I - - . ' , THE DUPLIN lIMUS KENANSVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY OCTOBER 19, 1961. : , Personals ' Mr., and Mrs; Bernard $oodson of Greenville weredmher' guests of Mr, and llr. T. A" Jerr.igan, Sat ' urday. ' " u ' - Mr. and Mrs.' D L CheYry visited In Jacksonville and, New Bern Jast Wednesday. 1 - ' St Those home from college over the weett end were Jack Alphin of Cha pel Hill who visitetfr MsS' mother, Mrs. Fred Alphin. Morris Cherry of Campbell visited v.,iv'- parents. M&and. MrsD. L. $ Cherry. - , ' Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Rhodes of .:. :4 Raleigh- were week end guest of Mr. -and 'Mrs.. Cyrus Rhodes over I the week end. i :; .- .'We are sorry to report that Mre. Ivey Amon is ill at this writing. - Mrs Carl Ivey. of - Raleigh was home for the week end. ' . i' .-, :..' Miss Linda Alphin of New Bern was home for the week end visit ing her mother. Mrs. Fred Alphin. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Cherry and Mrs. A. E. Garner attended a con ference' meeting at Statenburg, Sal urday . t , t Mr.-, and Mrs. George Westbrook ot Kinston visited Mr. and Mrs. Andy' Ivey Saturday. Mrs. A. E. Garner is 'visiting Mrs. Metti? rjutton this week. Mr; Bilne. Joe Ivey of Raleigh visited Mr and Mr- Andy Ivey. Homecoming day was observed at .Rooty firanch F. ,W. B. Church Sun day. Those attending from out of the surrounding community were1: Mrs. Elmore Bell and Mrs, 1 Annie Ingram of Kenansville, Mr,, and Mrs. Lloyd Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Charle Bell of Beulaville, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Bell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Braxton Bell of Warsaw, Mr. and . Mrs.1 Thurman Davis and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Jam- Mrs and and and 7 .i- i If JfllUlf I USM 1 At t ions for Women and Misses ( We Specialize in Half-Sizes ) A little buys a lot of fashion at The Carolynn Shop of Wilming ton Gorfte, See all the new, head line, making styles in both bright and basic shades. See casual and dressy models in every favored fabric ... priced to make shopping a pleasure! Charge Account's Invited Open Daily, 9 tc 6 ,Free Parking it 4 was? I Hit "1 Mrs Douglas Shivar i b- HHPmiW i t Mr and Mrs F.ed Herring were k Lj2S3& shoots in Kinston Friday f7f .' , ' 3r 5 TYIFR f 'mMkCks , tf ' ; v MUGH AD0 Y' i;'';'5 V makes the most a f U A tv you (tJ II - ''111 e Podd'A bra at the pleasantest j -i . , rrM IR P0M,"tf P'c' 'o0 wnat it does ? ,j - ' s I. for your figure! Smooth and supple i ,W J l1 J fcCk ' curves that look like nature's , ; i ' "wWVtJLth SWK 5 ,'own UPS are embroidered It ... 1 ., 5' : ' i v (jy5?f?sS lfCWS5r ' ahove, V-stitched below .. . I' f. " Mvm ' and the whole bra " topped jLdi S 1 , off with lace! Here's a new --y I'VWl CUKtOM. es Powell and family find Martha Oiftlaw of Mt. Olive. Mr. . and Mrs, Jessie Bell i'amily and Mr. Lonpie Bell family and Mrs. Ameda Bell son of Roans Chapel, and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. , Joyner of Gamer, and Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Rhodes and tflihe Joe Ivey of Raleigh,; and Mrs. Annie Rose Bell of Kinston. J . 'i m . ' Woodland News Personals Mrs. Winnie Lee ana Betty Kay Herring of Mt. Olive were luncheon :uest in the hpme of Mr. and Mrs. A. J". Walker Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. .W. C. Tyndall vis ited in the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. De lano Tyndall of Mt. Olive. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Chestnutt Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wells and son The M. Y. F. of Woodland Churcn Helen Waller and Faye Waller of Scotts Store and Mr. and Mrs. Har old Kornegay and children. Mrs. Helen Waller and Mrs. S. R. Chestnutt were shopper's in Gold sooro Thursday. While there they visited in home of Mrs. John Dail. The M. Y. F. of oWodland Church mat for a regular meeting last Sun day night in the church. Miss Janet A'eslbrook, president, had charge of .he program. Dr. H. L. Harrell of Pink Hill fil ed his regular third Sunday night reaching services at Woodland hurch. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mozeley of .inston visited in the home of Mr. inct Mis. Leland Wallace and other 't-liitives Sunday. Thursday guest in the home of dr. and Mrs. James E. Westbrook .re Mr. and Mrs. John X. Amon of .11. Olive, and John I. Amon, Jr. o: Goldsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell attend ed the Homecoming at Rooty Bran h Church last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wallace and Trs. Charles Bell were recent visi urs in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. iorman Daly, Mrs. Frank Grant rd Mr. and Mrs. Max Walker, all of Goldsboro. Mr and Mrs Joe Westbrook fish ed at Topsail Beach Monday and Tuesday. Mesdames Leslie Teachey and Garland Wallace spent Wednesday .vith Mrs. Foy Kennedy near Beu aville. Mrs.B. F. Wallace lSijapending this week in Arlington, Va. with her .denier and son-in-iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Shivar. Mr and Mrs. Fred Herring were shoppers in Kinston Friday. Scott's Store Mews , Personals . Mr. and Mrs. 'Charlie Jackson and Mrs. Nora Jackson visited at Hampton, Va., Wednesday and Thu rsday with Mr. and Mrs, Thornton Staples and children . Mrs. Helen Waller and Mrs. S. R. Chestnutt were shopping in Golds boro Thursday . and visited Mrs Penme Dail at the home of Mrs. Lila D. Holmes while in town. The week end, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kcliy visited at Raleigh with Mr. and Mrs. John Walton and Mrs. Jeannette Baker, also Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Rhoaes of Clayton. Sunday Mrs. Hubert Phillips and boys of Kenansville visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Korne gay. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Dail have re turned to their home here after vis iting all last week in Waynesboro, Pa., with the Froncy Dail family. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Waller and children of Herring Store were visi tors of the Dan Waller family Sun day P. M. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Norman Whitfield of Mt. Olive visited her brother Leslie Waters at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Price. Durham Grady left Tues.lay for Ft. Bliss, Texas where he will at tend training school for six months. Mesdames Ralph Waters. Bob Waters, Leslie Kornegay and Dan Price attended Conference of the Advent Churches on Thursday. The conference was held at Good News Church near Wilson. They visited the Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Ellis and family while there. Willie Simileton of Jacksonvilb madfl a brief visit in the Ivey Sum merlin home Sunday. Wednesday niKht. Mr. and Mrs. Hcb Waters and daughter Nellie, vere supper trues! s of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil KorneRny at Gnllon. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hill and baliv of Goldsboro were week end guests in the home ol Mrs. F.lva Hill. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Howard, Jr. of Ralemh marie a short visit in the Buck Hill home Sunday. Little Sonva Mane Powell of Warsaw spent Saturday and Sunday with her grandmother. Mrs. Oar ne Scott. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herring on Sunday were their son Ribert Herring and family of Pearsai' s Chapel and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mo. eley. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Murphy at tended Church services at Charity Methodist Church Sunday :night. Belk-Tyler's Use all your feminine wiles . . . you're sure to succeed in this frill-Silled Lady Manhattan (R) sissy shirt. Row upon row of Dacron lace cascades on the front and round the collar and cuffed sleeves. And it's a care-free wonder in batiste, wash-and-no-iron 65 Da cron (R) polyester, 35 cotton. STYLE A 699 During Sunday visitors in the R. G. Waters home were Mr .and Mrs. William- Waters and children of Sut ton town, the Robert Waters family oi Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kor negay, Jr. of Grifton, and Ray mond iPUckett of Mt. Olive. Mr .and Mrs. E. B. Dail visited relatives in Wilmington Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Barwick and sons, L. H. and Jackie, of the Zion section, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Durham Grady for Sunday dinner. , Mrs. Helen Waller spent several days last week at Dublin with Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Summerlin and children. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carter are vis iting at Washington with the Earl Whaleys. ( Mrs. Elizabeth Grady and Mrs. Peggy Potter of Goldsboro were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grady Sunday night. Sunday guests of Mrs. Helen Wal ler were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carr Faye and Daly of Rose Hill and Waller. Mr. and Mrs. William Dail of Pembroke spent the week end with relatives here. Mrs. Mary Anderson visited Mis ses Isola Murry and Alice Summer lin of Warsaw, Wednesday and Thursday. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Buck Hill and baby visited Mrs. Sallie Parks near Williams Mill. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Carter spent the week end at Hampton, Va with the Harvey Pigford family. They were accompanied by" Mrs. f Eld ndge Carter and daughter of Caljrp so. " ; , - ' '. ( A group of young folks .from Ling Ridge Church visited at the Children's Home at Middlesex Sun day. Homecoming will be observed at Long Rdige Church visited at . the day, October 22. All former pas tors members and friends have a special invitation to attend. Dinner pvill be served on the grounds at 12:00. Revival services will begin ' at Snow Hill Fri W-i-U,.. . cb Sunday; flight, October 21. Rer. JW M, Wiliii of GriftM vl i the evangelist, ' Mr. ml Mm Erneci Water i 1 baby" and! Mr. Elva HJO Wfi Durham Tuesday where- tb t r of MrVand Mn. Waters w ad ted id Puke Hospital far surf J. harreels ti JO our own materials Josses.'."-, ; :;4& .Washington IrvUi ; . rams - . : TMF UNITF-D WAY REMOVE WARTS! Amazing Compound Dissolves Common Warts Away . Without Cutting or Burning Doctors warn picking or scratch ing at warts may cause bleeding, spreading. Now amazing Cora pound W penetrates into-warts, destroys their cells, actually melts warts away without cutting or burning. Painless, colorless Compound W, used as directed, removes common wapts safely, effectively, leaves no ugly scars. ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF & S REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE REPAIR SHOP Located On Hwy 24, Near Bank IN Beulaville, N. C. Repair All Types Of Refrigerators Repair Appliances Sell Used Appliances SEE US FOR YOUR Electrical Maintenance Jobs DDCaiDO James Edwards And John Simmons, Owners And Operators SUBSCRIBE To THE DIUP-LID Plus N. C Sales Tax News Features . . JUL l S : 1 i A " 1 - , , ... -: . -