if I ' ' - ' , ' . VES DCFUN TISI2S, TKIT"3AY, Jttf U, Hit r Prince 01 Peace Decked A! Pen-Lin , Girl And Boy t "Hie Prince of Peace,'? f new $2,900,000 Hallmark Production, In vuivyvAiM, " will be shown at the Pen-Lin Thea tre, Wallace, N. C, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, July 13 and 10. Tt la because "The Prince of Peace" Is so tremendous In scope, a iMtaiiunii in ooinr. an aweeDini 1 In grandeur and so human In its mf ; Hula Drive In Theatre CHINQUAPIN, N. C Junday and Monday, July 13-14 ACK and BEANSTALK Abbott and Costello Short, Cartoon and-News Tuesday and Wednesday, July 15-1B nKTF.CTIVE STORY I KjrK lWUgias ana cieanur r" j Vanoon Thursday and Friday. July 17-18 Viva Zapata . Marlon Brando and Jean Peters '.Cartoon'' " , . Saturday, July 19? AMBUSH Robert Taylor Cartoons, and Serial Pen-Lin Drive-In Theatre 1 "Wallace Thursday & Friday, July 10 & BED SKIES OF MONTANA Richard WiamarK naf; ' -Constance Smith ' 11 it i J mm'" ,'"'' ! I'T '.? ance. . . "The Prince of Peace" is top screen fare for Christian people men,' women and children who be lieve in God and who' want to learn more of the story of Jesus Christ. It liwnimnratea S3 tableaux from the New Testament in providing the screen's first: great treatment of The Passion Play Personals If? 6M It's as difficult to hold in rein 24 greyhounds as it is to turn them u; atcd Uurpi ppOut of the wate for th moment b this collapsible qu-bicycle on display . , and prevent rusting. That could be what the children i that pniiM also hp the story of thousands of dog rac ing fans at xaoreneaa iiy ir.-.. He's My Boy, ir the favored dog from the Fred Whitehead kennels, beaten only once tnis season, as raced in the July Fourth events lajt week. But for this photograph, he was also a champion, playing on the beach with David and Linda Styrbn of Mpreheatt.W , Saturday. July 12 (Double Feature) rAWalter'Pldgeon-antf Audrey Totter FTW uninnwN Eddie Arnold , 4. t P( theme that it is breaking box-office records from coast w coasi. elorious and thrilling musical score and strong , v sermon-on-film has caused clergymen of every laun and educators, at all isels to call the film the most Important motion picture ever, to come but of Holly- wood.,;v;fc ri;1M?,3 .flf'f""-' - ' .. "Th DiHnx nt fteAi-B1' la a mnrlfl for.' the entire family. ' Father and mother will thrill to its majest'c beauty while little brother and oloa. nHil ftnltirM in thn npur sly- year old child star, Ginger Prince, malting ner. iirsi screen appear Sunday & Monday, July 13 & 14 PRIDE OF' ST. LOUIS - " Dan Dailey and Joanne Dru T Tuesday - Wednesday, July IB & 10 H ( 1 L. Wt iMkm . f . J such thoroughaessH that, from, tiny tots , to aging ministers,, everyone in the audience learns more of the Greatest Story Ever Told than has ever been possiDie uru reauiug ui studying, Visual 'education is at ti. kt in Tha Prince of Peace" and the film already has been tagged as one inai win ue seen by more school children than The Story of Jesus is enacted . .t r Dicture eVer made with such simplicity and told with I '"" otne , P'""1 "... CALYPSO NEWS Rurifan Club Mel Thursday Mrsi James G. Dickson, CoriwiHmw ; . Circle no. u roci w-uw Mrs. Geneva Roberts. Mrs. Charlie Sloan, circle chairman, presided. After routine business it was decid ed to remember our boys in servicy. Each member being a pollyanna to one of the boys. ...x ..v r..i.mM mt There was a eouecuon oi mis- ine niiriMiii who w iuv, .rtirlM to be sent to ThnrMiav veninB for the regular ,ceUaneous articles io db wh meeting at theUch room m Oiwe. Vh f w;Wst'Stdy speaker of the evening. j gave -ii r'"-feting was dis- an interesung with nraver. Foundations tnat wiu anaure. u "TpsV served open faced chTrv.heMed ui.lr.r. .imiwF with all tha trim- I OTlnKS. mings. us as aiiiituix tu iiuiu iu icui ... . , .. ... . ... t..HHnln v.nn Pltir'a finer rnAr Tuk into cnampions al me muucis nsi b v.w Eppich veteran dog owner and trainer, does the trick with a kennel attendant. From the hands-full of greyhounds Eppich hopes to get Morehead City's 1952 champion. Mordlca Bennett Sr., Sunday eve ning with a lovely supper at Mrs. Bennett's home. Presbyter ian c 2 CENTER THEATRE Mount Olive, N. C .1.; 'I.. t" Suila.aniidaA4f 14 Lydia BaUey :i IPAnl.HtulA Ct fitter V-!1, Dale Robertson and Anne Fraaeis Circle No. I met in the home of Mrs. Thomas Howorwell as Mrs. . J. Lambert assisting hostess. Mrs. James Strickland, chairman, presided. Mrs. J. B. Strickland gave the Bible study from the book of Cot Hymns were sung. The hostess served lemon pies and soft drinks.- Tuesday & Wednesday, July 15-16 "f. f Rose Of '! Cimarron. , 'Jack Buetel, Mala Powers and Bill Williams Thursday & Friday,- July 17 and 18 RETURN OF THE TEXAN Dale Robertson and . Joanne Dru Thurs., Fri. and Sat.-July 17 18-19 Francis Goes To The Races 'Starring Donald O'Connor and . Alice Kelly . . - 3 - J Friday and Saturday, July 11 and J.2 1 rj'SiiriSGrPas.Sr - , ' James Warren and Nan Leslie E2otrdd '7' James Lydon and Gloria Winters " .Also Serial :J ' ' ' Sunday and Monday, July 13 and 14 Iwq Is Botter Tlion Elizabeth Taylor and Larry Parks aaa BaaT aV m - m M Baptist Minister & Family Welcomed i fm.A: MomhoM f thf Bant 1st church of Calypso gave a reception i tuiniw nt tholr new castor and his family Tuesday evening at the parsonage, juemoers oi uic churches were invited. The parsonage has been recently redecorated and it was beautiful with artistic arrangements of pastel gladioli placed In the living and dining rooms. THe. guests were greereo ana in troduced at the door by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farrlor. Mrs. James WnU ImrltaH tha OUASt In tllA Cllfl- lng room wheYe punch and cookies were served by Mesdames Herman Barwick and Gorge " Albritton Goodbyes were said to Mr. and Mrs. R. C Best on the side porch , . ' "Tuesday, July 15 Hedy Lamarr, George Sondris 8i Louis Hay ward Wednesday. -and Thursday, July 16 and 17 Alan Young and Dinah Shore Friday and Saturday, July 18 and 19 ,v i', .... r 1 , iit o I . i - , , l j) .m J Xj . ( , .Jane Nigh and John Archer' , j J O r Drive-In Theatre pink mix, n.c : Wb-e The Whole Family 1 Goes . To See Good Shows i Telephone 2841,..?,; Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Crawford of Marvin, N. C. were guests of Mr. and Mrs.1 ueorge aidi-iuou aim others Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. uan yra oi uroias- boro visited friends in town Sat urday p. m. Mr. Doster Brock of Goldsboro a ministerial student fiUed the pul pit in the rresoyterian cnurcn oun day morring.' urr anil Mrs. Thnmas Jerniffan and children of Jacksonville were guests of. Mr. and Mrs. w. J. aioan sunaay.' ur Moll Warrllaw of WashinZ- ton, D. C. is visUing her sister Mrs. Mary Cameron tnis weeK. College folks home for the week ta ,aiu- MlsM9 Peeev urlce. Betty Jane "Sanderson of ECC and H. B. Kornegay oi wage roresx. Service men visiting their par- ents this week are: A-3c Don W. Guy son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Guy 'who is stationed at Stewart Air Base, N. Y. Cpl Ben H. Sellers, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Sellers stationed at Cimp Lejeune. Jack Davis, son of Mrs. .Vlvic Davis and the late Mr. Straus Davis. Jack is stationed at Brooks Field in California. Opl. Charles Waters of Ft. Brag2, Pfc. Rudolph Waters of Indiaja, Cpl. Leslie Waters of Ky. and Pfc. William -v Waters of Washington were called home because of the death , of their grandmother Mrs. Odella Jackson. Mrand Mrs. Robert Waters spent Sunday at White Lake. Miss Anna naac nuuiw Minima nt Raeford visited the Dicksons Sunday p. m. Mr. Leslie Nunn was admitted .11 the Goldsboro Hospital Monday ss n nnnnntlira naTlPIIT. flli WIBIMIS 1 , ir. Mrs Havo Hurdle and 1 OUU auo. " chlidrea are visiting their relatives 1 pu.mi .nil .luiiasissvnni Tills wcizk. ill VICTtmiiu, yr r- Mrs A. M. Howell, r-ari nowen and son Robert of Wilmington were dinnefguest 01 mr. ana mis. v. . Best Saturday. Mrs. John A. Elmer of Orlando, FliL is visiting relatives and friends in Calypso, Mt. Olive and Goldeboro. M . . Mrs. Melvln Smilie and daught er of Wilson are visiting her par ents Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Davis. Lovely Ann Mills, Miss Morv nn nt 10. 59 q nlrtnrpd with iieau w- ' r , the favored greyhound to win the Miss Moreneaa iiy nauuicai which will be run in her honor Saturday night at the Morehead City dog track. With the brunette entry for the Miss North Carolina honors Is He's My Boy, star grey hound of the current dog track meeting. (Intended For Last Week) Barbecue Supper Friday Evening A 1 1 ...Ill Ka holrl in the Calypso lunch room Friday evening, July 11th from 6 to 9 p. m. Proceeds will go to the Calypso' Benefit Department. The Depart ment now has $1,008 on hand with debts and goals totaling $2500. I Girl Scouts Attend Meeting Misses Paula Hurdle, Linda Ben nett, Ann Sutton and Eva Jacques Strickland,, girl scouts amended' the scout meeting at Camp Trailee last week. Personals Mrs. Anna Shipp of Clinton is visiting her sister Mrs. E. T. Reg ister. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Grubbs vis ited their brother in Winston Salem who was stricken with a heart attack a few days ago. Mr. and : Mrs. 1 Alex Sanderson visited relatives in Rocky Mt. re cently. Capt. James T. Dickson has re turned to Camp Polk, La., after emending 10 davs with Darents Mr. sinrt Mrs Janire Dickson and two weeks conference at Highland Pines Inn in Southern- Pities. Mrs. Hays Hurdle and Mrs. Mor dlca Bennet with Misses Paul Hur dle and Linda Bennet went shop ping in Benson a few days ago. Mrs. Hattie Davis of Pink Hill 6pent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Koy Davis. Veterans Play Hosts To Wives Veterans, members of the Ameri can T.palnn hnnnrpH thpir wives and friends' Thursday evening by giving a barbecue supper at Dud ley ueacn. ANSWERS TO Intelligence Test 1 Babylon. 2 Tirana. 3 Wil- 1 liam Jennings Bryan. 4 Pitcher. 5 John Adams. 6 Pine. 7 (A) French king; (B) British king; (C) 3ritish duke; (D) Famous Quaker. A. J. Cavenaugh Jeweler DIAMONDS WATCHES Watch Sc Jewelry REPAIRING & KNGRAVINO , ,, Sunday, July ISjVi" Pagan Love Song In Technicolor. Esther Williams & Howard Keel Also: Cartoon . ' Monday Tuesday, July 14-15 Man's Desert With Sunday and Monday; HAS ANYBODY SEEN MY GAL ClMobum and Piper Laurie-XTechnicplor) . Cartoon . Tuesday, July THIS WOMAN'S DANGEROUS With Joan Crawford and David Brian Wednesday, July 16 BELE STARR With Randolph Scott Serial Thursday and Friday, July 17 and 18 MACAO With Robert Mitchum and Jane Russell Saturday, July 13-4Double Feature) BLACK LASH With Lash LaRue THE FABULOUS SENORITA i ' With Estellta , , . , Mystery ir Johnny Weismuller and - - r ,,. ... Nancy Kelly Also Cartoon and Comedy Wednesday and Thursday Appointment ; ViSh Danger f Alan Ladd - Phyllis Calvert Also Cartoon and Serial ' Friday and Saturday i July 18-19 , - , ; Old Texas Trail -, Rod Cameron and ; Cathy Downs x ' ) teslzm Universe Jack Carson - Jams Page - : - v i , kwl 1 n !! '1 P1IIIIIIIKH"3llt"1PI i" M IVV J VAV B HI l "'.5 iv mm mm m ..a . n n i i i"i inn iHiHIIIIIIIIir!""! w . v xt n DUPL1N S NEWEST AND LARGEST DRIVE-IN THEATRE WEEK JULY 13 . -. "Sunday and Monday ' 1 ABILENE TOWN Starring Randolph Scott and . Rhonda , Fleming .-. v"'r' Y Tuesday and Wednesday, , ,, ! , FOR MEN ONLY Starring Paul Henreid ; GOD IS MY CO-PILOT ;j Starring Dennis Morgan and, Raymond ; Massey : ' : K.t..i.w 'Tinxhia !tritiire1 ' LIGHT OF WESTERN STARS , ' , , , Starring Victory Jory y LITTLE ABNER;.; - ' Starring Granville1 Owens and-MariA.0.Prlscoll C'art'"'! ri""v rht . Birthday Supper Mrs. Mordica Bennett and Mrs. Herring of Goldsboro honored Mrs. ORDER AUTHOKIZIINU ?B3,VUU i REFUNDING BONDS hit it nunFBF.n AND RESOLV ED by the Board of Commissioners for the County oi uupiin: 1. That bonds of Duplin Coun ty, North Carolina, be issued, pur suant to The County Finance Act, as amended, in an amount not exceeding $68,000 for the purpose of refunding a like amount of the principal of valid subsisting bond ed indebtedness of said County which was originally Incurred be fore January 1, 1929 for the con struction of roads and bridges in ?iid County and is evidenced by tfio fnllnurintr $10,000 Rsad and Bridge Bonos, dated March 1. 1922. maturing March 1, 1953, $30,000 Road and Bridge Bonds dated October 1, 1922, maturing October 1, 1952, 10,000 Road and Bridge Bond, dated April 1, 1927, maturing April 1103, $10,000 Road and Bridge Bonds. dated October 1, 1927, maturing October 1, 1952, $8,000 Refunding Koaa and Bridge Bonds, dated August 1, 1937, maturing February 1, 1953. 2. That bonds of Duplin County, North Carolina be issued, pursuant LU xac Vsuuuiy uam;e Act, as ofvianrliwl In an nmniini rmt oycppI. ing $14,000 for the purpose of re- rnnnino n iiiru a mniini m naai uriii lutiuiliaj u ani. wiiiviuiii vm. nitw cipal of valid subsisting bonded in debtedness of said county wnicn was originally incurred by the Dntii. a PnnimlGelnnaPB lav art aH. mlnistrative agent of the State in providing a State system of public schools) for maintaining the con stitutional six months' school term and 'is evidenced by the following: - $3,uuu scnooi ttonas, aaiea April 1, 1928, maturing April 1, 1953, $5,000 School : Funding Bond, dated September 1, 1931, maturing September 1 1952, $2,000 Refundins School Bonds. dated August 1, 1937, maturing February 1, 1953, $2,000 School Building Bonds, dated June 1, 1946, maturing June 1, 1HM. 3. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and Interest of the CQ9 AAO hnnila haiflln authrtf.fa'Afi when due, shall be annually levied ana coueciea. 4. That the holders of the $82.- 009 bonds herein authorized' shall be subrogated to all the rights and powers oi ue noiaers -ai me in debtedness refunded thereby. 5. , That a statement of the Coun ty debt has been filed with the clerk and is open to public in spection.. , A That iuuIu. .holl fV. tkt. v. i a iw . wis u. u t. . uiiHi. vane v feet upon its passage and shall not oe suomiuea to ine voters. The foregoing order nas been in- has been filed under The County finance Act snowing tne 'assessed valuation of the County to be tfa OI 3 70 fMl mil tk. toKf (including, the proposed bonds) for scnooi. purposes to oe fzwi.uuu.uu. and for other than school purposes to be S1.J25.000.00. A tax will be levied for the payment of the proposed bonds and interest If the same shall be issued. Any citizen or taxDayer may protest acalnst the issuance of said bonds at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners to be held at 10 o'clock, A. M., July 21, 1952, or an adjournment tnereof. .. A T. Outlaw - ; Clerk, Board of Commissioners Franklin Home Dem. Club Holds Meet The Franklin Home Demonstra' Hon club met at the club house with Mrs. Arnold Davis and Mrs. Gurney Davis assisting hostesses. Mrs. Elbert Davis president pre sided. The meeting was opened by singing the "Old North State." Mrs. Charlie Sloan, Arts and Crafts .leader presented her plan fnr nwinnstratim In Julv. Miss FuGsell demonstrated mak ing beautiful bed spreads of rope and guano bags. Mrs rtwpn Wilson Health lead er gave some helpful hints on bet ter health. Mrs.-Henry Wilson leader of Home Gardening made a talk on insect control. Miss Betty Gray Melvin assift. Demonstration agent gave a dem onstration In First Aid. Mrs. M. H. King made an en couraging report on building. frc filstan waft in phflrffe nf Rec reation and entertained by asking riddles. The hostess served delicious sandwiches mixed cookies and iced drinks. SAFE, SURE CXK CONTROL OF llSf Roaches 1S Mice Flies l"1 ' Rats, and J Termites ' ' A 1, EXTERMINATINt CO. TELEPHONE NUMBER CALL KINSTON 4444 WGBR 1150On 93.3 on The AM Dial The FM Dial Featuring All ABC Network Shows GOLDSBORO, N. C. ...V V 4.ir in races in I i 1U NITELY 1U y ... 1 K. " ' . RAIN OR CLEAR PAItV DOUBLE QUINELAS lit and 2nd Races 2nd to 10th Racss S the nation's outstanding greyhounds in thrilling race programs I ' NO MINORS ACRES OF tKll PARKING . . i w 0) for tne Countv of DuDlin ',7-10 IT