rzcnals i w Mrs. L. E. Pope is SK-ding sev eral days in New Bern' with Mr. end Mrs. James Earl Jones and fdmi'y.- ' Miss Lucille Pope of Mount Olive v' 'tod M;s. J. N. Home Thursday i rnoon. . , ' .- .' I i :..r. and Mrs, I.i G. Turner went to Clinton Thursday mcrning on Lu&S. ,, ; i ' Mrs V,Vler Ue toysd. Watt and' Lou Aon of.Tearliey visited Mr.i and Mrs. M. J. Kciiy Thursday, i ; , Mi s. Lula Mathis went to Warsaw Satur lay. ' i - f . Mr. nd Wrs. O. K AVooda Paul and Susan of Ne Bern spent the week end wiltr Miv and- Mrs. L. G. Turner. Mrs. Woe! and Mr.-Tur-i ned spent Friday at Topsail Beach. Mrs. Andrev Jnvncr'snent Friday at Tof sail Beach., '-" 1 a ; , rf Mrs Huftert Tucker, Rut sell and Dan went to Greenville i Sunday, Russell, will.be a freshman i at East Carolina-College this year. , Mrs FMiiy' Dail and Wayne Dail . v, Goldsbcro, N. C. The Latest In i 1 Nov Fall Boot Style f SHOES-Now Cowboy 410. High Core. Only. READY 10 Gill VOUR COTTOtt We Have Installed A New Lint Cleaner and Have The Latest Ginning Equipment To Give You BETTER GRADES We Buy Cotton For N. C. Cotton Growers Cooperation Association ' 4 Also For . ROSS' HEW Gill A , Buyer . Available At All Times 1 1 . Open IllUis Barefield, Mgr. . 4 Next To .. ' ' ;:'1?W-''"'WIPMII1MIVWIM r of aiinquapia visited Mr. and Mrs. u u. Turner, bunaay. :.t Mr and Mrs- Jerry Smjth 'and boys and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lanier and family spent the week -end at the Smith's eotta at Wilmington Hence, ;;;.r..3-'4-; Xtl. Mrs. Hui v Sanderson,' ' Pamela awl' -Tammy' spent - sometime last week in Norfolk visiting ' relatives. MrSv .1, Pi- Tucker, Mr, and .Mrs Alvin Powell, Sherry and Durward pent the week end in Norfolk with Mr. and Mrs. Thede Tucker. - Mrs. Abbie Smith, Mrs. ' Alvin Powell and Mrs. J. P. Smith spent Tuesday m Wilmington with,' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Evans and family.'. Mr. aad 'Mrs. Herbert -Powell of Pittsburg, Petinsylvabla ere Moa day eight supper ruests of Mr, and Mrs. Aiyip jpoweu.. Mrs. Walter Lee Bryan and Rou Kelly .visited their lister. Mrs. J, w-Hamilton in- James Walker Memorial ilospltal, Wilmington Sun- aay- The Hnrbert Smiths hod as. sup per guests last Saturday night, Mr. and Mm vtieiin Meready and girls, " v.; AL In Stock .p 2 Eyelet Frill Cowboy heel in black leather. Sixes 5 to 10. B widths only. $3.99 Anlrl tvem RmI JtMl. Creo sola. Site (LVrfdfh only.- ' The Maverick -Side Boot with Sixes 6-10. B elastic I widths $4.99 IS 7e Handle Government Nights For Convenience - V ' ' Produce Market Truck Clinton, N.C. , i ' 'Mr., "i Mrs Danny Batts it Warsaw, Mr. and Mrs, Rudy Halso f ..-iuain and Randie Outlaw of Kcaansville. Oliver Smith has returned home from ; Ann ' Harbor, Mich,, ' where e attended the 'National kxplor er Delegate Conference.' While a way he v.eHt over-4nto' CsHiada and vitrted many places of inter est. ' ' ' ' -J "i Mr. ! Mr. : !Mert- Tucker, iXils and ' Dan .went to ? Buies Creek, Monday. Ellis wilt nttcad Caawbell i College-this year;' Miss Anne Pope left Monday tor Raleigh; she' will be a senior , a' Meredith College. ' ' Mrs.- Nell Batta and Miss SlieThy Batts went last- week1 In Hampton, Va. with Mis Sue Batts. - ' tar; Garland Brown of Newports News, Va. spent last week with Jiin mother, Mrs. Lellie Mae Brown, Mf.; and" Mrv - Jack -Joy ner, at tended the funeral of Mr Mnllie Bryant In Wallace Sunday... after noon. ' ' , 3 ': " r CarcfCif ThahJcs !l 2- I wish to thank everyone ror weir 'prayers, visits." cards .; and 'Other acts of;kind'ess shown me' during my stay in the hospital and 'while recuperating at home, Vj; Mrs. J. E. Tucker . . . Mrs. Hudson Honored At Shower ,, Mr. "William Hudson, nee Miss Swannie Quinn, a recent bride was honored on last Saturday night at a miscellaneous shower in the home of Mra. Roscoe Potter. Joint hos tesses were Mesdames Abbie Smith and William Potter. i .. Theiionoree was presented a cor sage in pink upon her arrival. r tiames and contests weer enjoyed daring the evening. The' gift, table was centered with a beautiful white and green flower arrangement and the many useful and attractive gifts placed around the centerpiece. , . . The nonoree opened the gifts and passed them for all to admire. 1 The hostesses served delicious re freshments to the twenty one guests present. , . HOC Met Wednesday r The. Magnolia Home Demonstra tion -Out met Wednesday after noon, September 5, at me ciud j building. t ' The president, Mrs. L. E. Pope, presided. Mrs. Pope lead the devo tionaVfollowed with grayer Tat Mrs. J. fW. Evani" Jv i ..:'.-;i- Mrs. Bettie Mae Tucker, led the ; group in singing "America The Beautiful'', f, . The' secretary, Mrs. Albert West, read the minutes of the last meet ing and called the toll. , The demonstrations, 'How Well Is Vour Kitchen Arranged?" was giv en by Mrs. Britt. Leaders reporting were, Educa tion - Mrs. Kenneth. Taylor; Cloth tag" MrsvC. J. Thomas. 1 The -meeting closed toy repeating the club collect. ; HAri evening of fun end entertain ment was sponsored by' the Magno lia -Lions Qub.' Wednesday evening. September yn .the,; school t auditor- Collon ; Phone LY 2-2389 Lane 701 , ; ' ' : ' -.'...'' Cf&L DE0KAT4ON QUARTET Tkert few will figar. tn tke icicatkn Stptembef ' . 12 bf aim 340,000-herMpowcfr unit it Cal-olkit Ppwar & Lijht Company'! stmn ; ikctric flMMrdrwg i4aiit mar GoMsioro. ' They mi 6rnor Sof)rd upper left), . . principal ipeaker; L V. Sultoa upv cliht', CP&L prfeii who. will Jecrib - the.uMH new anil; foimer Coiigressniaii G.-o'-im tarden (lowsr left),, who fijvrcd , in' tht witial GoMsbar plant project and will oct os matter of rmonii; and '.Cpagrtssaiaa David N. Hendarso of tha Third CistricL-t'' j'.f ,!i-s; i ; ? -;.--i)f.4.,i44.;.iiVs'" :t ' .: :W'-.1f";-f 1' F"'t-iw' ll'&icti iu'- 'i-'" - ''v'; Eneineers with Carolina Power &. Light. Company are poised to coimter. hurricane havoc which could come along the Coastal Ca folinas. ',. . Edear M. Geddie. suoeninten- dent -of lines land coordinator of the disaster plan; calls it a "stitch in . tame", routine .borne of -expert lence gained ih past emergencies Its . purpose: : restore - service in , the . shortest possible time. Its logistics resemble a well-directed military operation . Jimmy Jones of New Bern acted is .nueb. ... , t ,,'' Miss Magnolia for 1962 was ho sen from a group of seven girls. Linda Smith, daughter, of vMr,' nd Mrs. 'J .P. Smith was the winner, with Ellen Rouse in second place .' and Ellen Wiikins third. ' Carol Ann Tucker, Hilda Halberg Linda Smith, and Annette Caven iugh did a dance routine. ,. '. ": ; - Carol '; Ann Tucker f aha Doug :5mith .each ;did a, pantomine. ; There was a male leg contest in vhich J. P. Smith won first place ihd Charlie Thomas second. - The henpecked husband Contest was won by Melvin Pope. ; Mrsy Ann Martino, Annette Cav :naugh and Carol Ann Tucker sang, vith Linda fimitlj at the piano:fv. Jimmy Jones sang,; played his rumpet, and did monologues. ' Proceeds for the evening went to he Community Building fund. I Canasta Hostess Mrs. Abbie Smith was hostess to her Canasta Club last Tuesday lighG 1 'j .'"J? Those . playing were Mesdamfes Jerry Smith, J. L. Lanief C. L. QuinB, Melvin Pope, Wendell Ean ATilliam Potter, Joe Newkirk, Earl Baker, Hugh Sanderson, McDonald Beasley,. Worth Potter and Abbie Smith. ' High score was made by Mrs. William' Potter; Sshe was awarded a prize of stationery and an address bonk.". "' V : :-:i:- ' ' The hostess served 7Up.iloat.and cookies. U . ; .j , 'V..-v' '; ,t .'- ' -Kt ;-' .''-' T Whsn kAyQ&e'- weather' threatens the' .JCPSif system, department lines dissolve and all hands except esntiai 'fperatois ,'ltiurn; to the tak at hand.. As coordinator, Ged- a' '- a' : - ' 1 ii J U ;M ' n die i $3 in command and It .It '.not unusual ' for ; rafjkihi officers ; to alep'iinte .the; breach. .. . i s-,,: ; The eompany fivet; division" line superintanidents, atRaiegh, Wil miBfiloh. ' Southern Pines, Ashe- ville and Florence S. C, are di vision coordinators. , Under them are,,. rea coordinators managers, line; foremen or engineers in charge of setting the plan into rjjotion on, the local level. v' .'-I'his: imaneuvei? requires plan nine. K vision and area coordi- nators - have atreaoy neia skuh i advance ot tne nurwane season, Each stonm teaches CP&L snmcthhit new, and the disaster plan is refined and improved each year' :J " r ""',M Not confined to hurricanes, the same procedure goes intr motion When trouble results from- ice storms, snow or . severe thunder Storms. : ; : "-' "'' ':; v rw? In the hurricane-prone Wilmin gton.,1 District, area ' coordinator are spotted at-WHrningtoih, White rtllei Eiiabethtown, Wallace,' ; NeW tiewi ' Jacksonville, Kinston ' an Mrirhed..jpity, ," points whert radEo ; bb&e-'stations assure"'iadV Ckitrunuriications. ' Their ;divdsiori Methotf ' .Substation '' In 7 Raleiglf coordinator' is T. H. (Mickey Halt i visir.n : iine suporinterKtent ai Wilmington. : ""-rJ .."":.' Every oftice in the region la a comiVic'4 pm, with all' personnel assigned' specific emergency du ties. Clerka ; man telephones , W take and process calls fronv cus tomersj, hooie service representa tivev and secretaries commander coffee pots and prepare sandwi? ches JiA, hungry,', weary crewmen salesmen act s is . couriers, guides aud c4is.:. A.'Vi'oA.'' ; '':'' S Fine detaili are covered well in advance. Gasoline stations with gray'jty.iflow pumps are Spatted. Distributors of dry ice are , lined up for quick call; materials ttre stockpiled and inventoried "prio rity customers" like hospitals and water pJants are alerted to pofr sible poxver Interruption; places of lodging are reserved far a pos sible influx of extra crews. .. ' Crews are directed in advance to areas where : service facilities are apt to be cijt .off by high wit ter. This is a lesson learned-in 1960 romV V Huirtiicanei" Donna which , completely . isolated , some points iaibe Mwehead. CityrNew l- !i, ti 3 fi: ;-p . y i il oar iiiitul H dull -frequency radio equip :,wm at ail U its major generat ing planin and .at Jacksonville, J.'rinbunT. Mn-rehead City and MUhod Substation in Raeligh. Uit.-i:'nunnet W ' twitricted soiey to emergency use. ..'.-'-' , Goi..Ae'S -office and the corn- party's dispatching center at 'Me thod serve' as the commend posts which'--direct - coMtfuction crews.i tree : trimmers and service vehi cles to trouble spots. Utility cofis- trtirtiul firms- that : do - contract work for-CP&L are on -eall- in ertiel-encies. 'Also, through a long standing agreement 'neighboring electric cwnpsmes land 'crews w OP&L i- wtth the i undorstandang thait in time a liket favor , will be sstoed of .CP&L, r 4; ' ! yWith one' alert already -behind Wwm .; ., ... because of ', Hurricane Aima that veered off into the Al-f Krti,c -r CP&L' engineers - have theijf disaster . plan poised and ready ftir, action.-, 'jV!' HeadquarterS for the fight acainst the pert is the- N. C.-Department of fculturts'S Border Belt Tobacco Research i Station v at'CWhiteville ; Field experiments are conducted a a 5S-acre farm near Everareen and a 92-acre farm near Dillion, S. C. Dr. Thomas W. Alley Optometrist -' ' .v; .-Warsaw, N.-C.'"-' ! i1' Rear ef Warsaw Drug Company Tnes. Sat from 8:30 te t: Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Old Photograpjhis . ; t' ' ' Restored " PORTRAITS . .;!;'.;?-! '--. Commercial .i;.""-, -A-" . .s ....... M-:.-.r ... . '. .' VV ruviuvnw u . . Parties, AnnrVersarles and. , Identification ' photos 'i' WE SPECIAL12E IK' ;"'! l'T.'V'l -;j,iWEDDINOy PICTURES Z'r; LANIER ' STUblOr l ( J?hone .6341 WALLACE, N. C '.Sitting Nights and Snndaya "By Appolnrment ' ' f ''.). IvA lot of the ?mxr - -i -. .. ' . . . ';a-' t'VfisJ'X. i''H'.i';i-'-;r?Anvi." .t:'.:'--.'!'.- : - 4' J'-t-;.U':;-y:l .'';''"''";; , ''..v.,',.-, .-;' ,. " '.tt'.' TjsJS " 1l 'J"' r' I V :, - '"; .,:;v- ' ? - t '".-'"'" vi-4(rw . , V n ?v- iii' ."Hi' ;: ' 'f Yi!iIS ; f J t . Many of our customer, think the city, or tho state,. owns ? Vsi .;J . ", ' "" runs this compan.: ' '! i-' -JTbey' are glaV tthat ; j Wned id run by leop1e,;jusrW ' tomers.. waturauy, wej ucuwuu u w. . v .- , ' J cientlymade C5 groVrwl that rectria service continue to; .' ?; A be brought to them and to you efficiently and economically v: , v . xTnaVs' one' rea?ton you can continue to expect, good sprric? ! . iV'r; tftom CP&L even though electricity is" dellvere ! u j.a at . j ...1 " - -;' .. inyeifor-oumei, (axpaying, pulU uiZ'Uy company, s- ; . c coiiio no riglit . l.. ; .a do c iie glect, to i vo e i en In any un rtec;ssaiy penalties, or to deprive them of the benefit which was In our fcower to bequeath. ." . Ruskin , In'' truth, ; people can generally make time for what they choose to do; it is not really the time but the will that is lacking! ; . r i - - Sir John Lubbock '-;:.'. ,-V ; y$0Ask For Flc!;cs';i':RccappS''i' '1:'r Favorite ;;5cwcbiStdtion see ' " ' ,..';"i ','!'" "' ' .' . ' . ; !!.! -; r - . ' ' ' !.'." f FLAKES TIRE ' -titiiA ih: ;.: ;'. U.-dinton, 1 AIIT ta h if ah m. u-.iMiMut i ilwii ...... ' ..' . - 5 When yra save In advance It lake much less money than whea yoa bay "on tUhe." CEtTiNa ,' interest (on your savings) instead oi rsimu u tn rcmnjmg ,itchargs'0 makes the IMaPiwIr V';t''iTY-'f '''I';'':m; When yoa save-as-yoa-eani and pay-yoo-go, yaar jmoaey; V"i'-- .-5, .' ' t''i "4?-l''-'-'''?;-:i" -. " , - W '-' - - ';-l"f "T - buys a lot MORE of the good things of Ufe! Open a savuiga mevw . .- f I '. a . - '. - S-i : ' ''.''!" J; ' v". -C. '.VlJ k-f' here mwi where year money earns MORE money tor ra. -' J , .' Bank '0fMmim. ''-;v; '?'-., ' . J - .-t ,'.'-lr,v . .. !.'. ,J'V'T. "-v. :- ?'In Mduiit Olive and 'Calypso'' ... "-v."?-'''Make Our Bank Your Bank by people, just ; owned business. um";-: '.:';,;''';? v'V" people who pivji this business are 11 ' .1 V r'PJjf. . .1 1 -SEIMEfflgi N.. C; iWKfawfF''foX ;.,.,Y'1. I'lP, 4'.. Ire TIJ c nvrn:) - . ':. , ;.'. - - ivuiniiibi uih . rum .. bib - ft'l'jf, I 'V;7u.fway; -f P llyujr ;.' ''!? wi'-iV ''ii'-Y'i Is -jt-'.v!';;-Vrv;y.t,Wawfi;-ll-4' !.r,Wj .'.. ."..." 'u., for the Important thing m want, Bank:",r.rV:,: BaHMh . .!'iSW.'i''-.:-'--j-.ft'i ''j.v"';:; '' V TsQ.'? . ' 'y; : t. rim Ml. ' j.Vv.iV';v',