TEE DEIUDJ ' .1 I : .?AX3VXE, N. C. TZT .XS, Al. Z, Mrs. Campbell 2S31 v" Personals 'i'::;'; ?5?! Mrs. Lila Lanier spent the week: nd "with Iter daughter and son in1 law Mr: ana Mrs. Tforman"Wllliamg , pf Ka.p'yfy':i:'',. Miss Bessie Sandlln of Balelgh was In Beulavllle this -week "Visit in friends and relatiyes. . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ho:utt of Clayton were In BeUlavllIa this' week visiting friends. . j: -, i Sunday afternoon Mr. and' Mrs'! H. D. Sholar visited Mr. andTMrs. ey 'Sholar In Telway. ., . . Mrs. Zoa Tories. Bmbert and Kat ' Jones and Kiss Barbara "Harrellson enjoyed a seafood dinner inUneeds ' Terry Sunday. Others from "Beu - lavllle were Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh anoiar w. ano rs. norace t-ottie and son, Mr .and 'Mrs. Trdtt "Mr. nd Mrs. Carl ?anlelTate and son. - Dr. William , Atlas Tate "Mrs. ' Thoebel Jones . tad Mrs. Alice Jones, - ' ' t. . 1 Mrs. Galvln Ranp and daughter, Barbara made a business trip to M tTANBACK, iabUto mr .aowdm, f imUaf f COLO OiaCOMrORTS. T A A C nwMmipUon mirt U -oombtncUsn W -m-livmj IngrvdUntt that moit( togtthn or FASTER RELIEF iHEAOACHJ. MEIHIALCIA and ACHINQ MUSCLES 4i la colds. STAN BACK alts RE DUCES FEVER.. SUA ACK with 'ftTAttsMCK. ' . BE SURE TO VISIT OUR ; A t m fSi, 9k- X'. iOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI o 1 Wan! to. m o o . l - J o O; o, o. o; ; o? o o ov o o. O o y. Op s or om ot - O' O r O O o () ' (. () t - : - r - JL - N.;G42 DIXIE 82 Nv a 288 '. i ','4""-i''. r News and Representatives Wilson one day ibis week. - i - Mrs. ' Nannie ' Mae Gresham of Pink Bill visited friends and re latives in "Beulaville this week. , Mrs. "Russell Lanier andMrs. Xila It Lanier made business trip to Kinston Trtday..-.,V.': ; Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Paul Thigpen and Taula of Kinston spent the week end with , his mother Mrs: Sadie Thigpen. Among those from Beulaville attending the funeral ot the "Brock child who was run over by a tank er were Mrs. George Whaley Mrs, Stokley Bostlc, Mrs. Hosea Hunter Mrs. Jay Thomas and TslvVi Sumner rBuTial -was at the tardily cemetary In Sarecta Thursday. ' . "Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carroll visited fMr.i and Ttr Xharlef T. Carroll and Tit. and "Mrs. Charles "LeSbet- ter in Raleigh Sunday and also Visited Mr ana"Hrs. Howard Hocutt in Clayton. ' Hr,' and Mrs. "Macon "Brown and children Donald "RaylJDoughlas, Mrs. LUia Mercer and "Mrs. Betty Brpwn were m Sneetts Terry Sun day for seifood. . "Mr. and Mora. "Norman "Williams of "Raleigh spent the -week end With "Mrs. XlhvTC. "Lanier and vis ited Mr. and Mrs, Chestley Wil liams. ! Dr. and Mrs. CUffton, Quinn and family of LaGrange visited Mr. and Mrs. John George Kenedy Thurs day ....vo ''.iMifisa Mr. and Mrs. Paul "Hunter and Tim Osssks la 7 cpsT . , . Out Selsttion is Topsl Yah can follow your musiadl ur0 . !never h lolw you , . wbtn you chooM from our -wide (election. .NEW RECORDS BEING RECEIVED EACH DAT SUTT .O'fl EliCTWlC WMSart 4 Center Theafee DIAL SS28 MOIWT OUVE SAVE ,on your SEED CORN? BCt at TECHS!!! rv7pnr U ii LuU J Large Flats or Medium ?!!PER BUSHEL N; G. 27 PIXIE 18 N; C, 46 CHECK OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY (Other Varieties Also in Stock) HARDWARE DEPT. Kinston - x , il' - children of Warsaw visited friends :and relatives in Beulaville Sunday. Mr.- and Mrs. Norman Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lanier were in Topsail Sunday and also enjoy ed seafood dinner at Sneeds Ferry. "Mr. andMrs. Clyde Brinson made a - business trip to "Wilmington Saturday. - ' .'.;r ' ' " . ' ' Baptist Revival In ? v , Progress In Beulavflle. '-The annual spring revival at the Beulavllle Missionary Baptist Chu rch 'got - underway Sunday 'March 23rd '-and -wm tsontlnue through Wednesday, 'April 2nd. ; Rev. Fulton B. "Bryan, pastor of the' First,, Baptist Church in Tar pon Springs, "Florida is the visiting preacher.' .. ' Services are being held each evening at "7:30 p. m. and dally at 10:DD through the first day of April, Rev. Jerry "R. BeBell is the pastor of the Church- "Rev.Bryan is no stranger to these parts. "He was bom and reared' in TtAn . Mills and 1ft a nmtipw nf Mrs. McGowan of Kenansville, "He attended Wake Forest College and Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. "While a ministerial student at Wake Forest, he preach ed for .ja year in the Church in "KenansVllle and Jones Chapel in Albertson, The public is cordially invited to hear his in Beulaville. " Miss Kennedy Named Councillor For Freshman At East Carolina "Miss -Sally Jo Kennedy a -1957 graduate ot the Beulaville High Shcool has been chosen as a student counselor to help in Cotten Hall man women living in Cotten. "Hall next year.' "Freshman advisor "Hazel R. Clark stated that it is considered a real honor at East Carolina to be chosen to -act a a -student counselor. In order to qualify a coed must have maintained a -good scholastic aver age during the fall and whiter ot her freshman year. She must also have demonstrated! her ability to be a 'leader as well as a good campus citizen. Sally Jo is the daughter of Mrs. Christine Kennedy of Beulavllle. . t Fatee AVAl Baptist Revival Began Sunday Revival: services began at the Cabin Free Will Baptist Church near Beulaville, on Sunday, March 30 and Will continue throught April fl. Services will began each even ing at 7:00 O'clock Evangelist Reverand J. B. Chism of Warwfck, Virginia will preach for -the evival, Bev. Chism is pas- -tor of Oie First Tree Wffl Baptist Church 'of fWaJCvick: Va. Rev. Joseph Ingram, ts the local vastorH All are jnvjtfff to attwi4-th services, we uenire uns wnyem, of all the Christian for a success of this revival. o o o o o o o o o o o o ' o o o o o o o o o e o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Flats L ooo ' w XV v w ' 1 OvjL.v - J U J- - : , Mr Russell Lanier - 2J92 New Officers Installed ; Beulaville 0. E. S. Meet On Monday evening March 17, the Beulavllle Chapter No. 237 of the Eastern" Star held its regular meeting, with a closed Installation, in a beautiful 1 setting, of spring flowers such as camellias, Jonqullls and Greenery'- ! v The meeting opened in rituali stic form -Mrs, Hazel Brinson, Wor thyMatron and Leslie" Kennedy Worthy Patron, presiding. Re cognition was given and welcome extended to Dr, H. A. - Edwards, District Deputy Grand Patron No. 7 of Pink Hia - Following, the regular business Mrs. Brinson gave- her farewell address, - commending her officers for their cooperation in helping -complete a year of service, and expressing to them her apprecia tion for their loyalty and kindness. To the Chapter members she ex pressed her thanks for their sup port, and pledged , her personal ; pssistanse and friendship to Mrs. i Dnrnthv Thltfnen1 Incnmlnff Wnrtfiv "Matron. Mrs. Thigpen responded . to her talk, expressing the thanks of the chapter for her year of lo yal service. She presented Mrs. Brinson with her past Matron Jewel. "Leslie Kennedy served as instal ling officer. He was assist d by Oliver Kennedy Marshall; Fonnle Mae 'Miller, Chaplin: Dr. Edwards; Warden: Effie Mercer, Sentinel; Louise Kennedy, Conductress. Officers Installed to serve during 1958 -"59 were: Dorothy M. Thigpen Worthy Matron; Albert L. Mercer Worthy Patron; Lillian H. Grady- Associate Matron; Ralph Miller Associate "Patron; Hazel H. Brinson Secretary; Lelia B. Mercer Irea-l -t t, . . inn n i i surer; Lucuie miuer - onaucires Ester W. Kennedy Associate Conductress; Mary J. Thomas P. Chaplin; Oliver T. Kennedy - Mar shall; "Louise H. Brown, Organist Mary "S: "Mercer .Adah; Irence B. Miller Ruth; Mamie M. Kennedy Easther; Pheobe Pate, Martha; Piccola "P. Kennedy Electa; Louise T. Bracther "Wardner; Walter Rho des Sentinel. i Mrs. Thigpen made an inspiring address to Tier chapter, pledging her best effort and expressing ap preciation lor the confidence plac ed in her. She has chosen for her aim "To Follow H is Star in the East". Her motto, "Let Our Lives Be Ruled T5y Love". Her watch word; "Faith and Kindness; Her prayer: "Give us strength to con tinue the good work." After the meeting a social hour was enjoyed. tJalce and coffee waS served during this hour feifts were presented by "Mrs. Brinson, Past Matron to her officers. fU.,D. C, Meets With Mrs. Edwards , J The Johri ""Ivev Thomas Chapti of thtiiJJ.'D. Cornet at the home of Mrs. Gardner Edwards on March 24, 1958 for their regular meeting. The meeting was called to order by the president Mrs. Ray Humphrey Miss Ermie Sanderson led the" rituals in the absence of the Chaps' lain Mrs. Herman Miller. The seir retary's and Treasurer's reports were given. After a small business session very attractive and delicious re Ifresmments were served to the' eight members present . The following was sent to the United Daughters of the Confed eracy magazine in Memorian of Mrs. Callie W. Miller. ; The John Ivey Thomas Chapter of the United Daughters of , the Confederacy was saddend bythe passing of Mrs. Callie W. Miller, February 27, 1958. Mrs. Miller pas sed away after a lingering illness f about six. years, and five week Of critical illness. She is survived by her husband Ashe one son, Bobby one grand - daughter and one sister. Mrs. Miller was 46 years of age the former Callie Whitfield, daughter of the Late Mr. and Mrs. George Whitfield. She devoted her life to her family Church school and the welfare of the people of the community. Callie was one of the charter members of the John Ivey Thomas Chapter. She served the chapter as treasurer for two years, as pro gram chairman for two years and as chaplian fo one year. She was active and cooperative with every undertaking of Ihe organization always ready and wiling with her well stored mind to give informa tion and advice when approached. Possessed with a charming person ality, this gracious lady was an inspiration at any gathering of the United Daughters of the Confeder acy. - Callie was very active in school work having served on the Beula ville School Committet for about ten years. ',- 'I' .'y, In her religious life, she was a devoted christian attending re gularly the church and .Sunday school ot the Hallsville Presbyter ian Church. She has served as president of the r Women of , the church and as district chairman of the Sixth District of . the Wilming ton Presbytery. : Her gentle spirit and lovely disposition ndeaMd her to many friends In all walks of life. Her passing is a source of grief to all with whom she came in ' contacstv'v 'vii'-gv To. Receive State , F. II. A. Degrees " . . Miss Betty Lou WiUams and Jes sie Mae Rhodes will ' receive their State F. H. A. Degree March 29 in Raleigh. This is the first time any one" from Beulaville has received the State Degree. . , ..... Panthers Lose In ' v Oper.Ir2 Game The Beuhtville' Panther bgened thei 1958 Baseball Season, Mon- Iday March 17 against Richlands "WHflcats DarreQ Cox Pitcher a four hitter for the winning team and Harry Dean Bratcher, pitched a three hit ter giving up three runs to suffer his first defeat in the opening game of 1958 baseball. Both teams were at a terrific disadvantage due to the cold wea ther. The. Panthers end field play ed '. outstanding ball, playing nine innings and committing no errors. Even though Beulaville Panthers outhlt Richlands four to three. The Panthers hits were scattered, where - all three of the wildcats came in one : inning. The next game will be played at home a gainst B. F. Grady April 3rd. The line up is pitcher; Harry Dean Bratcher, Elmer Creech - Catcher! Jimmy Futrell Ray C. Smith 1st base; J. G. Thomas, 2nd base Jamei Exum. Toby Sumner, 3rd base; Gerald Nethercutt, Short Stop: Kenneth Exum. left field; Pete Ball center field; Ralph Smith Charles Jones, right field; Jule Matthews, Freddie Lanier, Manag ers Carroll Kennedy, and Charlie Daughtery. Beulaville Cadet Makes Deans List At E. M. I. Cadet Samuel Allen Pope, a high school freshman, Junior Barracks at Edwards Military Institues, Pine land High School Department, achieved the Honor Cadet List (Dean's List) for the cast grading period ending March 8th. The an nouncement was made by P. E. Downs. To be an honor Cadet, a student must maintain a B average in scho lastic studies as well as military tactics and science. Cadet Pooe is the son of Dr. S a pope an(1 Dorothy Pope ot Beu- ' lavllle. Beulaville Band Gets Excellent Contest Rating The Beulaville School Band en tered the District Ban Contest on Friday March 14. parents of the band members accompanied them to the convention which began at 9:00 In Brodgen Hall. The Band under the direction ot Robert Craft, received a rating of excellent. All the members of the band and most of all their director, are to be commended highly for this excellent work. Seniors Sponsor Chicken Supper The Senior Class of Beulaville -sponsored a baked chicken sup- lper Friday evening in the school cafeteria. The profits will go for the. class expenses. - mi .' "v ... wx I jfj Class Entertain Parents '.Monday night', the members of Mrs. Bucklew's class .entertained their parents by serving refresh ments and presenting a short pro gram. , The program included: s'puare dansing, songs "Catch A Fallng Star and "Who's That Yonder." Parents attending were: Oliver Blizzard', Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Quinn, Mr, and Mrs. Julian Williford Mr J and Mrs. Clarence Houston Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. Adrain Miller Mrs. Linster Futrell and Mrs. Melvin Hill Members of the class were: Oliver Blizzard, Carol Ann Quinn, Marice Williford Nettie Houston, Frances Mercer Robert Miller, Irene Fut ral Linwood Hill David Craft, Troy Thompson and Mrs. Bucklew. F. H. A. Meets, Plans Quad - County Rally An F.H. A meeting was held in the Beulavllle . Home Eccmoics Department. Wednesday, March 19, to plan the Quad - county Rally The F-, H. A advisor and two F. H. A. members from each school of Pender, Onslow, Jones and Dup lin Counties attended. The tenth grade girls of Beula ville High School served refresh ments. The menu -was open-faced sandwiches, cookies, mints, ancj punch. The Quad - County F. H. A.'s planto have the Rally at the Cliffs of the Neuse May 10 they are looking forward to having a won derful Rally. Beulaville Teachers Attend State N.C.E.A. Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. Bucklew were delegates to the State N. C. E. A. meeting in Ashville last week end. They left Beulaville at 4:00 Thur sday morning for Ashville where they attended the North Carolina Education Association's State meet ing. The meeting got underway Thu rsday night at the Memorial Audi torium ani continued until Sat urday noon. Traveling with Mr. and Mrs. Becklew were Mrs. Richard Wil liams, from James Kenan High School; Mrs. W. M. Ingram from Kenansville Elementary Scho o 1 and Mary Anna Grady from B. F. Grady School. Band Boosters Club On Fund Raising The Beulaville Band Boos'er's Club is selling corsages to help make money to get new instru ments and uniforms for the Band. All Juniors and Seniors, who want corsages for the banquet please buy them from the Band Boosters Club of Beulaville. They are work ing through the Beulaville Flor ist. For more information see or call Mrs. Loyce Denny or Robert Craft, Jr. l mini iiniimin inn mm m Mini Mini ' 1 TticWcrld l$Tl::irs.. 1 If You Provide The 1 Chance To Learn L I I Look Ahead To The, Day When Your Eager - Eyed Child Will Face The World Of Adult Life. Will You Be Able To Say, "I Have Given Him The Educational Opportunities For A Confident Start?" What Price Your Child's Future? Priceless, You Say ... Yet A Few Dollars Each Payday Marked For Regular Savings At Our Bank Will Add Up To Four Years Of College Training, Precious Years Of Learning For Your Child. Start Today. Visit Our Bank And Talk Over Your Problems With A Member Of Our Friendly, Capable Staff. Find Out How You Can Develop A Systematized Plan Of Savings According To Your Income To Insure Your Child's Future. "Tt-tPgw-i .. -m IB HEurest federal deposit'insurance cobporatioh! KEIIAI15VILLE - BEULAVILLE ROSE HILL caiLi iirD. aiih- y ; Met-Witfe-Mrsr Rhodes ' -- The: Cabin Home Demonstration Club had its regular meeting 2:30 PMAW, Friday, at the home of Mrs. . Walter Rhodes The meeting Was opeined by Tinging Ijblive Me", The devotional was given by Mrs. Laurance Houston. A very interesting "demonstration on plant ing and gardening was given by Mrs. Roland Thompson. The clothes leader, Mrs. Sanderson, gave some very helphful hints on sewing. At the conclusion of the meeting, tfhe hostess served delicious re freshments, Beulaville Jr. Class Play Held Friday Night The Junior Class of Beulaville High School presented: a play "Deacon Dubbs" Friday night at 7:6d in the school auditorium. The nlav was directed by Mrs. Mary S; Mercer. Members of the -cast were: Owen Quinn, Donald Ptekett, Kenneth Fxum, Buddy Mercer Tom Brinson Emma Scott Sue Johnson., Brenda Andrews. Joyce Anne Jones and Susie Pidkett. Births Announced Mr. and Mrs. Carl Horn of Beula ville announce the birth of a dau ghier, Tena Ruth on 25 March 1958 at the Lenoir Memorial Hos pital Kinston. Mrs. Horn is the former Ruth Jones of Beulaville. Mr. and Mrs. James Rufus Creech 3 of Beulaville announce the birth of a son, James Rufus Creech IV March 26. 1958 at Lenoir Memorial Hospital Kinston. Mrs. Creech is the former Betty Jean Lanier of Beulaville. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller announce the birth of a daughter, Pamela Gordon, March 21 at Par rotts Hospital in Kinston. Mrs. Miller is the former Mavis Brown of Beulaville . Science Develop New Tablet: Relieves Painful Monthly Cramps For 3 out of 4 Women Tested! Gives Greater Relief Than Aspirin! New promise of relief from tortures of monthly cramps, nervous tension is found in an amazing new tablet) Developed especially to relieve this female discomfort, it offers greater relief than aspirin! For 3 out of 4 tested by doctors, pain and cramps were stopped or strikingly relieved. Even on the first day, many had no nag ging headaches, no backaches or other functional distress! The new tablet contains a unique combination of medicines. pvam nnprrn tmtln. oH ir IUU TRUTH A LIUUIV lydla Re v. -ea J I rs. . C -Li ? , Honored At Psa-ty The, Beulaville F. W. B. Choir1 Fellowship hour' was held .at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Jarman Saturday night Following a Choiri rehersal a surprise, birthday, hon-' oring the Rev. and Mrs. Billy Gene', Outlaw was enjoyed by the twenty: five guests. They were invited into' the dining room where large birthday cake with Easter motif;, along with nuts, .open face Bandit wiuna ajiu yuiivu was Kivcu vy . Mrs. Allen Quinn Mrs. Graver Grady and Mrs. Jarman. . . u The honored guest reieived many useful and nice presents. attends Music Contest ' Last Saturday Mrs. Alderman.'' Sue Grady, Pat Norris Mrs. FJea- nor Norrles and Mrs. Kenneth. Grady attended the Music Contest', in Wilmington where Katie Sue", and Pat entered the contest , Pat was in the Junior Division ; and Katie Sue was in the Senior Division. Both Pat and Katie .Sue received very good ratings. Junior Class, Presbyterian Church Has Party The Juniors of the Beulaville Presbyterian Sunday School enjoy ed a party Friday evening at the Fellowship Hall of the Church. After various games their teacher Mrs. Scott Smith served ice drinks, and cookies to: Adrena Combs, Brenda Sue Lanier Kay Smith, Charlie Lanier, Jerry Sandlin, Sambo Blizzard, Estelleta Williams Sue Quinn Bobbie Ann Miller, Jimmie Synder and- Carolyn Bliz zard. Municipal water requirements range from an average of 60 gal lons per person each day in a town of 500 people to almost 150 gallons per day for each citizen in a city of 100,000 population. That's why it offers so muck more relief than plain aspirin I Acts on the cause of distress to calm uterine contractions. Also works through a woman's sympathetic nervous system. Called "Lydla Plnkham's Tab lets," they're sold at all drug stores. Easy to take, contain blood-building iron. So don't suffer needlessly. Take Pinkham's Tablets your self. See if you dont escape much Irritability and discomfort be fore and during your period! druggl.K, lodoy, olw hov. h famw t. Pinkham's VcgttaU I ill 2a