C V.e s'.uJeuU speniiii the : r holidays with their re . otive parents were John Miller t orn Plneland College. Keith Oates and Elwood Walker from State, Coaiile Jo Well from Peace and George Bryant i Westbrook and Judy Wallace from Mt Olive Jiuv. 'lor CoBee.-;:'i:':9VV.;vW;ww Mist ' M4ry I Gold Wallace was ; guests soloist at an open house of the New Hope Grange near Golds- , boro Wednesday , night ' - ' Mr. and Mrs. WUlard Westbrook ' and sou , Anthony spent Sunday with Mrs Westb rook's parents. Mr. . and Mrs. Council Cauley of Kin. 1 Mrs. Garland Wallace and daug , hter Judy shopped In Kins ton Frt- , ; day morning. -' , Mr. and Mrs. aV M. Murphy ac ,.:,, companied. by Thomas and .Helen Murphy visited relatives in Wilmin gton Sunday . ' Mr. and Hn Edwin Holmes of GoMsboro spent Sunday with Mrs. Holmes' parents Mr. and Mrs. C A Walker Mr and Mrs. Morris Holmes and : children attended church services at the Snow Hill Church Sunday and were luncheon guest of Mr. ' : and Mrs. Park Holmes. . The Rev. H. L. Harrell, who ser- ved the Pink Hill group of churches 'filled his regular appointment at the Woodland church Sunday A. . M. He and his daughter were lun cheon guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Taft Herring. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Walker and family attended the funeral ser- ... vices of Mrs Walker's aunt, Mrs. Fennell Frederick in Warsaw Fri day afternoon. v Thomas and Helen Murphy of New York City spent the holidays with their parents Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Murphy. Helen Murphy Is an air line stewardess with headquar ters In New York City Mr. and Mrs. Earl King and baby of Mt Olive, spent Sunday with Mrs. King's mother, Mrs. Winnie Herring. They furnished flowers for the Snow Hill church Sunday in memory of their father, Henry Herring. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Quinn Frank- lln Quinn. B. F Wallace and Mah lon Wallace attended the Easter Sunrise Services at Beulaville Sun day A U. Mesdamas M. B. Kornegay and the i-j.vr lus.' Abu. nathy and cLUuien - remained for a longer visit - v. V i Visitors of the C, W .Holmes fam ily on-Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith of the Outlaw Brid es section and daughter Miss Ed wins Smith of WilUamston also Mr. and Mrs. Duff .; Kornegay1. of the Kornegay ' community ' and Adolph Kornegay of Mt Olive. ; - Mr. and Mrs. Craig Kornegay and chlldrenl visited her brother Walter Whaley and family at Jacksonville Sunday, i :.. Mount Olive Junior College Evaluated: Mr. Gordon, W. Sweet, lelt, executive secretary of the Southern Association of . Colleges and, Secondary Schools, was a recent visitor to Mount Olive Junior College for the purpose of evaluating the program of the College and making recommendations regarding it's future growth. In the above picture, Mr. Sweet confers with Dean Daniel W. Fagg, Jr. and Mrs. Hilda Sutton, registrar. Mr. Sweet commanded the College on its rapid growth since it opened in Mount Olive in 1954 and' said that he believed that the institution was moving in the right direction to obtain mem bership in the Southern Association in a reasonable number of years. He said that it would be necessary for the College to operate for a sufficient, period of time for a thorough study to be made of its graduates with particular reference to their work in senior college. , ' The need for a strong endowment was also emphasized by Mr. Sweet. Mount Olive Junior College a coeducational liberal arts college sponsored by the Free Will Baptist denomination, is already ap proved by the State Depar'ment of Education and the North Caro lina College Conference. Enrollment for the current school year reached 102. WUlard Westbrook shopped in Kin- lMr- and Mrs- M- a Koeay were Eton .Thursday. their children Mr. and Mrs Glenn Mrs. Mattle S. Westbrook had as I Korneeay of Kinston and Mr and her, guests Monday Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Clifton Quinn and children of Alien uettatt . ana daughter of Warsaw Sunday guest in the home of Miss Judy Dell Wallace attended the ii if p LIN times ... V ,- fc v.v .. niTPi nr miiNi'i f 'ft -BdltorUl bnsinew office mud printing plant, Kenansville, N. C. - - J. E and KUTH T. GEADY . nwAicns ami prmi jrhkilh Entered At The Post Office, KenuavtUe. .' C. V ' so second class matter' SUBSCBXTTfON BATES: $3.00 per year m Dmplta Ite , Jones, Onslow,. Fender, Sampson, New Hanover and Wayne counties; $4 00 per year outside this area la North Carolina; - an4.SS.00 per year elsewhere. -MM --- Advertising rates furnished on request A Duplin County Journal, devoted to the religions, material, ) educational, economic and agricultural development of Duplin County. Vbu NuaMai RagMHmm.ai . :k' ' 'in? of Sherwood Avery and Mildred Dorman in Dunn Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Dail visited Mr. and Mrs Jimmy Lifter in Virginia last week end Mesdames Fred Herring and Ro bert Herring and children of near Kenansville shopped in Kinston Friday. Cliftofij Herring spent the week fend In Kinston with Dortch Her ring. Mr. and. Mrs. J. D. Westbrook of Mt Olive visited in the- home of Mr and Mrs. Sam Massey and Mrs. Earl Falres Sunday afternoon. Herring Store News By Edd Kornegay Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Herring and girls also Mrs. Maude Kelly of Mt. Olive and Miss Nancy Lil lian Grady of near Kenansville spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kelly and family at Win ston Salem. i Mr. and Mrs. E. T Kornegay of New Bern; Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Ray Kornegay of Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kornegay of Choco- winlty were Sunday guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Konr negay. . , Mr. and Mrs. Delmas Jones and son Del Wray returned home Sun day after having spent nearly two years In Englend. Mrs. Jones is the former Miss Ruby Powell daughter of Mr.' ad Mrs. Melvln Powell.. Mr i and Mrs. Elmo Blizzard and Dexter spent the wekend at Top sail. ' .Mi'frVtS'tl. ".',.'! Mrs. Kenneth Best of Goldsbord spent the weekend with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. J E. Holt They attended church services at Snow HiU Church on Sunday. ' '& Rev. H U Harrell and daughter of Pink HiU were' dinner guests of the Taft Herring family on Sunday. Visitors of the Zollie Kornegay family during the weekend were; Miss Janlcy Moore of East Carolina .College ' and Selby .. Kornegay and children Kathy and Dock of Ral eigh. . ' ,'ri Mrs. Tommy Grady of Kinston was a week enol guest of Mr. and Cecil Kornegay. Mr. and Mrs. Taft Herring and daughter. Janet visited the Tipp Scott family near Scotts Store on (Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Outlaw and children Faye and Gene vlsted her mother Mrs. lAnnie Quinn and family near Warsaw and attended Easter Services at Johnson church on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Smith of Alb- ertson were dinner guests of their daughter add family Mr and Mrs. L. C. Herring on Sunday. Mesdames Zollie Kornegay Ervin Kornegay Nora Outlaw and Carl j&ornegay attended a quilting parry in the home of Mrs. George Korne gay near Rones Chapel on Tuesday. Gerald Simmons of State College visited the Taft Herring on Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Herring and Harry were . Siinday visitors of Mr and Mrs. Lehman Williams near Pink Hill. He that brings sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from himself. lt grand salad dressing the Scott Store Home IVinoiisna- tion club was held in the home of Mrs. Emmett Kelly. Wednesday, April, X The devotion which was given by Mrs. Kelly was timely for the Easter season. 1 - ' Due to" the illness of the presid ent Mrs. Jonas Dail,' the vjee pre sident presided. Aftert discussion and disposal of Business, Mrs. Cecil Kornegay : home - management leader, gave the 'demonstration on "Saucepans and Frying pans." i-Leader reDorta t wera given , bv Mrs. Taft Herring, Foods and Nut rition; Mrs.' Edd Kornegay; Home Beautificatlon. . For recreation the group enjoyed an old time spelling; bee conducted by Mrs. ' Jonas i DaU. v Afterwards, Mrs. Kelly served refreshments to the group including - four visitors from Calypso club. - . ' vrV 'ft Personals Altop Dail and Henry Dail spent the Easter Holiday with their mo ther, Mrs. Delia pail. The sons are from Charlotte. ' ".; ', -j Miss Gloria Uzzell of Goldsboro spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Blythe Bell .Mr. and Mrs. Currle Smith and children of Smith Chapel vicinity were dinner guests of the Edd Kor negay Sunday, !''?';', Mr., and Mrs. Bill Hargarves of Mt Olive and sons, had supper with Mr. and Mrs. Ivey- Summerlin Saturday night v iv,. ; , ' Those from this area attending Sunday School convention of the Free Will' Baptist at the' asembly Ground near Pink, Hill, Saturday were Mesdames Bud Davis, Ivey Summerlln Jonas Dail and. Ben Sutton." Mrs. Annie Garner of Beaufort visited her mother, Mrs. Amantta Sutton Easter Sunday. Guests for Sunday dinner in the Ivey Summerlin home were the J. E. Stanley family of Washing ton and the A. J. Summerlin'a of Mt Olive . ,' Mrs Jasper Bell visited relatives tug. Li.,y Davis and . .... ,..ui iwy Margraves family of lut Olive to Wilmington Saturday to visit the Azalea gardens. - Mr. and Mrs. Jim Britt and dau ghter of Grantham were . visiting with the. George , $ Waters family Sunday. Wanda Bell spent the week end with Monte Uzzell at Goldsboro. , Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Turner and children of Mt Olive visited In the Edd Carter home Sunday. , -.Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Summerlin and Mrs.' J.. E. Stanley went to Wilson Saturday to visit Mr Floyd Summerlin. , . : J ,N " , t Mrs.' Nelson Kornegay and Dia- nne of Goldsboro spent the Easter holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Outlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Carter' Mr. and Mrs. RayvCarter and Mr. and Mrs W O Jones were in Kinston Saturday shopping : Mesdames ' Frank Lamb, of Zion sectioh Estel Britt and James Southerland of Kinston were vis itors of the Robert Outlaw's Sun day P. M. . , Mrs. Donnell Gibbs and Mrs. Sallle Wallace Seven Springs spent a while Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Emmett Kelly. ' , Mrs. Daisy Davis Mrs. Ivey Sum merlin and Mrs. Jim Davis had dinnerwith Mr '.and Mrs. Morton in Mt. Olive Tuesday of last week - Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carter visited the J F, Thlgpens Sunday after noon at DrummonsviTie. - . i Weekend visitors in the Emmett Kelly home were Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Rhodes and children and Miss Love? Kelly Raleigh;' Mr. and Mrs. Donald Summerlin and little daug ter of Clinton, "Russian teen-agers think about scientists the way our young peo ple think and dream' about becom ing movie stars." Dr. Edward , Teller, atomic ex pert" "' :!? . 'J . The production of a single ton Individual reservoirs commonly lose from a fraction of t per cent to more than S per cent of their storage "capacity annually due to sedimentation. Small ponds fill up even faster, "i Science Develops Neut Tablet t , j Relieves "Hot Flashes Irritation From Change-of -Lif e For 8 of 10 rTested-Vithout Costly Shots , Science now offers new freedom from much misery of change-of-lifel Today, you can relieve "hot flashes,'' tortured nerves, other, functional distress. ..with a re markable tablet developed ' especially tar these discomforts. Doctors report amazing results using this home treatment alone ...and no costly shots! Irritability was calmed. Dizzi ness was, relieved. Hot flashes subsided. 8 out of 10 women tested found complete or strik ing relief this wav I u - , This new formula is a unique combination of medicines. ..that acts directly on the cause of . these troubles. Works through a woman's sympathetic 'nervous , system to relieve the awful tense feelings and physical distress. ' 1 .- This amazing formula is now sold at drug stores, under the name of "Lydla Pinkham's Tab lets." Easy-to-take, contain blood-building iron. So dont let change-of-life rob middle age 01 joy. utan wcing nnsnam's Tablets today. See how fast you IF YOU PREFER A UQU3 can feel your happy self again wunout trouoiesome snots i N drvnhl. M, ml bos lbs I m tydla i. riaklwM's Vigif Ws Cti. -v . i "... ' i" "' """, ' "' : j Mtttky KRAFT from Iks ' ssstiissly MIRACLE WHIP OtSSSKisl. piddi rtliskw - ' . -- m ii ii & , If i ii ii m ii u Ik II . WW fl' J- yietaejocvi MORRISON when yon can itil The. lw cost, budget, steel garage door wth the high price features. . Builders ..Save on I door or 1000 Homeowners 17. Consult Youf Contractor DEWEY JN.f A GoldsborA Tndntrv .'--'-,; t Do All Kinds .fobtuig. What Ever Your Needs, ' . . ' . . . i' :'' . . -i-.,. . .;..,... .. ... .vr- w - .jr.:- ': r n n r; nr - n - r' n' ; r" 1 f.': ' ' 'x ! " ' , ,(,IV Y . ' , , ' " K , !,. ' . , " ...-:z r. ..... . ' ' ' J . ... . y..,, -v ;. :.,..,!, .. -..'. Vm?'; t'ffi' . f.iJ .'-i. :') t-'f J'- ' " . r. ' y.. .v. . v . 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