iummerlins III 1 ' (ic'i of tMion'af i. :'; . V'Trescrinlion . Phone 289 - 242? ' if V YOUA DRUG TOP? 9 Brownie' Cameras ; $5.00 to $15.00 , 9 Amity Billfolds $5.00 to $7.95 . O Old Spice Sets $1.00 to $7.00 O Evening hi Parjs Perf umeis , . $2.50 up v : 9 Hair Dryer $6.95 to $19.95 . 9 Bath Powder. $1.00 to $4.00 Gift VVraiftfng; 25c to $1.00 -O Christmas Tree , Dcorations h . . Chrislmasi Trees Y 2Sc Lw Bathroom' fc Stuart TtV; U. 'scales;'' , Hall ' JPV; jim?:.s ' .Gift '.'''V , Stationery ffe?- I '0lectric. .c bid Soire V 1 . Razors Gif Sets fefejv - j - For i ' $2.00 to $5.00 Wt?' ' ' i'. Ladies Hair;- 'W ; .$9.95 ;.(J , ' , Brushes ' $100 to $4.50 ir '..For Men Photo ; . $28.50 'Albums TVnejc ' $2.50 Watche Model 1 ; $65 ,tp' Airplanes $19.95 , , to 98c : ft:,- 0 BIG BEN ; L-IOCS Sea ltl.50 jo 4,59 j ,m O.Scripto j ; L-- Ballpens i f Panghurns . ! $1.00 tf $1.69 V Sportsman lf? O ?ippo,u Trie Shave , . mJ V Vljehters V 'V t Lotion, j ..and Cologne . j J 1 ,3 gifts in one - , - . . --x . ,;.$3.25 , - .jfeSp V'tgnd Cologne Razor Schick $2.95 ' ' . k k taiVnery( h ,: s$l.C3to$1.59,' . - -V' Register .t Our Store : V" For FREE GIFTS ; . c SnerialUra" V . f . v v , Rose Hill,' J. C. Mil fc X',' li Talc, 1 " . v ir.?:::s.a ' r i t . we r -n ; Safety fEV Razor t V ? f &V J ' ' V( f 1 ! Sunday juet In the ini ol .Af? lyid tyra. . ,)Vallace 'wen tfesdames JRiver kd 1 iiharc 't'O'lifUl" TWr. 'fei-iii'dii.'' rinll Si. -arr and Mr. "Carland ScQtt all J Ro?e Hiji. : Mr.' nd iylri.'' Jaolc Grady were ,. ..y. . y,,. .j. r s i ' i r f nr(f Mr .and Jrs. Jenneth AJood; and children' of Stedman and Mr and Mn. Grover Ballard and fam ily of Richland8 visited the Harve; llarper family during the. week end. :' ' . - Mr. and Mrs. Alfred .flarper , o' Wilmington visited ' the : Thurman Harper over the week end and la! attended church conference i Goldsboro. ' ' " Mr. and Mrs! Lynyi SuttOn - and Ricky of Sanford visited with Mr and Mrs. William Sutton during the week end. Sunday guests ls' were Mr. 9nd Jars. Gurlcy of Golds boro. Mrs. Saljy Harper snent jast weel jn iRppHy ;fowtl visiting Mr. nd Mrs: Chancey Bishop and . Mr., and Mrs. James Southerland. i Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy1 Sanderso'- of Kenansville visited Mr. and Mrs J. G. Potter Sunday. Mrs. Kitty Sutton of Jacksonville spent a few days with her son. William Sutton, during the week. Mrs. Rpsebette Oitter attende? church conference in Goldsboro Sunday. Wendell Outlaw returned to New Jersey after a leave at home with his. wife last week.-Mr. Outlaw is with the U. S. Army. Mr .and Mrs. L. G. Kornegay and daughter of An?ie'r visited Mr. and Mrs. L. C Southerland and re latives of Pink Hill, Friday and Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. Willie Sheppard of Hallsville visited Mrs. Bruce Sou therland Saturday night. Mrs. Raymond Turner and Lucy Anne, Mrs. Raymond Turner, Jr. and Ray went to the Christmas par ade in Kinston last Thursday: Also attending was Mjiss June Anne Smith and Mrs. Joette Miller and boys. ' '. Miss Brenda Grady 'of 'Wilson spent Saturday and Sunday with her pjireirts, "Ss. apd Mrs, Paul Grady. ; V - Hirs. Linda Southerland of Ken ansvUle visited and Mf- J. K Southerland,' Sunday. CLASIFIED RATES: Three; cents per word, minimum charge of 75c, Unles yo) Bave an acconct wlih n please tend money, atam', money order or cheek with ads. TYPEWRITER haoVSii mach ine repaired. New 'Royal type, writer for every need. Dial Golds bora RE 4-6815 Worley Typewriter Exchange. t5C South Center St. CTF. ' FARM LOANS ZD YEAR term two interested rate. Complete insurance Service. Thigpen FIc ken hianrance Agency, Mt. OUve N. C. CTF. WANTED: I want a FARM In tlii Cwnrty with Tobacca AHetmeat. i Yea have ene for sale write me at, Box sot. : ' v Wallace, N. C. . V ; WHOLESALE BUILuiXS mater all, cash and carry Credit if need ed. All materials guaranteed. Well worth a trip to Southern ' Supply Company. Clinton Across from the Park. ' ' CTF.. - '' PIANOS HAMMOND ORGANS We trade for anylhlng-gnn, cows horseay ete. We got tKe pianoa and organ and it yon need one we eaa trade. See u aooa. Onr ,37th year. Johnson Plane & Organ jCo. KiastMi, N. C. ;-s f -r- Tarry Terrace, Jackson vllle. n. c. " -. '. FOR SALE: S hpuses and lots in the city limits of Magnolia. . . Thelepheae 293-4813 -Warsaw, N. C. u 14 rr - pd , SALESMAN WANTED ' WANTED AT ONCE . Rawlelrt Dealer & . Daplin County See er write Rawleigh' Dept. NCL-J1M Rlchmnkd, Va. 1-2MT-Pd.' ; . ;'v- . Drive-la Glas Service, . Ante Glas InstaUed. Table. Top,' Mir ror. If if . -, rc have : tt, Atlantic Glas Company. (23 Senth Front Street Wunlngton, N. C . CTF. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Jiiii Mozeley : o ' inslon spent Sunday la the homt . Mr, and Mrs, .H. S. Tyndall tni. .ier i-iiativ es. xJ'i: ,-AJr.TL u. Uarrell of Pink, HL: -.ng. .wfttf hu farijlyi' ..'Were iuii ;'4eon guest iii 'the hameJ of ' Mi Jid Mrs. K. J. Smith! iunday ' ' Mrk C. t. Grant,- HUda Walke. 3cm and Mrs. Sallie ,tt YTsaUte.: all of Goldsboro'.' Were luncheon Juest of Mf. andM.rs. Joe WaUact Sunday. Ki.J.:.-: ;..;:;--4 ;.. "... Mrs; W. L Westbrook returned .jome Wednesday from the .Golds .oro Hospital following a few ays '.bospiyiiiaatiojB'tbjere. ' ; ihe vmahi Society of Chris iao ,-Servioe of the Woodland Ch irch Willi 'obsa.-ve j their : annual .arruly night supper at' the church Wednesday, night, , December b, ji.es. W. D. Kornegay Jr. of Mt Jlive will be the featured spea ker for the occasion. James E. Westbrook and family visited ,the John hmon family .t Summerlin's Cross Roads Sun Jay. Mr. and Mrs. Hay Amons ot Mt, Olive were supper guest ?oI r. and Mrs. Westbrook Sunday light. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Uland Wallace and daughters visited Mr. and Mrs Jlaudell Tyndall Sunday. On Sat- jrday, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace were i choppers in Kinston. Meidames Andy Ivy, Joe West jrock, E. ,C. King, Sr. and Leland Wallace visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge Bryant Westorook in Kins- ,.on Tuesday. Recent visitors with Mrs. Mol lie K. Smith were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bass and daughters of Nashville and Mr. and Mrs. Brad tjrd Henderson 'and family of imithf.eld. Mr. Ryan Smith has recently finished his basic training at Fort Jackson, S. C. and has been trans ferred to Camp Gordon in Geoi gia. During, the intermission he .pent the time with his mother, Mrs. Mollie K. Smith. Mesdames K. J. Smith, R. A. Oates and S. R. Chestnutt were visitors in Kinston last Wednes day aunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hintonl Turner were Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Howard of Kinston and the Rev. Eddie Kennedy of Deep Run. Mr., and' Mrs. Charles Bell ac eompapied Miss Judy Wallace and cfcffitouritdn to Wilmington recently to see the U. S. S. North Carolina Battleship. Mrs. Fred Herrinjj and Mrs. Ro bert Herring and children went to Kinston Thursday afterniin to see the Christmas parada. occ the FOB SALS - Nice selection of poniqs arm carts 100 little pony sadoieji color and sizes, SU sets of pony harness in . Ior" and si ze. Mice SelecVion ii saddles and bridles tor ero yn up. We sell po nies noy and 4eiwr Christmas eve, n extra charge. Everybody loves the liUle pony, think .tlii over Santa Clause. J. J, Barden Stock Yads. Warsaw, n: C. 12-14-4TC FOR SALE-IS acres, acre cleared, LS2 acre tobacco in Dup lin County. 7,S(.0O. STOUT REALTY CO., Wallace, ft. C. . u 12-28-5TC. FOR SALEGerman Police pup pie, t molth old, full f blooded. See: Eugene JDobsoa . on Highway So, 4 miles from Kenansville, Rt. 1, Box 139. Magnolia, N. jC. U-7-CT Pd. FOR SALE -.Hot water heater Ip good condition and a butch. SEE or CALL ' MRS. ANNIE SUMMERLIN Phone 29 C-2471 Kenansville, N. C. 11-34) 1244- 2t pd. Cnsp for rent en .halve or um renk 944 Acres tobaecp In Duplin Conntyl t ( '';;.. -'-r '"'' vi Anawet'jnrZ . Bex S : KenansrOle,' N. C. 1M-8-T Pd. BE ASSURED pf maney for ; a experience ateceMry . Write Avon Mgr4 Box 129S, iUaston. .WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY To flay Santa Clan to jroa rramuy. Get that aeceary money the Avon way. Write Manager, Box 1293, Khuton. - - ' : M-7-lte. '; .'V-'" .' . Federal Land Bank loan are avaOable thr Clinton . National Farm Loan Aoelatioa,1 Contact DeWHt Carr,- Secretary Trea snrer, P. O. Box :4a. Phone. VSU CHnton. N. C; ' '-- - Mr. Carr h in - PCA office la KenanvZie between tl and 12 o'clock every Taesday morning. .' CTF. " ' i - J Guest in the home of Mr. ant Mra. , A,'- Walkei1 fiundayt wen Mrs. V Winnie. "Lee "and daughter Betty Kay Herring, of Mt. Olive, Misa. Joan Walker of Raleigh aiu Uti and Mrs.' tsevon Kennedy .ant children of Kinstop..; ' -; ; .' ; Recet visitors of Mrs. $had Kor. iegajS' were; Mr.' . ' and Mrs; J." Li .Cornbg&y and feoo'.pf Kenansville ? Visjttors' .lit trie home o.f Mrs. Gastoi Westirookv unaa yiy' Mr. and Mrs. .Stokes Westbrook of Kenatisyille,' JIrs;Nora l.avk more ' and Irene Blackmore oi Warsaw and Mr. ' and Mrs. Pau. Vet brook of the (Community. liaiy guesf of lMr. -and Mrs Paul': Walker aad Mr. Betty H Walker' were Mr. atd Mrs. Cejii Korhegay'of Mt. Olive, Mrs. Ralph Howard and baby of .Deep Run, the ' ReV. .and Mrs. Felix Jone. of Sarectfi and .Mr. and .M.s. Uuv wood Walker of Kinaton. News The Young adult class will spon sor a turkey supper Saturday ni ght, December 9, at the church. All are invited to enjoy the sup per and fellowship. Regular second Sunday morn ing Services at Outlaws Bridge Church December 10, at eleven o'clock. Among visitors with Mis. Eric Berger and family Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. D: H. Outlaw of Mt. Olive, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Nic hols and Master James Myers of Kichlands. Mr; ad Mrs. Jack Patterson and children ol B. F. Grady section visited Mrs. Lessie Horton Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William Brinson and children of Rocky Mount spent Friday night and Saturday with Mrs. James Parker and chi ldren. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Spence of Morehead City were visitors with relatives Friday night and Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kelly and baby visited Mrs. Tom Kelly and family near Alum Springs, Sun day night. Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth K. Mar shall attended the Installation ser vices for Rev. James Curtis, new Unitarian minister, in Norfolk, Virginia Wednesday evening, No vember 29. Mrs. J. A. Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Grady near Seven Springs Sunday afternoon. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Re mus Creel Sunday afternoon were the Rev and Ms. Willie Shepherd of Hallsville, Mesdames Jap Her ring and Leslie Torrans of Snow Hill, Duplin County, Miss Mar garet, Siroud of Deep Run, Perrj Linwood Grady and Miss Patricia Whitman of Bethel, Remus Creel Jr. and Clayton Max Creel, col lege . students, were visiting their pafents. Miss Jennie Maxwell has re turned home from a Kinston hos pital where she was an operative patient. A. U. W. MET Mrs. Elmo Blizzard was hostess to the A. U. W. at her home Sat urday, December 2 at 2:30 p.m. with Mrs. Arthur Smith, co-hostess. The president, Mrs. Leroy Simmons, called the meeting to order with 15 members present Mrs. Blizzard led the devotions. Following the business period, a very impressive service for the annual ingathering (contribution) for the Clara Barton and Dr. Jos lin Diabetic Camp in Massachu setts. A splendid attendance of members was present. One new member, Mrs. Douglas Smith, was welcomed to the circle. Delicious refreshments were enjoyed dur ing the social hour. Mizpah bene diction closed the meeting. The home throughout suggested the approaching Holiday season. Have All " Holiday immmimKmm y F ' ' f""''M!'''M'",J''1'''1)l1'' Have All Of Your A 'j And Shoe Repairs pone - Irly r Before The Lqjst Minute Rush. JAoifnf 0Wf Dry Cleaner V, Mouni -QUve, N. C 1 ' By Mr. Earl Ivey ' Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Rhode: of Raleigh spent the week enc with Mr. and Mr. Cyrus Rhodes. ' Mrs. ' A. E. Garner attended a Study Course held at the Gar ner's Chapel, Missionary Baptist Jhurch, last Monday.' ' Mr. "and Mrs. W. A. Stanley of Wbtteville, Mr. and ' Mrs. Wilbur Roberts and children' of Faisoti, .Vtr and Mrs. D. F. Chambers' of Kenansville, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Kornegay of Mount Olive visi ted Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ivey Sun day. Miss Marjorie Cherry, Franklin Va. and Morris Cherry of Buies Creek were recent visitors of .heir parents, Mr.' and Mrs. D. L. Cherry. Mr. and Mrs. James E. West oroK and1 Lyntla Rae of Albert son, Mr and Mrs. Elmer R. Amun and Ln.i of Mount Olive, Mr. and Mis. Mclvin Henderson of Jones' Chapel' visited Mr. 'and Mis. John I. Amun, Sr., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Jernisan and Miss Patricia Whitman were din ner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Kalph Britt of Bear Marsh. Visiting Mrs. Bessie R. H -i-ring during the weekend were M. Sgt. and Mrs. Cecil Herring and Licnald Heath of Kinston, Mrs. Bill Fail of Goldsboro, Mrs. Joe Gray WUitted of Seven Springs and Mis. E. J. Hill. Mr. and Mis. Herman Whit man and dauglilr, Nancy, of War saw visited Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Whitman Sunday. Miss Judy Wallacfe of Albert son and Victor Fountain of Beu laville visited Mr. and Mrs. Cy rus Rhodes during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Outlaw ol Warsaw and Mrs. Eddie Goodman visited Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Good son of Raleigh last Thursday. Miss Judy Wallace of Albert son and Victor Fountain of Beu laville visited Mf. and Mrs. Cyrus Rhodes during the week end. Mrs. Annie Rose Bell of Kins ton and Miss Judy Bell of Raleigh visited Mr. and Mis. Leslie Bell during the weekend. Mis. A. E. Garner attended a Foreign Mission Prayer Service held at Mrs. Eugen Outlaw's tf Scott's Store Friday. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Jernigan visited Mrs. R. L Sykes and Mrs Josephine Powell of Kenansville. Monday Mrs. Herman Whitman and dau ghter of Warsaw, Mrs. Julia Jo nes and Mrs. Eibert Whitman vi sited Berry Price of Seven Spr ings Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Goodman and Martha Kay visited Mrs. Goodman's brother, Henry Out law, a patient at Duplin Gene ral Hospital in Kenansville. Hostess To Club Mrs. Leslie Bell' was hostess to the1 Summerlih' Home Demon stration Club at her home last Thursday. The meeting was opened by sin ging "Come,Ye Thankful People." ivirs. E. J. Summerlin was in cha rge of the devotional. A d?rr n Stration on "Freezing Dishes Ahead'' was given by Mrs. Mae H. Spicer, .Home Economic asent. Various prorject leaders reported. Mrs. H. ' C. Lewis led in a con test during the recreation period The hostess' assisted by Janice Bell, served Christmas cookies, soft drinks' and potato chips. YOU HAVE TO TRY IT i tn'nFi ifvf it l 7,7 '"---- ' ' BLUE BLADE 10 for 69 FITS ALL(aiLLETTE RAZORS Of Your Cleaning r i t 1 .asl " Mr. and Mrs. William Dail of Pembroke visited recently with Vtrs. Delia Dail. ' Mrs. Blanche Howard of Kenan sville was a weekend guest in the dame of Mrs. Nora ' Jackson. Mr. and Mrs Marvin Klutz of Raleigh were visitors in Mrs. Ruby Grady's home Sunday. Mis. Ruby Grady, Linwood and Gail and Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Klutz attended a family dinntr sponsored by Mr. and Mi Ralph Britt 'in the Bear Marsh section Sunday. Among visitors in the Taft Her ring home Sunday were Mr. ant Mrs. L'unn Siiiiih of Aluertson ard Eill Herring, Clayton. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Summer! ir. ard daughter of Kenansville, spent tlu weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Summerlin. I Friday Mrs. Mae Smith of A bti'Uun was visiting the U.ii1 V.'ilk'is. Sunrta ' M'-t. Mattie Tcrrans aid d-uhtr:s Hslen of Wat saw v-iited wnh M-3. Ruth Herring'. I ' 'RiiiH H r. nr, MrJ M:il- tit' Tun alls and dauxnter visited th &.n Remus Cicels in the! Oi Haw s Br.dge ai ea Suni'ay. Mr. and M"-. Frank Wftrd and : fiiuiily of Warsaw were visil- j nig Mrs. Vivie Wiikins '; uiutay .f last week. Mrs. Del'a Dail was called to jCharktle I'.'t wt"k due lu . i i t ! illness uf hei s m Henry Oliver Dail. Vv i-dtK sdny M s. Ivey Ku.n.i.i r lin and Mrs. Haxel Ha gu.vi- , i si led with Mrs. Mary Bland i.'l W.rv w. '1 liu ;.dav iii: lit, Mr. u:al Mr, Currit Dail i.l W irsaw i : . j . err liie .on'-s lan n.jn . Sun .a Mr. and Mrs. J In 'A kins Mid family i.f Magnci.a vere visiti; g in the Luther Wi!-.:.. -. M.lllit . ' Mrs. E. B. Dail went to Chad- j bourn Thursday to visit he pi-' rents. Mr. ard Mrs. W. J. Bass, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Outbw and Mr. ; idMrs. Frank OutLr.v wnl to V. mington Sunday ti tl.e USS .Jorth Carolina Battleship. sat rday Mr. and Mr::. G.-oi if i Wate ; visited Leslie Waters M Wavn Memorial Hospit 1. I Wil ie Sangleton of Jacksonville 1 was visiting with ihe junnn ' Siiigietons baturday. 1 WE'RE A WOMDERLAMD OF ?noGr.Tnmn nan ii ti im iifff.ii ii ii h Lowest STORE WIDE PRICES In 10 Years .Orcde A Fryers 17c (b. Neck Bones . . . CCc lb. Fat Back $i b: LnwBeef33clb 3.lb$;c Gh'aic huck Steak 43c Jb. freshSmall Picnic HAAAS . . . 29c to. Bologna half .or .w.hole ...... 25c lb. Fresh Sausage 35c lb. . . In 10 lb. Box FRUITS & VEGETABLES US No. 1 White 10 lbs. POTATOES .... 19c Red Grapes 10c lb. Bananas 10c lb. Luzianne COFFEE 6 oz. Inst. . 739c 1 Lb. Regular Grind 39c 5 lbs. Sugar FREE With 6 Light fBujbs Regular Price Rea. Gas .15 4-10 Hi Test .l?f0 Velvet Pure Ice Cream 9?c gal. for those Get an extra carton today! Hall's Superette Perry 5. Center St. Mr. ad Mrs. Dunn Smith of Al bertson and Mrs. Leland Herring were . visitora of the Dan, '. WaH ler family Sunday. . ; ; ' ' Mrs. Nora Lee Summerlin .visi ted Mrs.' Noah Winders at Beau; tancus Saturday. ."" tfV' I Mrs.'J. : E. . Stanleah'd soii spent Sunday and Monday rat ,Wasi?jIhg tori visiting with;"Jriends.':' . ' ' ' Moday Mr. and Mrs'. Roland Th.gpen and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carter, were callers 'in the Jack Thigpen hdme. ';l ' ' '"' ' Mr. and Mis. Eldridge Carjer and daughter of Calypso made a onef Visa in the Edd Ca'rter' home Sunday. "' ' Mrs. Oarrie Scci: visited in tli home of Mr. and Mrs. Arvai Po well, Sr. of Warsaw Sunday af ternoon. 1 "I Mr. and Mrs: Billy Dail and Mrs. E. B. Dail went to Raleigh Friday. - Mr. and Mrs: Bill Dail went to Kinston Sunday rto see the Ram ffeuse ship. . " ' ' END YOUR CONSTIPATION WORRIES Now you coa end your constipation worrits once and for all; Put aside chemical laxatives, oils or bran-like roughage thai may upset your sy tcni. Instead, taki. Sehutam in a gljss of waier evjry day. Si nui'AN jj 'eri all-vegetable laxa tie aid that priwktci the proper uiuisture, bulk una peristaltic stiniu lauon you may need as you grow oliier to promote iaily regularity. Tbi is entirely ditlerent from chem ical laxatives. 'Prove it to .ourself. , T ike Skbotan as. directed for at least one week. You must be well on the road to daily regularity or your money back 'from tbo maker. "7 L HAVt'VOO Gillette StBLUIE.BtAD.f BOUtll I0GIO bouiu ICONOMV 15forM99 10for69 riTI ALL OIUITTf tAZOB Cabbage 10 lbs. 49c Celery Large Stalk 5c Cucumbers ' 10c lb. wh 'dkotit ' ,5 V ":' HaU" VMf. Olive, n:c. A UlifJ f3 I .. ." i. J . : ( )