- X Y SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.50 p. r year plus He N. C. Sales tax in Duplin and adjoining Counties; M M per year plus 14c N. C. Sales tax outside this area in N. C; $5.50 per year plus 17c N. C. Sales tax outside N. C. KENANSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA. ; THURSDAY JUNE 7, 1962. PRICE TEN CENT Plus 1 cent Sales Tax : V ' -,V ,!"' ' 4 Y 7 ..." i i i 5i 11 t., ... - J if W S v j J rsydK iSDA'it IV R iwtuir; nled out toe N.. C. f Agricultural, fixperiajent Station to x;;, iiJuftrati i the operations and contri X ; ! button o Uh Nation' so state i- iit-l'vmAm tortie' ft&nt In iiortb titetfv, could i , prdducV . tli : riennuts. , ; Boyeahs,; and conuilljmto we had '5V, on industry; they .saidi 1 fmfctv V-Industry, tht uses larmrnroy ; J duels. .They; began tt draanire U reach' (hair :bX : Wline they Wje tfrgjihJzjnf scienUats , at the North J A Carolina Agricultural V Experiment IN RECENT JUDGES RACE : -M?E Inins.' seekin? et(tion aV a cuiicnor. iHtdgt of the FnOnh i unicm, ,aeiemea jiuwnra VI.;" - ..iK-;' M Swansh 5'wvattsbwo J6tes County contest . and carried tf jlJTblald., in the t)7plpw, County : W tVfrfe.'nWrV-a.-'Wargi' T W SS;ip ?.t.ji; Vti .pliiilTfiopt . - Jft or tlm ,cHinty-i ft-eBict.iM- .a -;i?i p wi( .s tr' j"- "H".'-," ..'i"' ) I. .Liifw'j -. riuh. Turkey" producer-grower and con- WW will -meet ; Frldayf rT1 f'vCfllol kvie;0I be shtfwb on Comrn.mltyl Wenin. theh. eibHt to W irt - ' Ntfihptist ,r g : . v . awmDcrs, aacn ciud -is urgea to iMrttiiiM representative at thiis meetf i ' kirbtidk'tA?. Ij Jv-';?i5::S . $ i5Wi iLMhilferdefeate Hubbard iii the ; a;i prectna' Jones , bounty tes ") i ..,;.Vr ,, ;ir, i., .. Vi ! i ,;. -r ('-". ". - - ' i '- .Vf ''' ' ' rari r . j .. -I'M 11 :''ln.-idaf(Aiii6; loth; Camp Ttt . carors open it gate' ft lx week of ftcrtutinir advancement arid -.fun -i !&' ib 'MMMoor to the Boy 6Ctm I or , sarnpsoa. : pupun, ' jonnston, - and . - yne counties. VI know of no,bet ? . Mr investment than ihe $18.50 eatnp I; fee toward the future of" My or joward one whale', of a .. loi df ' i Porden,.-' . ' i. V ".'. .'? .'Tbi,.year there are renty4wp i' ataff ..membera -experfly . trained, in S iwldft variety of fields tokgiv each ' boyi ,a jnajilmum pf tbe in almost " J a'Wy ;ifes(Mdv skill whether jn wlnK v mins, boating, canoeihec, Sfef jiving -: fodcratsoampcra5ta, fishinp, na- . " tm'i,'tori'i , nhyalcat . fitnes.' Indian- ',TDre,or.Jil jusjt;havtrii fun in,' the ., ((;T!flaTora'Vouncutt- wcteeq iot turtufvM nfeVbtg; r boiurtirut : ? aVrtrV'cirififc- pit Us ;ehter, i?I,specially fortunate tnjinve.thfl i ftirfi alHjernrqfe'orals nd cofc fegeiageii staff men" "homo-grown 7 b -Scouting to guid its youth, j I hope aljf Scoot Parent' teaU7(g this 1 tmtifAjtnd mat they1 will endeavor S to Hn their Scout-son enroll in at teasf W or tw weeJKs'staV af Camn ? Tuscarora this summer. Whether at tctidhiu wilh.a tronn or alone, Scouri, will have full guidance f"t for flff.iKf W tbe Coy Scout Office,' fioii "oH Iw, is all that U reoutrj to a- sure , your Scout-son ot atf 'a L iiticiai. summer iu,scnr? run r::!iLi?5 he .s TAX COii - ! The Duplin County &ardf of Cop'missioners ' in regular st'sslott on Monday, June 4 accepted the re pl'iraiinn of Harry il Phillips, Coonty .Tat Ci "".v-tor. effective p - ,r i i v hi Ii In the d.! I If!'.: pi'. . Stitioit iert, 'worUng?;ll)r Xteaiel T.'Popo and Dr; L. N. Nielsen de- vel(nted a, sweetpotato that. was bet ,tet ior processing. Then Dr.J Mau rice Hoover' took . the sweetpotato prelected a hew product-flaked iweetpotatoes. Una ,was what Ber tie citieens' were looking for, ; -i So an industry rose from the flat' and fertile fields of Bertie and save 'luhmirs "a new market, new jobs for wore people,, and a new type of food for consumers. For tie. pec-: pie of Bertie the State, experiment station'' has opened a multitude of new doors, just as it has been doing for,, all North Carolinians' lor gene rations and just as experiment sta tions, are .doing in all the States.. When it was established in '11177, TOOK OIISLOW AND JOIIES Pliict A "5'$ Hubbard Beaver Cfeck " 3S Phillips 133 ' . 170 174 -: - 80 396 . , ' 1M vi'147 Chininiapiq Cypres Creek Pine?, Grove Pollocksvilte; ' Trenton Tuckahoe ' . Whit Oak' Total ' 89 42 33 J37 47 109 598 1,587 doms; t VVeropiv H, )teynolfls; Duplin Fgrm 'eeMi- announces hat he has1 a railabld In his .office pamphlets en tJUei.VGuide. ff,'Fertiiiring,Fhie fured ,Tohnto.'! A" former iiiHr. fsted.ln 'these'' pamphlets are ; fii vlted '.to rome. b ' the A-jriculturc fluildwg and get ane, i . ; lpWpiBiMkal Hospital Auxi- Iwry VUI.. meet . Tjul-Mayj1 June 7, lit the staff room of the hospital Oil jw-'r' ffloT: V-fJ ho' "staged - (ln tinned Vn BacKi ; Mi3yorjSrrckIcincl Wins Contest; i r Mayor Ed Strickland of War. aw was winner Jn tbe m'lklag ontt. The : inflktu mit I wMck wa held 1 Wallace Fri tAAt inrtnr '.Tnw J": " .""klekolP' for June Dairy Month" fin the County. Mayor, KMi-kland ;: reitl j country haiqt fcy Warsaw Motor Compai, he 7 ta' v (he ; eoatest by; mllklag : whv! puimdit f milk , I" ; one . ',, m"nte'i.-.t( '' v'A ,-'. ';-:' Mayor Melvln Cording M Wnl. . ' tace wasrniiner- np h ta eoai -V fyt4.i-. Ofher . parttrlnant wet ' ' ' sral',fWr. Myr ' Roue? ' Bill, Oordoo Mnldmw, Mavw f VBonlaville and .Lrea 8harpe. Mayar of Eenansvllte. . ' ' ion Safety Film Governor Sanford -is. preparing a film on; traffic aftty for presenta tion on television as per the follow- ing scnenuiei - , " ,- June - 7:30-3:00 pe; 1WD XJur; ham.-' i. : i i' ' 'r.' ,.' ' . - June . 7:30-3:00 pm, pTMY-TV Greensboro " 6 June 7:3o.oo p, m. Chine! Hill W a htrm 9:30-10:00, p. m. v WNCT, TV Greenville '( d , ' .hine 5:3M:00 p. kn,i WECT-TV. WDmrn Ion v -: v; ' - : : 10 June 5:3M:00 p. -m. WITN-TV. Washington r' ' , '., To Be Annuonced Later WLOS-TV, AslH-ville ' .r, :,''- ,',' ," " ' To Be Announced Late W'BT-TV, Charlotte :; '.: This film is to be a hard bitting attack ott the traffic problem. K is to be one in which the Governor ' ' os a forceful stand for traffic v ead order. It U one which will i...ictit truf.'ic ,:Vty greatly. primarily to test Commercial fei tili zers, tlie North Carolina station was the secoud sucl) : insiltutlon in the Nation, t. Connecticut was first. ) It consisted of a. one-man work bench In 'the basement 'of Smith Hall at the Uliiveisity of . North ; Carolina, but it was a place whore farmers could direct their questions, and re ceive answers based ontle latest achievements of science. " 's , 'Today every phase of North Car olina's, billidn-dollar agricultural economy ' la undergirded with re search findings from; the, station. Intsead of one Chemist,, the station has 400 scientists, most of whom also teach in the college classrooms. Instead of a basement workbench, ( Continued On Page 3 ) Cucumber'! Harvester . Pemonstratioh Tliere will' be i cjreumber liares tpr - demonstration , at 9:30 a. m. Thursday, June If, at the Vegetable Eiperiment Station at Faison. ,;y, H. Reynolds received the fol lowing information concerning this demonstration: ."These, .harvesters are not harvestors as such 1ut are similar to trfacco hurves tors' in that ley .carry . people or cucumbers, or both." ,' -. ft'7;;f '.' '' Turkcf;5; GROWERS URGED. quantity of turkeys (hey-- marketed in O. I.;. Hollandi Chairman of the Duplin ; County 'Aiiricurtural '?i -anwotiob-snu. .conaemuor cm- mitteesald today.', X-Vi-t; Tljpse eligible, to vote in. the jrefe- rendunv. will' include "produper-ero- wer!;i wlio .marketedl stmin'i than 300 pounds livewelghtJ of tur- :eyr in iai,Aana . contraci-proau-cers" who' in i!61 had a risk-of-loss 'omrac. ia turkeys produced by a producergrowejf.t. ;; . :-:tt ' ; . the Chairman .explained that - the enerol voting on the turkey marke Mn order wifl extend from June 18 through 22,, at the ASCS county office, where the producer' certifi cation are filed. However, coopera tives -desiring to vote for their mem bers and conbract-producers must file certifications by June 8 with the State ASOS office for the State in which their principal place of business is located; Jf they orepate OTtly" in',e county, they would file 'heir certifications, in that - county. . To become 'effective, the turkey marketing order must be approved by. at least two - thirds of the pro ducer Voting'; by number or by vo'ume of their production.' If the er ''la : annroved, growers would then have two market supply-management measures , available to them' whenever,- needed, as deter mined and operated by an Industry Administrative Committee, r rf i " The method for 19SJ would require handlors 1r set aside quanthie of tut-kev considered surplus for v a 14,077 Volumes Circulated By : ii.OTl Volume wera circulated 6y tbe County. Library .during the past 11 months. This Information wa re vealed in a report : to; the Library Board on. June 1 by Miss Dorothy Wightman, County Librarian. Book mobile circulation . was 4.208 vohi-mea;- office circulation was B.871 volumes. . 1477 yohirtis Mve been added, to . the County Collection, brinlp? the total collection 'tin to 32,703 books, only 'a Htt'e over Vi book per capita, i 'goal, being two books per person.' ' ' . 752 book, have been added , to the Negro collection. They are now us ing 5.S51 ' volumes, . s Members ' of the Tjuplio County Library Board are Mrs.' Lawrence Southerland, Chairman, Kenansville Mrs. Hugh M. Morrison, Secretary. Wallace- Mrs. - N. B. Boney, Ken ansville; Mra. Paul Potter. Warsaw: Mrs. W. 11 Fussell, Rose Hill; Mrs. Alvln iKnrnc;ay; and Mrs. Waller C. M.inum. Fuison. alion rmers Often, it takes a leal crisis t' bring needs to our at ention. Cer tainly, the drought that we have had, this year in Duplin County has made jarfners aware of th need for ' irrigation. The recent rains have 'tended In allr-viate the dry situation " our iarm land but. before the vHobacco crop is made, v.-e may once a?ain expe rience a dry seasoa This would have more adverse e'fect whm the tobacco Is' larjsse than at its present stage vof growth. , Nowdnys. with the hi'rh invest ments that one his to make in or der to get a crrp planted, it be comes neresrary to, employ im proved p'"3 tircs in proteclil'g th's investment. Ii-rig.tion is just one !nTproved'p,rti"e tht is bo'ivs employed by w:so, husirssVke farmers. Farmers who ;ire us"1 irrigation sston: on ther hi' lv income crops (?urh as tobicco and ruck crops) think in Wins o not saving a particular crop but of I (Troducin? a hieh yield nnd ini orriving the quolity lerarriless of droughts. Irrigation is invaluable .va an aid in getting a good stand mIso. A lot of farmers figure that ii ligation is: for the le'lnws viitli big all'itmoms or arreuge, but la test infjrmation from i'gricu'tuiaT engineers and econom'sts ny Ihi. is not- so. Thine srirntiyls are f n-din-g that irrigation is ono of th sfot irveiitiripirts ih.it a . farmer T0 FILE CERTIFICATE Uaiu'liii'c; -yeaiNjOr period. v Such tti'key .eouH not be marketed ia tiowuif . thnnneUu The . set-aside! wouUf l)c ' ilftpoSed of by the Iniu vry Aanunistniuve voiiinmicc, ana i proceeds from the eventual sale of the set-asiiejpool would be dis tributed ,t-producers. . '1 To Be Selected For Dupliji, June 14 June is dairy month, pvery coun ty in the state is being encouraged to have a dairy princess. ; Duplir County' contest for' selecting t Princess will be held June '14, at ,1:00 in the Kenansville School Aud Hprium. ' ' Rules and regulations for partici pating in the, contest have been mailed to local " organization who are sponsoring the Dniry Princess es, Other copies may be obtained from the office of the Home Agent in Kenansville. 'An entry fee of 3.00 will be required and can be made payable to George Cowan, Chair man "June is Dairy Month." Contestants . are asked to appear in street clothe and evening Clothes and will be judged on friendliness and ability to meet people: beauty. personality, poise, and photographic qualities; healthy appearance, , na tural attractiveness, natural color ed hair; and pleasing, voice,, ability to. think before . audience, apd . ef fectiveness of pr6schtation.' ."si.; . . Each county, winner will compete m her. respective area contest. for the area dairy princess title. The 12 area winenrs, representing . the. 12 June Dairy Monlh . areas , iq the state will compete ' in, , the State In the area- contest. : . .': Mao'.a and Sealtest Milk Compan ies will sponsor the County Princess in the area conetst. . - SfiootiBrother : "V' " '; ' "-V ' x ' !" ' In Argument 'Joe Nathan . Joyner nf Clinton is alleged to have shot and killed his half brother Blllie Joyner at Bew den. on Saturday .night, with a pb tol. . , ,r' :, 'Vv:r v.; According to officer reports; the brothers got into an argument over a girl friend. They had had an arcument the week before, which had ended with Billie cutting hi brother Joe. The shooting occurred under a big oak tree In Bowdcn. , At a hearing on Saturday ' morn ing, Joe Nathan Joyner was bound over to court. He was put in the Duplin Coutny Jail without privilege of bond. an make, even when he is only small grower Quotir? Jack Bickers in a lecent FARM JOUR NAL article: "A North Carolina jcnotiiist indicates that one iiiislit iJCprect to net $39.00 more per cre from 5 acres of tobacco when an, MfrigatJn sy.st em is used." Further: ''For a five-acre tobacco farmer annual ccst would run 3p-oxrmi!tel(v $8Sa(-.re ($17.00 for operating expenses and $6800 for overhead.) With an average yield increase of 249 per acre you will make $39.00 above all cost ol Irrigation." Of course, profits will vary from yenr to year,' but wea (Continue! On Back) j District Bay Activities For 4-H'ers At Hobbfon High School, June 12 'Twenty Five 4-H Club members I The following Club Members from from Duplin County will participate in District Day activities lo be held at Hob) ton High School in Sampson County on Tuesday, June 12. Dup lin hoys and cir's will compete with club members from 16 other coun ties in the Southeastern District at his time. Gail Grady, a member of the R. F. Gradv H igh Sehool Club, will preside nt this meetintr. Gail is a oraduale of B. F. Grady High Sch- i orstr ilion. ool and attended East Carolina Col- r-'-icin House: Greenwood: Kii le'ce the past year. . tomolngy. Nfe'V off iceds will be elected Glenn j I in 'a C.rady. P'e isaiit Grove Williams, a member of the Smith Club. Farmer Cooperation. Chih is runnrne for President, and Mndn Grady, a mcmher of Pleasant Grove Club is rannins Secretary. the ' i for wmai & Error -' We are very hoppv to announce hat Mrs. Iris Powell cf Kenans- ilel has joined the Duplin Timei ftf on a part-time basis and is will cover Court House news, Ap iculture Building, Library. Wel fare, Board of Health and all of he local offices in the County "tat. Mrs. Powell will call on you in. each Monday or Tuesday and iilj appreciate it if you will re .nember during ihe week ih.at -.ho 13 coming to see you and jot loWn facts of intere.it for the pa per. We nope you win enjov in. ixtra news we have this week. , Stopped by the Court Room thi norning to see how the renova tion is progressing. It is a lidlc too early to tell how it is going to look, but you can really tell it i going to look different. 'Had the privilege visiting the science class for teachers being 'ield in the James Kenan School for- the next ten days. Byron Tea shey, Assistant Superintendeni who is supervising the class, is most enthusiastic alwut the work being done. About thirty or fr ty; teachers are taking the course, which is not required, but is just an opportunity to learn more ab out the modern ways c-f teaching science. Miss Mary Anna Gradv is teaching a course in Chemistrv, and Bamon Davis has a class in elementary physics. SHou should have seen Jane Fie lds out playing Softball with the young ladies of Kenansville yes terdav. She is instructing a clas: eff young ladies c-f Kenansville in playing Softball on each Tuesday afternoon. I asked one cf ihe young kids if Mrs. Fields could run ' very fast she said, "Yes manna, you should see her." That I intend to do. , ' Mr. Henrv Belk, editor of the Oolrlsboro News Argus, has been "Rambling In Djplin" f r the past week. He stopoed by thn Ti mes' of fice one day recently and we .'had a short chat. From his column on Monday, I quote. - Devotional Garden - " - Kow tell me this. Larry Lent (Who' Was driving with Mr. Belk.) said that there" ia a wall about rx feet long and several feet high at a cemetery near Kenansville. Bu ilt into the brick wall. Lent said. Is a bronze or copper name plate inscribed "Devotional . Garden How did -thi name originate? Wl -t is the story.. J Commissioners Of District 2 & 3 Run Again, Also JP's Of Island Cree A run-off ha? been called in the County Commissioners Race in Dis trict No. 2 and District No. 3, and in the .lust ice of the Peace race in Island Creek Township. In the second t'ounly Commis sioner district which is composed of Smith, 'Wolfscrape, Clisson and Albcrlson townships. Kenneth (liariy who received 5!1 voles has chnllenired William G. Sullivan, who received 633 voles. Cradv was i candidate to succeed himself and Sullivan was a new-comer lo the political field . The Third Commissioner District I Dunlin will cive. demonstrations on j their projects: Oven K''cnin'T Slella show ; Foods. Mnrv Janes; Stanford Club; Bee Wells and Martha L!'ad Grecnwood Club: Dairy A'ice Thomas; Magnolia Club; Dress Review and Se'"i"'. Beverly Grady and .ludv Waller: i Pleasant Grove Club; Electric Dcm- ! Glenn Willimis; Smith Club, Far mor Cooperation. Rcfiby Goodson; Pleasant Grove jC'ub: Fruit a:id Ve-.etahlc Market- I in , i Janice Altiiiia- and Krenda Su'li- vnn: rak Ridgd Club: Fruit and ! vegetable use. .linmiy Rich: Mat'iio'ia Club Poultry Barbecue. : Ray Roberts. Jr.; Stanford Club: 3oys Public Speaking. Jcannntte James; Cypress Creek "li b: Gil's Public S"eakin .;: ' Allen Johnson: Heaver Dam ; Club: Individual Soil and Water j Conserv.nl inn. j Pntrici.n Grig'; and Anthony West , brook; Woodland Club; Team Soil ! Wad"- ' onservaticn. Glenn Williams; Smith Club: Tra ctor Operator Winners in these contes's will go to Raleigh to participate in the State Contest to 1 e h"'d in Julv. In the Talent Division Larry Jones of the Stanford Club and. Gail Sloan of the Fountain-Lyman Club will play the piano. The Fourdets of Magnolia, which includes Hilda Hal berg, Annet'e Caven.minh. Linda Smith, and Carol Ann Tucker will perform a precision dacce. Jenn nette and Annette James of the Cypress Creek Club will do a Tap Dance number. From this group a Blue Award Winner will be named. Some of the Agents and Adult leaders will accompany the group , and spend the day. Charters Were Granted To Two New 4-H Community Development Clubs New charters were awarded to of "Car Wash Days" held by each to nw i u Clubs In ,Du"'in County club In raise money for the 4-H De at the regular meeting of the Duplin velopment Fund The purpose of the County Council of 4-H Clubs held in 4 M Development Fund is Hi Re the Agriculture Building Monday creation, 2 Awards, 3 Scholar night, June 4. Clubs organized were ship, it' World Understanding. Rones Jr. - Sr. Group at Rones A film entitled 'Man Enough for Chapel and Mill Smamp near ; Chinquapin. Glenn Williams, pre-' sident, presided at the meeting whi ch Was at'ended by 92 members All clubs represented pave reports on how they celebrated 4-H Club Sunday in their respective churches. Reports were given on the results Registers Of Deeds The North Carolina Association of Registers of Deeds will hold their Tenth Annual Convention in Hcnder sonville. June 10, 11 and 12. at the Skyland Hotel. President Christine W. Williams. Register of-Deeds of DfHttin County, will preside, and Marshall Watterson of Henderson bounty will be the lwst. Register of Dpeds.v Featured sp?ekei-s at the banquet Sunday, June 10, in observance of the Tenth Anniversary of the for mation of the Association,' will be Governor, Terry San ford and Dr. Albert Coates. retiring director of the 'Institute of Government. . A number of other prominent state and county officials will also attend ' the convention. A special program will be held honoring past race" is from Limestone Township composed, Hallsville, Beulaville and Cedar Fork precincts. Leon Brown, a candidate lo succeed himself, has challenged Murphy Simpson. Simp son was the high man with iiuo votes and Brown had fiTI votes. In Island Creek Township Gar- 4-H Dress Revue Revealed Many Stunning Outfits On Monday Evening Before a backdrop of pastel ma terials draped from the reilins; c,f the auditorium in the Agricul ture Building in Kenansville, the Duplin County 4-H Club girls mo deled outfits made by themselves in i lie Annual Dress Revue held June 1. at 8:00 p.m. Aprons were modeled in the first division u:;h Barbara Ann Henderson of 1'ie Pin Ho;k Club, winning first place 'will) a white oi'ijandy :ip::m trimmed in lei rickrack. Sandra Ki, ll.iil l.s, f the H-n H i ,k I'll' ) w.iii - -'in' place with a green flor;i apron ol ..ii,, a 1 i I-. In the 5th & C;b rade divisin LSir.itliv ,VI ilu.-ws . I 1 1 - i .ii i.i. Mni) vim first p'.i'e with a pink .ind white chcikcd cnllon ou'fit. Lola Lar.icr of (lie Cedar Furl. Dr. John Robinson Of Residents of Duplin feel deeply the loss of Dr. John Robinson, 75. a country doctor and general prac- t'.tioncr in Wallace fur the p tst 46 veers. '.-v.:,4-4;vIn'l. BobinS0tt60da.rat- i" Dr. Rc!-is. l,-ikWirrf. to!i;t r home in Wallace TwJaViii4B-i. lCoUegi8,1the.. tfniveTllty of Miry ins. Mav 30, and xvfs rush d to Uand.. University cf : Edttibowmh James Walker Memorial H.,vtal in Scotland, ami skived wllft' WO . in Wilmington, wbore ho succc.t- U. S. Army Air Fu-ce during Wo-' uerl on Frirliv. June 1. He was 75 I rid VV'iir 1. as a Lt Col. He wa years of age. past presldtnt of the Duplin Cor ',., The widely-known Wallace phy- unty Medual Society, and . pat , si.iiiii w: s active uiuil t!ie time ' President of the Third DtskJot ) h .s dea'h. r He wi.s a native i f Iv'vh i '. T.;ving to Wallace to practice medicine. During Ihe more than 40 years in Wallace, the doctor delivered more than 3,000 babie. P- iir'i- copfi'-tit'ons to the political and civic life of tin1 W il- Beulaville Company Robbed P.eulnville Milling Company of Beulaville was broken into on Sun day Ngih 1 Missing was a five gal lon ran of gas and a five gallon ran water. Gas was also drawn from a truck and a Nab machine was sto ion The Nab machine was found hy officers in the Brock section neai Kenansville in a ditch. The Nabs were found in lieulaville near the National Guard V.uildirg. The case is still under investiga tion. the Job" was shown to the group j shwnirg how 4-H work fits into fami'y life District Day preparations were made at this meeting. Patricia Grig and Judy Korne ?nv directed a recerationnl period following the business session. To Hold Convention officers. Conference sessions at tlijs year convention will he conducted hy Lemuel Johnson, Register of Deeds of Chatham County. William ,M sey. Register of Deeds of Johnston County, and Allan Markham. Assis tant Director of the Institute of Gov ernment. Other current officers of the aa-s-Huatinn are: First Vice President. Thad Cranford, Register of Deeds of Montgomery County: Second Vice Preisdent, Eula B. Whitley, Register of Deeds of Wayne County; Treasurer, Duke Paris, Register ef Deeds of Alamance County: and Secretary. Allan Markham, Assist ant Director of the Institute of.Gov-, ernment at Chapel Hill. '' - , ! land Kennedy. Gene Kelly,' A-L'Mc Koy Herring add' Homer .vjL .Bortey will try acain for the Justice of the Peace office. Two J. P's. will be chosen from this group. . Second Primary will bo held on Satui'day, June 23rd. Club won second place with a dress of striped material trimmed wiih a wide orange sash and ric krack. H.aii'ona Rlirnrri of tbe Plea sant Grove Club won third place with her dark blue printed cot ton made with gsrthcrcd skirt and round neckline. Other entries in this Division were Iris Home of the Cypress Creek Club, and Sandra Souther land i f the Smith Club. In the 7:h & 8th grdtfe division Phyllis Waller of the .Pleasant (3 rove Club won first place with two Match and Switch outfits onsist inn of a blue rottnn roll-up sleeve bhuise with pleated skirt, ocnnud' .shrrl in, hl ie cordurov plus a coordinated stripe material (Continued On Hack) Wallace Succumbs I lace area, in addition to hii outs I landing "service as a physician. Div ' Robinson came to fill a most im- I portaiir piace iu the community,: Dr. liobuison' w named ,Tr Heel oi the Week" in the Mew and Observer several year ago. At that time ho was believed, to havu let a record fj ltavmg been piesaueuiiai elector more than arty 'atiier person la the country. Ho i was cle tor s x tinitia. i He served as a member of. the ! Duplin County Board of. Caitunur i.sioners tor several terms and was at one time Chairman of the board. ' He h id aLio been a member Of : ttie Duplin County De:nocratic j Fxecutive Committee for many y ears. I Dr. Robinson was a member and i tiusiee of the Wallace Presbytt. I rian Church, a me nber of the ' Wallace Lions Club, and a past commander ,f tbe Wallace Ame rican Legion. In addition, he was i medical officers for the National Guard of Wallace. iMinerai services for Dr. Robin son were held at 3:00 p.m. Sunday at the Wallace Presbyterian OtU 1 i i h, with the Rev. James At004 ' iKu-tor. officiating. Burial wa la Kockfish Memorial Cemetery He is survived by his widow, the former Miss Lewellyn Wil Lams; a son, Dr. John D. (Jack) Robinson of Wallace; a daughter, Mrs. James W. Doonart of Des Moines, Iowa; one grandson, John Daniel Robinson, III; four sisters. Misses Frances, Edna and Mary Robinson and Mrs. Carolina Del- linger, all of Ivanhoe. Milk Minute Men Ever hear af the Milk Minute - v ' Men? A grtmp af mea and wa-' ' .A men in DnpHit Caonty, dining ( out during June Dairy Month, i will five rewards to waitresses. f waiters, counter (Iris and Caaat-- f er Kirls and counter tfttn ta . ,i public eattne; placrs. The reward? A silver dollar. (. . reason? Milk was men--- -! tianed first to tho rastamer , . fnre any'olher keverage.'- K"mrmter lo Inrntiea ' 0k f7 :-' fir . ;; i' ''$. . i CimllM Dairiro sponsors ihls . " acUvkV k '; ' : ' ' ':'i t i , . ' '; f:-! y V j Topsail Tide Tab! ! . ' ' ,- A. M. P. M. ' : ", Mo. Dale HMfh Low High Lo June ' a- 10 11 13 13 14 li 6:08 12:28 1? 12:28 6:54 1:1 7:U 1:15 7:44 1:03 :S4 14 f :23 3 45 10:13 438 11:00 S21 11:44 1:07 8.08 1:59 '9 0S" S:49 " 10:01 4:33 10 M.' 8:15 MAi e : ".