- -, I, c. "MY r?.7"-T.1 S3, 1 1 THE D UP L Publiabed each laarsd" (!) tCenansvUIe, N. C, Copptj Sa t, iypu& tfrat Editorial, buafress tfft an rUt:." Tant, Kenans, l). 5. ' ' ' - i - 'v UPTH t- ghapv,' Editor : a . T EnteM At TlHi Pst CfHM. JfenamvllW. f .C ; 1 ' t as Secnhd- cjakf matter ' TELEPHONE KenaAwBle, ay If ttm-Nlght It . SUBSCRIPTION BATES: tt.M pr year pint 11 N. C. Sales Tax In Duplin Leanjr. Jpaes. Onslew, Pender,' Skaips,. New Hanover ' and Waylie coatles; M M per year plus 14 N. C. Salea Tax eastlde tbH area In Nerili Carolina and f5.Se per year plus 17c N. C. Salea Tax elsewhere. ' ' - . . '. 'i'1' - v ' :.:;."": 4 Advertising; rates furnished an request . , A Duplin County ' Journal, devoted to the rellgloas, material, i edncatloaal economic and agricultural development of Duplin Ceanty. , t - - ... ... ........ . VaM NlMMfK lc at . Uncle Peie From AVs J', Zeke Crubb'sx Dreacher come by the country store Saturday night, jsaid he was all wore out from at- tending the coinmittee meetings all week, He allowed as how the Put - bit Committee meeting Friday lutlt was a humdinger. " I Vint off. he said, kufe Zinder First off, he said, kufe brwg .up the ae-old topic of rais ing UiepreacJeV salary, The good Parspn said he. made his usual sug gestion that they go no further with this topic on account of him having ao much trouble trying to collect his present salary. Then Rufe's wife, he said, put the stopper in the sal ary, jug by making her customary remark about the bird in hand be ing worth two in the bush. ;. With everybody asreed on the salary item, Katie Hightower took advantage of a pause in the conver sation to bring up the subject of the New English Translation of the Blhla, the Parson reported. Katie 4lniAr1 ahn At An' I I ilra it nn o V'tasitivvi oiiv uiuu line wti av.- u u-.j . i like the King James Bible. Zeke's wife' allowed as how the number ot ; columns, had nothing to do with it that; ber, Sunday. School class liked Dr. Thomas W. Alley Optometrist Warsaw. N. C Rear of Warsaw prug Company -rues.. Sat. from t:U to S:M Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted "ft'-1 NOTICE diiF WELL DRILLING -. And BLOWING Water Guaranteed -'Or No Pay E. Lv REGISTER ( Register's Crossroads ) RFD Rose Hill Phone 28 9-2672 "What Is Home Without Water" FARM LOANS tito 20 Yean Low Cost Prompt Closing - Fall Payments To Purchase - Improve - Pay off Debts - Erect New Buildings ,"' SEE or CALL us for full information. We do our own appraising, thus assuring fair appraisal values i - ' More than 30 years experience M. T. BRITt LOAN AGENCY Tel. VX 2-t.m Clinton. North Carolina .Nights LY 2-3141 Cash and Carry BUILDING Credit If You Nee ri' " At Southern v Supply Co. Asm from lb Park ijfi CUWon ' 11?''"- ' n- rfi p- -IV- alOP ' . HUY B.A.K. GAS STATION . . , LOCATED NEXT TO DWlltf MOTORS ' WAXSAW. N. Ci '' i OAS FOB LFS8 8 IfejuUr 27c Per. Gallon Hi-Test 30c - - ft Slt Octane . : 10J Octane ' Aft Brn Of Oil BBLTON D. MITT8HSW OWNERS MATTIK 9. HTNSHCW V- IN TIMES ittnmaa Chilflin tit on account of they could under- .stand it better without all thara L thees and thous and thys. By thif itjme, said the Parson, everybodj 'was gitting in the arguement st he thought he better say a few , words. Hp said he told 'em they wa; many translations of the Bible anc' the important thing was to live b? the Good Book instead of arguin' about it. He said he told 'em rh story about the preacher that ask ed the old farmer what church hi belonged to. The farmer told hini they was three roads to town, thi upper road, the lower road and th' swamp road, "But," said the olr' farmer, "when I git to town witl my wheat the man at the mill don'! Say, "Jim what road did you take to town'? He says, "Jim, is yHu wheat good,-?" The Parson said he wasn't too shore everybody got the point to . . , , . , , , . this storv. In fact, he said, he s got t . - - n Was n 9 lm f A rT A fW 1 1 I A r nAVA and there that's a little slow in the mental department. He recollected the time he asked the congregation to ' write down the names of the twelve Apostles and put 'em in the collection pfate. One feller, he said couldn't name but five and he hac1 Abraham Lincoln included in the list. But the Parson reported the meet ing broke up in good spirits and it. fine harmony. He allowed as how harmony Was the most important thing a preacher hasto work fer in the church. And he said he learnt a long time ago tnat tne nest tmn; a preacher can do to keep harmony is to make, ever sermon have a strong beginning and a strong end ing and keep 'em pritty close to gehter. And just to prove he was right, the fellers give him a round of aplause at that point. Yours truly. Uncle' Pete What a man thinks of himself, hat it is which determines, or ra ther indicates, his fate. Henry David Thoreau Of two thintrs fate cannot rob us: amely, of choosing the best, and ;f helping ethers thus to choose. Mary Baker Eddy MATERIALS Wholesale Prices SAVE FOR RE 111 HOUSES & APARTMENT IN . Kenansvilje and Warsaw -Mrs. Belton Minshew -::':: Warsaw, N. C. " . : :--r c. r -i 'i : " ' . ' ; --j I , f . C 4: w - - - J ; t wa k w l f you GOVS OP TODAY V',:,V7 TCQ I MUCH MONGY . . CO YOU KNOW ! WHAT X WAS T MARRIED MY J JIDLE FACTS OF IIITEREST By: Ella V. Prldgen "How Jesus Grew" Joseph's shop may have been at tached to his home or away from t. We may be sure that the boy Jes ts was often found there, watching oseph's hands as they used the )lane, getting in the way of the ;aw, and, as he grew older, leani ng to use these tools himself. A ieep affection existed 'between hem. In their long hours of work ing together, they also talked to gether, and Joseph imparted his wisdom to the growing boy. The bond between them was so strong that when Jesus wished to give God a name he called him Our Father. The religious training of a child usually begins with its mother, who is close to her child in the forma ive yenrs of infarrv ft enrly child hood. The generosity of Jesus was encouraged by Mary who, like other mothers wish their children to think inselfishly, taught him while he was still a baby to share what he tad. Probably the first prayer Jes us ever heard came from Mary's lips. She taught him to pray and told him Bible stories, and imparted to him her own sweet gentleness. The religious training of Jesus began when he was old enough to tnlk. He learned the Shema. All Jewish boys were required to learn the Sherna by heart. Deut. 6:4-5 "Hear, O, Israel; the Lord our God, is one Lord," and "Thou shalt love the Lord they God with all thine heart and with all thy soul, and with ail thy might." Jesus was re quired to learn the first command ment, the simpler Psalms, the his tory of God's dealing-with his peo ple. The Sabbath and the synago gue, the annual celebrations, tne Harvest Festival, the Feast of weeks, the Day of Atonement and the Passover were instruments in his training. When Jesus was about six years old' He was sent to the synagogue school in Nazareth. There He Sat with the other children on the floor in a semi-circle while the Rabbi taught his pupils the alphabet, and used the scripture for his text book.1 Some of each day was devoted to play. All the time Jesus was working or playing or studying or, worshiping His little spirit was developing. We do not know when He first became aware of God. Perhaps there was never a time He didn't know Him, ( Continued) ' " THE WAYSIDE PULPIT Text., "The joy of the Lprd Is your st-ensrth" Neh. 8:10 ; The Broadcasting Companies of fer to give one onth to appeals to the - unchurched. ' When , that brings them, something must keep them. : ' ' . -y?: Dr. Samuel Johnson went to. the Church delected. When he came out he was asked what the preacher preached about. He replied. "The glad tidings of damnation.' ? I was a lonely soldier walking the streets of Boston . and heard some wonderful singing. J went in to the church and found a , seat. Those people knew notes but that did not keep them' from cashing in on music. They really sang by let-ter-they held back their, heads and let her fly. They may have studied "Do Re Me Fa", but they had not turned it into. "Dough Raised fa rwr .f-::;rf ; Too many of our 'city7 churches have left tha asri out of their rul I ture. Every soul turning to our chu rches needs fellowship and' the joy ot.the Lor.cl. - ,''. '.".;'-. ' ! . - I f NO. . ANO 1'LL OCT YOU OION'T GITHCR, It is idle to talk ta people qf their faults, for, if tfipy knew them, they wouldn't copjiilt t' t-ni. V ' ; "i I 2ETTINZ WHZ -WtPSF. THIS IS The LAW "v .' By Robert E. Lee v (For the N. C. Bar Assocltalon) HUMOROUS WILLS One of the strangest places lo find items of humor in the law wou ld appear to be in the wills to tes tators. Wills are written when test ators must consciously face t he contemplation of death. Neverthe less, incidents of pure humor may at times be found in recorded wills. One testator directed that no wo man be present at his funeral. The love of the French eople for the culinary arts is reflected by a provision in a Frenchman's will that a new copking recipe should be posted on the testators' tomb each day. A merchant recognising the un certainties of life gave the follow- S Sthat'Sm t bar S gT Zt&Z keep up the payments. Give my good will to the supply house-they took some awful chances on me and are entitled to something. My o Open A Hew Account - COQPE Main ft. equipme.it you can give to the Junk man-he ha? had his eye on it for several years. I want six of my cre- ditors for pallbearersrthey have car ried me so long they might as wefl luiiau uie jon. " . i,.: "t t. ptie rppn (eft all of his property to the (tevl the habe o( the legatee appeared W capital letters througn- June i, iw,- w gr .-.uiim. out the will. The inference was that . .11 your disatjidly if sever, has exi the testator wished to make a good sted for more than six months and impression upon him, with ah eye is expected, to continue, you may to securing Indulgence when ; they ; be eligible for disability msuranc met.' t j - ; benefits. If you qualify for ,. these .benefit, 'your wife andrnfnor and A man who had made a. fortune or disabled .adult, sons and daugh In the financial world wrote in his I ters may also be eligible. Remem will: i r..-':i,-Hi ', 'bar. no benefits are payable unW "To my wife; Meave Jier lover, and the. knowledge that I wasn't the fool she thought I was. , ' " To my son;; I leave the pleasure of earning a ; living; Tot twenty-five years he thought the pleasure was mine. He was mistaken. ; . , "To my daughter, I leave $200,000 She will need it. The only good pie ce of business' her husband ever diet was to- marry her,.v!.',,.vr;c-ffv'.Vj. "To my yalem leave the, clothes he has been stealing from me re gularly , for ten years, also the fur coat he wore last winter' while 1 was in Palm Beach. 11 " ' "To-my chauffeur ! leave my cars. He almost ruined them, and I want him to have the satisfaction of finishing the job." , Changes In Your Social Security 'By Robert L, Hame) 'j:.. Social security. is a program de signed to protect you and your f am ily against loss of income due to retirement, death, or disability. This protection: against the econo mic hardships connecte with severe i and long-lasting disability is a com paratively new feature in the law. To be considered for disability benefits, you must have worked In; covered employment for at least 3 years out of the 10 year period end mt; when you became disabled. To be eligible for disability benefits you do riot have to be completely helpless but you must have a dis, ability which Is so severe that in the words of the law, H makes you unable to "engage In any substan tial gainful activity." It must be a tZSSTM ; IS Z2 indefinitely or to result in, death. At the end of 1960 about 75 dis ability insu'rance beneficiaries, ' and about 50 of the!- dependents were f. , ' Regularly jVhere Thousands Are Saying Millions" RATIVE SAVIWGG AND l,C.fM AociATiora Of Wilminston VrT. r-v J , receiving monthly benefit, uvyujv When " ,t wil, "n wounty. ; , , . ' i If you are disabled or know of Someone who 'is 'disabled, contact US nearest social secupty disLrict " """i " Vou Become Disabled." Q1Sr-3. Workers. Who' have jeen, disabled; for a numbei of years haVftV until an application Is filed. , , Fpr further details, contact your social security district office at Wilt mingfon, N. C. Protect yourself and your family witl) the latest social security facts, r, '. ' All speech, written or spoken, 1. a dead, language, until' it finds" willing and prepared nearer. (, A teacher affects eternity: he ca'; never tell where his influence stops. Henry Adama ' Plumbing, Co; Route 2 v ' Warsaw, N. C. One Mile From : Jones Crossroads v. Will Do Complete Job Fixtures And Labor Or Just Labor. . . STATE LICENSED CONTRACTOR Drop A Card Or See Me In Person FOR ALL FOREIGN TIRE RECAPPING , . SEE FLAKES, TIRE SERVICE Clinton, N. C. Wiln ingron llwy, LY 2-2809 j Savings By the 10th 1 Earn. ' o Add To Present .'lit gpL , r!Tv, rT'- T- - , Tr 't CITY or him It he take your aim lhan the other waf around, ae jji tpr (h Bli.id- ' , F,or Expert Watch . ; Repairs '", ' - ' See, '.' 'r HINES JEWELERS v Warsawi N , Dial LY 2-2317 J.F.REYNOLDS , . MUSIC COMPANY ' Operators Of - ' Coin Operated " Phono-, graphs and Pool Tables. Cigarette- Vindors. New and Used Records ; 516 Beamon' St. Clinton, N. C. It: Deposited Dividends From The , 1st ' Account I t IflMriMiiQnal unuw Bible fttrll: Mntthsw l:13-lti Luk f 10:li4; ArIB 4: U-il. ' .. . DTtloM iwdiiii; Act t:-H. ' : THE Christian church Is no se cret society. To be sure, Chris tians know the secret of a truly happy life, they have more than they can understand) for theirs is the peace that passes understand- 'ing- But this is an open secret: r Hi r What the Chris- , tian knows about Christ he is bound to share, that's part ot being a Christian. The church's word for this sharing, this joyful passing-on . i J Is Witness, let's 1 tn Alio uwu ACVVS. Dr. Foreman get. the court, room out of -our head. Christian witness is sometimes: tike court room witness, giving evidence at r trial; The Christian should be ' ready to give as reason for the hope that is in aim. But this Is to ' emergencies, it's bit unusual. . Witness, as the clmrch uses the - word today t we , get . the word - from Acts' 1:8) means all that Christian may do to show that hs it Christian y - - , Witness ky Btlns ' ;i Not that a Christian it to be a uhow-off. Never. Jenus use two meaningful figures of speech in this connection, He calls His fol lowers light;' nd salt. Now both light and sail can be nuisances, even harmful, If you get too much, salt into the food or if a glaring light gives you a headache. Both. liglit and salt must be modest, w , to- speak, unobtrusive. But what do light and salt do to Jus tify their existence? ,.' Strictly speaking, they do not do a thing. They just ARE. The light give light and the salt tastes salt. This suggests a way for the Christian to witness for j Christ.-1 Just BE ING ,wh the preacher talks about, just BEING (as. it . were) like the pictures in the catalogue, that ,is witness, that . is evan gelism. We use the word ."evan gelism", in- the church too' exclusively for talk. Everybody knows one picture is Worth a thor sand' arguments. If 'yoil are f Christian,'' why Is itt Tsn't tt be i cause jou somewhere have known afeid-hiistian oc two?,.Tlk Ip ' Importantj ChrisUan talk vary in portant; ibut the salesman 'ought to be able to point to some good samplesT, , , (1 - ? - ' , ; Wilnss hy peine . , j You can't really separate being and .doing. Part of being a Chris tianan Indispensable part is doing. What? Wen, here we com on all sorts of strange ideas. Cen turies ago there were men who thought, the thing to do, for , a "Christian, would be to suffer at much pain ai possible. So if they didn't have any wounds they would cut themselves, and if they were not sick they would do things almost guaranteed to make them sick. They would stand In cold water all night long to keep from going to sleep. One man (Simeon Stylites, the Pillar-Man) stood on top of a post for 38 solid years Just to show what a good Christian he was. Most of. tha church has got over ' those gro tesque ideas. Some thinkers hay rushed to the opposite extreme and denied that a Christian can do anything to show he's a Chris tian. The Bible truth, is simple. St, Johri put' it into words of one syllable: "He who says he abides in Him (Christ) ought to walk la the aama way in which Ha : walked.?.,'.. V":' Some people are better talkers than others, Uue enough. But it - does seem strange that Christians very often find it harder, or they think it's harder, to say a good 'word for Jesus Christ than it is to .: "walk as He -walked" or to have Christ-like attitudes.: Neverthe less, witness by saying is very important A professor in a class-: room of chemistry makes a dem onstration at the desk; and that's a very effective form of teacliing. . But if he never once sv. vhat ' be is doing, never explains a' all,' he's a poor teacher. A uv'tian, if he is anything like U Chris tiana of tha early dys, will not only witness by doing and b-int', he will say a. food word for the Savior. Man is a talking animal. Th word Gospel means Goud News. News can be pictures, cjt - some time or other it calls out to be - told. If witness-by-saying seems frightening because you realue it hardly fits your being and your doing; then irn't it best, not to refuse to speak; tut to work' at your doing and being so the saying will fit? There s nothing' you can try, of which you nay be more sure of God's help. ( Hlr-, o-Vrlr'iU T .the Division ( Ch;Nu F4attUa, Chf.t In l7.ll. . alu4 kr CBn 4il rrkf S''..). .... ttwsltJ 1,4 w ! J Quickly jeliev nigging paint ( tired, . rcr aching miMglei with STANBACK Powderi or Tablet. ST ANBACK'S combination of medically-proven infirediemi for relief of Pain works fist and fivrt re Biarkjbl)' cimto-tirT re'.i'.f. S" f '' ""!"-iii!--11. ,iap fc...-.k .. iii i , .urn. . ' , u 7 Lesson for December 3, 1961 U I