o o o o , O r o o o o o o o o Q O o o o o o o o ? more shots of the Salk to reach en estimated 30 par cent v :nm has been riven to an of the eligible population wno nave J 70 per sent of the eligible received no vaccine and to reach un (under a(a 30 and pre- an even larger group oi bv per cam women) la North Carolina, a who have not received the second t to Dr. J. W. B. Norton, and-or third innoculatton,' said Dr. i ilealth Officer. -;;,.'. t Norton last week. . ere Is still big Job to be dona . Pointing out that this Job must be ... . M J i j II it fs n ?: mm IXTCnATISXAL TRUCKS FA8HALL TRACTORS. FARM IMPUMWfS RCAWHIRIPOOL-PARTSSERVICE LiAJsiS-anJ' MIKEW COMPAdl INt K1HST0N.H0RTR CAR0UKA-PH0KE4178 -1 ' 1 ' -" y ' ----- ' - roooooooooooooooooooooocM i u -r nATiiiEsori See Your Mathieson Dealer FOR Anhydrous Ammonia WHOLESALE & RETAIL o o o o o o o o o o s o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Phone 2120 Deep Run, N. C. IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0000 DAINTY DAID DREAD .NOTiC-i Cg AL -,..,.aATION ' . The undersigned, having qualified as administrator of the estate of K, J. Dixon, deceased, late of DupUn County. This is to notify all per sons having claims against said es tate to present them to the under signed on or before the 11th day of April, 1958. or this notice will be pleaded .in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment to the undersigned, v This the 8th day of April. 1957. Imerson Ray Dixon, Administra tor of the estate of & J. Dixon; deceased, Route 2, . Mount Olive, N. C. u ;V; - 5 18 6TI.B.D. - NOTICE OF SALE , UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in a certain chattel mortgage executed by wu tiara tester DeVene and Lula E. DeVone, dated the 30th day of May 1956, and recorded in Book 472, page 605. of the Sampson County Reg istry, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said mortgage being by its terms subject to fore closure, and said property therein HactHaI hfluinir lwftAn Mixed under a Claim and Delivery, the undelH signed Mortgagees will offer lor sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at Bostic Farm Equipment Company, ' Inc., Rose Hill, N. C. at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 30, 1957, the following articles of personal property: One Jersey milch cow. One Black mare mule One 2-row Case tractor, 1949 mo del serial no. 5354452. Advertised this the 9th day of Ap ril. 1957. H. D. Arnold and M. F. Bostic Mortgagees' 4 25 2T H.E.P. NOTICE OF ADMDteSftATIOlk The undersigned, having quali fied aa administrators oi toe es- htate of G. L. Summerlin, deceased late of Dunlin County, this is to nntifv all nenans having claims ag ainst said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the Rth iiiv nf Anril 1958 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment to trr. undersigned. This the 8th dsy of April, 1957. Liston D. Summerlin Snd Mrs. Merle S. Lewis, Administrators of the estate of G. L. Summerlin, deceased Mount Olive, N. C. H. E .Phillips, Attorney Kensnsvllle, N. C. 5 16 6T H.E.P. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by DEED of TRUST executed by A. B. Smith, single, dated the 25th day of Sep tember, 1953, and recorded in Book 481 at Page 266 in the office of tne Register of Deeds for Duplin Coun ty, Young M. Smith, Sub. Trustee, will at Twelve O'clock Noon en Wednesday, May 15th, 1957 at the Courthouse door of Duplin County in Kenansville North Carolina sell at public auction for CASH to the highest bidder the following des cribed piece or parcel of land, sit uate, lying and being in the County of Duplin. North Carolina, and described as follows: Myers t . : s - 8 SALES & SERVICE, Skilled Mechanics Shop Service Peerless Turbines & Jet Pumps y, s Ames Irrigation Systems : ' Moto Mower . World's Most Modern Lawn Mower it:-;-'. . . B'.:-1 ..-..: . :.:-; COMPANY1 6:! jsbcrb done m order to provide the great est peesible protection, Dr. Norton said There is reason to believe that the poliomyelitis vaccination pro gram in the State was partly re sponsible for making the 1966 Inci dence of poliomyelitis one of the lowest in the history of North Ca rolina. Only 301 cases were reported through last November 28', he said. At the present time there is not enough Salk vaccine in the State to meet current needs, but plenty will be available soon. The State Legis lature has been asked to allocate $125,000 to the purchase of vaccine. In New York, Mr. Basil O'Connor, President of the National Founda tion for Infantile Paralysis, said last week that "We are entering the third polio season since the vac cine was licensed for use, with a much wider base of vaccinated per sons than ever before, particularly in the most susceptible age group.' 'As new vaccine is released this spring and summer, many more mil lions of people will join the ranks of the vaccinated Mr. O'Connor said. 'The job done thus-far,' he emphasized; 'should not make us relax our efforts to make sure that Sll persons especially those below the age of 40, are vaccinated against polio as soon as possible. The State and national goal is to vaccinate all persons through age 39. H. V. i ;re m surveyed and plat ted by F. U Pottr wlUnn said map is recorded -in book 17 page 4i Register of Deeds . office Duplin County, reference to which registry is hereby made for more definite descriauon of said land. ; - This is the Identical property de scribed In deed from Herbert D, Middleton and wife, Lela Mlddleton to A. B. Smith dated October 27, 1917 end recorded la Book 190, Page 489 in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Duplin county. This sale is made on account of default in navment of the indebted' ness secured by said Deed of Trust. .This sale is made-subject to all unpaid taxes and assessments, and other liens, the payment of which shall be assumed by the purchaser. A five per cent 5) cash deposit will be required of the highest bid der 'at the sale. a ' '7 j This the 28th day of March, 1957. Young M. Smith, Substitute ' Trustee - : S 9 4T. W. E. C. , NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND :.j - . --' UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the nr nt uls contained in a cer tain deed of trust executed by Psul Wilkins snd wife, Hovema i. wu- Irln Ann rfoforf ths 30th dav of No- mW. IB5S and recorded in Book 485, Page SB, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of uupun coun ty, North Carolina, default having hun mada In the aavment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust neing Dy me terms thereof subject to foreclosure, th undM-alened Trustee wll loffer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder lor1 casn at me Cniirthnuse Door in Kenansville. North Carolina, on the 16th day of May, 1957 at 12:00 e'cloek noon, the property, described in said oeea oi trust lying snd being in Limestone TownshiD. Duplin 'County, North Carolina mid described as follows: State of North Carolina, and Lime stone Township, County of DupUn, State of North Carolina, and more narticuiarly described as roiiows. Ttosinnlnir at s hlark Bum on J J. Williams line, thence with his line to the Church land, then with it. ltn tA John R Millar's line, then with hii Una tn Sanders Basden'a line to a plne tree, John Deavor's line, then wita nis nne mj be ginning corner gum,' containing ten (10) acres, more or less, o ftm mrrr-me nt the above des1 cribed1 tract or parcel of land being i TiMaatnn Taiimfilliiv Dunlin County, North Carolina, and 4-10 acres of ue ac-ove aescrioea mo mt land twin in Rlehlands Tnwtuhlii . ftnalAW 'Cnuntv. North Carolina, 'containing 10 acres in its entirety. ' And being' the same land describ- .I n riaH frnm Ura. C. R. Sand- Un. Widow, of C. R. Sandlin, et als. to Kichard wnaiey, recoraea ib nv sas P. 74 nf ths PnbliC Registry of Duplin County, to which reference si hereby maae. Ai hon tha uma land describ- 4 n 4mm Hlehard Whale y and his wife, Mae Whaley, made the 39th day of November, 1953, to Paul Wilkins and wife, Rovenla T. Wilkins, filed in the Office of the Register-of Deeds -of Duplin Coun ty November 30, 1953, to which re-: ference is hereby nan. The successful bidder will be re quired to deposit ten (10) per cent of his aid as eviaence oi gooa una, This the loth day oi April, iwi. Vance B. Gavin Trustee 9 4T V.B.G. NOTICE OF RESALE Under and' by virtue of Luthor- itv of a Judgment of the Superior Court of Duplin County entered in that Special Proceeding entitled: u W. Swlnson, Administrator, C.TA. of the estate of J. D. Swinson, de ceased, vs Eva J. Swinson et als',' and being Special Proceeding no. 297L duly filed in the office of the Clerk of Superior uoun oi Duplin County, the undersigned Commissioners will offer for resale for cash, to the highest bidder the Third Tract Fourth Tract. Fifth Tract and Sixth Tract hereinafter described, at the hour of 12:00 Noon on Friday, May 3, 1957 at the Court house Door in Kenansville, North Carolina, all those certain tracts or parcels of land situated in Duplin County .State of North Carolina, and being described as follows: THIRD TRACT: Situated in Du nlin County. North Carolina, and bounded as follows: Adjoining the land of M H. Hodees on tne South and east; A. T. Swinson heirs on the North; L. D. Brock heirs on the West and Jessie and John W. Swinson, snd being all that tract of land in Faison Township, Duplin County, North Carolina, and known as the J. E. Swinson homeplace, consisting of approximately 288 ac- I res' and being the same lands des- cleared 1 i said Lot i K 3 consist ing of U acres of woocUland, refer ence is hereby made to said map tor the lands herein conveyed and (or lands exoepted from this con veyance. The ebove being same lands in Book ,424, page; 294, Du plin County Registry, Vj FOURTH TRACT; All that cer tain tract er ' parcel of land con taining 1 acres, more or less, on Calf Pasture . Branch, as will appear In a deed from Jesse L. Swinson and Wife to 3. D. Swinson as recorded in Book 170, page 451, of the Du plin County Registry, reference be ing had for a more accurate and complete description of same. FIFTH TRACT: BEGINNING at 'stake on ran of Kings Branch on an old Mill site, running South 86 degrees M minutes West 109 feet to a stake; 'thence South 70 degrees 35 minutes West 482 feet to a stake; thence South '53 degrees 00 minutes West 002 feet to a pine; thence South 74 degrees 25 minutes West 1808 feet to an iron Stake on Fai son and Kenansville road; thence up said; road North 14 degrees 95 min utes West 847 feet to an iron stake on said Mad; thence North 70 1-4 East 2608 feet to a stake on run of Kings Branch; thence down run of Kings Branch to the , beginning, containing , 36 acres, , more or less. The above lands being the First Tract aa set forth and described in a deed from L. J. Summerlin et ux to J. D. Swinson as recorded in Book 190,; page 567, of the Duplin County Registry. SIXTH TRACT: Known as 'Jack island BEGINNING at a stake at the mouth of a diteh on run of Kings Branch about 275 or 300 feet South of an old Mill Site, running with the ditch North 29 degrees 45 minutes East 816 1-2 feet to a stake, Pott's corner; thence South 93 East 759 feet to a stake; thence South 50 degrees 30 minutes East 1707 feet to s stake; thence Sduth 48 degrees West 726 feet to ruu of Kinfts Branch; thence up run of King's Branch to the beginning, contain ing 33 acres, more or less. The above lands being the Second Tract as set forth and described in a deed rrom u, j. summerun ei ux w j. D. Swinson as secorded in Book 190 page 567 of the Duplin County Registry. The bid on the Third Tract and Fourth Tract ( will begin in the acme of J. B. Jones at Ten Thou sand, Six Hundred and Fifty Five ($10,655,000) Dollars. The bid om the Fifth Tract and Sixth Tract will begin in the name of J. P. Harmon at Two Thousand, Seven Hundred and. Eighty ($2, 780:00) Dollars. A ten per cent deposit will be re quired of the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. Advertised this the 17th day of April; 1957. Robert L. West, Commissioner H. E. Phillips, Commissioner E. Walker Stevens, Commissioner Henry A.- McKlnnsn, Jr., Commissioner 5 2 3THJC.P. roaJ luio the i-t. CUve roa4 i ruas wiuj tne said, tiierry roau North 21 East 12S8 feet to an iron stake in the center pf the said road; J, H. Cherry's comer;, thence South 65 1-2 East 158 feet to a pine, corn er of school lot; thence North 86 East 16 -1; feet to en- iron- stake; thence North 20 East 492 feet to an Iron stake in the J. H. Sullivan line; thence with his line North 84 1-2 East 178 feet to a pine, SuUlvan and Grady's corner; "thence South 20 1-2 East 2359 feet to ;' Pine stump, Grady and Hill'i corner; thence South 67 West 840 feet to S stake at the center of the Mt. OUve road; thence with ssid road North 54 West 1360 feet to the beginning, contelnlng S7.1 acres, more or less. ' SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING at a pine stump, Frank Wilkins cor ner and runs Witn said wiixins uni North S 1-2 East 660 feet to a stake Dail & Hill's corner in Wilkins line; thence North 52 West 792 feet to a black gum. Hill's corner; ttence South 34 West 462 feet to a gum, Hill's corner; thence South 17 East 858 feet to stake, Frank quinn's snd Hill's corner: thence North 84 East 677 feet to the beginning, con taining 17 1-4 acres, more or less. '. The above two tracts' of land be ing Lots Nes. 1 and 1A as allotted to Beatrice Hill Sullivan in Special Proceeding No. 1572. of the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County, and being further the same lands as set forth and de scribed in a deed from Beatrice Sul livan to John Henry Sullivan et als as recorded in Book 456, page 540, of the Duplin County Registry. A ten per cent deposit will be re- auired nf the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. The bid will begin in the name of C. L. Quinn at the Drice ol 93.rn.au. Advertised, this the 24th day of Ajsril, 1957 ' H. E. Phillips, Commissioner 5 9 2T H. E. P. A -ten per cent d..pv i v 1U be required of the succet-uful bidder as evidence of good faith. The bid will begin in the 9c,i. u Quinn in the amount of $2255.00. Advertised, this the 24th day ol April. 1967. ' r ' l - ' H. E Phillips, Commissioner Paul B. Edmund son, Coaunis -i sioner i of .4 t..4 aai,.. empires. i t Mary Baker Eddy Great men are they who see that' spiritual is stronger than any, mar,, terial force that thoughts rule the v worM. ' -'' : Emerson, NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as Exe cutor of the Last Will and Testa ment of Thomas J. McGowen, new deceased-, late of Duplin County, North Carolina; this is to notify all persons having claims ' against his said estate to present them to the undersigned Executor on er before the 17th day of April, 1958, or this notice will, be pleaded in bar of their recovery. . All persons indebted to said es tate will please make Immediate payment Tnls I7tn day or April, irof. Faison W. McGowen, Executor et Last Will and Testament of Thomas J. McGowen . 8 23 6T V.B.G. NOTICE OF RESALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AUTHORITY and acting under au thority of an Order of the Superior Court of Duplin County, made in that Special Proceeding entitled: W C. Sholar and others vs. Lula Sholar Raynor and others and being Special Proceeding No. 3008. brought and pending before 'the Clerk of Super ior Court of Duplin County, the undersigned Commissioners will offer for re-sale at public auction at the Courthouse Door in Kenans ville. North Carolina, on Saturday, May 11, 1957, at the hour Of 12:00 Noon, all that certain tract or par cel of land situated in Cypress Creek Towisship, DupUn County, North Carolina and being described ss follows: All those two certain tracts or parcels of land, one containing 6 1-2 acres and one tract containing 20 acres, as set forth snd described in s deed rrom w. i. nocneue, et ua, to S. J. L. ShOlar, dated December 1922. as recorded in Book zei, page 616 of the Duplin County Re gistry, reference being had for a more complete ana accurate descrip tion of same, - And further being the same lands an set forth snd described in a deed from L. C. Sholar, Sr., et als to W. C. Sholar and E. C. Sholar as re corded in Book 504, page 394, of, the CnJ-; ri mm ft ii ''l O I - , J Ll L V J Ci Lias Vs 1r World' J and , PORTABLE TYPEWRITER WRITE OB CALL TYPEWRITER INSPECTION CO. 5th & Greenfield Sts. ! ' Phone 5092 - , ( i WILMINGTON . OCR REPRESENTATIVE WILL pALL ON YOU WHEN . . . I Company comes in unexpectedly.' You feel too tired to cook for the family. . You wish to entertain the Bridge Club Sunday School Class or Office Staff. r You wish to throw a surprise birthday party OR ANY TIME YOU WANT A TASTY, , BALANCED MEAL . . CALL 1463 GRIFFIN'S BARBECtJE 80S 8. George St. . Recommended by Duncan Mines Goldsboro '7 f Ve7anlYourllcos W Py A PremiuiiFwrTej Quality Kog , See Us or CaU 21C3, Clinton, N. C. OPERATED BY LUNDY PACKING COMPANY f I , . Dayiaj Days Are Mondayt Throufb , ' rrl-'ay 8 a. rx UziH 5 p. a. NOTICE OF TAX SALE North Carolina Duplin County f Under and by virtue of authority of a judement entered in the Su- Pperior Court of Duplin County, North Carolina, in that certain Civil Action entitled: 'Duplin County vs Charlie J. Rogers and wife, Pear lie Rogers: Thad Rogers: It E. Phillips Trustee: J. T. Flythe, Trus tee,' and being Civil Action Number B 10-513 duly filed in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County, North Carolina, the Undersigned Commissioner will Of fer for sale for cash to the highest bidder at the couothouse door in Kenansville, North Carolina, at the hour of 12:00 noon on the 20th day of May, 1957, the property describ ed in said' Judgment, and said lands being situated in Wolfscrape Town ship, Duplin County, North Caro lina, and being described as follows, to-wite :y- : . Being the same lands described in deeds recorded in the Duplin Coun ty Registry in Book 423 page 287 and Book 373 page 337 to which re ference is had. ' - ." A ten per cent deposit will be required- of the successful bidder as evidence1 of good faith. Advertised this, the Wh day, of April. 1957..'-; -" ( - .. Harry L. Phillips, Commissioner 5 9 4T D. Co. t . NOTICE OF RESALE ; UNDER AND , BY VIRTUE OF AUTHORITY of an Order of Re sale by the Oerk of Superior Court of Duplin County, entered hi, that Special Proceeding entitled: 'Bea trice , HiU :SulUvan; John Henry Sullivan; Mary Ann Sullivan; and Thomas Jackson Sullivan, a minor, by hia next friend, B. L. Hill, Ex Parte and being Special Proceed' ing No. 3025, duly filed in the office of Clerk of Superior Court of Du plin Counay, the undersigned Com missioner will offer. for resale for cash at the Courthouse Door in Kenansville; North Carolina, at the hour of 12:00 o'clock Noon, on the 11th day of May 1957. all timber that will cut or measure ten Inch es or more in diameter, measured across the stump ten inches above the ground at the time of cutting, situated on the lands as hereinafter described, with the privilege of in gress and egress, for the purpose of cutting and removing the timber for a period of two years, and said tinv ber being situated on those certain tracts or parcels of land situated in Wolfscrape Township, Duplin Coun t7, Etnte of llorth CrroUre s-1 t : HI SPECIAL RANGE VALUES WrRE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE' THAT. THROUGH THE COOPERATION OF THE DEALERS LISTED BELOW. MEMBERS WHO PURCHASE THEIR FIRST ELECTRIC RANGE DURING MAY - JUNE WILL RECEIVE: ' '-V:'', TW$ OUTSTAriOlNe OFFEK IS AYJUULOE OKLY THROUGH THE .ROWIKS PARTICIPATING DEALERS: . k v i f KENANSVILLE, N.C. M. B. Holt Company (No Wiring) WARSAW, N..C; 1 tv. K . f Farmers Hardware. & Merchandise Kh Company, Inc. I Page Home Appliances -" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i' r BEULAYILLE, N. C , , - Ilarrell's Department Store A, i ' GOLDSBOSO, N. C. i ' it : Bell-Stuart Furniture Co. Holland Hardware Company Farmers Supply Company . ' Sears Roebuck & Company 1 Goodyear Service Store J 1 Live Wire Electric V j Electric Sales & Service (No Wiring) Sutton-Lewis Furniture Company , (No Wiring) " . ' - ' 1 MOUNT OLIVE, N. C. ' Garner Brothers Summerlin Electric Service ',! Jordan & Sutton Appliances - Lowe s Firestone ;, LAGRANGE, N. C. Bell-Stuart Furniture Co. PIKE VILLE, N. C. 4 ; , Thompson Electric & Plumbing FREMONT, N. C. . Aycock-Selby Company, Inc. - FAISON, N.C R.D. Precythe ' NEWTON GROVE. Newton Grove Furniture Co. , PINK IHLL, N. C. 1 v Belle Oil Company, Tne. TPJ-G0UNTY ELECTRIC

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