DUPLIN TIMES , - J each Thursday In KenansTllle, N. C County Seat al J ' ' DUPLIN COUNTY . .. I, LJIeL? hHrfaeM office and printing plant,. KtMMvUle. N. C. Xlti- v RUTH P. GRAOY ". : k ." - , , OWNER and FUBUSIIEB CtTivViiRVTH P. GRADY, EDITOR ' ' - -.. v B,WB Al Th Po8t Office. KetmatvUU. N .C ;--.,f:: o., cecond class matter "' - TILEPUON3 anivllle. Day Wm-Nlfrht MM SUESSCRIPTfON RATES:. 3.50 per year plus 1ft N. C, Sale Tax : fe I""-" Leaoln Jones, Onslow, Pender, Sampson, New Hanover and no counties i $4.50 per year plus 14c N. C. Sales Tan oustldo (his area in North Carolina and $5.50 per year plus I7o N. C. Sales Tax etoewhewrvy-' -.; ' VV ',it:.; '"t'Advertlsinj rales furnished on request A Duplin CMBty - Journal, devoted to the religions, material, educational dowomk ' and egricultau-al development of huplin Cunty, . Uncle Pete From l $J?- .T SAYS PEAK MIStR XDITOJI: f-I, fee by 'papers where the . ivil War is about to Weak out ksn pAvfm, ut iXiiakm and Conlecerate Senators Tn Washing ton;? One yaivkoe, Senator allow. fedAs how the iQut!vxcepfr fee ' jier anceatrys.tin, football and ' fhe Miss Aroeriea contest, . didn't have much Aitfft A'onferedato Senator repttS-ilia if tho NoHh pidn't quit trying , to run the So uth' fcij$s,h eonfodoratos was going to have to take ano ther pot sht M Fort Sumter. Such goings an in. ! th capital jbf the nation?. It's Ji great, pity we sjln't got RioWvnUed 3tates Swna ton and less Yankee and Confe derate Senators iq Washington. I NOTICE And BLOWING Water Guaranteed , Or No Pay. E L REGISTER (-'ntT!'" Crossroads ) RFD Rose Hill Phone 28 9-7511 "What Is Home . Without. Water" Cash and Carry BUILDING Credit If Yon Need It I At Southern Supply Co. Across from tho Park In Clinton STOflU " BUY - SAVE B GAS LOCATED NEXT TO UCPLIN MOTORS &.- J, WAXSAW. N. C GAS FOB LESS Eewhu 27c Per Gallon Hi-Test-30c T''. 94 S10 Octane 1 ' '" 10J Octaino ' ';( All Brands Of Oil BELTON D. MINSHEW OWNERS MATT IE MINSHEW FOUI ALr FOREIGN TIRE: RECAPPING SEE ELAKES TIRE 1 n i s . ainton,N. C. Wilmington II wy. metric Bottiinji Go. 1 1 o In Wilmington, N. C ; lliW' H-mm Chiftlin Switch recollect reading about a s;gn a feller in Florida had out in front of his tourist cafe. It said: "Conv federate Cooking Yankee Style.:' fuw.. thee was. a- real diplomat, a feller that belongs in the U. S. Senate. . , r Sometimes I think all our Sen ators talks too much. I recollect onct, when ; somebody ask Cal Coolidgd' why he was knowed "Silent Cal." said he had found out early in life that a feller ne ver had to enplain omapun.h.e never said. I reckon thats good 'advice fer all of .us, especial the winuuen folks. Clem Webster was idling the fellers at the country store Saturday night 'about the time he took his old lady to the doctor and the doctor put a ther .womatar io her mouth and told her to keep it shut fer five rrriit I'tes. Clem said them was the mnst eniovable five minutes he ever spent, said he ask the doc tor what he'd take fer that dad burned thing, After th fellers got all the world iproblems seitled Saturday nighl, they got around to disoua ssing Liz Taylor. On account of :he jansuege tliey was using, I'm mighty glad Zeke Crubb's prea cher dirta't drop by Xer a spell. About tlie last we heard from, the o.d Parson, he was fitting Ul cers, and if he'd been there Satur day night he would have got ul cers deluxe. According to some of the fellers, Liz has announced she ain't planning! another mar riage fight soon. Ed Doolittle al lowed aivhow they wasn't much MATERIALS Wholesale Prices STATION SERVICE Dlanniiiii to her other tour and he couldn't see how number 'five would need none. And that. Mis ter Editor, is about all they said about Liz thftt you -9iua put in a family newspaper. j; " Well, politics fer" the November elections pas got started jprttio good. If we got to have al drought would be a good year lor . With about half' (the crdpt.work eliiiwnatedi by r drought, t armei s and' ranchers would have nore time to spend an politics aad the Guvernment would have, to wor ry less about Ue surplus.: We got plenty of candidates around the country: but Mt wny issues. It's like the cafe owner that told a customer, "We ain't got nothnuj today but ham and eggs, but we can -offer you a fines choice -of waitresses." '?. v , DIOLE FACTS OF INTEREST By Ella V.- PHdgen "The Church The Body of Christ." St. Paul's phrase "Each part finds its wholeness within the to tal body, not by itself, but e$ch part" is different form the t oars as the leg is different from Hre BrmifThese hfierences do not destroy the unity of the whole body, rather they enrich it anJ make possible unity in diversity. Not unifonmity; just as the hu man -body has a head in whtth ia centered i its direction and au thority, so' the church has a head Jesus Christ ' Jeaur Christ is the head of the Body, the Lord of the Church, the One to whom, we look for autho rity, and the one from whom we look for authority, and the one from .whom. We learn what God wui a for us. Martin Luther sug gested that every Christian shou ld be a Christ to his neighbor. Thus we come to see- the church as a ministering community, with each member sharing the minis try of Jesus. The church as seen in these Biblical terms a Com munity of believers, a redemptive fellowship, 'the Body of Christ, is not Just , a collection ot miscella neous individuals: Rather these individuals are bound together in a company.". ' ' . The-Christian community and the life in Christ is a cooperate life in which the people are de pendent upon one another, and res ponsible for one another. In this sense, being a Christian is always in communion with God and in communion with other Christians of hlis-congregation, his denomi nation, and other Christian groups both far and near. . t ; jm When we look at thee local chu rch,' we may not see it. As the people of God or the Body of Christ; but whatever It appears to be does not altar the true meaning of the nature of the chu rch. Any church is the true cmi reh when it is faithfully fulfil ling its nature, as the people of God, and the Body of Christ. This is the goal,, which we ou ght to be realizing ' with God's Grace. - THIS IS Thl LAW : By Robert' E. Lee CONTRACTS OF WIVES May a married woman own property in her own name-? Yes. In North Carolina the real and personal property of a mar ried woman, which she has ac quired before or after marriage, becomes her sole and separate es tate. She may acquire by gift, in heritance, or purchase any or all kinds Of Drorjertvjfa-n- .i j. i .- ''..' ' Is the nroDartv of 'a married wo-' man subjeO-to ttie paymwif'tof heP husband's 'debte? "'"' "f J No.i hf islb if . . ,.v' Mary Jones inherited a house arid tot from hertstUiarf. May h coaveyi th taaoe to' anotheV wtU out the eenaant f feet 'husband? Jv.No! fin i Nona Carotins' ' wife caaaotvWithoUt tb rite Jttite der of her husband (1) convey her real property or (2) lease her L J -you- have crowded stands ot Pine , Timber Br'ands witft pobtfaa I ty trees, why not let us thin your woodland to provide f o r f a s t e growth ; of future saw logs?. You will not only re ceive current' income, but also improve the ap pearsance 0 f t h e s e Stands. Call or Write i ROBERT E. tVVARD - . P.O. Box 172 WALLACE, N.C. Home Ph. Office Ph. 28 9-4031 AT 5-2870 Rose H1U .-,' . Wallace ; Yard Ph.' - AT 5-2392 O "V". . IVaHact J V . ; : Office In Wallace Ilwy. 41 West FOUiZ O'CLOCK WHAT t! THAT h ' 1 . " JSr'j0 real property "to run for more than three years, or to begin m possession more than six months after its execution." A wife may inherit, raceive as a urift. or nurchase' real Dronerty in- her own 4mei but she canno cottvey it by deed to another with out the written consent of her husband. There are not only sta tutes but a provision in the Con stitution of North Carolina so Drovidine. The purpose of re- ouirini? the written consent is r said to be for the purpose of af fording the wife the counsel ana protection of her husband. Mav a wife mortea.ee her real property without the wriUen con sent of her husband? ' No. This is because a mortgage is a conveyance of .property given as security for a debt i May a wife sell or give away her cersonal DroDertv without the consent of her husband? Yes. A wife may do with her personal property, as distinquish ed from real property, in an way she chooses. She may sell it or give It away to whomsoever she desires without the consent of her husband. -' - Real property is land and any thing permanently annexed there- cpst, ft I STUC3GO MY TOG T 1 IV , W A JN THG QAfKKT V .'k iri )'. - nurehasa ... . ' Ban Kenansville 1 ? you j A Ti''3 AT A - ' ' " " 1 . ' .... youz HONOR, JT STUCCGO MY T06 j to. A house and lot, for example, Personal property is any kind 6? property other than real estate. Headlines Of The Pasl ONE YEAR AGO THIS WEEK Bovkins Rape-Murder trial to be gin Tuesdav in Special Term of ' Court. Membership Drive being conduct ed by Eastern N. C. Broiler Grow ers. ;: ;' ' - Duplin Soft ball League formed by Community Clubs. " FIVE YEARS AGO THIS WEEK Duplin County will lead State in Turkey output, 650,000 turkeys to be produced during 1957; grain is local Dr. Thomas W Alley Optometrist Warsaw, N. C. Rear of Warsaw Drag Company Toes. A Sat. from 1:30 to 5:00 Eyea Examined Glasses Fitted jSTeed. New Equipment Fi fetter Fftrmin? Would nevy equipment hike your profits? Wl'lh finance loan via a .;, - j. v .. , ?. ; - 't i 1 '- , ,. ; :': : ... v Come in and lefs talk jt pver. QjouVc got il made wlen. . -: - I' 1 It:' Rose Hill : Member Tederal Duplin General Uo. pital lead County Establishments in sanitary ratings. . , . , - - m Jaycees sponscei rat control pro gram" jfr Wansaw is successful.. . TEN YEARS AGO THIS WEEK .; Britt" Vails ttotl eddndi Prtmary, Legislature - tOlivw 'ieads 'trmsWad ihi CouJityi Umted eIecteI, nekt ;over(rl.l, - . v - " ' ' ' '. Bill Vann new Lions President In Warsaw. , - . Sheriff Miller asks Commissioners for Inventory of Whiskey. - ' F-'VTEKN YEARS AGO , THIS Y.T2EK, - , . ' ' County's 1947 Tax Rate reduced to .$l0;CuntyTajtiSquaizaU0P Program has now been completed. Mrs. Roy H. Cates dies of heart attack. a -t Ex Gov." Broughton to speak In Duplin June 15, 3tt p. m.' : W' :. ,' 1 . .-?'...'. New! Gillette QliFilNi ULSI Adjustb!3 Razor You turn dlil from 1 to v tot tn act ttin that match your ikln and baard with Sopor Blue Blodao Li. ill ; .i4ir,-., - v-.'W.. It av" L2- 'Your John Deerfe Dealer" Phone LY 2-3742 Mrs. Belton Minshew r Phone 554 ' f,N 'Warsaw.VN, C Mrs. Homer C. Brown Phone 3741 , . v Rose Hill, N. C. cf)f 4 your operating terms to - I Depo: P:M!r,ilIe it Lis. Ccrp. Jd. "E.i..u-n5iardt rnnt unto tliy servant an under, sfandlae hcai. I-Kmga 3: " So many o . oufc i. opinions com from misunderstanding. J knew ' a man with a very mean face and ) discredited himjintil 1 saw his fa ther. .:V.-;-v-.:-vv:;-' ' Whili! nn a oastoral call I observ ed that Mr. Moses on the adjoining lawn was cooking a steax. Mrs. Blount mlsunderstobd and reported that 1 said "Mr. , Moses was 4 crooked as a snake." , ' ; Onft nf the haoDtest days of my lifA was tfiven- when my motlier greed with my lying and encouiag fl me to olant some pea undo'. the oaki-and later 'ti make I enoug') npn-y to buy me poiiy V ..j t One of tlte best friends 1 ever hart vns old shngey Carlo who led m( to think that I could bea$ him run-, nmg. i ' ' Will Hoss was twelve and his firsf; plowing was wretched. But his fab-, her smiled indulgentlyr and said Will, that .is better, than I did.a$ your aae" When young Will became; a preacher that father was bis first convert. - . ' - 1 j If dairy cattle don't get enough salt in their food, they can devtf lop a salt deficiency. Sales Parts - , - Service - Quality Farm Equip Co. Clinton, 'N. C. HOUSES & APArtfMENT Kenansville and Warsaw .A i Ihe v. suit ' nrJ2Din U - ; J Bil.l. Mtrll: AcU 1:8b; 11:1 J Bfvel.ition 1 through 3. ' Dtvtti.nal B.aalf i John 14:tS.Sl. kbAvliKllil .'. :!tv Lessen for June io,196z. fTHE book called Revelation is ; probably 'the most vdifficult . book in. the. Wew Testament to' understand; and yet -for some reason more people, -witn more .... . , j r auienng loen, claim fax-know just what it .ll means than any othervijtois strange also that the two chapter! which are plain- . est of all, are" the tw that receive the least ;atte- j D. Eoremajl titrn from j inter-. preters. These two' chapters: 0 and S) contain short messages or "letters'! to seven Christian,, churches, all ot them long since vanished, in, the Roman province . of Asia.. 4f,v.-a .-.:; .,1... ,-,,.. Why lUiif messages to churchei; far away ; and .long; ago? Pot tlie fame rwnun . ""v .... A D.. tkiinb-inM. .Ir.r X tSlDlC' l " ' What "holy ' men of old" aidf fc) : the Spirjfi inspiration, to men of their time.- wa can gather truth which is useful to u who live, to i a different century,: under seeri tngly different circumstancei. j ; ; Suburkca eaptlvlty i - ?? Svmt commentator on m book of Revelation have en li the descriptions of these sever . chureiie a panorama of chureli history neven ages of the church, seven successive era in whicj . the Christian church has reserfa bled first the church of pheu tlien that, rf Smyrna and so 0a This is highly artificial and 1. not suggested by the book itself , It is nearer the truth' to isy th both the virtues and the- vices 4; ; all the seven Asian churches car' be seen in eVery era and Id al most every congregation. Tak the Church f .Laodlcea,- for x j ample. There have always beet churchei of this type, and esp cially in America (it is common today. A student of . the churd : named Winter has written a boot called "The Suburban: Captivity of the' Churches." in which hi make e pn'-it that iuburbat: : :. 'M'l churchea today carry a very large portion, of the, church, member,; d .at Mia afvla :a in Mak. TO. irkui Then the author Dreceedl iJ the churches of suouroi . . . anu It reads almost as if he were thinking of Laodicea all the time. There ; were two : main ,'; thing, wrong with-: that church. First it was ; - lukewarm.-vtt:s had .'neither, the enthusiasm and spontaneity ; of the "hot" church; nor the dis cipline, i the doctrine, i i'laid eut celd,' the careful liturgy of the. -cold" church.. It wen throuth. the motions of being a churchy p-. A-ptattV.MM fcawh. T'i. i j HWinti'r'i . book make trie chwrge-that tbe typical American ehwrah, .tiu pace-setting cQngr gation, is more of a club than : cw CktJetian fellowship. It ran , wuCfrva poor people, it bide Iri an'eJfpensively soned Tesiden ; tial community where 'poorv pea , pie can't com. It is wealthy,; the , : building costs a sum which tht number are proud to mentiori tff visitors, to contribution tt benevolences is small, ' but eh, the amount in the Building, fund column! To. be a member U ; may be not only respectable; but a sign of social distinction. It Jakaa twrnt pride in the fact that it dpea.not pd any money, from the outside, tt has Its own -kiB- , dergettemi kUchens and i very- ' ihki4 ,T. sma people yon will see at the country , club you wifl ' ee here-. :"..' t- '.: ; - But this U Just what the church ' at Laodicea was. Rleh-proucV-ed llnt n tveh churoh moved pot less than six time in onp of . v$M ICitei' to )scap th ''iavasioa'V of . minority .grotiptt ",; finally one of the leading orncer umnd4t upj'-Ko pltce i ." That wktat I lat k . ."4 , j Btftl,a'-L of church u not to be safe, but to U saving. .. A Okucch (ha if only middl- class dub i.Xpendabl, like all middhvclaM dubs. Li- th Lao-: dicean church, it net to open ft eye to sto plrltuU f ovrty. . ; and disease." Now 'some baity ; rjadera of. Reflation bsvo eup posed thai Cod had wrsthruilv 1 t off. the eharch at Laodicea. Not at all. It is made icer that Cd would, sot rebuke the ehurtb , If h did not 1ov ltv There is no f hurch. Cod doe not tovei bun -there are fewehurohe that 0o4 : pprovea of just s they are. There ts more than little of tht Laedicean In aD churches Yt ,. even a blind, roJ, lukewarm churck may , bear i the word,, I " counsel ,the. .'. thai tfeoa mayeit y iBaal ml .aula. MU. tilllllM, jr Ik. (..,.... M ' i "I rrtia s.'IIm.) , , , . . Girl' -Auxiliary Director la Mr Johnnie 'Powell, Qwinselor' frt: .lUninrsMra .'. R-nrm riarlr 'm El- led Ann Pollock, Miss Joyct Eoson, Mri.. J. P, Strickltrnd, Intermedi ate Mrs. Morojan Earr, and Mr. J;ln ro-'-'::t, . '

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