l.-ZELTLIN TT.ISS, KENANSVTLLE, N. C THURSDAY MARCH J9, 1968. - v 7 ; " ; .1 i I,, i , ,.m, PERSbtiALS : 1 r 'f.t ,t'8y Mrs.. Carl Ivey,; CtASSITTED MATES: ' - - Three cents per word, minimum charge ' of 73c. (Vnletw yon , have an . accooxtv wltl ' please lend jnoney? AtamrV money order or thecK with ads. , , , ' J. ; FOR SALJB . Several used electric -sewing rtnaehlaes - at reasonable .prices. We will also repair or. make your ofcf tuacHine into ' electric. Write: JUCTTLK SEWING 8HOPPEE, Prawer 8.Faisoa, N.-,G-i.'. -it a ;,. . 1TPE WMTEBfc - AtfOEVG mach ines. reprV New 'Reyaf rype , writers far erety need. Plat Golds boro RJB! 4-0845 , Worley , Typewriter Exchange." 15 South Center St. .. .Federal Land ' Bask Loan are available,' 0tfa Clhitos National farm, t Laaa Asaoeiatlisfl, Ceniaet Dewftt Cam Secretary. . Treasu rer, P..O. Box 146. Phone I36S Clfctaa, NC jr ''vi" ..'-:W. Mfc Car is ia PGA, office la KeaansvUl between ,11;, and It o'clock every Tuesday morning. '::ViVj Cff '-''i .. . '. WANTED Farmers to plant pickle encumbers under contract. Prices- are higher than ever before. ' No. l's v....... $5.30 per hundred N. 8's $2JE5 per hundred No. S's ........ fl.W pel hundred S. L. Norris - ' . Rt. 2, ML OUve Phone OL 8-3601 , , 4-1&3T Pd. WAIVTED: I want a FARM m this County with Tobacco Allotment. If Ton have one for sale write me M, Box so?.- ; Wallace, N. C. CTP FOR SALE: We can supply you with N. C. Certified Seed Sweet Potatoes, Nvg get. Centennial and Goldrush. Ad vise us your needs 1 promptly also for ether high quality seeds.' V H. D. ANDREWS, CO. Momt Olive. N.. C. Next to Dr. -Lewnes Of rice Office. , ,, Res. OL 8-2666 OL S-24M S-29- 1 tc. !- 1 1 ' WHOLESALE BUILDING mat erials, tasa ana tarry credit a PIANOS-HAMMOND ORGANS reerted. AH matertaU f iiaraneeed. r We trade fo, anythiiw-runs, cowln.,! ,. n-V -7 iZZ Mr . and Mrs. D. L. Cheri-y. Ron. aid Roger and Wayne were dmnec guests -Sunday el.Mrs. Iris Roberts ei Ricblands. The occasion was U honor of Mrs. C berry and her aunt Mrs. Emma Ervin blrthdsy.'. ; ; Mrs. John I Amon' Jr. and Mic hael of Goldsboro and Mrs, John I Amon bSf. were duiner guests last Tuesday of Mr. t and Mrs. Willie Batts of Chinquapin. . ' Mesdme Perry Grady. T Jonitgaa, E. ' J. - Summer lin and Carl Ivey: attended: the ChunN Council for Home Demonstration clubs held in KenansviUe last Thu. Miss Lynda Alphia of New Berr spent the week end with her moth er Mrs. Fred: Alphin.."; ; ; Mrs. tna uutlaw spent: severe days recently with her brother Willie Heath of Wallace and attend ed Services at Cavan Church: Mr.; and; Mrs. J. B. Godbold visf fed his mother Mrs Charlie God. bold of Warsaw Sunday. Mrs. Johnny Price and Newby Price of Seven- Springs visited Mr and Mrs. Leslie Ben Monday. ; Mrs. Julia Jones Mr. and . Mrs. Elbert Whitman Patricia Whltmsf ana unwood .Khodes attended t birthday dinner in honor of Stevk Whitfield at the home of the Rev and Mrs. Marvin Whitfield oi Ken- ly Sunday. .. .. ,,i Mr. and Mrs. Rollahd Rouse Pam ela, Joyce and Donnie of Moun Clement Mechigan. Mr. and Mrs Well wtrrtt, trip to,, Southern Supply Ompany. Clinton Across from Uie Park. U , , FARM LOANS Zv .. YEAR lend twe Interested rate. Complete insurance' - Service. Thlgpen Fie kea . iniMiunce Afency, Mt. OUve fJ. C ,"cv ' ' ' ; --'l'-' " i-2 .' . Drlve-Iij fGlass Service, Auto hws iMtaltedV- Table T8,- Mir rera, If It ium, we.hsve it. Atlantic Class ' Company. ; UZS teut& Mat Ktree. wumingtoa N. C. ' ,.', v ' ' CTF ' i t ' WANTED . 'A You don'f 'need to worry , about getting .4 holding a job with your Own Rawleitrh ' Business In S. E. Duplin County wnere the mora you Work $he more you earn.-Thousands prospering- every -; year:" Write at obmv for, more. Information. Raw- IHck. ,Vrvr MCCM a-m JUchmond. J-81MT Pd. horses, etc. We got the piano ad erraas and. if yon need, one we can trade. See us soon. Our 37th year. Johnson Piano & Organ Co. larrawa Tjerrace, Jacksonville, Kmston, N. C. N. C. CTF. Land Surveying, call collect, OL 8-2886, or write Box 296, Rt. 1, Mt. Olive, James Davis, Registered Sur veyor, i 3-29-31 pd. FOR SALE: one 1958 Plymouth wafion, 4 door, 8 cylinder. Good Condition $725.00 Call 29 3-4834. Warsaw; N. C. CTF. Mate ; Help : Wanfed . . Position open f or pU bur ner service mechanic with past experience, and willing to learn Air Conditioning service work. HANOVER IRON WORK,' 1919. Jfewson St. WiliningtonJf,, C. See Mr.llarry Shepard. Junior-Senior Prom Friday night, March 23, was f festive, time in the Beulaville gym-nasium-the annual Junior-Senior Pro'm. . :,. The theme was "Sayonara." The OrientaL setting consisted of Orient tal characters, pictures, fiiurines dolls, a Budda, , incense burners wind x-himes, Japanese lanterns, etc. Mrs. I. J. Sandlin, Jr. garciously consented to decorate the refresh ment tablet which was covered with a black tablecloth with red and green net over the black cloth; A huge bowl of red carnations was pla-ctl in the center of the table Ref res Tients consisted ! punch, cupcakes, nuts, potato ehips, anc cookies. Teachers, parents, and guests en joyed the evening along -with the Juniors and Seniors an 3 their? invit ed guests. i , : Music was furnished by: "The Spectaculars," a lively group from Gn'dgboro. The Junior Class wishes to thank nil whn CAntrihutMl n tha on. WANTED - Bids to paint Welfare i ,ovaWe occasion. especially Mr. J. D. Sandlin,,, who gave the lumber needed for ' decoration purposes; Mrs. Blanche Hill and Mr Ervin Dobson, Junior Class Sponsors: the lunchroom, staff, who prepared the refreshments; and Mr. Russell Bos tic, who took pictures of the deco rations and the activities. Mr. Shelton Cottle made a busi ness trip to Goldsboro Tuesday. Mrs. Lela Mae Mercer and Mrs. Betty Brown shopped in Goldsboro Tuesday. . STAKT yaVK OWN career in an exciting business with unlimited op portunities for advancement as an Avon Representative. Write Man ager. Box 129S, Kinston. 3-29-1TC." FOUND: Small amount of money in- KenaawriU,. probably during February If . you can. Ideally, de nomination, amount of money and time lost,-contact Sheriff's Office. 3-29-ltc. ssnville. Fla. and Mrri.N(Aif)ei Raleigh spent seKeral .days ibeve recently because of . the death of their father ft. C. Nolan. . tM'4 i. Miss Tonke Rhodes. :pet the week end With . MisS Glenda Wil liams of Pink HiU. - Mrs. Fred 'Alphin . Is visitim; Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Alphin of Dinton. Mr.; and Mrs. T, . A. Jernlgan were guests Sunday of Mr. and .una. itaipn Brttt? of Bear Marsh; Tistting.'Mr. Viihd- Mrs. j Cyrus Rhodes during the week end were Mr. and Mrs: Milton Dail and Grey w Wilson," Mr. and Mrs; Bobbjf Pittman of Jacksonville Pvt. m Mrs., Unwood Rhodes of Tort Jackson, Si -C 'Mr. and Mrs. John I. Amon Jt David Gail find. Michael of, Gold wo were dinner guests Sunday o. Mr. and Mrs. John I. Amon Sr. '.V Mrs.. Orrie? Scott, Mrs. Delta Ds' Mr. and Mrs.; Buck Hill of Scott; Store Lynda Hill of Salemburg and m Ev J. Hin visited Mrst Bessie A Herring during the week end. . Qifford Melton and Carlton Mel 'oa of this Community learned Of the death of their sister Mrs. Alac Mae Hunter of Warsaw Sunday.' Mr. and Mrs. Giddie Jones Re becca and Marshall of Rones Che oe!. Gedion r. Cherry of Hyatts ville, Md. ahd Mrs. A.; EV Gartei yere dinner guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs. T. A, Jernigan.' i .., Mrs. Anine Ingram of Kenansvilk 4 Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Jernigan vis iter! Mis Mary Lee Sykes Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Chambers of KenansviUe Friday andi Saturday. hi 4 Tom- 'Burton -nf Alexandtia. Va. MrV artd Mars.' Bill Stanley of Whitei i.we be saUsfied as eMr! f is not an easy thing but ! I,, II ii will y of. .changing times, we l f " ' ' . Exaini:::;::.is. In Visiting Mr. and. Mrs. Forrest Dail. " Robert 8. Ivey of Goldsboro visi ted Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ivey Mon day. 1 ' ' filkf ,-visHed relatives in this area Sunday.- i. Mr .and Mrs. Norman Outlaw and Eriene visHed JUr. and Mrs. Ed ard Parrish of Castalia Sunday. V"' ' '. 1 1 , ' I. . i : . Pvt Rhodes ' ' ; .Completes Basic Training " VPvt. Linwood Rhodes son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Rhodes of Route I Mount Oilve has complete'd Basic Tralnlhg at Tort Jackson. S. C. Pvt. and- Mrs. . Rhodes have been visiting relatives in this, area. Ha will, re port t Fort Jackson Friday to en-" ter Mechanical , School. " -:..' ' longer can are. This it! this day. must see that our people are given educational opportunities second to non in the United States and the World." - 5,.!' - ,, Gova Stanford) wa -introduced; by Stat Senator ten) White, of Kin ston.. , - i .,Amnfl the dignitaries Introduced , ar-pment ppr ti putiit f t... 1 ' l knov: s froi 1 1 . as platform guests at the Educa tienaf Rally was Earl, Kinsey, of LaGrange, a member of the County Board of Education and Ike Whit field, of MosS HilL chairman of the Lbwv County Board of Commis sioners. - -Forrest ".Vallef. County Chairman of the Better School's Committee, presided -si the meeting. . 1 t; i" Members of the LaGrange Rotary Club attended the Education Rally after dismissing its regular, weekly meeting. f-it '-'If-C'r 'nrnmerHn's Club ' Meetiag Held' iThe Summerlin's Home )3emon- Stratiori ; Club met , Friday in the lome of Mrs. Carl Ivey. : Jacobs .Ladder was used tor the opening song Mrs. H. C. Lewis was d charge of the devotional. The Topic of the Demonstration i was "Milk Districts Leaders reporting vcre c Mrs.: Perry . Grady, Hcutr Furnishings Mrs. D. L. Cherry Heal- h and Mis. Ivey ; Education. The .lub Collect was. prayed in unison oi, tho Benediction. , . i ;A social hour was enjoyed led by the' Recreation leader. ... - ; The hostess served Golden Med ley Punch assorted cookies and stuffed Dates to eleven members. RALEIGfil; Tlie- North Carofina Merit System Council has announc ed that an oral examination for pos itions af Hememaker' with the local departments M Public Welfare ill be held durteg the week of April) 1Q. thfou".h 20, 12. -f , x Official aDolication forms and in formation about salary ranges,u-f ties, amf minimum qualifications may be obtained from the Merit System Office.' State Personnel, pe Dartment: or an ylocal Employment Security Cemmission Office or le cal jDepaitment of Public, Welf;ate. These ' applications must ''ba 1 post marked no later, than April 6r J962. If there are a sufficient number of applications, examinations will M hefa in 4he following centers throug hout the State.1' Asheville, Charlotte, AT LENOIR EDUCATION - RALLY Education Is Vital To Fufufe 0( .-'-' .-' -J1 : ; ' vv-'. ' " State, Nation Gov. s Building, inside and out. See the Director or call 29 8-3361. 4-5-2t. I l.chy Skin Rcch! Zemo liquid or ointmi-nt doc tor' antiseptic, promptly relieve itching, stops scratching and so helps heal and clear surface afcia rashes. Buy Extra v Stren0lh Zemo for 7P trill stubH.rn cases Mil.M.mW ,- "b.-' ' .'B. . -" V. 'J India madras is one of the world's oldest pleasures, still hand-woven and dyed by methods passed on from feneration to generation. The Villager shirt, with its trim pan collar, ' displays the pungent pure tone of true madras, guaranteed to bleed and mellow. .- r . (Available, too, in the Villager pullover shirt with button-down coHar.J TM.M6 - ' FREE EASTER DANCE FOR ADULTS Sponsored By: . JACKSON'S LTD. : Cy Gol Hones'. , . I. T9 Vcur Tickets '-''. ' ' -, I -..'.' ' ' ' ' ' ' ,'. . ... r I.'''.-...' i.rnorv By Paul Barwick Vt In an off-the-cuff speech before several hundred Lenoir County cit izens, Tuesday night In Kinston, Governor. Terry Sanford if North Carolina's young people are to have the quality, education the;' are enti' tied to then the peopl'.- of the State must lend their support and . gui dance. ' V "No more can be done from Ral- 3ih," Gov. Sanford said. "We can inly point the way, It must come from you. Each school in North Car-' olina is essentially a local opera tion. Achieving excellence in edu- catioti depends on you and the at titude of every citizen in North Car- I In hfs initial remarks, the Gover nor pointed out (ha because" we are living in' very 'rapidly changing times" . it is essential that 'we pro vide the best possible education for our young people." He added,' "In 10 'years, there will be no. demand for .unskilled men and women ki business agriculture and industry. . He said that North Carolina made more progress during the last Gen eral Assembly for education, than any state in the Nation. "Our Gen. era! Assembly sees with vision that we must develop . both our humar. and natural resources to the ful lest extent." A Gov. Sanford stated that it wil' be through education that Democ- 'racy as a form of government wil win out over the minds of the poo pies of the world in the struggle with Communism. I , He stated that "No longer is e ! good, steady pace good enough. No 'Grade A dairy farm Incolhe-tiii.j Nwj pera,:4 RaleJs.;i4f : WlnMiisV North Carolina rose from $18,750, ; gn, . Approyetj applicants wiD 'be Ouo in 1848 w oo,ouu,uuu in i . , ';,.... 'U.:"j',:?'.";. 1 ''' i Fluid. rnJlk i'aalea fronk North Cat olina treamerles rose ..) from 334,579,637 pounds in 1948 to 793, 633,000 in 1960. .; - notified of the exact time and place to appear: for the examination. ;; '.-. ' . r. '.;;'; Ractoons Which have been matk ed and .released by ; wildlifa man CI '?FarNi lifjujui-; i:::tii!! .- X , ; "'- ' slevrlxl process bm "'' .- i,' apral tor atzM''. ' 4ml enaasa lrafa.-i'.': ; ': A Plamirig AnHCoftbni Tfanspld. ::-'tf- .fV:.V; coy Modem 4,' '! !''!; j''lv -.ws ,1 v.; Trdcfors! See us for yduf Culfivdtrng; andTranspldntirid: Eqoibniert Ast dbdot tlie Joriri Deere Credit PfcS id bu the Equipment you need to make this Crop: . : , . ,..if,,i..i-':':.,V,?''v''v'.'"'' " V rt. . -i. r- .f .. i. ,. b r C' . .TV . V K-:-r 1 - s " see ussNowt:'"J;f 'M f fmm Wtiii10MmMw0i& -YOUR' FRIENDLY i6nN DEEK; titAiMt'BMMii FAISON HIGHWAY . phone ly 2-iiii ': &e:':: OuflawBrid . Hews Mrs. J. H. Parker, Corres, The A. U. W. win meet with Miss Sallie Outlaw, Saturday, before the first Sunday in .April at 3'0n.vm4. All members are urged to be pre sent. v, ; . i f.Mesdames Alton i Powell, Lessie Horton and JUlss Rachel Outlaw, atr tended the County Councfl. of Home Economics Clubs m Kenans ville- r jiMt.' and- .Mrs. '- Kenneth Dupree and children, of Goldsboro were vis itors with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. "Buck" Dupree Sunday. .'.Mrs. iLloyd Sutton of LaGrange, Route J and Louis Parker of Mt. Olive were visitors with- their mo ther, .Mrs. J. H. Parker, Sunday ftanssao. . -.X)-;"-:;' -j-.v. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Cary Outlaw and children Of Raleigh visited Mr, Outlaw's mother, Mrs. M. L. OuU law'undaytit.i w'v V.r-,j ( Miss Rachel Outlaw1 was. hostess to . the local . bridge players at her home Friday.inight a ii l.st '-.(' . ri Master : Johnny Daaehsry of Fai son. spent .the week end with Joseph Writjbt ' Parker:. x ? -ui C 'i . ; i MrBiU Stott of Sims was J brief visitor here Sunday afternoon. Mr., Lewis W. Outlaw spent sever Si days last week in Raleigh attend ing the Tarheel Electric Member ship Association, r - '' - Pleasant Grove ; iH.CIi&Met . ..... f The Plesant Grove 4-H Community Club met in the Community building on March 28. There were 35 mem bers present.. Phyllis Waller called the meeting to order and Gail Out law led the group in the American and 4-H pledges. The devotional was given by Brenda Blizzard.-.-., i Curing the business, it Was voted that the 4-H Club help in fixing . a recreation center at the commnnfty building. This is to be the commun ity 4-H Chib project for- the year. Donations ' from members of the community club were made on the picnic tables for the recreation cen ter. " ' . r- r--' '"' After the business session, Phyllis Waller and Lynda Grady led , In songs. .. . . K .'-. Having separated into -groups, -de monstrations for the girls on hair styling were given by Gloria Fsye F!izzsrd,.A demonstration for -the !.ys was given by Ed!.! y Coo -on 01 i ' ' of S'. -' . - ! n'- "- ' ,-v:ii9J'?. ':v-1if'f"V. A'.-i-'.-''A.')fui.''A mm Lz Mi i '4:'.jJ';' YPr, i Lioan win Dcjm paying t uun ana a 4utXy4rjiv per, cent - compounded not twice,' but FOUR tiMear year. Yoall Starting Apni 1st,' 6oOPEltATlVlt Savings Loan per year dividends on your insured savings earn FOUR and a QUARTER paid every 'QUARTElt . wheii ott'Mvi' (hWwMiil, sands are saving millions First quarterly dividend will be paid March 3Wfc atlthe current didiVend i rate. -f "Where Thousands Are Saving Millions" 9 X CUORE NATIVE SAVINGS . AND LOAN ASSOCIATION v Of WUmington . ' 205 Main St W. Ray Johnson, Manager jUUJr-' - Vs.:: X'. c Dranch offices in WALLACE, JACKSONVILLE, MOREHEAD CITY, ELIZADtTIITOWN, TADOR CITY

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