p . . ' r v i . v-f ,At-. 'iSf.:.t'; VU";.".',, Plu 1 ent Salet f ax ViS I - W'lfry-'e "i . . srmsrRiFTiON RATES: 13.50 iter year olui 11c N. C. Sales tax In Duplin and adjoining PRICE .TEN NOVEMBER 23.' 1961 - 'J ! "f jf Sa,e' te" ooUlde thi' are" ta N- C i per year .v A. vl"? Cafe; to surely .ftruitmg arpqna ' fa'i'mblra . him utriit tvhinv h rfot. I ik granddaughter,. Bill harpe lJlnft ,wat ' jfoo: ha - aery 4',Wa af ,WH w Wif and tmif Paumm. wa Will' all aarerf ltB 810 SharpatHPT g ftil. frte . adi 'lite? M:rflp!'-i : ippBni.,0,. good; fpo,' Jut :jte(. , XoirjtW W'd ort j Oak ;Ridgi ; Cptiniriunity; bf aiijfotnef itortirtir ,ihfWt)uito?.owt..lW rtallj knoi hotf.l took lit tW ountyr ft v Just ao Jiappens that the' laat. eonij-. monfty t vn in 'ttit K ', tuper , , " Oak BId)!. Butlwhan. air of 'Ihf CDmmunit Development Chibi ewne -tog? therand h theflf an, ' niiAl" mnnor.thnt ; in "l ionvtWnff ' tt In2 rfWnll knelt : lirerHet , terj h'ojiFpon't I6rget to ;mai Mi arJl treaUproWljrhat.TBi can b lout almost eompletel, vlth r at iha iwion evfvv it, e :!a on tu'W.iy-nlp'ht. D("gawl i t ai wi4!;itnorSiiJvf .lanki?lyln i ,.onthaii.kfulrt-M '.;m th1 flva lsoiBt(: bearing' tpiitirtg an4 i :ip.VHo aftea 4 jftk thfr r 'Tfiil' rfft ,fof eranted ' i r atop: Id ay "Thank-, you" for t iet;wHhoul even-one nf thw f inaea,..auri entire life wwild b dif t '9fltf jre.4l!io. brouKhl to AhevKlft f rionN ilow ad our Uvea wod bi i HJM'memorlea..Even biff ar& art ftood ttt iti i they i ' ;ln tjie tecesae of out ihind Jbantion to i?s or tin naka ; u l t.fjl 'taf Vbat we jjow ." have. 1 .vwann aald H4 Jfhaiikvta Jj, Tf. s-iivhi f. ;;vt. V -'i'Aa a cautiondrtvo earefully. dur Inr the boJida5' aot that yoWTMII h i 0lllvin8', after thrf-.holldaya; Ruth' ; ihi-j (iffijjf iyur ?hoie ' II1) 3a? .. . oil that ore a part fThankjflWng; May-?; ' : your hiday hold many bteuingt. A ,-. .1'. Qn Thcn!:::.,. . ,;AB DupUn wnSjr i re ' f'-kenanaHe fre.. ?h4 ? t .ThiiradBy 'far jhaklvlil . . prtk.'J-f ."'f c- 7 tint': :.: 'sieta': dfflce,-1 f ;- tuniy r ; ' -"IW. I : '! ' f M (f neea 'h 1hi. ifciwl -laue' v; tHffWfrte ?IM aTf a part ? UkI rtff doty to tyke eare af .. i mertalea. i v .",';'' (TeW ;tifl Prpaf": :ten1 Offlea, Tae Welfare v ; f. -'jfii km itw -roV I T, ,C a W !: le i U f.'. f II ' I ill -ii. r (F 'r i si)' '.r -. . . -v .-tWF I . " . - ' i Droiler Group Urges Producers To Stick Together For The Eastern North Carolina Broi- ficials know of the broiler growers lcr Growers. Inc. Board of Dnec- stand tors said today that "an all-out effort is being made to point up the need for production controls on oroiler." Contacts are being made with of licials hii;h in the Federal Govern ment and the United States Con- j gress in an effort to let these of 1 Duplin 4-H Clubs Tie Sampson Co. For First Place DuDlin County 4-H Club and eirls tied for first place with i Sampson County in the annual ! Star-News 4-H Club Honor Pro- gram held last Saturday in Wil-, mington. Nine counties were re- j presented in competition. ' The 39 exhibit's entered by 4-H Club winners from Duplin Co-; unty won 22 first place blue rib- j bons and seven second place red ribbons.' Those winning blue ribbon-' were: Lily Sutton Donald Brooks. Jerry Grady, Jackie Alphin, Karl Jones (two). Rose Stafford, Lin da Carter, Beverly Grady (two). Mary Alice (Thomas ,six). Mary Ann Martirf, Ray .Roberts, Jr. (two), Linda Gr,ady, Martha Sheppard, Jerry Jones, and Bon nie Grady ' n In ' theJ Junior Dress Revue, Margie Wells won second place Glenn Williams placed second in tho Tractor Drivinz Contest. Polly James took part on th: program, leading the group I. the 4-H Pledge and the Pledge t the United States Flag. A total of 62 boys, girls and parents from Duplin attended tht Honor Program. 4-H Club County Assistant A gents in DupUn are M:s. Lois Britt and John G. Clapp. At a mass meeting of Broiler Gro wers, a resolution favoring produc tion controls was passed. Wide pub licity to the stand has been given and many other sections of North Carolina and the South are now taking a similar stand. At the Farm Bureau Commodity Hearing in October, some 35 broiler producers from the Mountains to the Coast went on record favoring broiler production controls with the ouTSfalistic? Put an extra "thanks" in Thanks iivini? this vear bv Dolishine utj i jour best driving manners and a- boys 1 voiding the late of 19 "statistics" j which the N. C. State Motor Club I predicts will die in traffic accidents i on North Carolina streets and high- I ways during the holiday week end, vhich will extend to four days for many workers. The state will count its Thanks giving highway fatalities from 6 p. in. Wednesday through midnight Sunday, a period of 102 hours. The nme period last year claimed 17 ives, while 414 others were injured in a total of 830 accidents. Thanks- iving Day accounted for six of t he- allotment to' go to the .farmer;: i In recent weeks, the North ftrciv' lina Graneo has also .eooe.- on re cord favoring production controls and is also busy contacting' Federal officials on the Grange's stand .for controls. . Willis Batts, President of the Eaaf tern North Carolina Broiler . Grow, ers, Inc.. said today that every' broiler producer is being encour. aged to write the Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman and their Congressman stating their (Confined on Back) . ,'' BRIEFS fatalities. Of the 924 driver violations re ported, the leading causi-s oi arci-; tents were: speeding, 173; did not have right of way. 133: on wrong i side of road other than in passim'. 102: followim; too closely, 83; and reckless driving, 78. Thomas B. Walkins. president of I the motor club and the National i Automobile Association, cautioned . ill mof rists taking to the highways during the holiday to be especially llej t and courteous while benmd the wheel. "Let's have something to be tru 'y thankful for by being alive in stead 'cold turkey" when they count up the final highway traffic tool Monday,' 'he urged. j THANKSGIVING SERVICE, ; 1 Union Thanksgiving Services. : will be held in the Faison Baptist ! Church on Thursday morning ' Rev. W. ,T. Perkis, Presbyterian' i Minister, will deliver the. me-; ! sage. The choir will be compp 1 ed of members from all of the 1 churches. I YOUTH SERVICES 1 ) The united. Youth groups of the ! Methodist Presbyterian and Chu rch of God in Pink Hill will pre"; isent a Thanksgiving program at 10:00 A. M-, Thursday at the Me thodist Church. Melvln Williams, a sophomore at Duke University and a member of the Methqjjlt iChuiclt, will speak. All interested adult and young people are'wcl come to attend this. aurvice. , Rest Home In Warsaw Soon To Open : k - a n a t0 A Uf "' SScry Of Agriculture" TcMlPy 5YA$C- Weet I Marcua ' Braswell of Whitacres, Chairman: of the State A. S, C. Com mlttM nb informatively to about 85 farmers and friend on Friday night. Th. group Wa8 compose ,oi Community; ; Committeemen :-. a d, their wives, and -friends of the A. S. C. Program. The meeting was held at the Oak Ridge Community Buildine and wait served a delici ous fried ehicken. aupper. . i ' : BraaweU spoKe on "Untold swry Of Agriculture' pointing out how in the past 2p years agriculture haa U creased lis efficiency and that farm ing la now .the big-rest bualneas in America,) the' annual gross produc tion it fooda- ls-greater. He stated ;Never betfpre; toi the history of the world have so few produced abun dance ana variety:- ai no m-.w cheaper price"." . "Production adjustment programs keep supply and demand In check". Braswell urged that the farmers tell their p tv cousins" ine irue story u ft 4 .1. . I r r t t r '- ' . I ky : f r keur a I tm"' .. i ' 1 be I al ii c .it at r- Gar Collides WithfAmbulancq . VII aiHUUHVU-O . wiuuhS , I itlnk Hill Wir ru.nartnvnt and dri ven by Herman Stroud rtoHiried" .vith a car owned-and driven by ron Murohv of Ph Hill. vThe ac- irident happened at a street inter wctkw fn Pink Hill at about f ;80 Irt the afternoon. ; V ConsifleTable damage was done to hoth ; vehicles and occupants of the Murphy ear .received cuts and bru aes. Injured persona were treated by local, doctor and' discharged. ..No charge wera filed. art manv have acauired to agricul ture is creating a dangerous situa tion as farmers have a tremendous stake in the future of agriculture. Rraswell nreed the farmers to vote In the referendum on tobacco cotton and peanuts on December an4 to" exert mere effort in get ting their farm friends and neigh- bora, more interested ana out w ine polla to vote. , ' ' : Beceptiveness to new Ideas is a rr '. '.- '. ' ... ' must for farmers as all of America is Changing and Agriculture prac tices must change with the times he asserted. Braswell was introduc ed by Pearson Hassell of the State a s rr office. Hassell in his intro duction told what a dedicated man BKriculture. The Indifference that! Braswell was to the farmers and to tYim varinns farmine oroerams. Be ing a farmer himself, Braswell un derstands the problems which far mers have and is serving on the State program because of his deep interest in Agriculture, Hassell pointed out. Dunlin Countv ASC Chairman, Otha Lee Holland, presided at the ontmurd On Baca At Rose Hill cv i r.M t i r Amor t ::i .N .p Nov- Vi I '1 in the . f rt. r t :.) InGoIdsboro a i oorn by $ t. m. - . -- Such workshop are a Joint effort of many chapters to ihare exoer-tenf-a ia promoting and, carrying (nit the many, volunteer proara of ! 1 Cross. ' Pervious Worltshop i t r-Safety, Nursing Activities iter have been successful ,;rsr Interest. Invitations in s!l volunteers and 1 p-'-'P'-e to attend Junior Chamber of Commer- let- of Rose Hill announced that Rose Hill will 'have K first annual rnrv stmas Parade. The parade wUl De held on Thursday, December 7th t .':3q;p. m.,.,- J,, - The primary feature oi me par ode Will be the appearance of Miss North Carolina. Susan, woonan, m Ronoke Rapids. Some Elements of the parade will consist oi six niRn achoolvmarching bands,, fifteen oi more floate. the National Guard, Boy Scouts, and many surprise en tranta. ; '' : ' --: :'-' ' : The parade .will' form on we Charity road atreet and will con chjde on the same atreet .after Cir cling through downtown Rose HilL Immediately following the nararle the merchants of Rose Hill will give away door prizes valued at ever ' two thousand dollars. The drawing will be held on'tha Com munity Christmas Tree Lot located t ' ven Eostic and fhodes Motor Gasoline Drops To 21.9 Cents In Kenansville The gas war which has covered North Carolina during the past week has hit Kenansville. All service stations have dropped their gasoline prices to the lowest level in many years. The war started when Gulf put in a new and lower price gasoline known as Gulftane. In Kenansville service stations have regular gasoline priced at 21.9 cents per gallon and 23.9 cents per gallon. Just how long the gasoline wai will last is undetermined but all motorists are hoping It will last for a long time. Construction of the modern, fne proof Rest Home at Warsaw by Mrs Ralph Jones is Hearing com pletion and will be ready for oc cupancy very soon. Opening date will be announced later at whuh time Open House is planned. Applications are now being accep ted for admission at this 8-bed fact- it., -hirli will provide twenty lour hour care for: Retired (..uists. I on I' tles'-ents Diabetics, Partial Para i Ivtics the Aged and infirm, whoso i medical care is only occasional oi i incidental. i We have- Fireproof Building, Hot I ir Heat Large TV in Spacious I l iving Room, House Doctor on Call, i House Minister available. Consul I (Confined on Back) IMtJtf.-WtVlCM Union Thanksgiving Service will be heW. at the kenanavUl? Baptist Church on Thursday at 10:00 A- M. concluding a sejietfof. services wjilch hav.e been held- all week. Rev. Richard Holshouaer of Grove Presbyterian .Church WriU deliver the Thanksgiving service MYF SUB DISTKICT M-5W M. Y. F. ?ub-district will thcet at Calypso, November 27- The' fo4 pic will be Christmas ideas, aiepi ing will be at 8:00 p.m. PARADE AND FLOAT Pink HiU merchants invite any 'organization that wishes to do ao to enter a float in their Chriatma. ! Parade on December -9. Also Beau ty Queens from the various schools I are urged to enter the centeaL Three loving cups will be given for I first second and third prues. -The I parade will begin at 1:30 P- n..';: HomeFederalSavingslnWorsawSooh t ik l 4 1 ,s- x-kitnetallindl Home Federal Savings' Warsaw I -round air conditioning and heat Office will be located on Pine The exterior will be brick vem-e Street near College Street. with a complete open-glass from J V Brittle. Executive Vice Pre-i The ulterior will have panel walls sirient of Home Federal Savings and Loan Association, Kinston. N. C , announced that the Association has leased the Avon Sharpe Build ing on Pine Street for the Olfue Godwin Building Company, Inc., is doing extensive renovations, adap ting it for Home Federal Sawngs' use The building is twenty-lwn h lifty feet, and will be completely renovated inside and out. with jeai RUDOLPH WATERS IS HELD i Tom Highsmifh Killed Saturday Hear on Rural Road WilhShoig un ,Tom Hichsmith. 48. Negro, of! Iiinquapin section, was killed !a: 'Wday afternoon late wnen ne was ahot with a ;.410 guage shotgun,. " Rudolph Waters, 51, Negro, of the Chinquapin section, is being held in Duplin County Jail without privilege of bond pending the conornor'a in quest. .''',(: :''' r Snyder. Dempsey.. Deputy Sheriff, investigated. l'JI I . Dempsey said, Investigation W niii th two men had some -trou ble between them which -started back in the summer. Wstera aaM irt the summer Highsmith had hit him over the head with a broom handle and had knocked him out. At th time he was hit in (the head, Watera waa - admitted to DupUn General and spent three days and nights in the hospital for treat ment; , ' ' Hi hsmith's body was found on a rural dirt roat about three miles east of Chinquapin back of Mosss Pickett s house. ' A pocket knife was found open In Highsmith's pocket,' according to Officer Dempsey. Waters told Dem spv that Hiahsmith , waa coming ! a. i.k lU. W.ifi niKan haa srvnt n iiini wiui ii 1-iiw.w v im. BLOQDSKEO EOXSGQRE : 1. OH M.C. HIGMWATI . -mm. -.JSALEIGH-The Motor Vehlelee Department's summary c of traffic deaths through 10 A. M. " Monday, November 20: - - ' Killed To Date ,. ...... 1040 Killed To Date Last Year 1053 vinyl tile flooring and acoustical tile ceiling. The Office will be equ ipped with new and modern equip ment tor efficient operation. The Warsaw Office of Home Fed oral Savings and Loan Association vill offer a complete savings and oan operation, the same type ot operation as offered by the home o fice of Home Federal Savings m Kir.ston. 1 - Untile stilted that renovatloni were being pushed as fast as possi ble in anticipation of an early open ing date This opening date, he sta te could not be announced at this time. I , ' The Officers of Home Federal Savings hope to be able to announ-; ce tin- personnel for the office witV in ten days to two weeks. ..'; Home Federal Savings an Loan ssociation. organized in 1924.;. with Its home office in Kinston, also op erates a branch office in Snow. Hilt, x. c. : -a 1 4 ft - . WT .v ii,?.---. -ij : i t 4 i (. ! : lines in I.'xe 1. ..v &-

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