. TVS DUPLIN TIMES, KENANSV1IXE, N. THCE33AT, E-mza 5, 10 ' T MRS. OARRIE J. SCOTT . Mrs. Jasper Bell visited her bro ther and -wife; 'Mr: and' Mrs. Bex . Price at , Fort Meade, Md., during last -week nd. She was accompan . led by her mother, Mrs.' Alice Price lUcCf Zion Community, , :. l,,;,,. ? Mri and Mrs, Gurnle Scott, BeUn- , da Scott, Jua Scott, Fred Scott and Mrs. Eva Nethercutt spent the week .end at Topsail Acres .,., f;,r';4' '"-Mrs. Billie Price,? Walton Price, Mrs, Xeslla Hfll and Miss toU Price from 1 near Zion visited - the George Waters Sunday afternoon , . Miss Patricia ' Carter It an oper-'"- ative patinet in Wayne Memorial -hospiUO. Mr, ' and Mrs. ' Jesse Sutton and family spent Sunday with Rev and MrsvI E. Jones at Sarecta;tfVs" Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kornegay of Ooldsboro were visitors in the Ben nie Outlaw home Thursday night. Week end visitors in the home of Mrs. Tiny BUxzard; were Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Lee Brinson and chil dren of Winston Salem. j':''vi,5v , : jsaue - summerlin oi . saiemburg spent Friday night ana . Saturday with J.:W, Waters.'.. ',' 5 Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge Carter of Mfc Olive were week end visitors in the Elbert Carter home.; . j Mr. Robert Outlaw vu visiting iMr. and Mrs". Buck Hill and fan- ily Were dinner ' guests Sunday of Mri and Mrs; Irvin Hill near Brocks Chapel. 1 1 IS--; Vs. f I 1.1 It, Yell ov Rose FEEDS 2 SEE US or ' YOUR LOCAL DEALER For t All Your FEED NEEDS. t nnn rnnn , .. -. t . '--V. -,'. J ; .. ; a Manufactured by ' fllJfRPRIZE FEED MILL ,v!SLGin1ier Stl " Mt Olive, N. C. Phone 2281 Friday & Saturday Septobr 6&7 Hundreds of Items To iCfiQose f From iiriillilYeiv 6ara SHOP .BELK tLERS FJRST & SAVE . Miss Susie Outlaw, accompanied by Harvey Baker, Grace Baker and Frank Baker of Kenansville visited In New Bern Saturday. . fThe YPJl. of tong Ridge church met "in the home of Mrs, Thelma Sutton Friday night Mr. and Mrs.'M. E. Dall of Roc ky Mount vUited Mrs. Delia Dall Sunday- v : v, & l ' iMr. and Mrs. Edgar Brltt of Tur key visited In the Bob Waters home Sunday, t Cooper Puckett returned home with them for a few . weeks visit fWy,-1;gi;! .Mrs. Jim Brltt and babyf. Gran tham spent several days last week with the George Waters. : 4 ; Mrs. Sadie' Padgett, Mrs. "Nellie Spell and Alice rJoah visited Mrs- Mary Susan Holmes at Cabin Suit- day. K-;.rf ;S.r7"'V-"b- Miss Mary 'Anne Sullivan, spent the week end with her family here. Miss Sullivan .is from Kingsport, Tenni':WMw i -.. Herman Hargraves and Jerry, re turned home Tuesday from several Weeks stay In Canada during to bacco season, s Mr. and Mrs. Edd Carter visited. relatives in Bose Hill and Wallace Those visiting in the Edd Korne-' gay home Sunday' were Mrs., Pearl Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith and children, Indian Springs, Mr. and Mrs.' Currie Smith and family, Smith Chapel; Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Phillips and children of Kenans ville. ' Mrs. Leon Kornegay and Mrs. Ma rion Brandon of Wilmington were among those attending the birthday celebration of Ernest Kornegay at the Pleasant Grove community building Sunday. , ' Miss1' Claricy Sutton spent the week end with Miss Sallie Brock of Brock; Chapel area. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jones and Bobby Outlaw visited in the Da vid' Jones home Sunday at Sarecta. Frank DeMonner spent last week at Kenansville ' with the Hubert Phillips family. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waters of Seven. Springs spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Waters. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Kornegay of Raleigh were Sunday visitors of tne -Clayton-rttes. : -Mrs, Dorzey Whaley spent Satur day night In the G arm an Hill home at Deep Bun and attended the fun eral of Mrs. Eleanor Brltt on SunM day.: .. . F. D. Waters and son of Goldiboro spent a while with the D. U Scott family Wednesday night. Miss Louise Hill of Durham vis ited her Bister Mrs. George Waters Thursday of last week, i -Mrs. Paul Grady Is spending this week at Barkers Island with her daughter -In i law, Mrs. Randolph Grady. ''.:!?., :Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rivenbark were Friday night' visitors in the Jimmy Barren'TTdineTieSr Mt Olive. -' Mri and Mr. W. O. Jones were week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones in Summerlins Cross roads section. Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Summerlin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Willie Singleton at Beulaville. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Holmes, Mrs. Lonnie Holmes and Mrs. Bow den of Kenansville visited Mrs. Sadie Padgett Saturday night v Edward Sutton of Cary was a caller in the Jasper Bell home re cently. Thoae visiting Mrs. Amanda Sut ton Saturday were Mr. ana- Mrs. Joe Orlawsky, Grifton; Mrs. Mar vin Brock and Mrs. Lucy Coltrane of Brocks Chapel vicinity. Miss Marie Thigpen of Golasboro spent Labor Day home wtm ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roiana Tnig V- - . , Mr. and Mrs. currie uau visnea the Jonas Dails Monday afternoon. DEPOSIT YOUR TOBACCO MONEY III THE NEAREST preference Depositors are given in making loans - . Loans on -a -:- Real Estate Life Insurance -:- Stocks -:- Bonds MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS ON NEW AND LATE MODEL ; -V ' 5. USED CARS." - , ,l ' " f Lt7iee;rj"ia;ir;:; - BANK ANP TRUST, COMPANY ' KENANSVILLE. ) , - t . BEULAVILLE Your account in the Waccamaw Bank insured up to " ' $10,003.00 by the Federal Deposit Insur8ce Corporation. MB 't ' BT MRS, CARL IVEY Mr. and .Mrs, Tom Parker and children Tommie and , Connie of Glenburnle, Md Randolph Stroud and Billle Stroud of Rockville. Md. Mr. and Mrs. Ivey. Miller of Bear Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. BUI Dall of Scott's Store visited-in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Colon Garner Sunday. Mrs. - Robert- L.; Summerlin and son, Robin of Portsmouth, Va vis ited relatives in this area last week. Mrs.' Annie Rose Bell of Kinston spent the week end In the home of Mr. and Mrs? Leslie Bell, and Mr. and Mrs J. B. Godbold. ; -Mrs. Robert B. Ivey, Mrs. - Allen Fritz and daughter, . Jean of Golds- boro, Mr. and Mrs. James B. South' erland and children Eva Jan and Danny Craig. Danny Craig of Pink Hill visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ivey during the week end. , Mr. and Mrs; Alvin Williams and children, Linda Alvah and Alvin of Washington, P. C, spent the holi days in the home of H. J. Summer lin. .. Msjt.. Norman Lee Batchelor and children, Terry, Butchie. Carolyn, Charles, Betsy and Johnny return ed to their home in Jacksonville, Florida, last . Wednesday following a visit with Mr. and Mrs. John I. Aman, Sr. Mr. and . Mrs. Bernard Goodson and children, Paul and Barbara of Greenville visited Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Jernigan during the week end. The ReV. and Mrs. Marvin Whit field and son, Steyie who have been residing in Greenville, S. C, are spending several days with Mr. and Mrs, Elbert Whitman before mov ing to Robersonvflle where the Rev. Whitfield will assume his duties as pastor of the Pentecostal Holiness church. Mr. and Mrs. Andy W. Ivey visit ed Cleveland Outlaw who is a pa tient in Duplin General Hospital, Kenansville, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Parrish and children, Sherry Lynn and Norman Gregory of Castalia, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. McPherson and children, Ce die, W. L, Sandra, Charles and Don of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutton and eon Dan of Mount Olive Mrs. Ella Outlaw, Norman Outlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Summerlin and Miss Janice Summerlin attend ed the Heath' Reunion at the home of Willi Heath .of Wallace Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bell and son James, visited In the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Elmore Bell of Kenans ville Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Cherry and' James L. Creech of Hyattsvllle, Md. are spending several days with re latives In this area. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Brown and daughter, Pamela Gay, Mrs. Walter Hinson and son Walter visited Wal ter Hlnson at Wilson Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. John I. Aman, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Batchelor and daughter, Jean, of, Ooldsboro, visited Mr.- -and Mrs. John I. Aman, Sr., last Monday. ; Mr. and MrS. Raymond Ivey and Clarence Bodeford of Lumberton, visited in the home of Mr and Mrs. Norman Outlaw during the week end. Vickie Goodson of Greenville vis ited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Jernigan last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Whitman, Patricia Whitman, Mrs. Julia Jones, the Rev. and Mrs. Marvin Whitfield and Stevie Whitfield were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stokes' West brook o fKenansvllle last Friday. Mrs. Eddie Goodman and daugh ter, Martha Kay were week end guests in the home of Mrs. Thur man Davis of Mount Olive. . Mr. and Mrs. William T. Rhodes and children, Gary and Brenda and Linwood Rhodes of Raleigh spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs Cyrus Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Jones and children Arwillia and Bill accom panied by Mrs. Ledford Sumner and daughters, Patsy and Susie of LaGrang spent the week end at Atlantic Beach. Miss Abbie Vause of Richmond, Va., and Mrs. Cresson Ivey, Sr., are spending several days in Ruther ford ton at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. Charles B. Vause .They at tended the wedding of their nephew David Vause last Saturday. Donald Alphln of Lansing, Michi gan Art Clancey ot Cedar Ra pids, Iowa, Wendell Alphln and Fred Alphin, Jr, spent part of last week at Top Sail Beach. Miss Carol Bell of Kenansville spent the week end with Miss Pa tricia Whitman. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Rhodes and daughter, Tonie, Mr. and Mrs. Wll and Brenda spent Sunday at Surf Ham T. Rhodes and children Gary City. t 'i Bill Whisnant of Raleigh visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alphin, Sr., last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Herring and children Linda and Richard of Wil mington spent the holidays with Mrs. Bessie A. Herring.' f Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bobbins and children, Jackie, Gary, Brenda, and Brooks visited Mr and Mrs. Alan Brown last Friday enroute to their home in Washington, D. C. Miss Linda Alphin left Tuesday for Greenville, where she will be a student at East Carolina College, Mrs. Fred Alphin, Sr., accompan ied her to Greenville. , ' -.. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Cheek and daughter Sandra, of Greenville, S. C, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Crocker Of Peters burg,;; Vai, Clayton Holmes of Lau rinburg, Mr. and Mrs. TJool' Holm? es of Rocky Mount spent several days with relatives in this area due to the' illness and death of Major Holmes. jy S -C ,1 T.' ' ' . vln ot Faison. Mr. and Mrs. Ted: and, Mrs Ralph Sutton and son Garner and son Timmie of Mount Douglas, of Long Ridge,8 Mr and Qlive, Joseph E. Garner of Rich- i Mrs. D. U Cherry and sons, Ronald, lands, Johnny Lively of Biloxi, Roger, and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. MlssMrs. Lou C Pate, Mrs. Carl Ivey and daughter, Lorraine Speight Hill, Mrs..Mott Sutton. Mr. and Samuel Brown. f i a pearl orchid '.,"! f4.. MRS. WILLIAM CARL ADAMS Miss Waller Weds Mr. Adams In CJiurch Ceremony Tie marriage of Miss Helen Knr- nefay Waller, daughter of S. J. Wal ler of Mt. Olive and Mrs.. Helen K. Waller of Rose Hill to Mr. WMiam Carl Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grover A. Adams of Seven Springs took place Wednesday, August 28 at the Outlaws BrMge Universallst Church. The Rev. Bowering officiated. Miss Kay Johnson soloist, and Ed gar Wells, Jr., organist presented a program ot Wedding Music. Glvtn in marriage by ker father, the bride wore a caantilly lace gown with portrait neckline edged with a wide lucked fold cttj.ll and. appllqurd lace medallions, pointed bodice md hire tunic over the full skirt. Th-j tu'ls Suit ruffle form ed a ciapel train. Her two - tiered veil of lnp?r"d illusion was attach-, tiara. She carried a white prayer or. a ed to white book. Little Miss Joy HucUon, piece of the bridegrom waj flower rl. She wore a white organdy dress with matching flowers. Mr. Adams, the bridegroom's fath er was best man. A reception was given by the bride's mother following the cere mony in the Fellowship Room of the Church. I Mrs. Adams was a student at Meredith College last year and will enter Atlantic Christian College as a sophomore in September. The bridegroom graduated from Dell School of Medical Technology and has served two years in the army. He will continue his studies at At lantic Christian College this fall Following their wedding trip the couple will be at home In Wilson. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e e o pooooooooooooooooooooooo 1 (Mo R. S. 10-57 Reg. Price $219.95 "our VvULK Refrigerator Model 5-80-57 Reg. Price $229w hoice WOMAN9 AtmLLIARY HELD LAST FRIDAT ' . i The Woman's Auxiliary of the Rooty Branch Church met last Fri day night-in the home of Mrs. Wal ter Hinson with Mrs. Minnie Sum merlin co-hostess. The program topic 'Send Qt The Light To Thy Prayer Warriors,' was presented with the scripture being taken from Luke. A special feat ure was given in ti'e form of a poem written by James Montgomery. Mesdames J. B. Godbold and E. M. Whitman were elected as dele gates to -the next auxiliary conven tion to be held at the Assembly Grounds September -19. The meet ing was closed with prayer by Mrs. Eddie Goodman. The hostesses served ice cream Mrs. topped with peaches and cookies du Ding the social hour. YOUNG PEOPLE'S CLASS OK ROOTY BRANCH CHURCH ENJOY WEINER ROAST Mr. and Mrs. Alan Brown enter tained the young people's class of the Rooty Branch Church with a weiner roast at their home in the Summerlin's Cross Roads Commun ity last Friday night. Attending were Anny Ivey, Bll. lie Joe Ivey, Linda Alphln, ck Alohln. W. D. Cherry, Arwillia Jones, Melvin Rogers, Judy Bell and Grace Brogden. GARNER'S ENTERTAIN AT A DINNER. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Garner enter tained at their home Sunday in the Summerlins Cross Roads commun ity with a dinner in honor of Mrs. Garner's brother and sister in law, Mr. and Mrs. Gideon F. Cherry of Hyattsville, Md. Those attending- were Mr." and Mrs. Mack Stocks of Greenville, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Arnett and daugh ter Deborah of Pink Hill, Mr. and Arthur Arnett and son. Mar- o o o o AND OLD APPLIANCE ALSO S-10.4 Cu. Ft. g Ketrigerator SWasheneg. NOW Reg. $279.95 $249.95 $194.95 $149.95 O O o o o o o o o o o o, o o MtQ Special FRIGLDAIRE hod Freezer $27500 Or $22.00 Per Cu. Ft. LIMITED TIME ONLY forifer -BrM tiers o o o o o o o o ;o o o o o. o o o o o 4fc w o o o o o o o o o e o o e o o o o o e O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o. MT. OLIVE. N. C. OOOOOOOOOOOOOPOOOOOOOOOOI Ess PAINS OF HEADACHE, NEURAL GIA. NEURITIS with STANBACK TABLETS or POWDERS. STANBACK combines jevsrsl msdicatly proven pain relievers ... The added enestivensss of these MULTIPLE ingredients brings (aster, mors cometete relief, easing anxiety and tension usually scconvj panying pain, Test STANBACK gainst any preparation you've ever used IJfcMtlWy 1II1E nn To better serve you we have moved to our Gin and Produce Platform office on South Center Street. We are in position to guarantee you quality work in drying, cleaning and ginning your cotton. We buy or trade seed for meal or hulls. We buy cotton at highest market price or secure Government loan and store cotton if desired. Be sure to contact us for quality fuel oil, kerosene, coal, fertilizers, seeds and cotton sheets. Contact us to haul your seed cotton or any services we can offer you. El- O. Harm. B. a WARREN RES. 2S31 Office Phone 2561 S. I WARREN RES. 2316 MT. OLIVE, N. C. HAROLD SUTTON RES. 2526 )sr EZslllla SELL YOUR TOBACCO WITH Charlie Herring A Son Of Duplin At The 0 In liiiiston LEADING KINSTON IN SALES LEADING KINSTON IN HIGH DOLLARS PAID OUT TO FARMERS ASK THE FARMER WHO SELLS WITH US L.