4 W k m J C , V 'G i'ON The 'second liiifct to 'invoke' cloture in.' the i .tibate ttii . the Bo-csllod literacy I. J and ills iailur by so wide margiiv was gratifying1 to those : 'ho fought the issue because of tiie constitutional evil ; it ' would accomplish, la the closing days Of the oV-hsto, the SV. Louis Globe PeiriutrBt ' in -an editonal com menting on "Literacy ' at . the Polls," made- a practical surama ; tion of the entire issue with this , succinct statement ' "The Nation ' ne:eds more literate voters at tle polls, not Iess elf-rule depends completely.. 0 reasonable Intel . Jience',of Yoters. Even with lite racy ests tWta jwill; be spotty. Without requiting-voters at least to read and wiute,'"wo. slouch the - whole -system f democracy and ' abort commonsense." The Senate now moves .' Into a jFutf schedule - of ftifiri, tauf,jr and defense legisla tion. f l ,,' f w FOREIGN j AID , Several weelts sgo the Senate foreign, Re, Iatlonsi, Committee vote to cut American aid1 to India bf 30 per et h the coming' fiscal year, The move came 'as the Commit tee was, consndenng fhe overall $4.9 billion foreign aid program'. It is? to be hoped that the move hefafJs common sense approach toward fore, aid appropriations. TAJLU AfrO fARRlF, BILLS r After iaboru fof some weeks, Senate and - Hoitae Agriculture Committees have reported their respective versions of the Admin istration's farm bilL Action may come soon dn both Houses on the bilL Action may be underway soon on the proposed tariff bill which is scheduled to be voted on by. the House Ways and Means' Committee sometime this , week. ' COMMITTEE ; ACTIVITY The lMr Annuar Report of the ConetJ utional Rights Sub-com mittee, of which I am Chawman. contains, a statistical - portrait of the Sub committee's activities. 1760 complaints were ..received by the Subcommittee last -year from individuals charging constitutional right violations. 102 witnesses tes tified during . 17 days of public hearings. A total of 19 bills relat ing to civil right and wiretapping were referred ' to- the Subcom mittee. The Subcommittee studied and considered seven maior areas oi constitutional fights which wer: the right to legal counsel, rights o( the mentally ill, civil rlghta, ri ghts of the American Indian, ri ghts of persons subject to military jurisdiction, wiretapping and eav esdropping, and rights' relating to th administration of criminal iM&r ticeXwq bills were favorably re ported out by the Subcommittee. WlllUra . Outlaw. Jr. 5 f.'3-C: U. S. FORCES, GERMANY Army Specialist Four William J. Outlaw Jr., whose parnts live on Route 4, Mount pllve,' N C. re cently participated in Grand Slam I, a five day Central Army Group (CENTAG) exercise in Germany: ' '-'.!'.:- yv:" '''';" ''' Jk. Grand Slam, I involved headq uarters units irom the German, French, and U. S. Armed Forces which are assigned to CENTAG, and was designed to test opeia tional plans and procedures ipi these forces. CENTAG is & major element of NATO in Europe. - . " Specialist Outlaw, . an X-ray. technician at the 15th Evacua-i linn Hnsnital in Munchweiler, : Germany, entered . the Arm- irt June 1959 and arrived overseas in May 1960. i The 20-year-old soldier is a 1999 graduate of Mount Olive iVgh School KxtititW -,v. Photo by Carnation Co. : U u lib uuvjucJ ; To my many friends and ijpp6rit$ fh . Duplin CoOrity. I treasure youV confiddrfce in me as expressed by your V6f6 6n May - f6 arid , shdU do my utmost fo discharge faithfulfy the trust you have pfdee'd ?rr me as your Congressman. L AVID N. HEffiSON .v.- . I (Paid Political Adv.) mmmmmmmtmmmmm Bring the Seattle World's Fair to your dining table by using . Its Century 21 symbol as a decorative touch to yourjfrosteo : cakes. And you can project yourself into the world of tomorrow . , fcy adopting yaur own streamlined recipes which can be pre pared with a minimum of time. - j . i ; . -:i t . . Here is just such a recipe for cake frosting, developed by Carnation Company's home economists, which even eliminates , cooking . ' . just mitf ajnd spread, and which can be made in a mere four minutes. Evaporated milk makes the frosting velvety smooth, and adds nutrition at the same time since this concen- trated form of milk contains twice the Vitamin D, proteins and minerals of whole milk. . - " , . ' ORANGE-ALMOND FROSTING ,; -' (Makes enougk frosting for 1 B-inch laysc eakt) ; J4 cup soft buUer ; . . I W cup undiluted svaporated 4 eups sifted eonfectlonsrs' I milk , -' sugar - H teaspoon orange extract-' - H cup eocoa ' ' ? .. -.I- Vt teaspoon almond extract , Combine all Ingredients by votary beater or electria mixer until well blended and fluffy. Spread tops of 2 8-inch white cake layers with your favorite filling.. Stack layers and 'top with 1 8-ineh white cake layer, Frost top and sides of cake with orange-almond frosting. Decorate with your favorite whit frosting (using pastry tube). Horn In West Opens Eleventh Season 2 '"(' -1. ' , , v. mv-jfi!ljri ft- wv I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my many friends for the very fVfte Mifority Vole given me in the recent PimaVy efettion fo? State Representative. I again pledge1 io tifilsenf the best interests of ALL' of the people of Duplin County to the best of my ability, Hugh Si JdhrisoriV Ji; (raid Political Adv.) V' '' r.v , ? ' -' fvV---' t i " V t ! TO Tllfi VOTERS OF THE THIRD DISTRICT (LIMESTONE & CYPRESS CREEK) ' " ' ' ' ' ' :' ".- ' 1 ' , - 4ftflThis is to express my sincere thanks and appreintion to the ' t voters and my.,siipportcrs in theS lllav, ift(2 rrfi:iary; As a result .i, Reports' and support I hate received f!hror?Iiout t'ie District- I 1 ; - hav called for sf Second Primary. Your conCnued support in the , . Second Primary will be humoly appreciated. O P n n n r) Ccn Jidato For Commissioner trtird Dislricf (FaU rolltteai Adv.) The Southern Appalachian Histor ical Association is proud to announ ce the beginning of the eleventh ;reat season of Horn In The West in Boone, North Carolina in thi beautiful Daniel Boone outdoor heatre. ',The drama will open on June 30 md run through September 1 of this 3ummer. .The Production Committee of Horn'.Jn The West announces .that the script has been completely re written by Kermit Hunter and that the show promises to be the most exciting to date. ' The Association is also proud to announce the retention of its pro duction staf fand cast for the com ing drama. : . v.j David A. French director of last season's' successful run, will once again act in that capacity, French, a. native of Emproia. Kansas, is a graduate of the drama school of Yale University. After leaving Yale, French became the founder and first director, of the Actor Develop ment Studio in New York and bealr ed that orgamzalion for three years. Later he was director and designer for the Albany Civic Theatre. Al bany, New York. At present. Frenr ch is Professor of Speech and Direc tor of the Colleges Theatre at Aj. palachian State Teachers College. Robert H. Ellis, choral rtVector of Hickory High School, will once auain assume the director of 1 1'"' Horn In The West Chorale. Ellis is a member of American Cnoral Dir ectors Association. Vice-President of the choral section of tho North Carolina Music Educators Confer-' ence and chairman of the North Carolina Festival Chorus for the past four years. To Choreograph this year's drama, the Aassociation has selected Wit iam iFord. Ford directed the danc ing of last years lively drama and his talents will once .again: - lend themselves to the success of the Show. ' . '..'. '.Dr. Gene Wilson of the University of Alabama will br the Technical Director of Horn In The West dur ing the summer.. : 1. , . The cast of this year's drama will once again be high-lighted by such ever-faithful, performers as Bill Ross, Charles Elledge, Glenn Cau sey and Mary Lawrence . Jellicorse. The opening of the drama will be highlighted by the addition of an Indian Museum on the erounds of the Daniel Boone Theatre. Horn In" The: West rues nightly except Mondays at 8:15 p. m. The movement and scope of the mightydrama set in the forest of the Blue Ridge Mountains proves to be a highlight on anyone's vacation 'and 'an enjoyable evening for t .the entire family. ..' :' . . ' , 1962 Miss N. C. Pageant July 11-14 William L. Stewart, Charlotte bus iness executive, has been ; named chairman of the 1952 Miss North "arolina Pateant. ' s The annual beauty contest will be hdd at the Charlotte Coliseum July ? OGC TllO CLASSIFIED RATES: Three cents per word, minimum charge , ef . 75c. Unless yon have an accourt wlih nt please send i money. ' stamps money order or ! check with ads. i ' If you want to bay or sell a farm, 'see STOUT REALTY CO. WaUace. N.C.', ' - CTF. ';."-K". , . . V'l Federal Laad Bank .Loans ;ae available tjim . Clinton NationsI Farm , Loaa Associauon, contact Dewitt Carr, Secretary -..Treasu rer, F.Ov' Bok Phone - JZW Mr.'. Carr to, tu! PC A office In KenaosvUle betweea II , and U o'clock every Tuedav morning. FOR SALE . Several used elect) Ic sewing machines at ." reasonable prices. We will also repair er make year : old machine Into efeetrle. Write: LITTLE SEWING SHOPPEE, Drawer 9. Falson, N. C. ; ,- y CTF. , ' WANTED - POPLAR LUMBER green er dry. Wifte or 1 phone for prices. Telephone LO -34511, Walton Lamber ' Company, Mebane,' N. C. . s-7-lOTcZ ' TTPEWRrrKRS AiOtNti!. math Ines.repatrod. New Royal type1 writers for ever nerd. Dial Golds tore. RE 4-0M5 Werley Typewrltei Exchange. 15( South Center St. ' ' WHOLESALE BUILDING mat erials, cash and carry Credit It needed. All materials guaranteed. ! Wen worth a trip to Southern Supply Cesnpany. Clinton Across from the Park. . : ctf ;. -.y ' -..- ' FARM -, LOANS m YEAR ' term two Interested rate. Complete tnsoraDce' Service. Thlgpen FIc tea msnrance Agency,. ML Olive N. C. . " ; - ; CTF. -.''''''s.'-''- PIANOS-HAMMOND ORGANS We trade for snythlnaj-guhs. cows, norMtt, eta. We goi the 91sjm and orcans mnd. If, you need- one we aa trade. See as soon. Our 37th year, Johnson Piano ft Orgsa Co- larrawa Terrace, - JacUonvUle, . CTF.' 'V ' .... f Drive-In ' Glaw Service, Anto Glaw Installed. Table Tops, Mir rors. If it's glass, - we -have It. Atlantic . -C'las . Ompaay szs Soutn Tont Stree, Wilmington, N. C. CTF For Your Building Requirements, Dwelling. Barns, Broiler Houses, Pig Parlars, General Repalrf and Additions. Contact Qnlnn's Contract Building Service Potters HitL N. C. Phone S-StOS C. L. Qulnn Mg;r. Rt i,Pkk Hill. N. C. -ir I . 5-Si-ttc. ; 1 ' FEET ACHE. ITCH? 1 '4 of all your bones are in the feet-No-wonder they ache, swell, per spire. Itch. Bathe feet twice dally with T-4-L Solution for relief of the 52 bones. M Joints plus ligaments. Curbs athlete's toot, toe - (sloughs off . infection watch healthy kh drug store if not, pleas'd IN ONE " j i ) or year 48c back at any HOUR. ALL DRUG STORES. , Certified Nuggett sweet . pota toe plants for sale - , $1.90 per I.SOO; $2.59 per SOV.. Rodney Kor uegay, Glissoa Township. Fnone Jit Olive OL t -3123. lir.l ri. 11 tliroiujh 14, oiKaiiniJ by inom- bers of the Charlotte- Junior Cham ber of Commerce. ' , With Miss Maria Beale Fletcher, a former Miss North Carolina, the reigning Miss .America, interest In the Pageant is expected to be even highef 4u;mi uuLfor tbe event. , Mr, igLewart has been associated with five .Miss . Charlotte Pageants and was at Atlantic City during, the crowning of the present Miss Ame rica. He' has officiated as judge at some 30 pageants across the state. Mr. Stewart announced that he ex pects? the pageant will draw 85 girls frofn all over the" state to compete 'or the Miss North Carolina title In the f Charlotte Coliseum Tho winner of t. i.., . - i v ; t . the M .s An a I . at i .t in At lantiq City, New Jersey. Following the ;""nuntvment of ins selection ; ; ( ... ( hairmao of the Pugt-fli , Stewart listed the names of Ine mm who will ser ve SS his Sterling Cunniitte-'. These man, -under Mr; Stewart's -direction, M-e" chargei with the responsibility of formulating the policies for. the Vdgcant. t - . "' Bill Shuford, Jaycee , president; tarn Cornwell.' external vice presi dent, and Bill Schiestett, I960 pag eant, chairman, are members of the advisoiy : committee. : Ltrty Harris has ueen appoinien.ueasuier, - ed are Bui Iiovih, t u 4Uen Tale, tickets sales; To.n . ;r ry, publicity and public relations; Svcrett Ilinson,. awards,: sponsors, and transportation; and Jim Tice, housing, programs and parade. $ 1 -Mr. Stewart also announced that this year will be the first, time, the reknini? queen of the host city for , the pageant will be allowed to com pete as a contestant. He stated that this is a break with tradition which hns dictated that the reigning queen of the host city must act as official pageant hostess and not participate in the compelitino. . , , f v ' '-::'-.I'jV'5i WHEEL ALIGNMENT & BALANCING DEPT. M INSPECTION - WHEEL AtiCHMEHT . AH Work Guaranteed or Money Refunded ;-. v " Used Tire Sale Any Size Any Price . Equipment For Aligning TRUCKS and AUTOS In . Warsaw and Also Baker and Evans iii Wallace. 24 Hour Wrecker Service Highway 117 Phone 29 3-6551 .ytl? Warsaw; N. C. . , ... . -i.;r,v?V It I Vi mi II " h-!- - -: I DURING OUR FOUNDERS' DAY: SALE nil;'. - GUARANTEED HEAVY WEIGHT , - PLASTIC SURFACE FL003 COUEmilG ; ROOM SIZE. RUGS v !' New Beauty I New Designs I FOIl EVEIiY R00.'l HI YOUH ltE! .i-Ji'ig' VOUn GE30IGE ji -: '. AHY SIZE "i9." CV r : r, THURSDAY vna i i , . FfilDAY ; . MT SATUHCAY : om..' U L .''' . ' ' TARII IF vnti nxvv IT 1 ; CREDIT IF YOU NEED IT tyl r t &!:::m Gotion-Omzziiy-. . P P. - V J no Q f r? r . I ..v rL WALLA C" N. C. v f h. AT. 5-5131 if