FIXl r - 11 GH DUPllil'S V LARGEST SHOPPING CEIITCR N! -v W ',".1? ' " 7 r 7 vf V- 1 ': J ' .' ' ' ' i" ... V ". ... it t rj-'J.i.- - j -i ... . V. i: ! " jtMftjJa-a. u.-.-.-t. ,w, . .Lyj. iiwitv . !r f " '-. "-v "M. fct "MtW.'V,.",! "fcjl.". "aa.1 ' : . ' 4, . - i " ....... ' , . i I 4 I If 4 I V : 4 1 I 4 i MI-LADY WILL LIKE ONE OF THESE! I .... . 1 ' '. Morgan-Jones No Lint Spread it T" $5.95 fo $9.95 -George Washington Utner l ine Spreads .. u- r-' TV BATES HEIRLOOM SPREADS $27.50 cotaw. $14.95 h.. ; $8.95 to $12.95 BLANKETS BY CHATHAM and BEACON . " - i M nr i. N1 Ar ?V 'Chafliam Orion Nylon Blankets........:.... Oi3 I0 i)l.7J i ' t Beacon Blankets .......I ..... " v 'Electric Blankets i:.f?'-' Other Fine Blankets $3.99 lo $7.95 $19.95 $1.99 fo $10.00 FREE GIFT WRAPPING - r T.AnrRS - T.iNr.F.RiE "-- By; VANITY FAIR . SEAMPRUF SHADOWLINE NYLON TRICOT SLIPS $2.99 to $8.95 PANTIES 69c to $2.50 V GOWNS $2.99 to $10.00 llmaer's Bozzfinzai Store YOUR SHOPPING CENTER Wallace, N.C. Cllli :QUAPIII, LYMAN, F0UIITAIII r - General Jlem & Socials v By J. W. Lanier, Jr.; Reporter - r.. Send him yoor newt and tabsoriptloni t WL 1, CWnapta, 'Mrs. - Marth8 Sholar anJ Mrs. Wlnford Mobley were 'Christmw hoppers In Kinston one day last - Jlrs. " Dessie WUlIams and-Mrs. Ewood WfllUord were on business In Kington one ' day recently, r r Sunday guests of Mrs. Leona Hat- , cher were v Mrs. - Nancy Wdliams, Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Hatcher and family-. . ' - ' . Mrs. Bay Futrell was called home to Barbawvllle, Ky due ' to the sudden death of a nephew. ;M'1 . ' Mrs. Meal Pickett Mrs. Joe Ho ward Williams and Mrs. - Robert Pickett . were v shoppers In ,Oolds- boro recently, r ,?.'!c;r ..,,' Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ludie Brown Sunday were their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Davis and fam ily of Kinston. Mrs. Guy Hatcher. ' . Mr. and Mm Hayes Lanier and family, of Goldgboro were visiting friends-and relatives over the week end. ' " . SHOP IN WALLACE , See. Out Selection r' GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. A. J CAVEIIAUGll JEWELER- PHONE AT B-287 , '.. -.. W"-.. WH WALLACK Mr. end Mrs. J. E. Maready and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Batts. Mr. George Hatcher left Sunday to report back to the Merchant Marines. -v.; v Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Sholar. Mr. and . Mrs. Robert Pickett enjoyed a sea food dinner at Sneada Ferry recently. t. Mrs. Bessie Bradshaw Is visiting her son Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Brad' shaw and family In Payettevllle for a few days. v.-. .a Mrs. Elward Willlford and daugh ter of Kinston Is visiting her par ents.. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Williams for a few days. . Mr. and Mrs. Alpha Edwards nd family . of Beulaville were Sunday guests of her mother, Mrs. eona. Hatcher. - - . - . M-Sgt and Mrs. Norman Pall and family of Raleigh Is home for the holidays, visiting his parents, Mr. Pcinf Up for. Christe i ff . if TRY THIS DIXIE: tmOf Mixed Inside And Outside Palnts.r Many Colera To Choaao : Our Many i J Satisfied - M Customers rrem-Onlr $193 Per GaL- 4r. fa j. , ' Are your Guarantee , . Of Satisfaction , lee's. 5&10, i::c Wallace Burgaw ir S Iff .". A...". .."a I.",:.,,: :a --a .- N .... ' t j.... ,r: Gifts For Tha Home v Give Something Useful, Like A Lamp is Bookcase Sunbeam Mixer Motorola Radio Trr.?D Monarch Iron . , f . "i . ' if H if " We have a lovely selection of Mirrors Round and Square, Tables. 1,1 y.u.Vs:-:in1;;ra?';innlE " 1 - r ' la Wallace ". ' , i 1 in; .aiVi LJLCVA C!A.',:0tO U PETITE 23 Jevnlt, J dltmondt, tlnwd to ti precliun diunimnti, ' WlDruMOIl : luiniprlos. v. 1 A-sJ I ONlY Vi .iv Yksyal currut 17 wli, Mllmrindlni; nrtltnd waterproof. nur-ii kand and dial, aimas atciml hand, npiailon vana, uiiftttion and Mat at natural told. ' " $50W frkm Ind. hd. to. ; Deosby's J:v;:!ry Sf:rc IN WALLACE and Mrs. . Harper Dail and other friends and relatives. Mr .Phillip Lanier of Warsaw was visiting Mr. Jodie Lanier and fam ily one day recently. - Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Raynor visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Ludie Brown Sun- - Miss' Bobby Dell of- Washington, D. C spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs, Harper DalL Mr. and Mts. " Murphy Whaley spent Sunday with his parents In Potters HllL , i Mrs.' Wesley Williams, Mrs., Bes sie Williams, Mrs. Edward Willif ord visited Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Heath nd family of Kenansvllle recently. Mr. and Mrs; Bud Dail and fam ily. Mr. Bill Pittman of Rlchlands were Sunday guests of Mrs; Leon a Hatcher. : Mrs. J. B. Wood and children of Wallace visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mobley Sunday. Leonard C. H. Wilson, FA. of the U.S. Navy also a native of i Ky. was a week end visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lanier. . Mrs. H. M. Lanier, Mrs. Harold Bryan shopped In Kinston Tues day and. visited Tyson anler In Kinston Memorial Hospital ' Dean Bryan is sick wltn a sore throat and is out of school. Hop ing him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lanier and family of Rose Hill were week end guests of Mrs. Lula Lanier. : The latest news of Lyman, a fifty two year old man playing cowboy with bis teen-age boys? Good. Mrs. Viola Batchelor and son Glenn of Washington, D. C. were week .end guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs.. Harper Dail. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Raynor were visitors of Mr. L. W. Jones Sun- dtnr '' Mrs. o. H. Lanier visited Mrs. Mary Susan Lanier Tuesday. . Little Miss Faye Batts is home out of school with sore throat ail ment Hoping her a speedy recov ery. hirS3 Sunday guests of Mr. ana Mrs. Wpodrow Mobley and family were Mr., and Mrs. James Likens and son of Jacksonville. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Hunter were Mr. and Mrs. Kellon Maready and Mr. and Mrs- Allen Futrell. , Friends of Mrs. Minnie Maready will be sorry to learn she iss ill at home. Best of luck, Mrs. Ma ready. . Mrs. Lunell Mobley and children were Sunday guests of Mr. L. W. Jones and family. ' Mrs: Jennie McBride'-and. Mrs. Wilson of Wallace were visitors of her sister, Mrs. Ben Maready, Jr., and niece, Mrs. Murphy Whaley of Chinquapin, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter of Jacksonville, were week end guests of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Whyte Hunter and family and other rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Lassiter of Kinston spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. - Halite Smith and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Hunter. "CHRISTMAS CANTATA TO BE PRESENTED SHARON BAPTIST CHURCH There will be a Christmas pro gram presented at Sharon Baptist Church, Chinquapin, Sunday, Dec. 22, It is expected to be a well pre sented play and everyone has a cor dial Invitation. - CORRECTION In last week's news, concerning the Christmas Program being pre- ented at Lanier's Chapel, the date was stated wrong. ' . Instead of be ing presented on the Srd It will be Monday night, December 23, at 7 'clock. " - , s , .CARD .OF THANKS Mrs. Bertha James wishes to ac knowledge with deep appreciation the many kind expressions of sym pathy shown her during the illness and stay in the hospital. ' Cedar Fork Community Club Meets In Brinson Store Building; Reviews Work The Cedar Fork Community Club gathered in the late L. B. Brin- son's Store to hold its regular monthly meeting Tuesday night, December 3, 1957. Mr. Cowan called the meeting to order and Mrs. Leota Brinson read The minutes of the last meeting. A review of the coiftmittee selected at the last executive meeting was read by the reporter. Other com mittees were added to the list namely, Ralph Hunter and Ar nold Hunter Agriculture; Mrs. Dewey Lanier, Norwood Raynor, Arthur wood, Russell Grey and L. W.Brown, Finance Committee. Mrs. Odell Cowan and Mrs. Stacey And rews Club Photographer. Also Mrs. RETURN HOME Mr. Ben Batts has returned home after being a patient in Parrott's Hospital, and Is doing nicely. He wishes to express with deep appre ciation for the many kind words of ympathy. 1 CHRISTMAS PARTY Mrs. Leona Ives gave her Sunday School class a Christmas Party, Monday night, December 16. It was enjoyed by all RETURNED HOME- FROM HOSPITAL MrsJSutton Fountain has return- id home from the Parrotts Hospital where she has been a patient She wishes to express her appreciation or the many acts of sympathy shown during her illness. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM There will be a Christmas pro gram presented at Bethel Presby- .erlan Church Friday night, Dec ember 20 at 7:00. It is expected to be a well presented play and every one has a cordial Invitation. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER There will be a miscellaneous shower given in behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Batts, Friday night, December 20, at 8:15 In the Recrea tion Roo mof Bethel Presbyterian church, Lyman. They suffered a burn out Monday night and we wish to express our sympathy to them. Pass the news around and come on out and I'm sure God will bless you four-fold. CHRISTMAS PAGENAT AT BETHEL CHURCH SUNDAY. DEC. 22 There win be a Christmas Pa geant held at Bethel Presbyterian Church, Sunday, December 22, at :00 o'clock, p.m. The public is most cordially Invited. IN HOSPITAL Friends anf relatives of Mr. Ty son Lanier will be sorry to learn he is a patient in Lenoir Memorial Hospital, Kinston. Friends and relatives of Mrs. Bus King will be sorry to learn she is patient at Duplin General Hos pital in Kenansvllle with a fractur ed foot. Friends and relatives of Nell Pickett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abb Pickett will be sorry to learn she is a patient at L. M. Hospital, Kinston. FOUNTAIN-LYMAN DEVELOPMENT CLUB The Fountain - Lyman commun ity Development Club will serve barbecue supper at the club house (Mrs. Graham Recce's Store) Sat Dec. 21, beginning at 4:30 p.m. Tick ets are SOc and 11.00. Everyone is invited to the supper. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Likens an nounce the recent marriage of their son, Norwood to Miss Lucille Boy ette of Harrells Store. After a brief honeymoon, they will make their home at Chinquapin. HOMEO N LEAVE H-M-I. Donald D. McBride, hus band of Jennie McBride of Chin quapin was home on leave recently for a month, but has returned to duty aboard the USS General H. W. Butner In New York. Odell Cowan will have the scrap book in charge. Plans were made for a barbecue supper December 7. Pigs were donated by Dewey La nier and Freeman Raynor. The meeting "closed by appoint ing DavM Fountain and Gorman Brinson to supervise and set a date to clean up the building site. Thai work has already started i COUltt Oil out next Saturday and help finish the job. Arthur F. Coltrane Arthur F. Coltrane, a former res ident of Duplin died In Plant City, Fla., Saturday December 7, accord ing to word received this week. Among those who attended the funeral from this county were his daughter and son In law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur A. Roberts of Falson, and Mr. and' Mrs. Carlyle Roberts of Calypso. Among other survivors In (he county are a daughter, Mrs. Marvin Brock, of route 2, and a son, George Coltrain, also of route a. Clyde S. Carter Sr. Clyde C. Carter. Sr., 68, promi nent farmer of Rose Hill died at his home Saturday night He was the son of the late Rev. T. H. and Sarah Bryant Carter of Wallace. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Es- telle Bradshaw Carter; one daugh ter, Mrs. Cecil Crandall of Stokes; three sons, Otis H. of Kinston, Clyde C Jr. and Buck W. Carter, both of Ros eHill; 10 grandchildren, three sisters. Mrs. Hix Bradshaw of Rose Hill. Mrs. Euro Hanchey of Wallace and Mrs. Annie Lewis of High Point Funeral services were held from the Baptist Church In Rose Hill Monday at 3 pjn. conduct ed by the Rev. Julian Motley, pas tor of the church, assisted by Rev. K. D. Brown of Burgaw. Burial was in Rock Fish cemetery In Wallace. Pallbearers were Bobby, Clarence and Tommy Carter, Way land Ren frew, Taddus Bradshaw, Henry Fussell, Norman Hachney and Wil liam Jones. JVJl Mi TOYS FOR EVERY AGE From Toddlers up Toys Grown-ups WUl Enjoy Dolls for the Little Mother, In Every Price Range. For Dad, make it an Accessory for the car. Mother Would Enjoy an Appliance Open Evenings for the Shoppers Convenience. Home Owned oncf Operated Wallace, N. C. OO00OOOO000OOOOOOO000005 Christmas Specials CLOSEOUT ON NYLON LINGERIE MEN'S NYLON SOCKS: : CHRISTMAS DECORAnONS CaFTS-FLOWERS VARIIER hall o o o O O O O a 0r Telephone AT 5-2358 n - 409 E. Bonev St - Wallace. N. C. 0OO00OOOO000O000OO00000O o o o o o o o o o y ' ' '" r"""" ,'! .-- 4& lvmcf... It's A Gift From Gowan's Drug Store She Will Welcome A Sunbeam Electric Razor Reduced from $14.95 to $11.00 We have a large selection of Schaef fer Pen and Pencil Sets for Men and Women There is still a wonderful assortment of toys at GOWAN'S TOY LAND NEXT DOOR TO Gowan's Drug Store IN WALLACE v m : a I 9 - ROD & REEL Complete Fishing Tackle Something in Hardware for the Home or Garage A. C. HALL HARDWARE in Wallace ' .UDI . of LAS t A GIFT LASTING BEAUTY IS A GIFT OF JEWELRY . . Select Yours From Our Fine Selection. JAY'S JEWELERS No Charte For Credit ., i Gbristmas Special NEW 1958 A SPECIAL Only $2395.00 Delivered Dnicd Co. rrorf At Mia If. O. Lie. No. HS9 WALTACa 1 J 1 i .

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