Stmtisy Srhnnl , jTtimua SU4ltfi ftalra. Soa-U. iiw for Mar B, 1951 5 THE BIBLE bait a plot, take It a whole, as much at any thriller you ever read. Ia' fact the j Bible i more. thrOling, became it j directly concern each one of the i human race. It it the story of age- I W1 "' Confllct i twtween Good, and tEvil, portrayed aa a personal con .flict between God and Satan, a struggle for the control of the earth and of man. The atory begin ' In a .tunny, hope- way.; ixoa i ' ' buki worm, an unfinished r srorld ' but never tneiess beauulul, and he calli into lexUtenceMan Foreman land Woman, to live on thla earth, to beautify and complete It further. 'They are to' be God' e friend and 'fellow-worker, Bui:, before ."the : reader; quite know how it hap pen, the Serpent appear on the scene and persuade man that God ia not hit friend but bit enemy. So the man rebels against hi Maker, it faithless to his divine Friend. Philosopher and theolo gians have other way of telling it; but from the simple picture-stories of Genesis shine the same double truth and tragedy: Man is made for fellowship with God and other human beings, but he has broken ' Che .' fellowship, he , has , turned against his truest Friend. Sod PlannlBC 1 ' : Mysteries darken our knowledge Ihere. But of some things we can ae sure. One is that God does not ,- deal with his world and his crea- God. Another thing that teems clear is that man hat freedom to the Planner. God could, no doubt, have made a race of beings who could not possibly do anything but -right, a race of perfect robots;, but Ccor some reason God chose to make man free. One suspects that the reason ia that God would ra ther be loved by persons who would love him freely, than to be loved, by creatures "wound up," so to (peak bound to love him whether or no. (Would that be real iloveT) Another thing that stands l out is that God is resourceful; in I one sense his Plan pan be broken,. I when men" go contrary , to his Win." In another sense men do not break t Ws l?lan, tor God appears in Gene- sis" like a wise general who has l more, than one plan of strategy .all pointing to victory, fioa RaJtoM I lian it not free unless he is free to do wrong as well as to do right And if he is free to do wrong, which is a short way of saying free to go against the will and plan of God, then he is free to destroy himself,, For the Plan of God for man, born as it is infinite Wisdom 'and. infinite Love, is always for' man's best For man to racist God, to ignore him, scorn him, live by man-made plan, is to choose the way of death. Genesis show dra matically how the sin of man grows wonse as a snowball grows larger the farther it goes the more rapidly it grows. Adam't tin lajeemed a rawer slight thing then I his; son, is a -murderer, and his descendants so bad that God could scarcely find one ' good family among mem. The story in Genesis is the story of mankind; men pre fer their own way to God's way the way of hate and conflict rather than.', the way of fellowship and love; and they suffer the judgment of God; namely that those who i take their own way, must accept :the inevitable disaster. ( . i: Many religions know of just and 'righteous gods who have been re jected by wicked or careless or i ignorant men. But the . God . re ! vealed " in the Bible doet not act as the "gods of the gentiles" are . said' to act For man's ln, other gods may have resentment,, venget ance, punishment But these things leave man as he was, an enemy a- conquered 'enemy perhaps,: but with rebellion (till smoldering fct . I u, 11 J i J ! ijui; avtu..; vuw raiiiwi ynivwv T i Irnay pay for their in going long pilgrimages, : undergoing elf-lm-posed tortures. But the true God is quite different from the gods IkihnM mam f ma 4nawa, wnA uiutaw feated, infinitely resourceful. He never gives up his Plan for a peor 1 4-1, .kk. Mlh kin. U' are' changed, saved, made fit to be God's friends, only by stead fast undiicourafed love. f&i';;. " , Bbm atllm rrifhU f S. :' Dlvlalaa ( CkrUlUa MiwttM. N U.rc.1 CmiU ml Um Cre CS Iw, In tna V. , A. B1mS CwmltV; .... -ii tf L ...Si. .1 - I reuSsyterlaa itmhtr Cv.-f ,, , . Maxton, North. CaroSina .,;-:;,;. When Agnes Scott College was founded in Georgia, Dr. Gaines, the founder, had it written into the charter that the Synod of Georgia could elect only one-third of the trustees each year. That was to In sure that it would require at .least two years for Synod to change the plans for Agnes Scott College. Dr. Gaines recognized the great danger to a college from shifting and chan ging ideas. At the time Agnes Scott was founded ihere had been nine teen colleges started by Presbyter ians in Geergia and all of them had failed and closed down. Starting col leges ha been a favorite foible of many food people, -: but keeping them alive and strong is the test. Not many have met this test of the thousands of colleges begun by sincere aJ tuuwk ia Am erica In the past three hundred years.. , The trouble In Georgia was typi cal of the trouble in other places. One group ' would start a college in one place with a great fanfare of high purposes and unselfish aims. Then another would start a college in another place. After the first en thusiann was over they would lose interest and let the - colleges fall into debt, bankruptcy, and be dos ed. The failure of the good church people to get together, to combine resources,' and to adequately sup port their cdleges is a sad story, In unity there ,1s strength. 'Every kingdom divided against itself it brought to desolation; and' every city or house divided against itself shall not ttand' said Jesus. (Mat thew 12:29.) Tfce crux of the tuberculosis pro blem in this country today is the number of people who are sick with the disease.; ;S. i J,.;..'-V-n; This view was expressed here to day by Judge Ernest 8. Mason of Florida. ' featured speaker at the concluding session of the Mtt an nual meeting of the North .Caro lina Tuberculosis Association held at the Battery Park HotoL , v ' Judge Mason, who is president of the Florida Tuberculosis and Health Association and a member of the board of directors of the Nation al Tuberculosis ' Association, spoke on The Public Looks at Tubercu losis,' .!"-'.-.'''' . '-' . He said current information indi cates that there are about 400,000 active cases of TB in the United States at any one time, ef which .S j.Li kks.i btiZ$Q ' lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOi -00 TO CHURCH SUIIDAY- pkesbyt'ekian GROVE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH , KBNANSVILLE. N. O. 1X9. STBADFOBD T. 8NIVELT, Pastor Ind and 4th Sunday Morning 8er Tricea. ; . Women of Chnrch meet 4th Mon imj afternoon of the month. Circle No. 1 meets Snd Monday af ternoon of the month, . Circle No. J..., meets' tnd Monday eight of the month. HAIX8VUULE PKESBYTEKIAN CHURCH s, REV. STBADFOBD T. SNTVFXI, 1st and Srd Sunday Morning Bar. vices. MISSIONARY BAPTIST WALLACE Dr. Postoa, Faster Services each Sunday ' WELLS CHAPEL 2nd and 4th Sundays WABSAW Rev. Herbert Baker, paster Services each Sunday BEY. W. B HOOD. PASTOB Wallace Chaurch Every Sunday Morning sad, 4 th, and 5th Sunday nights Blacks Chapel ) Srd Sunday night BEY J. M. NISBETT. PASTOB Rockflsh Church Snd and 4th Sunday mornings rd Sunday nglht Mount Zion Presbyterian Church Rose HI1L N. O. Bev. W. H. Allison, Minister U AM. Morning Worship Every Sunday 6 TM. Tooth Meetings CI. I We have Just received a mes- t freaa ear life Insuraaoe Company eoanectlon, sayingi I We shall be glad for Tea. to i ke steps to iaereasa the M ; r of loans handled through ! it efftot) In ear behalf.' ' : i If yon awed long term FARM - ciTF Onanelng, please see as it onoSL. ' . . :.. i l '.T;nsiTTt6ANco. BET. NORMAN FLOWERS Warsaw Chareh , Ertry Sunday morning 1st. Srd, and 5th. Sunday eveninn ET. W. H. GOODMAN, FASTOl Eteuuvuw uana Every Sunday morning JOHNSON CHURCH Bev. Eogene B. Hager 1st and 3rd Sunday mornings 2nd and 4th Sunday nights GASNEBS CHAPEL 1st and Srd Sunday mornhu 4th Sunday night ' JONES CHAPEL Bev. Jlmmie ' Hathan 1st and Srd Sunday nigat Snd Sunday morning ALUM bPBINGS Snd Sun, night 4 th Sua. momma CONCORD CHURCH Services lit and Snd Sunday nights 3rd and 4th Sunday Mornings PINK HILL GEOUP Bji x. P. Farrier. Pastor Pink H11K Third Sunday A. M. an rirst Sunday F. M. . -v women ox ue v-nurcn , Jirde No. 1 meeting 1st Tuesday light of the month. -i.l. a 9 meetins 3:30 P. M. on irst Tuesday of -month. General neeting Srd Tuesday at tne enurcn. ' smiths: Second Sunday A. M. and Fourth Sunday P. M. HEBRON Third Sundays 4 P. M. (3 P. M. Winter) PLEASANT VDSW 1st Sunday A, M. and Srd Sunday P. M. Jeneral nteetnig Thursday V. V. after Srd Sunday. Circle Thurs day P. M. before 3rd Sunday HARPER-SOUTHERLAND Fourth Sunday A. M. "Second Sunday P. M. n w.ij nrnnn . First third and Bfth Fridsy afternoon at 5:80 lot, SroV 5H Sundays at llS ajn. Stanford Snd, 4th. Sundays at M . aHSSIONABT BAPTISTS : KENANBVUUUSI Bar, Lauren Sharp. K.enancviue , . each; SUNDAT MOBNIWO BEULAV1LLE UROUF ' Bev. A. L. Brown, Pastor i . p.. BaulaviU , very Sunday t - , v '".Cedar Fork ''. Bev. .Nermsa Ayeeck 1st and rd Sunday Mornings ; Snd and 4th Sunday Nights '. 4 ,:HaSrma w . Bev. Norman Ayosek i Snd and 4th Sunday Mornings 1st and 3rd Banaay iiw , . -j Ah . atiifl nth Sim services . day nfihts - 1st .Snd, Srd and, 8th . Otfinth f and sad Srd Snndayt , -dW&s 'M Tswsiw ' ' ' ' ' '-fyi 1st and 4th Sunday - nil If AMU Church each San. at 11 a& t M " UMI HILL V' 'Bev. Jallaa Motley Bervtcet CHINQUAPIN GEOUP Mlsstoasry Baptist Chorea Bev. John Durham SHARON Morning Servieee 1st and 3rd. Sundays Evening Servtoes Snd, 4th. snd 5th. Sundays DOBSON'll CHAPEL Morning Bervlees Snd, 4th. and 5th. Sundays evening Servtoes 1st and Srd. Sundays Island creek Snd Sunday morning and 4th Sun day evening: FREE WILL BAPTIST , CABIN FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH 1 Bev. J. B. Stames, pastor. Ser vices every 2nd. and 4th. Sundays st 11:00 a. m. and 7:00 p m. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. . CONCORD CHURCH Services 1st, Srd, and 4th Sunday morning. Service at 10 a.m. 1st ana 3rd Sunday. Services at 11 a.m. 4tn sunaay Evening services on 2nd Sunday. PEABSALL CHAPEL F.WB. Bev. L. K Parker, Faster Rnndav School at lstot A.' M Service each seeend Sunday morn ing at U:M and evening as 7o. Leans averv Sunday evening at 6:S. Prayer Meeting each Wednes day evening at lav. SARECTA CHAPEL "Original Free Wni Baptist Churenr sit r?armll Hanalev. Pastor Sunday .School everv Sunday at 10:00 A. M. raaiio Bi-r Siindav at 6:00 P. M Chureh First Sunday. 11 A. M. and 7:18 P. M: Church Third Sundays, 11:00 A. M. and 7:15 P. M. CHURCH OF JBSUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAT SAINTS Sacrament meeting Sunday 6:30 pjn. . , ' Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Primary meeting Monday 7:00 p.m. Belief Society Tuesday 7:30 p.m. M.LA. meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.m. . H".-, ''!'' )' ' : ' TTNIVKRHALtST CHURCH ' Bev. Vinton Bowering. pastor Bunoay Bcnooi iw ia ouu- William Sotton, Sopfc Worship sernee eaen Bunoay u 1st Sunday 7M pjn. bDamaculato Ceneeptiea Ctarefe CMlMlte . Transfiguration Mlsttoa WalUea. N. CL Bar. John J. Harper. Pastor .; Smu a WM First Sunday of aacb montk 11 00 a. an. - ' "' Every Sunday following M a. m ; OMfTiesa are naia upsoure m ot Jem No. 1 of new Lee Building. WsUaoe). .. This dlreetory ts made pesafble. tbreagh tae it ' eeeperatloa ef the fenewtng fcasbMss flrsaat ' v : WACCAMAW BANK mvrrf MOTftat CO MP ANT " - tevst ca Desoto 4iymouui -, Pales and Service Kenansvine, M. C. ( ( r i , Keantasvflle '... ' " . BenlavlUe , - less BUI METHODIST CHUKCHEtt WALLACE GROUP W. D CAVINESS Tel 3186 Wallace Every Sunday morning and every Sunday night Fro vide nee First and Third Sun days at S o'clock p. m. BOSE HILL GROUP CHARLES E. VALE Tel. 3511 Bom Hill WABSAW CHARGE Bev. L T. Poole. Minister Telephone 465 WABSAW Varsaw: Every Sunday 11:00 a.m. CARLTON'S CHAPEL Carlton: 1st Sunday 9:30 a.m. 2nd Sunday 7:30 p.m. Srd Sunday 7:30 p.m. TURKEY CHURCH The Turkey Charee was recentiv ormed consisting of Turkey and two tner cnurcnes, with Rev. Ted Jon , student at Duke Divinity School as tor. ' " t , list lit C tMlft A. J. Cavenansb, Jeweler DIAMONDS . .WATCHES Wateh Jewelry : 1 FAISON METHODIST CHARGE Bev. J. W. Dimmette, Minister AISON: First and Second Sunday Mornings at u a.m. Third and Fourth evenings at 7 p.m. 2ALYPSO: Third Sunday Morning at 11 a.m. First Sunday evening t E p.m. CINGS: Fourth Sunday Morning t 11 a.m. Second Sunday evening t 7 p.m. MOUNT OLIVE , CIRCUIT 1st 4 Srd Sunday Services Brewing 10 am. Smith 11 am. 2nd. ,& 4th. Sonday am. Bene 10 am. Brthel U am. 4th Sonday Night Brthel 7:30 DUPLIN CHARGE Bev. C. G. Nlckens. Pastor Kenanevflle Sunday School at 10 a. m. WORSHIP SERVICE 1st Sunday 11:00 A. M. 3rd Sunday 11:00 A. M. Srd Sunday 7:80 P. M. Magnolia Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Snd Sunday night 7:30 o'clock 4th Sunday morning 11:00 o'clock Unity 2nd Sunday 11:00 A. M. 4th Sunday 7:30 P. M. Sere eta Methodist Church Rev. Russell Spence 1st Sunday 11 a.m. Srd Sunday 10 ajn. Wesley Methodist Church st Sunday 10 a.m. rd Sunday 11 a.m. PINET GROVE FBEE WILL BAP TIST CHURCH Bev. Kenneth Carter, pastor. Church , Service, Second Sunday 11100 ajn. , Sunday night Service 7:30 Sunday School 10:00 o'clock each Sonday.' Ladlea Anxfllarv. TnesdsV , nicht after Snd Sunday 730 pjn. . i ; Choir Practice each Wednesday night.' x 77T- " T7- FINK HILL V 1 S.-n. Mlnktar TeL 17 SS Woodland First Sunday' Moroinf - . M , - - .' na mra sunuay Digm i Pink Hill Second and Fourth Sua-' days. Morning ana Nignt n ; ; BealavUle Holiness Chorch ? W; B. W. Craft, Pastor 7 4'. - Second Sunday ' Sunday School at 10 o'clock ' '? Preaching Service at 11 o'clock : Prayer meeting, Wednesday night at T o'clock IJmestene Advent Chrlr Partor Rev. Lloyd WhL . Sundays, Every Sunday mornftlk 1 10:00 un, i Services 1, X S and 4 Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Services laS Sunday 7:30 p.m. t prayer Meeting S and 4 Sunday ' 7:80 pjn. - DB. H W. OOLWELL f' i ty-ivi: Optstaetrist ;; 7 j- ; N Wallace, North Csrollns . Office Phone: SOU lUetdenoe: M46 one-third are unknown. ; , 'New dsugs snd improved meth, ods of surgery have been effective in saving lives from TB, but illness from' the disease remains a major problem,' he said. 'Soi long as the people 1 of the United States are threatened by 'hundreds of thous ands of T B cases, particularly in view of the number of unknown cases, control work must not be re laxed.' He said that there is a current and widespread belief among the general public mat TB is practic ally eliminated, and 1 no longer a menace to the public health in spite of these facts. 'Nothing could be further from the truth,' he de clared. , 'However, we must not be too cri tical of this evident apathy because we who are close to the problem are probably greatly at fault for it,' he continued. We have in the past few years emphasized too much the gains made in TB con trol and have not placed sufficient stress upon the failures and set backs.' Meeting concurrently were two other TB organizations, the North Carolina Trudeau Society and the North Carolina Conference of Tu berculosis Workers. At an earlier session today, the possibilities of- tuberculin testing in the TB control program were dis cussed. Monday's sessions included one in which four former TB patients were interviewed by Miss Margery Henley, Field Representative with the N. C. State Board of Public Welfare. A total of 236 medical and lay people attended the meetings. New Disease Is Found On Tobacco a t .1 one t i . received f.oin te C.i i. Todd... r.; .v.. , ' He said both blue mold and anth racnote can be prevented by the same control methods. Any of the fungicides containing the proper ac tive percentage of " ferbara, zineb and maneb applied as a spray or dust treatments will prevent both diseases and reduce losses from a third disease, damping-off. ' Beds should be treated twice a week and a repeat treatment should (Con tinned From Front Page) be applied if one is washed off by rain Todd advised1 treating until transplanting to the field is com plete. Certain streptomycin formula tions tuch as Phytomycin- Agri-my-cin 100 and others are not recom mended for use on flue-cured to bacco plant beds for anthracnose control, Todd stated. He said these treatments will do a 'fair job' of controlling blue mold, if applied once a week, but they do not con trol anthracnose or damping-off, which are just as dangerous. .'Iff T "1 I 'V-, " ', . ;, M. D. (Doug) Shivar, Representative DALE'S MONUMENTS Night Phone 2641 Kenansville, N. C. Nearby Anthracnose has been found in Tar Heel tobacco plant beds in Bladen, Columbus, Sampson and Wayne Counties, according to a re port from Furney A. Todd, plant pa thologist for the N. C. Agricultural Extension Service. This is a relatively new disease to this area, Todd said, being first dis covered in this state in 1951. Last year it was found in untreated beds in practically every county in the state where tobacco is grown. Blue mold is already scattered throughout the Border and East. uviuuio rui REDWOOD ' PONBEROSA AND 5 SPRUCE PANELING t S AB Types of S Plywood f At WEST COAST Lumber Co. A $ Dial 6670 Wilmington, N. C. V Sam's Drug Store Rose Hill, N. C. COM! COAL! We have it Tea will want H Get It new A be sore We Deliver GAMIER coal coimm Warsaw, N. O. Old Photographs Restored PORTRAIT S Commercial PHOTOGRAPHY Parties, Anniversaries and Identification Photos. WE SPECIALIZE IN WEDDING PICTURES LANIER STUDIO Phone 6341 WALLACE, N. C. Sittings Nights and Sundays By Appointment ' OOOOOOOOOOOf FOR SALE LUMBER, MOULDING, PLUMBING SUPPLIES SASH & DOORS. AS BESTOS SIDING, ROOF ING OF ALL KIND, PLASTER, ROCK LATH, SHEETROCK, MORTAR, BRICK, CEMENT BLOCKS, PAINTS AND BUILDERS HARDWARE GUTTER, TERRA COT TA PIPE WELLS STOCKYARDS WALLACE, N. C. AUCTION EVERY THURSDAY BUYING AND SELLINGS DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY OFFICE PHONES 80016171 D. L. WELLS NIGHT PHONE 2211 JACK P WELLS NIGHT PIIONE 2217 Phone 2836 BR SURE INSURE WITH TURNER & TURNER INSURANCE AGENCY L. C. Turner, Jr. T. J. Turner Elsie Taylor Rose Watlington Pink Hill, N. C. see us For All Kinds of Insurance LOANS LIFE INSURANCE Fire, Rents, Profits, Cargoes, Bridges, Fine Arts, Lightning Leasehold, Riot A Civil. Commotion, Commissions, Inland Marine, Tonrist Baggage, Sprinkler Leakage, Hail, Hulls, Ma rine, Floaters, Tornado, Aircraft, Explosion, Windstorm, Anto moblle. Parcel Post, Earthquake, Registered Mall, General Covers, and Business Interruption. Z.J. CARTERS SOU WALLACE, N. C. GEO. P. PRIDGEN Plumber STATE LICENSED PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SUPPLIES BATHROOM EQUIPMENT HOT WATER HEATFJtS WATER PUMPS KITCHEN SINKS Phone 473 WARSAW, N C. EXPERT TUBELESS TIRE RECAPPING SERVICE All Makes All Sizes TIRE SALES COMPANY Phone 6896 Wallace, N. C FOR SALE APPROXIMATELY 125,000 COMMON BRICK AT MUCH BELOW MARKET PRICE. MAKE US AN OFFER ON ALL OR PART AND SAVE. GARBER BRICK COMPANY WALLACE, N.C. CUSTOM FRAMING MIRRORS FOB FR AMINO MATS Ernest Glass Co, CIS E. Ash St. Phone 2778 , Geldsboro, N. C. STOP v BUY , - SAVE B.A.K. GAS STATION LOCATED NEXT TO DUPLIN MOTORS WARSAW, N. Cc GAS FOB LESS Regular 29c Per Gallon , Hi-Test 31c All Brands of Oil BELTON D. BONSHEW - Owners MATTUt S. MNSHEW . f It IIP o o o FOR RENT S oooooooooooooooooooooooo o o HOUSES & APARTMENTS g - In , 2 Kenansville and Warsaw 2 A. J. STRICKLAND Warsaw q OR O Mrs. Belton Minshew Phone 554 Warsaw O Phone 471 Maq 1st starts a new F-C 3 interest period! Put your money to work at First-Citizens! All savings ac count deposits made on or before May 6th earn 3 in terest from May 1st. f ((C00fl Ask Your Dealer About Our Installment Loan Department! Member F.D.LC. We never forget to "THANK YOU" Pink Hill Kinston " N. C ioooooooooooooooooooooooo y

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