lUsA'Jcd V , ' , M t , j ; . . VOLUME XX Vn No. 44 Trial ' , :omrror Trial and Error was crowded out' last week because of jso-jnuch news of bo much more-importance Tis a funny thing, some week there will be two full pages of front page news and then- other weeks yon have to dig into the bottom ot the barrell to fill up front page. ;-: But 'tit "Happy b'.Gory" we are, that the front page news and the :' conversation f will be something other than politics for a while. Pol itics is fascinating and -interesting, but after a long drawn out cam , paign it gets monotonous. Tensions . and conflicts start1 creeping in near 1 the end, and if you will notice, peo u pie Start peeping around before ex pressing themselves to see if the wrong party is listening.. But then after the Voting is over, and the Votes are counted, everyone seems chappy again, forgets the mlsundre f standings and are ready-to get in tereated in something else. That is America for you I And it is a won derful feeling to know that we can ' express our feelings, .and have the - freedom to go to the poles and vote as our hearts and minds dictate to .us.:v - ; '':.';' Conversations begin to get around to such trivial things as Christmas . shopping. "TRIVIAL? Not on yodr , life, the mad rush will be so mad - shortly, that tensions will be built up again. ' ' Boy. if you Want some good food, Just get invited to the Sponsors din. ner of the Community, Development ., Clubs of Duplin. Countfi, On Monday nlcnt ... at Kenan Memorial auditor? iuns the tables were loaded 'with lardi 1 and every thine jiood- to eat ! didn't find any ham iut I am afraid my good friends. MatUe Sad ler and Juanita Kretach beat me to the ham. but I really , didn't heed it The Potter's Hill club did marvel ous Job the past year, . And in the Commuinty Develop . jneut program you .Qaa'i get that top prize and tbe'eup without hav ' tag done a pile of work. Every pro . Ject is weighed and measured. The slogan of the Potter' Hill Club Js "If you can't teed, follow .the lead ' er," This ur a mighty good slogan f as there are so many of us who . can't lead, but if wt would do our . ahart by helping the leader, much 'r:l more could be accomplished : l- Which reminds me of the Joke Ted Wilson told in the pulpit at the - Methodist Chorfh in Warsaw - on " Sunday. He said that a colored min v. wier said that his church was div j iiimd Into halves, one half did their ' half wae glad they did. ; y . f -;V Warsaw is at a high pitch this week i . With the big Veterans Day ' Cele ry; oration coming off, on Friday, and the Jamef Kenan football boys play ' tag in the first game- of the Cape Fear Playoff Conference on Satur f day night Preparations have been ' , made and Warsaw is ready 'for r-e-a-l-l-y big day tomorrow. I for one .can hardly wait to enjoy- the prade. I do love a parade! Many fioatv are ready' for the parade. and the bands from the county and " other places f'11 march. See yau in J Warsaw - Ruth. , - ' BEULAVILLE P, I. A. The Beulavllle P. T. A. will meet Monday night, November M,,at 7.S0 p. M. Open house will be held and refreshments served All par ents(ar urged to attend.' y y ', 'al'k'i V v, . 'Jinks and Junk. George Clark's Shopping Center, Warsaw. Friday afternoon . and all day Saturday. Everything from furniture to pots and pans for - sale. Sponsored by Warsaw; Methodist Parsonage Com .mittee. ; , r ; y;-:xRADT. P.' TSAft The t. F. Grady P. T. A., meet ing is to be held on Monday even ing, November 14 at 7:30 P. M. The finance '- committee will meet : at 7:00 O. P. Johnson, County Super- tatendent of Schools, will speak on "Strengthening The- Schools For ; The 60's", At the close ef .the meet- ' ing, refreshments will be served in the cafeteria, , ' . '- v . 6FFICT3 CLOf rr.I3AT " The fc' 0'.., v "e will ke ekci i I r -ve the hoiiJ. y f t i T';- ' t 11: C t. y " - ' 'it , i . ob r y f. 7 " -;""'n Awards Night Held Poffers in Potters Hill Commuinty Develop ment Club, went over the top on Monday Night and won $150.00 and the Coveted cup . for first place in the county in the Community Devel opment Club. The prize was award ed to the, organized community mak -i A: Oup! 'i COMMUNITY REVIVAL SERVICES Will be held in Warsaw, the: - week of November 20-2. Ministers participating in the program are , (standing) Del Parkerson, minister of the First Baptist Church; L T." Wilson, minister of Warsaw 'Methodist Church; 'and Norman H.,Flow . era, minister of toe Presbyterian Church.! Seated is Charles Tanner, a student at Southeastern Seminary and directory of music and educa- union inanns?iviit? otivk t Warsaw Churches - wH aponsbr : a Community Revival; the.' week v of November 20th . through ; the 14th. Rev. L. T. Wilson of m Methodist Church. Rev. Norman L Flowers of the Presbyterian Church, and Rev. Del Parkerson of the First Baptist Church have planned the program for the week, with all three of the churches participating. ; ' Community Revival will begin on Sunday afternoon. November 20 at S:S0 P M. with a Youth Service at the Warsaw Methodist Church., The message will be given by Charles Tanner, Student "at Southeastern Seminary. Tanner i is director ,. of music and education at the Warsaw First Baptist Church. . Schedule of services for the re- Willie M. Brinson Funeral Tuesday Willie M. Brinson. 78, retired merchant, of Kenansville died Mon day. Funeral services were held at Kenansville Baptist Church Tues day at 3:30 p. m., conducted by the Rev. Lauren Sharpe, pastor. Interment followed In Golden Grove cemetery. .'; . He had served as deacon of Ken ansville Baptist Church for the past to years. 'He is survived by pne daugher, Mrs. Lorea .Vestal Of Kenansville; "three grandsons; one brother, Ashley. Brinson of Kenans ville. - iv , - 1st Undefeated Season For Hi Dins East Central Conference Ghamni nobananCaiAiDoc! , ' ,;-V:,'',V''$ .iVfc-; Large Crowd Expected At Warsaw Junior High Sat. Noon To Give James Kenan Big Send Off .... WARSAW: . The ; Undefeated James Kenan .Tigers started slow but. ended with a fast pace last FrlT day night to down tough Beulaville 20-0 in an important East Central finish. It was the fifth straight con ference win for the Tigers and ran their fteffig to 10.- ending the regu lar season undefeated. - Beulaville had only lost one conference game up until the Tiger clash. James Kenan will travel to Rock ingham this coming Saturday night to play strong Rohanan, winner of the Cape Fear Conference. Rohan an has very fine football team and has lost only one game this season and will go into the playoffs With an overall ' 9-1 record. They are real tough on defense and (heir offense attack' is built around, fcalfback tub Idol. v :''- -(V ' '' ' - James Kenan began to roll late m the first qimrtf-r th?y marched Pr's ta t '". t. t i tc"e i r r " ' 1 ft t ' ; KENANSVILLE, NOKTH Cll 10 LIN A. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10, 1960. Hill First Place rJiriner Gominunity Development ing the most progress during the past year. Pleasant Grove Club won second place and Beautancns won third place.- Each of the organized Communities ; participating in : the program Won $25.00 . Tne awarding of the prizes was , malnder of ibe week are as follows: Sunday, Nor. 20, 7:30 P. M. -Baptist. Church Rev. Norman ,,-H. Flowers, delivering the message Monday, Nov. 21, 7:38. P. It Baptist Church Rev. L T. Wflsen, speaking , ' . Tuesday, Nov. 22, 7:30 P. M. Presbyterian Church - Rev. D. E. Parkerson. speaking. ' Wednesday, Nov. 23i 7:30 P. M. Presbyterian Church e Rev. L. T. Wilson, speaker. Thursday, Nov. 24, 0:30 A M. -Methodist Church Union Thanks giving service, Rev. V. E. Parker son, speaker. - , The choir for these services will be made up of all three churches. Everyone is urged to make plans to attend these services. 3 ; r- ii i i Schools Let Out Schools will' close Friday, Nov ember 11, at 1:30 o'clock so that those who care to attend the Vete ran's Day Parade in Warsaw, wiil be able to attend, according to a ilatement by Superintendent of Schools, O. P. Johnson. Johnson urges the cooperation, cf the parents to see that each child- stays In school until that nour. All schools will operate on regu lar schedule' and a full day on Wed nesday, November 23, the day be fore Thanksgiving and oon Wednes day -December , the day before schools close for Christmas. Tigert drive was featured by the running of All Conference fullback Danny Batts and AH Conference halfback Hubert Merritt Batts scored to give the Tiger a 6-0 lead at the half. The Beulaville defense lead by All Conference tackle 'Sloan Thigpen stalled most of the Tiger thru sts in the first half.,. ') -. :i Throughout most of the third Qju- farter the Panthers nd Tigers held each other with outstanding defen sive play. Late In the third stanza the Tiger depth and power began to wear the big red and white down. James Kenan drove 73-yards late in the third period and early mom ents of- the fourth quarter to score, climaxed by Baits going over from five yards out. Second team - All Conference Quarterback -c- Jimmy Dixon ran the point to put James Kenan well in command 13-0. By the way Dixon was the only sopho more to- make all conference. Ji-'s Kenan sc"-! r":n in the I x i , .wtoc en a t ...,J 4 yard n io made at the Award's Day Program Sponsors Dinner, held in the Kenan Memorial Auditorium on Monday night, Novemebr 7. The meeting was opened with a delicious picnic dinner which was' served in the au ditorium, to' the 450 people attending- ' .-. George' Cowan, president of the Development Clubs, was master of Ceremonies, and the address of wel come was given by Corbet Quinn, President of Potter's Hill Commuity Club, with the response by James Miller. Mrs. Agnes Ives introduced the gue-ls and the Sponsors were (CONTINUED ON J0ACK) Calypso Child Burned To Death n eiz'it month old negro child, Thomas Whitfield, was burned tc 4taui early Saturday night The fire was caused from an exploding oil heater. The child was the grand son t'f Esther Whitfield, who was vtag in a tenant house on the farm of Ed Herring, near Calypso. Eleven persons were .in the five room house at the time the heater xploded in a bedroom. The grand nother and seven- of her children nade their escape, but were unable to save the baby boy. Firemen and rescue qprkers.found his body after the flames had ceased. The' body aj fc'aaiy' burned. y,; Silt 'ii.imisSiiml& Calypso Are .department, ju Accprding to Herring none of the survivors were- injured, .-but Chris tine Whitfield, mother of the boy, was taken to ML Olive for medical treatment The family lost all of their household belongings and do ming., The baby was burned on Monday afternoon. X'z Xi'-- Bill Taylor Of J-K rr Coach Of Year" By Joe Cestui -Coach Bill Taylor of James Ken an waa selected "Coach of the Year" in the East Central Confer ence at a coaches meeting held Monday night of this week in Warsaw. Coaches of the conference met at the Coffee Shop to select the all conference teams and coach of the year. At the conclusion of each foot ball season members hold their an nual meeting to make the select ors. Tnylor was f'losen for the out landing; perf of his team in winning the conference cham pionship and endi:ig the regular season undefeated. I might add It was one of the toughest schedules the Tigers have ever played James Kenan compiled a 10-0 record de feating Jones Central (19-6), Mas sey Hill (19-61. Erwin(13-6), Rich lands (25-6). Wallace-oRse Hill (13-7), Burgaw (37-0), RoseborO (31. 0), North Duplin (13-12),, Mt. Olive ( Con tinned Oa Back I'orbable Starting Line Up In Play JAMES KENAN Postitlon rii Name . . No. RE ? Colin Quinn '47 RT J' Mickey Askew i 4S ' , RG V s Bobby Best I t yX C. Johnny-Harmon .1 30 ", LC :-y Mac McNeiC IS X,, LT; ; Virgil Lanier tt LE . Allen Wahab i " 7 V QB 1 Jimmy Dixon ?: W. LHB Hubert Merritt. ..14-.'. RHB '" Bobby PhUlipi 15 -FB Danny Batts j-X; 17 ; ? ; 17a ,EE -165RT ; 100 IRQ 160 1 LO 310 'LT 1 140VQB 1160, LE ISO LHB 14$: llHB "163 -B pas play frem quarterback Dixon to ( everybody - all Conference) end Colin Quinn. Dixon ran the point and James Kenu left the field with a perfect season, winning 20-0. 4 CALYPSQ: The NorA Duplin Re. bels defeated the strong Mt. Olive1 Panthers 12-7 last Friday night in a very important East Central clash It was the first wut over Mt Clive tor the Rebels beftre (be largest crowd te ever witaess a game on Irubbs Field, " , ;; " Mt. Clive took the oen!" Y' - off aaJ ai arched -strii'u'it i, i 4 A v i '111 i1 Y .,n Achievement 4-H Program Duplin County 4-H'ers will obser ve weir annual Achievement Pro gram on Saturday, November 12 at Kenansville School, Kenansville', At this event 4-H'ers will have the opportunity to exhiut for competi tion, articles and products cemplet ed in their 4-H Projects during the past year. County Awards will be made to members for excelling in various phases of the Club Pro gram. All 4-H'ers Parents, Leaders, friends, and sponsors are invited and urged to attend and support the 4-H'ers. Following is a schedule of events 1:00 P. M. All Projects due in Ken an Auditorium 2:00 P. M. Supervised Recreation al Program. 4:00 P. M. Picnic ( Come, bring a picnic supper and sweetened tea.) 5:00 P. M. Vesper Program. 6:00 P. M. Awards Program. Exhibits will be open for viewing at 6:00 P. M. Over 200 exhibits are sntered . Come and support your 4-H'ers in their Achievement. Following' is a list of Financial Sponsors of the Duplin 4-H Program Calypso Plywood Calypso Duplin County Farm Bureau Ken ansville B. & R.' Frozen Foods Wallace Cates Pickle Company Faison Z. J. Carter, Inc. Wallace vVells Livestock Market Wallace F. C. X. Store Wallace Farmers Hardward Warsaw Kramer's Dept. Store Wallace Production Credit Association Ken ansville. M. G. Cording & Sons - Wallace Ramsey Feed Company Rose Hill Soil Conservation Jtrict. Supervi sor? Ken Asville ,tyt. Mr. Ellis Ves- taT' Craft Workshop Mr. G. V. Gwaltney will hold a tin-can craft Workshop on Tuesday, November 15, at 1:30 P. M. in the Agricultural Building in Kenans ville. vArU and Crafts Leaders and other interested persons of the Home Demonstration Clubs of Dup lin art Invited to attend. C:nttnur4 Oa Bak The Faywin Shaw's To Compete For "Family Of Year" From UCounties .Mr and Mrs. Faywin Shaw, of Beulaville who have been named Duplin County Farm Family of the Year will go to Wilmington on Tues day night to compete in the twelve county Farm Family of the Year contest. ,The North Carolina Farm Family of the Year is sponsored by the North Carolina Agriculture Stabili zation Committee in cooperation with "The Carolines' Farm Best," WECT's farm program. The Farm Family of the Year will be named from the twelve county Farm Fam ilies who have already been select ed from Hoke, Duplin, Bladen, Ons low, Pender, Roberson, Cumberland Brunswick, New Hanover, Scotland, Columbus and Sampson Counties. This is the first time in the state and nation such an A. S. C. spon sored Farm Family has been cho sen. . Off Saturday Night onship Wt.'PosUtlon Name No. 37 43 45 v49 46 73 Si ''.34 ; .28 Wt Ronnie Chavis 170 Jerry Long Bill Freeman Ronnie Oliver Wayne Misloe Eddie Kiak Charles Jenkins Jerry Outlaw ; Bob Idol r , Darrell Davia' Randy Davis - 185 175 170 170 170 150 165 .140 150 170 across the Rebels goal lint with all Conference L, B, Brewer scoring from the one. Brewer" added the extra point and the Panthers lead 7-0 before the fans ceuld settle in their seats,.'' ?v .; VvV r-'X-' Coach' Dave McOenney's looked real good in those early mements ef play but little did be knew the Rebels were Just waiting to get their Jttnds on that ball. After the score, Mt Olive kicked p North Duplia and the Rebels matched the Panthers driving straight to tally, climaxed by a pass from All Con CN KACKI . RATES ISJt this area, fea i L TERRY SANFORD nwcmnioN ' ffluiriW'wiiii Charles Cottle Seriously Hurt Saturday Hit By Car When Standing Beside Road Charles Cottle f Rose Hill re mains in serious condition in Dup in General Hospital from injuries suffered on Saturday afternoon when he was struck by a car on a rural unpaved road, south of Hose Hill. Cottle was standing at the side ef i road beside a tractor when a car iriven by Robert Earl Basden, 34 ear old Rose Hill negro, rounded a curve while traveling South. The brakes which he applied to keep from hitting Cottle, failed, and ac cording to investigating officer A. S. Butler, the automobile skidded out into the field after striking Cot tle's body and hurling him about 60 feet and into the body of a pickup truck which was parked nearby. The truck befenged to Cottle... , Basdea and two other persons who were at the scene rushed Cot tle to. a local doctor's office and ke was Iransfered to Duplin Gener al Hospital. Cottle suffered several broken ribs, broken collar bone, internal njuries, a punctured lung and a punctured, spleen .which had to be emaved according to oficers. Basden, driver of the 1953 Dodge denied being driver of the car, but was charged with careless and acKless driving, no brakes, no lia- Attending from Duplin County will be Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Faywin Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Best, Mr. and Mrs Rufus Elks, Jr. Elks is secre tary of the Duplin County A. S. C. Consolidation Hearing Nov. 15 The Board of Education will hear any patron who cares to be heard concerning the proposed consolida tion of the high schools at Beula ville, B. F. Grady and Chinquapin. The hearing will take place in the Beulaville High School Auditorium on Tuesday, November 15, at 7:30 P.M. V f - C s r x r . v O". , J t W Van w ' s ; i THE "SOUNTT OF THE YEAR" sward for y - District No. I spa recently presented te Rufus Elks, v Jr., ASC Office Manager by H. D. Godfrey, State Administrative OfTicer. Duplin County ASC office ! 'was selected from among seven other counties m the District Individual certificates will be present fed to Oe County Committee and all office pertan- pt fear to OapUa ma aojeiait JT. 04 IMt eataUe M. C. JOHN F. KENNEDY bility insurance sfer title. Pa testified that ' ver. Basden L jail without pri dine Cottle's 1 "d failure to tran-.-i.i" I." th- c-:- icil -.VS., .... il'i- in Dupl!:i tVjnty !.'.:' if bin,!, j.i-n-:non. aLrijriiinn to officers. Pfc. J. C. Bri:.y if V'Yzc: -.:. Chief Police Bill (,; ni i f Rw Hill assisted Butler with tne investiga tion. Fishing Access Area In Duplin A Fishing Access Area is being built in Duplin County. The constru ction is under the supervision of .he Engineering Division of the Wild life Resources Commission. Wil liam Kinsey of Raleigh is in charge of the project, and it will be open to the public possibly withing two weeks. The access Area is for recreation al purposes, and is a place for load ing and unloading boats for fishing and for pleasure riding. The access area is the property of the State, as the state buys the land and dev elpos it for this purpose for public use. This is the first and only such area in Duplin. The Fishing Access Area is locat ed on highway 24, near "Old Man River,," six miles East ef Kenans ville. Dunn Construction Company was low bidder and is in the pro cess of building it now. Town Meeting In Beulaville November 14 A Town Meeting will be held in Beulaville at the School Auditorium on November 14, at 7:30 At this time a discussion will be held on the Sewer System, facts and figures will be given by Mayor G. S. Mul drew. The purpose of the meeting is to see if the people of Beulaville wish to have a Bond Election on the sewer system. All people living within the city limits are urged to attend, both white and colored. H J. Brown is Town Clerk of Beula ville. wl at a later H. D. Godwin, iSnAj if . sentisg the award to Rufus Elks, Jr county ASC effce manager; Mrs. John Wells, Nancy H. Wil liams, Mrs. Rayburn Andrews, office personnel; O. V L. Hellaad, chairman ef the Ceuaty Comirdtteej ' Attend Veterans' Day CelebraiicT Friday ifelll In Varsav1 . PRICE TEN CENT Duplin County Has Record Vote In Demo Victory Senator John F. Kennedy has been elected President of the Uni ted States for the next four years and Terry Sanford has been elected Governor of North Carolina far the next four years. It was a Democratic weep b North Carolina, except for the UKh Congressional District where in cumbent Charles Jonas, a Republi can, won. A record 10,223 peraaas voted in Duplin County, exceeding by 1,182 the previous high. In Duplin County, it was a com plete victory for the Democrats For President, Duplin gave Ken nedy 7269 votes and Nixon 2954. tor Governor, Sanford received 7318 votes while Robert Gavin re ceived, 2812 v6tes. For the Other state offices the vote for Democrats ( tiie council ef Slc'.cs" re;- .' :-, ."'1G voles. Vj 7462 received from 1" For the V. "v S -. ' . 7CC-I v...s while 1764. '. v iL:publicairs t tj 1726 votes, n i:o. Incumbent id an received Dyic Hayes had David Henderson, Congressman elect for the tlurd district ran away in Duplin with 8084 votes while Jack Brinson received 1605. County offocials had no oppon ents. Votes were Russell Brock for Board of Education, 8190 votes; Lott Kornegay and J. B. Strand, County Commissioners, S308 and 13 51 votes respectively; Christine WO hams, Register of Deeds, votes; Russell Lanier, Judy eraX&tanty, Court. 8337; Vm, EL Craft, Solicitor General . Geeaiy Court, 8247; Hugh Johnson, House of Representatives, 8382. Because the National Election was not certain of the outcome no til 7:14 a. m. Wednesday morales, many citizens of the area stayed up most of Tuesday night Most ef the residents watching TV end Be tening to radio for the results fbv ally called it a day around 3 a. m, Wedensday. It had been figured in North Caro lina that the religious issue would cost Kenendy the state. However, his marpin of victory in the Tar Heel state will be in the neighbee hood of 50,000 considerably mere than Eisenhower. In 1928, Former President Herbert Hoover carried North Carolina when he 'defeated Al Smith, a Catholic. Kenne-V is the first Catholic ever to win a presidential election in tee United States. He is the youngest President ever selected at 43 years nf aee. He is the second youngest President in History. Conversation across the State Wednesday centered around Gover nor Terry Sanford's choice of Ken nedy for the Democratic nomina tion when he did and at the time he did in Los Angeles. Most obser vers now believe it was one of the smartest moves made in the caea- paign so far as North Carolina concerned. RALEIGH - The Motor Vehicles Department's summray of traffic deaths through 10 A. M. Monday November 7: Killed To Date 993 Killed To Date Last Year 977 "rxx. ,aajs-. V'1' date. Reading from right te left k SUte Administrative Officec, sre- v.,. r't." !.. . . ' . XX I 1 t.