. C i fci ZAT 5, 1 1 4 ? Mi" ant Mrs Harold ,McGlothlui i nddnur ors Paula, and Linda of t IVt mm h, Virginia , visited fir Jui-i fci itchrr and, Sirs. , Sadie Tu " pi f ir a Week. ' t , , f , x.rrnm$ . Muria Smith' was mrt end u- of X' 'tieHiutiphrey at top sail Eeach last weqk end, ' t , , iHr ani Mil, Scptt Sihito,wer at oail I each Sunday afternoon., f : Kim Lemack, of Savannah, Geo. : pA is, yiiim h jrandparents, Jr, and Mrs 'JgBsie Netnercutt for sev eral weeks i ' . lr and Mrs", bill Carnali spent a couple jpf day-a(, Carolina Beech i)as.rwek - . (, KBfBnda-Unww Kay Smith, Bob M Ann Miller and Pat Lanier visl- , ted Susan, Humphrey jj, Richland ,jMr, Arthup WoptMi; IU at ,l.er daii" htecy home jnKenausvilLa, 1 , 1. Mr fin. Mr- TV tt J - chars' and ,ilrs.. and Mr ;Joe Biyaifdj .spu . WerWay through ! fttipvtofM Suf! Cjlfc . i V t and fairs., Rey .lfaup7sMrs LlW' Hon arwl.Mra Roland. 0 EdaHfleMerf ithe North Can , lm ftpauafr Cyntererice' St the ' Quin Street Methodisf 'Cfiufrd, In , JifMoif rKnlir - '4 j, -f . liartte i B, Ration sand Itf, foi filler Waited iMra. Rateigh t 1B Onf LW- Mefnorla! in ; ii-tfpw Wefesdayxnfcht . f Mrji Kiissen Lju0r and mm tyarv ; . fi?n 'orK'lenor, ai yjirV lrwood Carfotf of Hrtisro y flWrhfght' guest f Jnd miVia 'fsifii yueBiay right J1W louplla Krause, vJ)ora and Joe; BiicMcbeV .visited: tfa Gladys "-jihche qtyaflitfe .JlVe-dnesny; tyj'Wrt' A, R fetter Wd v ( jon Craig -hav rehirned hojhe aPw , Vsft"St- Mt t and" Jfra dear Tho, ma in AjflieVUfe fqr a. l5ie ttmas.. ri?tiirnerf-.home-wlth theth tot a v)9t jvftlr CM .Mercer . ,'s- Lul tuldroiy Mrs, Joe Hill ' ' Rhodes, ft and Mrs.tAtchle Mul- Draw nd dHUhter JesBiia Lynn f $iew, Jerri wereln Wibnirigton Men i.mtr Norwewl Carroll; Mr. am Men- f ; Mijj; -Ka8ell 'Lanier Vere pjets.6ot Alr. aml MrS. 'BUt.Caroft at theioW : tnenaire .Restaurant in Sneads ei tf .Tuesday -sight w v V-J ' V ' V Miss 6renda L4nier tnfidt Intsl nerf'trip ta Washmgton, K C Tues day , ' . - ' : 1 v,Mri Clyde BMnson ; an '4ibby f ' Trott nad4 a business, trip to Golds- 'ra,- Clyd! firown. TWtftcb-i iDira. ut Brmsoa wer -)n &en- ii'sVile- Tuesday and Wednesday on bwan' . ;s.;r v ;-i ; ; k V'rtrlke.lves rfnd dauehter Viai t&f Js.Hoy.carur;n;11aflaoe fri. day. ; , ' ,u jrsMAttle.AlradjinawIsapat . v ient in the fehoit Jlertiorfal ftospi ' t?filninstoB ' - tor f nd Mrs. . Grover , Botin , of firdithfielA.vi8itei.Mrs. Sarah Boi- in and .family over . the week end,, rs MflWie JK ..Tborpa nd. fra. . Cora, J.:'4!anrteyMn had dinner,, in Pink Hill Tuesday J i tRonnie Whnlcy, Dean 4 fUibanw Fldyd' 'Browrt Jttisty;' Lamer ' Cbar- fia vLmji Jimmy JFutrell,' uat Lamer andf Johnny 'Jackson :attna- S' 'de tW 6a,U game in Kinstoh .Thurfr f Mf'' arid jMr. '-.Miltow Cottle were at-Puk? Hospital m Durham. Sun 3d"'Mri JoFinnprrBell wha .has bii'n a" .Aalipnt there fol'. several f 'Mrs; Xoa BeHe Modinos Wd rMie- wiTmrMnri vlultfl fr s MIT. tnlittAM- ) wet'KS, . recurnea . now; wim . urew "ft A fii avc Viflit I ' . - SicThinaiA Aheviiie.nod.Mrftui lw'.; -v..'.v-i..t .irBW-Mf "i.w tf" 'an Mis A R. Mercer wpije. ft 'White LaVe;Monotay afternoon, i ;- "4:ri-B'alttlgh'. Lanjct has returned 1 fllAMIIIIAlUREieOlF:'' . ' . 'I oft, ; 1 :. ,. ilAijIESIllGHT, ' vt 'S, ... ..- Al. GOLF PARK "" f - V--.'! 'rV :,'.. r L SU Lanier borne after, being an operative pa- ! Uent in the Lenoir Memnrial Hnib pital In Kinston tor a few davs. . ii .. . -J. ' ' . " . l Pp Sumner,, pat Lanier, ill Wil, Hams . and Sherrell Futrell spent Suqday at Topsail peach, , , . , Mr,, and Mrs. John Hedry-'Whaley and grandchildren, CaroJ Lynn and Tlminy were at White Lake Thurt- Mrs Cora Sanderson and - Mrs. Mamie Thomas were in Wallace Tufcdsay.' , , , , .'MtK Grover C. Bolln. Sr; is visa ing her son. Dr.. and Mrs.i Grover iBolift in SipithheW for a few days. V.Hlld. Hu.$lebee. and Mr. Loue Da Krouse. jntde a business trip to Wilmington Thursday , . , i " Micky Quinn and . John . Simmon enjoyed fin afternoon of. swimming at the JEmmaiWebb Swimming Pool in JCirtston Saturday. n ( , i Mrs-j Paul 'Hunter: and chifctrpn of JsWarsaW.T.visited Mrs. Mlna Ken nej6yl iu4week,ead J i & tttt i'Mrs.ji, M4c -Harper and ,. MHce ef PiriVjllin visited Mr'ind Mr James Miilec ier iT few day '(ast eek v ,t 'i Jtr v :. tOlri afid'i Kandy Everton? Of Mid dlesex' viaited: Mn- and ;Mrs.- BUI Everton iaa week.-, 1 Mrs- -John Simmons visited . rela tives jir - Qk tahoma ast week. ' ; ' fflra: Sarah ruan and Judy Mul- H rVnWtea -tfs, Hajr ihmiphrey , iqfiie. Jean ano, ioiiie' wnrusui Richiands Inst Monday afternoon. Xt, ' amf Mrs. 'Lee Kernegay aijdL sons of Goldsboro visited Mr. and Mrs: ,F1ave Mereer and r daughter Wanda Isunlay ' i " -iMx. nljft Everton and Mrt.- Ste ven. Jmfflf shopped In, Kinston tuejday ' , , , Miss Mary ackson;f fayette Vill Visited her' mother . Mrs. Bet ttr Jackson ever the weekend. $ati ajl )n Ooldsbow a few days th'i-. week i Mr: afld"Mrs, Hosea Hunter and sons Jerry and James, Mr. Em mrf .Wade and. Mtp. ; Kte , MiUer Vlsttect Mrs. Minnie MiUer la Tar. bbrt) Sunday t - Mca. Chiles Perkitj and dau ghter; fiunny 'of Miaou,; Flonqa are -vsiting, Mr. and, Mrs. Alton Brmsqnifor -th,ree ,weks. . X Jharltow Sandltaifof Fuquay Springs visited his father J. li. Sandlin.. Friday nht : iMfc. and Mrs. Kit Brinson made a ;busine$ trip Wallace Mon day ' jjMW -Jim Southerland apd dau ghters Susanna of fchinAuapm vl sited4rk.,Coralb feaadersii Sua- ay " t .,' r v Mr. and 'Mrs DrvU Thigpen and Mj Si Edgar Thomas of Ashe VilJe visited : relatives sand fri ends in Beulaville a few days thli Ureek. . " , i ; M"rs. -Charles- Perkins , and dau ghtet fiutvjy, Mr. pd.Mk's, Alton Brtnaoa nd Joe spent last week at-W!hite Late - . Mrs. Leona Barden of Rose Hill Visited relatives . and friends.' in BeulaVille Friday , , ' sBaet: Moojfe,; jpiarltpnandlint Rochaid McDowell,, Harry Home ana J.U.'.Sandlin, enjoyed a fish jumper Fridays mghts ijiv'fkr Mrs. Joha Thomas, Mrs. Gra hamjFrazi nd Mjs, James R. jfcdwaros , w,ere shoppers in Golds boro Saturday - -i ' Mrs; Ka'tbleep, Sha.w. and Nancy Colleen, and Mir. and Mrs. Henry T Jaman an4 ehitdw ,Qt Jffk onvUle, spent. Wednesday vthro ugh Sunday in Asheville. .Wlwle there they : visited Cherokee ..and the Smoky- Mountains . Rational if! .IJi. .park. - t. 3 "j " ej rt 1.,.' .fill Oiiinn nf iGrance . IViSlr Anni, .ntinrio HViilao nnrt Ka. ,Wr. and 1 Springfield, Mrs. , Chuck Wft and Mrs. Donald Miesle ef Ohio : and Mr. ;and Chuck Grella of - Hamptoa f4.t'."vK,: -. ,V ... . . To L3T' Aff M arid Over ; ; O L Cy M2o3 Virginia have returned home ai- j ter . visitin Mr. and. Mrs. Alton 7.-' w . . . . Brlnson for two weeks. ' Rev. .and Mrs. , Joe . Ingram of Goldsborowere supper, gueais, of Mr." and Mrs, Glave Mercer Mon- dafnight, ' ; . , Mrr and Mrs. : Leslie, tjeu , pi fJf.ilnrtplnVila . la. re visitinB Mr. and: Mrs, v Waiter "Wood for a few s Robert Tbomas, Helen Keftnedf, dayi ' , . , , fr feandaH Calahand.and, Pasty Jfc Mrs Tommy prf,w, $usie. and, weH vwM H jcenned X " r . - -----? .... : ., , r '.M. and - M,rs: Waiter StrpUd, Mi. arid M'rs.-i W. 1 . 1 Hardister. pf Kinston and, Mif apd Mrs. Stephen Sniife UiKedf'wtth Mrnd Mrs. fclarence" -HowWd in Pink Hill Friday niglit " , ' . Mrs.- Kate Milter was taken, ill white visitlhl-: herT sister, Mrs. Minnie Miller 1i fartwo' last , week; She war transferred from the heSifal in Tarboro to Ken ansvilje , Frldav , ' Jlev,': n 0,;"'.NeI Balnea have returned- to. BeulavUle af ter.. vacaUonlna: , in SNw , Mexiqo ? lit . Waiter Gresliam visited his. son, and (daufhter-in-Iaw, Mr. antf Mn BlUy .Gresham, and famHy irk Wilson for a lew- days last wee. - ' . ' . i ''-Heceni gyests f( Mr. nd Ms. Harry' HorneT -and - family were Miss Dons Hfon f Durham, Mrs Jennie Well el Teerhey and Mrs. R. W, Horne and. Mrs. Ench Brjtaa of Rose. Hi'l- Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Edwards SDent the week-end at their home in Morehead Citv iMr. and Mrs. ' Horace Brhmon and children, jGene,' Andy.. Onjg, and "Barbara of Hampton. Viv inia are vtsiting ratives n Beulpvjlle ' and ; Warsaw thi3 week-. ! . -v - ivir. and Mrs.,' Bill Cades and family of .Charlotte visited Mrs. CaUie Whkley, and" - Mary Alice over the week .end - . . . , Awiv Morton, Tmy and Wen dell 'Swain of Texas visited Mr. and Mrs. pelroar .Houston during theweek".. . .......i - , ..-Visitors ol Mirs. Kate Miller in farboro during - the, week were Mrs. Lila Mae Hunter, Mrs. Fan hie Mae Waller, Mr. Harry Mil ler, . Mr. and Mrs. Archie Muldrow and daughter of New Bern visited relatives in. Beulaville Thursday, v Mrs. . Carrie Hinds Wesson of Pink Hill visited Mrs. CaUn Whaley Wednesday and Thurs day, x , , . ' tMhrs, !oya jQnes and frsvKate ' Jacksen sied Cart - Johnson in Coleraur Tuesday,.! Mi-s. ..Macy Moore of Bowden and Robert Jo nes accompanied them- : j . , Mr. Jack Lanier and Mrs. He len "'Andrews l'Were in - Benson Suhday. .-. .'Mrs, Walter MiUer is a , patient i thf KenansviUe -t Hospital " frMiss vKate Jones, Judy And rews, Sue JackSoa and Don, Mer cer were at White Lake Sunday. " Robert? Jones spent he weak end With his aunt, Mrs. Hallie Moore; Bowden A iMr. n4 Mrs. plenn JLanier and daughters, Ahtr-wd, Pathy spent EAfrsday and Frida at Whit " i, s'. j Mrs. Macy Thomas -. and Mrs. Pn$3Y, ,Thomas were in . Kinston Thursday;. K t . Miss Addle , Sue Horne shopped in Kinston Thursday afternoon., .'iMlrs- Kathleen Brownf and son Douglas, visited Mir. ajd,Irs..C. (V Jackson in ;Mt Olive Thurs day. ' m- r i : - A 11m .' Taclrsnn of ML , Olive is I visiting Douglas Browp for, a lew daVi Mrs: Ida Jarman-cf Rich- I Tan A nnt ThursdaV. With Mr. ,ww;.v . - - , and Mrs- I- X Sandlm, Jp and Jerry. Mrs. Harry Home; Addie Sue and Leigh. ' Dinner guests of Mr- end Mrs. Macon Brown on "Sunday, , were iMr.tand Mrs- Grover Jrady and family. ' m ' .HMrandMx. Bobby,: Bsatcher and family aire visiting .Mr. and iMr& Harry. Bratcher . :s. Mrs. Ruby. Bostic is; confined td i her 'home . due. to illness. v , f -. Mrs.? L.i J. - Jinesiiand, anuly, ihawe 4soved .Into the v hope ; of, Iiiez Sandlhv while -her- husband 'la weraaaa,; t - 1 :''s f . Mrs.- AdeU Cottieof Rose. HOI visited; he ateter,. Mr. -Zoya Jo nes :and heri mother, Mrs. Kate Jackson Friday r ', V Martha Sandlin of East ;Caro- lUia, OreenyiUe vifrted her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. L J. Sand lin; Friday ji jr ,o , Mrs.. I. J. Sandlip Jrvmade .a ntsinfES rip to Jacksonville We dnesday morning jm-., Mr. and Mrs. Stacy .Brinson and sons of Chjnquapin yisited Mr. and Mrs, Kit Brinson Sunday evening. -.Mss Frances Mercer. Mrs'. Allen Qnina. Mrs. Clyde jBnnon.f Mrs. Ralph- WiOtrl Mrs. tela B, fiercer. MrsiMorrjs Grady and Mrs.i Nor wood Miller, attended the , district acboa Uor Eastern iar. members In Wallace Saturday. .Following the meeting; i covered dish supper was served., Vfirern Mr. and ' Mrs. drVaxren Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Graham rFrwetU Mr. and Mrs. Glenwood f Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Jamse , Edwards, were at White Lake ovef the if,eek tnd. Mr. and Mrs. BiU, Carrpit,. were inner, guests ,pf V. C. G. Carroll , in V.ts-. Tu.- -.y,,;4 in,. i.y ,. Kuy Merer, hr. ai.3 'Ui. tlem$ rt Johnson and daughter Sandra o! Jksoavflie, Mr iJBnd Mr.W..,M : ; . .... . ,. ' i nipen navp rfiurnea (ivune ; uvw visitin gfr.len!s and, relatives ; h Waahington, .0' C lot a, few dayfc i Mr,, antl.M riyde1 flrlnsoo -bad dinner at jUie iaouthernir' Restaur sill vi hneaas irerry nuixify nntr- hi tne mapiun ., , :, , . Jj t;y MoDowellf, Randall C)lahn Kobort Ray j.Thonw, Wifliame, AJ Ifm Grady , and Emory Thigpw were ome . fcoro Ampbell College tyr ie,week end. . iiWiUard Hardlgon'.is a, patient 4 ft Leijoir Memorial Hospital in inston , , . , , i 1 Mr. and, Mrs. BHl. Carroll visitjed Mrs. C,.G.. Carrell in Warsaw Sun day afternoon V , ; Jf Aitendih tt6oi Summer St T 'l Mi, J,. ii- ' is : f'r- IThe fol)oWlng are attending suhV raer jchool-jt EaatXaielina Col. ege In Greenville: Mrs. Andrew Jackson, Tracy Edwards,, Mrs. Rfc. hard Williams. Marie Smith, Mrs. Elwood, Quinn. 'Willie, Owen Oym, Mrs- James R. -Creech, ponna Jen Sumner, Mrs, Perry Williams, Nor ma Allen Norris, Mrs,. Sidney Bl)r sard, Mrs. Cecil Miller, M;s. Dpn Williams, Mrs." Anna B. (Ju. Mrs. Richard McDowell, Jamie ymnn, Steve Rhodes and Billy Bostic. CLASSrFOiD: RATES: . Three cents per word, minlinem charge of ;7Se. Unless yen have an-' accourt with please send money,1 stami, money order or check with ads. Federal Land Bank Loans are available thru Clinton National farm Loaii Association, Contact Dewlts Carr, Secretary Treasu rer, P. O. Box 16. Phone Ubi Clinton, N. C. iMr. Carr is la PCA office h Kenansvtlie between 11 and l o'clock every Tuefxiay morning. . CTF TYPEWRITERS ADDING mach ines repaired. New Royal type writers for every need, Plei Golds boro RE 4-OS4S Worley Typewriter Exchange. ISC South Center St. CTF. : WHOLESALE BUILDING mat; erials. cash and carry , .Credit i? needed. All materials guaranteed, Well worth7 a trip to Souther Supply Company. Clinton Across from the Park. , CTF FARM LOANS V) YEAR , term two interested rate. .Complete insurance Service. Thlgpen , Flcj kea Insurance Agency, Mt r Olive N. C. . . i': CTF. ' Drlve-In Glass Service, Ante Glass Installed. Table Tops, Mirr rors. if tt'a glass, we have It. Atlantic Class ' Company. ZJ booth rroat Stree, wumington. N. C. CTF , FOR SALE - Several ased electric, sewing -machines at reasonably prices. We win also repair er make your old machine ; into . electric. Write; UTTLE SEWING SHOPPEE, Drawer M,' Faison, N. C. a ,. . . CTF. ',: ' .u: vJf yon want te hny or sell a fanni see STOUT REALTY CO. Wallace, ,' SALESMEN WANTED ." Be yetu Own boss.' Earn more telling , Rawlelgh - Products-vry. body knows add Ukes them. Work art time at start See for yonrselt Vacancy ta S. E. Duplta County. ' Write Rawlelgh; Dept. NCF410-16. Richmond, Va. 1 . 7-fflP Pd. 'WE DO enstam picture framing and engraving. Cot desk and funuV tore tops. Sharpen : scissors and pinjdng shears. Inston Paint and Hardware Ce, Kinston. . . 1-19 ' - For Your Building Requirements, Dwellings, Barns, Braller : Houses, pig Parlors, General. Repairs and Additions, Contact Qulnn's Contract Ruildinr Service Potters Hill, N. C. Phone 2 I-J400 C. U Quinn Mgr. Rt I, Pin Hill, N. C. : 7-12-1TC. SALESMEN WANTED , We will supply yea with , a complete line ef Rawlelgh Pro ducts to supply -:. eonsnsneni .In your own town o surrounding . ara - In Smith. East Duv- Un County! Year around ' bnaK1 nef t. ) "r ' ' ' Write R nvleirb, Pept NCG410- SSl-KLuiitabd, Va. 1-2e 4T pa. ', ' ' ' .Surprise- Party r Mr, nd Mri . Temple Hill were honored , with .a, .surprise ' goin 4 a-, way, party at the Souther nalre Ke,s taurant in S neads ferry Wednes day night. , Those ; attendjng were Mr.- andMrs." Ayin Slmpapn,' Mr. apt) Mrsk, Eldridge j Tbigpe,n, Mr. and M.rV Raympnd. Lavls, Dr. and. Mrs, Williams. A. Pate, Mr and Mrs. 8iU Ci)tler,'.and Mi;l;ahd Mr,s. Plato ThlgpeK...Tbe Hiijs were pre sented with ear table.; t t. AMr and Mrs. Royce Jones of Clarksville5, Kentqcky ..announce the Villi' of ! a.;',daugnter,J Sonija Lawonk op June iSOf .weight ae?', ven pounds! Mrs. Jones is the for mer. M4ssiLois..Uiams of the BeuIavUt 'Section. tlEADAGIiE PAlN ' Jf ANBUcK J g!e yos" .'faster f eliaf fttm Mine- ef aeftdache, -aeurtis, : eurttlvsndminweslesirf arthritis, - huwti. Itsease tTANlACK cvntains tevsrsi msdicalliwptoved ami prescribtd ingredients for fast relief, you cMaks 8TANBACK with coflfiMoce, Sstlsfactfon gasrsntisdt . - Test " Etk - ' gtnt any preparation you v ovor , used ... 0t lit 6 98 K HOUSE MOVING CONTRACT. Sealed bids for the removal and relocation of 18 structures located en Duplin County Road 1804 from County Road 1801 to County Road 1802 will be received In the office of the Division Right of Way Agent State Highway . Commission, Wil minffton, N. C. until 2:30 F. M. on the 19th day of July, 1962 at which time they will be Opeaed. No bids will be received after the hour fix ed. For additional, information ar well as .contracts covering . the work, contact Mr.,? Roy D. Brown, Division Right ef Way Aeent, Slate Highway Commission, Wilmington, N. C, Telephone Number ROger 35134. The Commission reserves the right to reject any or all bids. This the 27th day of June. 1962. STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION 7-5-2T Pleasant way to earn as a neigh borhood Representative for Avon products. Openings, for capable ma ture women. Avon trains you to succeed. Write Mrs. Leona Eure, Manager, Box 1295, Kinston, N. C, giving direction sto your home. 7-4-1TC ATHLETE'S FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT, IN 3 DAYS, If not pleased with strong. Instant drying T-4-L, your 48c back at any drug store. Watch infected skin slough off. Watch healthy skin re place it. Itch and burning are gone. TODAY at All Drug Stores. 7-194T3 Business Opportunity Reliable man or woman - from this area to distribute complete pine of cigarettes, confections, etc- through new automatic dis pensers,' We establish acceptable Initial locations. Car and refer erences i desirable. Party moat have cash capital of $900. Good potential earnings part time; full-time more. For personal in terview, give phone, et: Write P. O. Box 158, Rochester. Minn. 7-5-1T pd. . ' ' For Rent 3 Bedroom: Home, built In kitchen, garage, : shade trees. convenient Also apartments. v A See Mrs. F. W. Pickett . 310 E. Pollock St Warsaw, N. C. . . . ,. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF PRESENTATION, OF v BUDGET ESTIMATE As required by law Notice is here by given that the Budget Estimate i for 11,, county., for the, fiscal year 1962-63. as prepared py tne County Accountant, has been pre sented to , the undersigned and a copy of the same is on file for pub lic inspection in the office of the Register of Deeds. ; This the and day of July. 1962. . BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF DUPLIN COUNTY Bv: Christine w. Williams Clerk of the Board. .'u- 7-5-1T. D. Co.; ; iuty Clearance Sal e? , One Back . Ladies Dresses Reduced Reg. $24.99 ..Sale $14.77. Reg. $17.99 .Sale $10.77 Reg. $14.99 -Sale $ 8.77 Reg. $10.99 . Sale $ Q.77 Reg. $ 8.99 . Sale $ 5.77 Reg. $ 5.99 . Sale $ 3.77 Reg. $ 3.99 Sale $ 2.77 ottswear Reduced Reg. $8.99 ..:.'.rSale $5 77 Reg. $7.99 ....'Sale $4.77 Reg.J$5.99 ....'Sale $3.77 Reg. $4.99 ... Sale $3.27 Reg. $3.99 ...V Sale $2.77 Large Selection Girl's By "Cinderella", 'Love', 'Prim.'n Pretty' and Others Half Price One Group Ladies' Swim Suits Reduced Reg. $17.99 . Sale $10.77 Reg. $14.99 . Sale $ 8.77 Reg. $10.99 Sale $ 6.77 Reg. $ 8.99 . Sale $ 5.77 Reg. $ 5.99 Sale $ 3.77 r.-7- : ::t.- Ladies Millinery Reduced Values to $10.99 $2.00 $3.00 $5.40 no white hats included CLOSEOUT! atz Ladies' Summer lotton Lace Trimmed Waltz Gown And Matching Robe Set Sizes S. M, & L Reg. $4.00 Value $2.55 set Special , Purchase Infants' Dresses 9 to 18 months . 77c each "J. P. Stevens" 81"x99" Muslin Sheets Double Betl Size t Keg. $2.19 if perfect $1.66 each Special Buy! Large Sue pfhrow Rugs Npji-Sjtid, , Aisorted Sizes Values to $3.99 $1.33 each Lowest Price Ever 50 feet Plastic A $2.00 ? Value Garden Hos6 WUK A purchase of : $5.00 or Over 77c "Your Shopping Center" ' WALLACE, N. C. Ladies': First, Quality Nylon Hose FiVe new Shades Compare with 79c 38 pr. First Quality Seamless Nylon Hose 5 New Shades Compare with' $1.00 48c pr Entire Stock Girls' - SWIM SUITS Reduced to Clear Reg. $1.99 Sale $1.49 Reg. $2.99 .... Sale $2.19 Reg. $3.99 . .. Sale $2.88 Ladies "Avisco" Half Slips Whites Only 48 c each Ladies' "Avisco" "luFsirpV" Whites and pastels Sizes 34 to 44. 77c each Special! Ladies! Half Slips Lacy - Femine Shadow Proof 66c each 6tJR ENTIEfi Stock of Ladies Dress Shoes "Red Cross", "Smart- aire", "Jacqueline", "Connie", and "Miracle Tread" Bone - Bone Combina . tions - Red - Green -.. Navy L DriMi 11 riiuc Foam Bed Pillows Resilient - Non -Alerge-nic. A $2.00 Value 97c 3 pc. Cofton BATH SETS 2 Rugs and Lid Cover A 2.49 yl Value 97c set Scorch - Proof Ironing Bdafd Fits , all tanard lronmI.poard3. kiil viii lcacK Ouif Entire Stock" . Men s Spring & ' ' .Summer 4 ,? Suits Reduced Reg. $$73.00 ,ITar,t;i Schaffner & , ? Marx $59.9Q Reg. $59.95 "Griffon" .: $44.90 Reg. $55.00 . . "Stylemart" $39.90 Rpg. $45.00 & $49.95 "Stylemart" & ' "beweU" v ... $34.90 Reg. $39,95 "Sewell" $29.90" Reg. $34.95 "Sewell" $24.90' Special Group i Men's Summer Suits j Values to $34-95 ! All first quality Some with 2 pants $14.90 i Men's Wash & Wear Casual Pants Values to $5.98 pr. $2.88 Special- Group" , Men's Wash and Wear SPORT SHIRTS . t Values to $2.99; $1.59 eacK 2 for $3-00 . Ladies' RolM Sleeve and Sleeveless Blouses Solid colors and asst'd Prints Reg. $1.19 NOW 77c One Rack Ladies' DRESS SHOE Value to $14.95 $3-$4-$5 One Group: i Ladies' Casuals Values To , $12.95 $5.00 ; 1 "Buskens": Fabric Casuals TIES, SLIP - ONS Black - Bone - Navy , Slim & Medium Widths Reg. i Reft 2.99 pr. 1.88 Better Hurry V Lajh Printed Aprons (Limit 4 to' a customer.)