,. f o O o o o o o o o o o 3 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o o o o (i r Sfafemerifs being made and published that I voted fo kill the Rural Electrification Act when I was serving in the United States Congress are absolutely false. It is another chapter in theltory of half truths, deceitful in sinuations, and distortions of fact that have been paraded before the people of North Carolina in a deliberate effort to deceive them. It is typical and in further evidence of the type of campaign being carried on in behalf of another candidate in this race. Those of you who are familiar with my record as a mem ber of Congress and the United States Senate know I have supported the REAprogram. ; ; I voted and worked for the passage of the Rural Electrifica tion Act. I not only supported, its enactment but thereafter sup ported appropriations necessary for the development of the REA program 'and have supported and defended the act since it was first passed. '. I opposed reducing appropriations for REA in a speech on the floor.of the United Stages Senate on June 26, 1947, and have defended the REA prdgrarjttin many public speeches in North Caro- lina during the past fifteen years.?;. V-l's ; ' ; ' : :' i , , . ? "' "' h ' , I am heartily in favor ol the Rural! Telephone Programs'of REA, and I think that it should be encouraged in every way. If I am nominated and elected Grovernor, I shall use the influence of my office to aid the farmers of North Carolina in securing tele phones and in continued supDorjt of the REA program, , . , . I regret , that the campaign headquarters of my opponent has seen fit to distort my record in support of REA by saying that I voted in May 1938 against continuing REA as a permanent agency. .. The facts are that there was no legislation before the Congress in ' 1938 on the. question of continuing. REA" as a permanent agency. . ; The REA Act was originally passed in 1936 to continue for: a period of ten years, and the matter of its continuance as a per manent agency was not before the Congress until after I had, re- , tired from Congress. " s . ' . I have not only supported the REA, the rural telephone pro gram, and the entire farm program, but I have also supported and voted for every program for better roads and schools that has been passed in North Carolina in the past 30 years, including the Better Schools and Roads Program of 1949. ' . . i (Signed) WilliamUmstead Dcniccfctic I'JMar, May'31 mm

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