A1 I Irs. Harris Honored !-rral .Slcceptiott.'',;'''-' ' furmal ' 'Get " Acquainted fulfill the Christmas request list requires much time and effort on your part. We hope you will con- wn given for Br. and: Mrs.J'd H tune" and effort well spent. 1 Karris tad -family 'oft -Sat-l, -ft Wlto4-j ttentr Kistmes , program-... posslt The OwMm, program included Karris tad family on Sat-! i ' ni fit t the nurses homvby i-i -.ard of Trustees, I !;d guests were the Board!' of r s tad wives, doctors of the c r and ' their ' wives and .the ' . . il persdnnei.! f "' iT i A.e reception room wafc most at- t i, Jvt y ' decorated. The refresii- it . lit table Was centered with a Is 'y arrangement of red .earn. , t i. white gladioli end pom poms in a silver container. On each side i the ' . eCTangementX'-.werci,' three branched candelabra, holding; burn, ing tapers. The valentine motif was carried out in table appointments. ' Mrs. J.O.Stokes served party cak es and Mrs. J. R. Grady poured cof fee. Assisting .in serving were Miss es Pat Johnson, Ruth Cox, Mrs. Lee McGregor; Mrs,4 .F," WTMeGowah', Mrs. I O. Wilkerson, Miss Janice Summerlin, Miss Sarab, Brown, and Mrs. Carol' Cavenaugh. in'.:, jj. L t Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown greeted i ' guests and Messrs. F, W.,McGowaa and J. O. Stokes introduced the hon ored guests to she receivingllne.. , -.v.m ' -'Hi- ' ; H if i n , 'f ' Results, Of Hungarian . Appeal The Duplin County Chapter, Am erican Red ' Cross sent 44.50 ,ist month to National Headquarters lor ( Hungarian belief, Thts month addi. tional tontrCbutions . Coming, irf so far have wnftunted to aa.l3;it will be sent in jkexf week.making a, total , of 379.83. donated through the Red Cross for this most worthy cause. , f It has been tailed to tJurTittentlon that several churches in our com- rnunity have sent donations through .: their ' respective v church mission boards and we do nof have record of those contribution., The officers of the local chapter wish to1 thank - the following who have contributed through our ogahlzation: Mrs. J. B. Stroud,' Mi - nle -Wftheringronr tk. vates na aer circle ox. me Falson' Presbyterian Church; The e. Woman's Club, The Eastern Star and , the Baptist Church of Rose HUI; ' Mrs. iZ? Southeriand tad Jrove. Pribytei5Shurchtif KenantVllle; Ms, J. C. Russ and Mrs. L. H. Brown used effectively in the living and dining room. ' ,' ,.- , After several Droaras.iona.Mra. J. O. Stokes assisted the- hostess1 la serving a frujUl plate, nuts and coffee to: Mrs.; Mitchell, Mrs. Tyn dalL Mrs ' I C Riiivh Un. Jf n WaH;-Mra,,ytace ttaviri; Mrs.,N. gift wrapping service, ward decor, BBoneV and Mm ft fi. wmiaml ating. SDeclal Dartlea and .-refresh .4am i v-.JT;V.-..;:--. ."U"': ; ;-. menbv a visit by, Santa -.Clans,, wk lertainment anaearot groups, this progranv there was a special, place for your lovely mobiles.-books, ma gazines, . pecans, harcVeandy, comle bonk, and folneUanenua ift. W feel the. purpose of bringing -'the Oufltif the slrkour' jif was'de- elded that the. dub -would make: a cash, donation to The March of Pim es drive, t '.vfiv--v-.V, v '.S'..ri.. . Mrs. Burch was given bath towels foe etofr high,, Mrs. 'Mitchell dust ing . powder; for visitors high ' and spirit CteUtmas ici i the men who Mrs. Tyndall was emembred with coum wvoe wimwwuyraa znenos , ,;hajdJwrtaletfcet,v.' was .'-accompjishea. , Wur. only re gret is that you and. the comnura-! ity grovps who helped us accom plish this . goal could not be- on hand to share the satisfaction of a Job well done, and personally receive the patients' expressions of appre ciation, . :-".(.. Thus, our attempt In behalf of pa tients and .staff, to say thank you. We extenoV our best wishes for a hsppy ana successful New Year, and look forward to working with you throughout the year. ' very truly yours, . (Miss) Anne J. Rosokoff Field .Director h- BY: (Miss) Ruth McCaU Recreation Worker III ' i Organizations M Duplin County that, cooperated with the local Red Cross Chapter In making this Christ mas Cheer' project's sucoess were: James Kenan Chapter, U.D.C, The B A P.W. Club of Warsaw, The Ken ansville Garden Club, The Faiaon Garden- Club; The Faison Woman's CHib, The Woman's Club of Calyp so, The Wallace Woman's Club, and the Wallace Junior Woman's Club also the Eastern Star Chapters, of Wallace tad Beulavflle and several' Home Demonstration Clubs. Card of Than)u W wish to take this, ppportunity to express our "many thinks and appreciation for the flowers, cards, foods and acts of kindness and deeds Of sympathy bestowed upon us by wbw (nr1a earn Vsalafluaasi HllT. ofWarMW.alsoMr. and Sfl? 'fag uhehbrt.? illness . and recent awia.owuwrwaa death of our loved one. Mra. Cavin, Hig . Scorer At Bridge ;f , , Mrs. Vance. Gavin; was given a cosmetic bag for club, high and Mrs. Jim Wilkerson a scarf and collar for guest gift, on Monday evening when Mrs. J. Cv Stokes entertained the Monday --.night -elub; ,..4fcs- .... - man gardens and gladioli were us ed effectively in the living room and en the sun porch. , . Mrs. 7. B. Wallace assisted the hostess in serving congealed salad, ham biscuits, crackers and coffee to Mrs. Wilkerson jMrs. Gavin, Mrs. Hubert Cheney, Mrs. George Pen ney, Mrs. Louise Mitchell, Mrs. J. R. Grady and Mrs. C. B. Guthrie. .J 1 If ; MINERAL SriUNGS CLUB MEETS The Mineral Springs Home De monstration Club held its January meeting ' on Tuesday 18th in the Bowden Recreation room with Mrs. Leon Taylor as hostess. The meet ing was called to order by the pre sident, Mrs. S, J. OneThaTSjriiWB sang togetheri 'Jollow CM ISlsanX' Mrs. Leon Taylor gave the-Devotiors-al and used itie tetPsalm"foliow- ed by i 'The Lords Prayer by the group. The -roll was tailed tad mini utea i- of last meeting read; There were nina members present. After the business session. Mrs.' Norman Parks, Home-? Management '' leader gave the ;demonstratiom on 1 'How to Make Housecjeanlng . Easier.' , Three pottfts were stressed. First, family toperatiorl, .tod Thevright tools; Third, Storage tor tools. There were reports by Food's and NutriUon Scorekeeper tad Home Garden lead ers. The group repeated together the club collect' After which Mrs. Taylor served delicious sandwiches, nuts, cookies, candy and soft drinks A delightful social hour followed 'PERSONALS Mrs. E. 1. Carter visited her sis ter. Mrs. John Brown at Sneads Fer ry last week end. r. and Mrs.. m Baruen ana children spent last Sunday with the John Brown .family in toneaoa Ferrv.-' Ac v r Miss Betty Ann Mozlngo of Golds- boro was at home with her mother, Mrs. Retta Blalock this week end. . Mr. J. G. Parks of Goldsboro was dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Parks and family Sunday. Mr., and Mrs. ' Marshall Carr of Wallace visited Mrs. J. B. Parks and Mrs. Cenus Taylor ; Sunday.-.-; r ., . -Mr. and. Mrs. ' A; K. Holmes of LaGrange were visitors in this com munity .Sunday afternoon. -..Ml Julia. Taylor Student Nurse at Bark. View Hospital. Rocky Mt. was.at borne with her parents, Mr.1 andMrs. , Herman Taylor this week end.--' i -' v..--':! .':iv.-iiv?.i geyen Springs spent last Sunday ai terhoon with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Parks,.-... - - - " -v.;- "i Mrand -Mrs.. James Smith and children of Sharpsburg spent Sun day with. Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr, tad Mrs; Herman Taylor. -"J -.Mr. and Mrs. Marion, Henderson tod family Sunday, t , - a . : Mrs.:, R. . A. Jackson spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Mscy Moore in Bowden . Mr. and Mrs. John Ivey, Sr., Miss Cs 4s tmi0b lj ....... Of 1957 Heart Fund; Oihers Are llamed jnemrers or ue aiaie aaupnifa sun wi vuiifMm, wiujiwer. t uusa. -Mrs. Brock tad Children t wist; to thank the doctors, nur- Xf there Is any one else who wishi ee 4o contribute to this eause.'they may 'send their donation between now and January f-"i"? es and'Aiend. whb were so nice Mttome wfule I waTa patienfta Dtt-' plla County Chapter, American ed " General Hospital and since I Cfost, aanansviu., n. u. : A Letter of Thanks Mjrs.N.'B. Boney : Executive Secretary Duplin County Chapter American Red Cross Kenansville, N. C. Dear Mrs. Boney: Operation Christmas went along very smoothly, and only because you gave us wholehearted support. We, the hospital staff, know that ob- have been home, ror earas,jnsiia. flowers and other gifts, Jk appreciate them all and thank yow every one. Mrs, Daisy; J. Merrltt Mrs. McGowan lVas 1 Bridge Hostess v - Mrs. F. W. McGowan was host ess to the Kontroct Klub on Wed nesday evening With Mrs; Louise Mitchell and Mrs. Xt.-Oi Tyhdall as additional guests, j w W.M.S. Met Monday The Womans Missionary Society met Monday afternoon in the church annex,, with Mrs. C. B. Guthrie, pres ident, presiding. - An interesting and inspiring pro gram was given 'Missions on the Mississippi' by the Cora Stokes Cir cle. Mrs. Guthrie, chairman was as sisted by Mrs. C. B. Sitterson, Mrs. George Penney and Mrs. H. M. West.. Sr. :'!.';,: During devotional period, with scripture taken from Psalms 48, Mrs. Lauren Sharpe plaveiaoftly, 'Sweet Tfnni. m Pravar - j Following the business session the .meeting was dismissed by members repeating The ijotag rrayer. Cbapter215 Qti& Meetsi The Kenansville Chapter 218 Or der of the Eastern Star met Tuesday night Jor a regular meeting. Wor thy Matron, Mary Alice Blackmore presided. ' Following the routine business, a social hour was enjoyed. During the social, hour color slides of the East-J rn star a ample in wasningion, u, C. were shown. Visitors front.. Warsaw Chanter WS. were present for the meeting. We, the hospital staff, know that ot- iaoaiuonai Rutsais. j a 'u-' i. taihing community participation ,to U Potted plants tnf, berries, were '. , 1 1 - - i U.i ' J " ii' ' ' " 1,1 1 t. t? Pernals ; Mr. tad Mrs. George Penney (pari and Luranhe spent Sunday 14 Ra leigh With Mrs. Penneys mother. Mrs. Sarah Bland. Amy and Re becca of Greenville were week end guests of Mrs. W. -J. Pickett and Mrs. Hov Sitterson. '- Mrs. J. , p.; Stokes, and Mrs, J.;B. J Wallace made a business pfg , to Goldsboro Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Simpson and Burt spent the week end in Raleigh with friends. Miss Mary Lee and Mrs. R. U Syk. es spent the week end in Norfolk, with Mr. and Mrs. w. a. uaen. They were accompanied by Mrs. Ro bert Hollingswortn who spent tne week end with Mrs. Johnny Helms. Mrs. Robert Hollingsworth who was the week end guest of Mrs. Johnny Helms was accompanied home by Mrs. Helms who will spend two weeks here while Lt. Helms Is attending a navigators school in Ar kansas. Mrs. G. P. Pridgen of Warsaw Is visiting Mr. tad Mrs. J. R- Grady., Mrs. Russell-Harris tad children of Leaksville spent the week end with Dr. Harris in. Kenansville. .- Miss Betty Ingram of Duke Unft versitv of Durham spent the week end with her mother, Mrs- W. M. Ineram. She retur&ea borne again bh Tueiaay for a weeks stay fol lowing mid 4enn exams., Mrs. Annie Ingram accompanied rifUt Bettv Incram to Durham Mon- Lday to visit Mr. af d Mrs. Sam New ton. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. oraay. airs. l.. V, Grady and. Miss Myra MaxweU of Wilson "visited Mr. J. R. Grady Sunday.. , " Mrs. Farsser Jjuinn was me guest of Mr. andf- Mm Gene Hall of Rose Hill Tuesday night Miss .Pons caison ox. A ouege Greenville spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Cai son. ' . Mrs, B. L Stevens of Warsaw vis ited her mother, Mrs. L. A. Beasley, ahd Aunt Mrs. Daisy Smith Sat' lurday afternoon.'. .f , . committee for the 1997 Heart Fund l. . 1 .JhiWIP. P JJ1CKS i. AOOIVWI Ol .. U11CDIUU1V, state chairman. , They are Allen Wannamaker. of Greensboro, -vice chairman; S. B. KlttreU af Pinetops, treasurer; Dr, John; G. Smith of Rocky Mount and Dr. Edward S. Or. Mary Ivey of Seven Springs and Miss Ruby Ivey f Raleigh spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John ivey Jr., ana xamuy. We are happy to report that Mr. R. a 'William. U imorovina after hav- Hbef;sevew Rev. Norman Flowers rmea nis reeular appointment in Bowden Community Presbyterian Church Sunday night . ' Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smith and 4hai 8rnda KDent Sunday with Mrs. Smith's parenU, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lewis. Chairman of that, public informa tion committee ig waiter J. Klein of Charlotte and the . members of his committee are Ben McDonald, Wilmington; , Gaines ? V. - Kelly, Greensboro and Richard P. , Mason, Raleigh, '". v- These are the grata .leaders who will work with local eampaign di rectors In every Tarheel commun ity to carry en the 1867 Heart Fund Drive,' abid Mr. Andrews. They will help enlist thousands of volun teers to tell people about the Heart - .'V. i ' ' ' , . Fund and how it je bringing new hope to the hearts of America,'- he added.' The ' uroersm " of research into the causes' of heart and blood vessel disease,' which is supported by the Heart Fund, is finding out more and more about diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and pre vention. The promise is that our medical scieiilints will win out lii the fight against the nation's ntiirv ber one 'killer.i They deserve our . support,' he concluded, for they are working to i save our own hearts and the hearts of those we love Mr Andrews states' that February had been set aside as Heart Month, all over the United States. The na- ' tional. Heart Fund ' committee i headed by Rear Admiral Richard Byrd tad Ketmeth C, Royal form er Secretary ef the Army, a native of Goldsboro; N. C. Servinf as Nar Oenal Treasurer is Grant Keehrj, i-iw,,, ,.-i .."-''''' executive vice president of the First National City Bank" of New York; -Other members of the national cars, paign committee are Mrs. Alben Berkley, widow of the late former L V. S. Vise President- Syfyester L, Weaver, J siadio-TV executive ,ot ' New York; George Meany, president ef the AFICIO; Eddie Cantor, mo tion picture comedian; Miss Arleha Francis; television commentator; and Gabriel Paul, general manag er of the Cincinnati Red Legs Base ball Team. I HAnanruillA Wit I - IWIIQIMflllC I IK? i - : -ill "EMS. M And Comur Events I SS jiji St John's Lodge Number 13 meets jvery 1st and 3rd Thursdays. Din ner meeting every 1st Thursday.' f Chapter 219 OES meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday night Kenansville white school PTA meets every 1st Monday night Lions Club meets every 2nd and 4tn Wednesday nights at Jones Cafe. Duplin General Hospital board of rusteesmeet the 3rd Tuesday in ach quarter. Executive Committee and medical staff meets 2nd Friday n each month. . . Boy 'Scout' Troop meets each ruesday night at 7:30. A' Jaycees meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesday nights. Board meets every first 4- - Town Wednesday night" ' Methodist men meet each 4th Jlanday night. ' WSCS1 meets each Tuesday night after the first Sun slay. .., ' 'rr Girl Scouts meet each Wednesday after seboolr' Women of Grove Church meets Monday after Second Sunday for circle meeting. The general meeting of the Wo rn on of Grove Church is held Mon day' aftef. the 4th Sunday of each month. .i ' - " " ' i frrrr?-........ ? 1 1 a i m k i v" v 1 1 a :: m,, i aa sbh I .i iw j . I . n r was e. jjv , HLl AQE TE1ESE VOUQ DQLLAH OUT TE3E EJIC3AU If your tractor hasn't had a recent tune up, by an expert, you're probably paying or 50- acres of work and getting only 40! Authorities report that even a one-year-old tractor can lose as much as 20 in power . . 6 in fuel economy. You can't afford to let those dollars go out in smoke! How long has it been since your lohn Deere Tractor was given a thorough check over? If seiTite work is required, rely on our skilled mechanics. Only our shop offers the combination of trained mechanics, precision tools, and genuine John Deere Parts. You can be sure your reconditioning work will be handled quickly, efficiently, and at the lowest possible cost to you. Lef s make a service date soonj , Implement Division of Johnson Cotton Co. HIGHWAY 117 NORTH WALLACE, N. C. r Jia. '. -i. r. We Do AH Kind Of Job Printing ENVELOPES LETTER HEADS HAND BILLS BOOK WORK LARGE CIRCULARS STATEMENTS INVITATIONS W&Ut-;: ;'':::,,'iihrit- Ever y'u:- '::':;i 1 -"; i t : U I . v.'..: - :: y v y- ;:T?"- LJ Your Needs L J KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA a .i:w. fe ..v.v. s 4 , ; w f V " 7ADCA7 HnDTH fADflllllA Company I I J 1-