w I, 3 ' l 8Pce, A X ( ) 'SsSi. T!::s'V;eek v-V- v- - -' . : J5trvainJh i i i :lujii:xvi No.49 i. KENANSVILLE, NOETII CAROLINA. THUKSDAY DECEMBER It, 1959.V i iliBCKirnON HATES $S-t r Vn mm PRICE TEN CENT Ora-. M thl. r i ft. Cj U rn r n UE,W 4 Report Perf ormahjre Of 1 959 Cbmpliaiice Brisk i. -i-.'.i , ; jJoyce "James and Jean Maready of the Cnintuapin school who plac ed second in the Nation with their demonstration entitled 8his Straw : berry Goes To Market'', in the demonstration of market in?. This honor as. won, in Washington D. C where they attended the National Junior Vegetable Growers Association": Photo hv Staff Photographer.) : 2nd iii llation In Marketing Dem. Joyce James , of Wallace and Janice Maready of Chinquapin (both ef the Chinquapin i School) came11 In Friday afternoon, an ex hausted but happy two girls. They were Just back from Washington, D. C; where they had attended the National Junior Vegetable Growers Association and had placed, second in the Nation with their demonstra tion ef strawberries' entitled "tills Strawberry Goes To Market", tt demonstrations of marketing. They . . . - ..... i . uag Hsu mi vuuvuum owwiasvcu ww- thplacein the Natiooit- c ... Joyce James sad Janice Maready, am ml maw 'tiBmM .In iM .AM Wnrk of DupUn CoAtf. They were State Demonstration winner in fruit and vegetable marketing Demonstration of strawberries and have won many honors in Duplin County 4-H work. Dallas Herrinfl I ; Ileds:12!ej Edccalioii ' Dallas Herring, of Rose Hill, has heen elected chairman of , newly formed 12-sUte South .Council on Education. - : . . ':"' Vtw4rm tAmrtXnn Mm at the end of the National Citizens' Coun cil for Better Schools held to Chap and mean of Imprpvlng thev schools 1 Purpose ef 'the newly- wgaaized ' imnin la In Mthtn1 material on WaVS of the South. fV'-"'-.'" Herring. : an outstanding Educa tional Leader in the United States as well as North Carblina.ls Chair man of the North Carolina Board of EducaUon.v;;'"7. Vf . . " v YEAR PIXS Six JL ate . ... - . . : a . ZrnZ' a Uso CompMeOlW ff.?W iovcrand Jaliice told veriUvTdto (The National convention was held at the Roosevelt Hotel in Washing- ton from December 6 through the 11th, with about 500 attending.. There were 10 4-H boys and girls from North Carolina and two from Dup lin County. Thirty states were re presented and approximately 63 de monstrations were- entered. - A 4-H girl from Forsyth County placed 2nd in her' division which was "Use of Vegetables' and. placed second in the, finals. ton.jThey were tared, but filled with the4 wonderful memories -of their trin. 6 Monday and Tuesday they toured Washington and had lunch at tne feniagon nuuoiog on mummy. Monday night they ere entertained with a concert by the Navy Band. The Executive Secretary of Secre tary of Agriculture Benson, spoke to the group , on Monday aftemoon. While to - Washington they toured parts 'of Vii?inia' Arlington Ceme tery and Mt Vernon. On Tuesday they went to Maryland and visited the U. S. Department of Agricultral research center in BeltsvOle. While In Maryland they had lunch at the Uhlnversity of Maryland. Tuesday afternoon they toured Annapolis: On Tuesday night and all other nights while to Washington they were tertalned to the hotel Ball r with square dances, and other forms of entertainments. Wednesday and Thursday demonstration days. Thursday night the annual recognition and awards banquet was held to the boteVTbe winners lrom Duplfa-' were each warded a Benms wrist wa cbr N. J. V. G. A. jacket, pen and rosette ribbon. Both Joyces 2 James and Janice Maready are. seniorsto the Chinqua pin High. Scooot. Dunlin county right are Frances Mercer ef Putters B21 Scohei. UOLP Johav ' ha rTytne Cyps. schMO. Edna McCoIms. arid at lac scboal Mseat taw- CWk Farmers in Duplin . County who have -completed performance of their 1339 Agriculture Conservation P-netices art urged to report per f nnance to the ASC office before December 31. Rufus Elks, Duplin. ASC office imager, points cut that - fanners whose ACP practices- had been ap proved should report them complet ed and receive their reimbursement as soon as ossible. ' ' Fanners are also reminded that now is the period for sign-ups for requests of ACP Jn I960.. . . . Actually, farmers have until Jane 30, i960 to sign-up for the first ha!f c f 1P59, but it is pointed out by Elks that whi the monqr appropriated for the ACP program' is a"propiated, there is no way more farmers, can be signed up. However, farmers do pot receive ACP approval on a first-come-first- Yaccaniaw Bank Year C. L. Tate, President of the Wac camaw Bank and Trust Company announced today that the Board of Directors bad authorized the pay ment ef the 4th quarterly dividend of 45c per share payable on Decem ber 18, M tar nil stockholders of record as of December 10, 1959. During the year 19S the Wacca maw Bank has paid four quarterly dividend payments of 45c per share each, making a total annual divid end of $1.80 per share Mr. Tate stated that in addition to the cash dividend the bank paid to its stock- Plders last January a stock divid end or one share for each three snares owned, or a total of 1200 shares. ' The bank now has outstanding 50, 000 shares of stock, with a total capital structure of &858.C27.65. Talk said that tt bask had bad the mast successful year in the history f the. crganixatioa, and mm serves treatermmjbet of tpeople than KOTICE -The Deafla Usees , wfB fee printed early next week beeaase ef Christmas. An seckty aews ami ether as faraulisa neat fee h Che efftee af the Dasae.Tfaawe ay Sar day. Deeemker is, at iMder te appear hi text week's : af the Daetta Thaea..-. , in Anil Unhurt After Being Lost 5 Hours ' Two Chinquapin youths disappear ed ia a wooded area, along Cypress Creek Sunday and it was feared they might not be able to find their way out of the woods at night. which thye would not have don-. A five - hear exhausted aeardi found the youths, Graham Brinkley, Jr.,1 U .and Josey BnnUey, 10, up a tree aronad'i p. m. at the month ef Cypress Creek . - i - v Firemen from fMnqnapni and Wallace and a bloodltnond Kenansville Joined to the When word got sot that the two boys J wbea the the Waltoc. . in served basis. Approval is given on the practkially and need ef an ap plication and applicant. The County ASC committee de termines through examination of the records, as to who will" receive ACP assistance. The first half of 1960's ACP money will be spent toward establishing permanent type pastures, tile and ditching. Jr. Red Cross The following Schools have enroll ed with the Jr. Red Cross during the pa$t two months; Faison Elementary ( white.) $10.50 Beulavule $23.78 Teachey Colored Elementary $7.00 E. E. Smith of Kenansville ( col. ) .... , $22.95 B. F. Grady white Schools . . $23.94 Chinquapin white school $29 85 Douglass H. S. of Warsaw (c) $19.00 Chinquapin elem. col. School $11.00 Totals as of this date. . . . $14752 .Gift boxes have been filled by sev eral schools for shipment overseas as an Education project as follows: Kenansville Elementary 12 Warsaw Elementary 17 B. F. Grady Schools 15 Making a total of 44 Other schools that have not re ported so far are urged to do so be fore Christmas. Duplin Cotton Fanners Approve t Duplin - County cotton farmers overwhedmingly approved cotton quotas and an assessment for the promotion of North Carolina to a cotton referendum Tuesday Rums Elks, Duplin ASC office manager, said 19$ farmers voted in faver of quotas and six cotton far mers voted ' against quotas, . fc.epjhe jnjoposal to continue for the next three years tne -lo-cent assess ment foe -cotton Brosnstionv-ls iar apers voted approval aod only 10 voted against the assessment. School Holidays Schools of Duplin Coanty win coke on Tuesday afternoon. December 22 for the Christmas Holidays- They will re-open en Monday, January 4th. AD schools in the county win follow the same schedule. were mnising . t Mrs. BiDy Brinkley. of Chinqua pin and an aanf of the boys, said the boys went into the woods around 3 p. m. fa search Of a Christmas tree.- According to the boys' story. they became lost soon after entering the woods. - Unable to find .their way oat after wandering to the. woods between Northeast River "and Cypress Creek, the beys climbed a tree where they were found. The youths were un harmed, bat seedless to say. scared. Some S00 persons entered to the boat for the boys. ' Graham is the son of 5 Mr. and Mrs. Graham BrinUey. Sr. and Joey is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C Brinkley. The parents aad relatives express appreciation to the many persons who entered the search. sheriff Ralph Mffler said the mis- tingj youths .were .reported to hi at around 7 p.m. Sunday. G:estOfDr.Ausley ; The Demeritt Periodontic Study rM met Wednesday Dee; Kh is Warsaw with Dr. Mett Ansley host. Dr. Donald Bland of Wallace was the dob. Dr. Jim Lee ef Mt Olive, nsttent, auMuunceJ mat the club has been asked to preseat the efimc whkh was givea ia New. York at the Washington meeting in March. Dr. BUty Band of New Ben- gave a review oa research ef present day "Bases'.."-'.--''..-.;.;, s-v ; :-K. ' Dr. Lewis Lee ef WBsoa and Dr. Zene Edwards of Washtogtoa, gave nrelemmary reports oo a research project the dab is startfe. Dr. Bea fro5toa cf &ildsboro and Dr. Tom Flemtox ef Tarboro told ef the Ed ucational ; program absat dental health being set ep to this area. Dr. Bock Bardee ef wmmogtoa, and Dr. Don Hinaan of Ktosbm are for Chddreao Dental Beatth Week hi February. -Dr. Charfie Godwin ef Rocky ML win be hast for the American Legion Dinner The American Legion Post 127 in Warsaw will have a Chirstmas din ner and party Friday night, Decem ber 18 at 7:30 at the Legion Hut All members and their wives are in vited to attend. There will be no business meeting except to launch the 1960 member ship campaign, Commander Wilbert S. Boney announced. GRILL BOUGHT Hazel and Harold Dunn have bought out Charlie's Grill in Ken andsville and are now operating it under the name of H & H Cafe. Lo cated next door to Waccamaw Bank tt Trust Company, they serve . hot plate lunches and quidc orders of all kind. BAND CONCERT James Kenan Community Band will give a concert at 8:00 P. M. Kenan Memorial Auditorium in Ken andsviUe on Monday night, Decem ber 21. After the concert a recep tion will be held for all baud par ents, students and friends of the band. Everyone is urged to attend. CHRISTMAS MESSAGE There-wffi be a special Christmas mtnagfi by Rev. Gerald MeGowea New .Hope C Christmas Church Warsaw on Sunday, December 2 at 7:30 P. M. Also a Christmas play. "Tax Day la Bethlehem' will be held oa Meaday night, December 21 7:30 P. M. Everyone is invited. JR. PLAT The Junior Class of Chinquapin High School will present a play CLASS RING, written by Rosamond Du Jardin ,on Friday night, Decem ber 18 at 7:30 P. M. It will be pre sented to the Chinquapin High School Auditorium, and is a play of three acts. Tickets win be sold at the door, and the public is cordially invited. ANNUAL KPCA MEET The Annual Meeting of the Ken ansville Production Credit Associa tion wiU be held Friday Dec. 18, at the Kenarsvjlie Elementary .School Auditorium begtoniag at 3 p. m. . The Rev. ErnJJ. Ernurtan. Pas tor sf the ElnT Avenue JfrQiodV. Church. Portsmouth, Va. wtj Vf the Guest Speaker. , - V A large crowd is expected, to at tend. ... w Courthouse Annex How Occupied Register Of Deed Office To Move Later The New Duplin' Coanty Court house Annex has been occupied this week by the Clerk of Coart, the Tax Collector, the Auditor, and Veteran Service Officer. The Register of Deeds Office in the new annex has not been occu pied because the steel shelving f or storing the records has not arrived. The present Register of Deeds Of fice eentains 848 volumes of Deeds, Mortgages, Maps, Birth, Death, Marriage, and Discharge and h4rsf which most be lle to the public at all times. Many ef the record volumes ere sew stor Joseph Tadlock Fc::d Dead In Car Berry Tadlock. age 58. of route 9, Clinton was found dead to Ins car Tuesday night S miles .east ef Fatsos on highway 403. ; ' MV iiiIii 1 1 of the Calypso Fire Dept. found the body after they had extinguished the flame of his burn- inff ear. J The Duplin County Sheriff's Dept. was called to investigate and found the taside of the car completely fcs troyed by fire and the body badly burned. Under Qjwirisnahir Cn cumstaoces the body was' ordered seat to Chapel Hill far autopsy. No report has been received from Chapel HiD as yet . a The S. Bv L has been called by the sfaarifrs Dept. to eondnct fo ther hmitigntioB - Tadlock was employed with an Ia- JKBcostersClub tweeds Your The James Kenan Boosters Club nt Tuesday night at the James high schooi. There were sot patoese in attewdaare to e offirial meeting- President Sam Godwin stressed the fact that S fcs very important that inembers is to attend to. The progress that the Ch arhebed tost yearinebtato haj fhe scare beard, bleachers etc b entatandanj bat there are stfll a lot of necessary neons to be ted night Godwin. Lett Stipport hefare fhe Chnv fcvaegay. John Fosrrlefle. B3 Tay DUPLIN'S NEW TREE PLANTER is shown being used for the first time on the S. B. Hunter farm near Magnolia. In the picture ate Jim Bunce, Assistant County agent and Chairman of the Agri cultural Workers Council, through which the planter was acquired; Eugene Wells of the Duplin County Forrest Service; William Frederick 'dropping tree plants); McDonald Beasley ( tractor driver), and S. B. Hunter on whose farm the trees are being set. Mr. Hunter is having 9 acres of trees set on bis Santa Claus Is Coming To Town Santa Clans will be ia Warsaw Wedaesday. December S3. Saata as toe contacted by the War saw -Jayeees ami has accepted tovJUtUM Jevpear Jn War. saw Dee. ZX afc. she Tlmerieaai -fcegtos Has.' aaam'-cwnl arla GwOea" fftf U. tte cMerce aad Invites these to cose by aad ed on unsatisfactory wooden shelves which win not be moved to the new office. The Board of Commissioner entered into a contract last June 1st for the nended shelving k other equipment but the prolonged steel strike has delayed delivery. Just as soon as the steel shelving arrives, the Register of Deeds office wiU move into the New Annex. The present courthouse win be then occupied by the Sheriff, Proba tion Officer, Selective Service Board, Social Security Representa tive and State Tax Representative swaare Agency and was supposed ly out collecting Coffee Shop Robbed 2nd Time The Coffee Shoo on highway 117 N. in Warsaw, owned and operated by George Henry Best. has. been bro ken into for the second time within the past few weeks. The thief or thieves entered the estabfishmect through a window on the North side of the building. The Piccolo and Cigarette Vending UMpfcif was broken into and the money taken. Tracks were found leading to woods path behind the restaarant and a wrench used to break open the machine was found in the woods. No arrests have been made yet. The case is stfll nzder investigation by Deputies T. E. ReveOe and Mur ray Byrd of the Duplin County Sher iffs Department. Area Duplin Co. On Vacation Christmas holiday students re ternbux home from Meredith CaV leee awdnde Barbara Susan Blan- ehard and Carehra Wefls. both of Bass Eia. Aane Pope of Ma Aaatkta Thomas Cattle -ef HiU. and Gafl Newton ef farm and is very proud of the way the tree planter was working. Anyone interested in using the tree planter contact Mrs. Lockamy at the Federal Crop Insurance Agency in Kenansville. The new tree plan ter is being rented for $1.50 per thousand trees or $3.00 per day. The Rental money is used to pay for the planter which was financed by Radio STA TION W. L. S E. in Wallace through the Duplin County Agricultural Workers Council. TIMES SPORTS -:- -:- -:- By Joe Cosf in RESULTS OF GAMES J4AST WEEK; BOYS Beulavule 52 Chinquapin 35 North Duplin 59 James Kenan 51 James Kenan 42 Grantham 38 Dunn 60 Wallace-Rose HiD 58 'over time) GIRLS Beulaville 50 Chinquapin 39 North Duplin 51 James Kenan 38 Grantham 37 James Kenan 27 Dunn 55 Wallace Rose Hill 13 GAMES THIS WE FX: Wallace Rose Hill at Beulaville B. F. Grady at Chinquapin Richlands At Chinkuapin James Kenan Open JAMES KENAN SPLITS DOUBLE HEADER WITH GRANTHAM Coach Bill Helton's James Kenan boys won their game of the young season last night as against one de feat, stopping a strong Grantham team 42-38. The Tigers only loss came last week in a real thriller against a strong North Duplin team. The scoring was spend out in the Tiger line as Colin Quhm had 7, Charles Lockamy with (, Ralph Culberth with 6. and Ed Oast with t. Bill Price and Charles Bripen lead the losers with 13 and 12 points re spectively. As for the Lady Tigers it was a different story as they came through with a 37-27 victory. Sarah Denn ing lead the Grantham girh with 1 i points, whue Sylvia lead James j Kenan with 11 points. NORTH DUPLIN DEFEATS JAMES KENAN IN DOCBLEHEADER TV. fli. tuw. I.aJ k AIRE .WIU1 ASUfUU WJ 3 Hift I Peat- Vasw, A-u feated James Kenan last Friday lVZaTZL iFVVHlrpW scored M Katrine thTci?' . AUce Fav. ., 6 .n r past the Kenan sextet 51-31 as Coach Bill Helton's complete new giris team dropped their third game of the season. BELXAVBLLE WINS DOCBLEHEADER OVER CHINQCArTN Coach BuTy Boone's powerful Pan thers ran rough-shod over a fairty strong Chinquapai team last Friday rht S2-3S. It was the first confer ence game for both clubs. Coach Jack Carr's Indians held the Pan thers big scoring ace Wiffie Home to eaty pofaots.' Forward Larry Herring of the Panthers won top scarktg honors far the evening with M ponxs. Beany Thomas and Toby Somaer added M and M respectively for Beslaviae. The Indians top scorer.- Carbon Rayaar was held to eaty tonr pstots bat Robert James and Gerald Batts feed Cteinwspin with 4 y""" ' 1 In the girh game Beulaville came through with an easy victory over the Lad-' Indians 50-39. It was the fourth straight vktt-y for the strong Beulaville girb Rita Sumner lead the winners with 17 points, while Katie Sue Grady was third with 10 points. Linda Albertson another Be ulaville player came in close be hind Sumner with 14 points. Beula ville'! high-scoring Joyce Blizzard scored only 9 points and I think that is about as low as Joyce has ever scored in a single game. In the mean time Lana Padrick, the Lady Indian's star collected a total of 31 points. B. F. GRADY WINS DOUBLEREADER B. F Grady Panthers won both 23.Ties over New Hope Friday, Dec ember 11, in the Gradv gym. Grady girls defeated New Hope 47-33. Judy Patterson led the Pan thers with 18 points. Faye Harper scored 16 points and Zvlphia Carol Smith, 13 Jackie Miller. Carolyn Grady. Gail Grady and Alice Faye Smith played very well defensively. Joyce Owen led New Hope with Z& points. B. F. Grady boys defeated New Hope 53-35. Mervin Harper was the highest scorer of the game with 2P points. Robert Smith got 13: D. L. Scott 11; and Tom Stroud II Mervin Williams, Gary Harper, Dooakf Gardy, Harry Herring. Kenneth) Murphy and Joe Hill contributed ,:to the Grady victory Robert Smith led New Hope with 15 points. Both B. F. Grady teams woo Iheir I first conference games of the year Tuesday, December 15. in the Grady I gym. Grady girls had very little trou i ble in beating the Rebel girls 43-22. ; Grady led 17-6 at the end of the first 4 rmU t and C03Ch Larry Steward substituted lifxr-allv for the rest of the game. Judy Patterron scored is. AcTrtrrwar - vmiia i am mrn 3; and Patsy Harper. I Regular guard Jackie Miller played forward for the first time and scored two points. Carolyn Grady. Gail Grady. Betty Kaye Herrin? and Bet:y Loo Sanderson mate ery inrortact contributions o the Grady Virjry. Walker led Norf! Dmln wh 20 points. Pridgen scorid fcur mint; McCullen. 3: Coie ' vH Miller 1. Bennett. Walker rl Wsi son were North Duplin's rt irthi? spv B. F. Grady Brs -W-atod '-f Rebel boys in a- -'-' game. The Pr?Vr - 22-21 at -balftime aad mat t'- '"" lef boh) for the win. Cr. Tnn Stnri led B. F. Grady 21 noeits. Md- i Tin Harper scored f ornti: Rob-f -Smith; C; Metoa Wuliams. 2; D. U. -Scott. 2. nod Everette Wertbrook. 1. Cfifton was North DopEa's hhtbriC $, scorer with sme points. Mobso f made, t- Warren. T: rfaCinMWor'-i. 1 7: Underbill. 4; and Eeno-dy. Can- Can- leen and alcEfley. one lor. J. P. t - II j s ia te Teachanr, Profession, len w -