4 r: 33 varieties offered in ' As -ev; t:e cf t'.e Service's in tention to "crack down" on such delinquent payors and filers, Mr. J. E. Vj'a'J of the'' Greensboro IBS office said that during . the past three months ;r 108 seizures of property, have ) -en made to satifr Bl parade of 1963 Chevrolet model: taxpayer or his biu.iut.: ..s is ck a ihrough seizure rl sale of his as sets. . , J . ' r - The soil, ljlifi freechnj. Is not ap preciated unuHt's t'one. -i. , ; ; j We can "offer BP mufh hi the lar ge, bilt to mate sacrifices in little things is what we are seldom equal to. : Goetha .Cj ' A livestock "snack bar"- the Cy cle Timed Feeder handles multi ple feedings automatically. The new feeder was developed by New Hol land to help farmers feed their ani For the first time science haa font a new healins; substance with the ,. tonishing ability to shrink hsmor. rhoids and to relieve pain withm unrery. In ease after case, .whin gvntly relieving pain, actual reHuc. tion (shrinkage) took place. Mot ama2inK of'all i- results Were so thor oukB that sufferers made astonishing statements like "Piles have ceased to be a problem 1" The secret is new healing substance Bio-Dyne)-di covery of ' world-famous ..research institute, This substance is now avav able in iuipoaitory or ointmeftt Ion. fy dehnr-'ent 1 x liiljjlities. fn ad, ditipn, ffii levies have been served on third perse S; to Seize salaries, prages, bank accounts and receiv ables in a massive further effort to enforce, the Internal Revenue laws. Also, there were 897 tax liens filed. . Jfyv Wall said that the number of "truft fund" taxpayers who are delinquent is small in relation to the total but his office intends to pursue Us rigid collection enforce- '(jailed Preparation H. At all dro mals niore often with; Jess ; labor, , coumcn.'-. ... - r : ; , . .Vitaf1 ";'':'..l(i . Chevrolet's parade pf hew products for 19fi3 indudei tfour lines. Heading the list, which will lil s ' ?i "S?"? Jf Septembers, is the luxurious styling. Chavrolet's wide choice of oassenger cars '"PatttGport Coupe (bottom), Chery II 4-Door includes 31 models In addition to variations .T? i iyw7rvjr Mp uybjaaejwt MWM opticas) aM-lfaraln cAariHBatjens. (right" center), and the new and startling Co)-f c(tf Sting Kay Sport Coupe, the epltoipe or advanced smmon mmm WASHINGTON Congress is practically all of the world mar' prepared t ,cpnclu 4ts work ket. It empowers tariff negotia- lor this session. Senate action cn the jnuch alireij.,- about Trade - Bill, acd House action on the Farm and '.Foreign Aid Bills have ..As this weW' began, the Senate . and Hotase had- -et to act on a number.of conference reports and legislative bills, but action could ; come on most of them. These in cluded Senate consideration of the Farm, Foreigner Aid, and Postal Rfcvision-IJmployee's Pay Bills- Last week the Senate passed the Trade Bill by a 78 to 8 vote. X; voted for a num ' ber pi anieridjueius to the bill which .were defeated. I regarded : these provisions as necessary pro tections for American workers - arid industries. "On final passage I voted for the b)ll, because I am convinced that trade is the life blood of commerce between na tions. ' . Under the bill the President re ceives authority to cut our tariff as much as 50 percent over the 'next Bve-jearslt allows the Pre sident to cut tariffs further on : products which the United States and Western Europe account for tors to bargain on groups of com? modifies whereas heretofore they have bargained on an ( jjtena by item basis. . The bill grants cer tain loans to eligible import af fected industries, and unemploy ment benefits to workerg who lose their jobs by reason of import compeuuon. xnis provision was highly cntrpversial because it could prove extremely... difficult to determine when an industry has unemployment by reason of budgets, nor cooperation by labor ana management to ajlow Ameri ca!? products to compete with for eign goods. Trie attitude that de velops ' in these related policies certainly.; wilf affect American trace also In the years to cqme. HIGHER EDUCATION BILL - On September .20, the House ve tei) to. recommit the Higher Edu cation Bill to a Senate-House con ference. TJftis probably means that no further action will be taken on this bill at this session of Con gress. House debate indicates that the House ,took this actio beca use substantial oercenJae ef its members are convinced that the bill : violates '-'the es-tablish- Add instant people to modern wonders.- Silent, fiber-glass folk, they literally packed Jhe house at the recent "tuning".' ot Lincoln Center's Philharmonic Hall in New Vork to Provide v the acoustical absorption of a live audience, . , ' ' ' Dr. Leo L. Beranek,- acoustical consultant and world re nowned designer, describes with humorous touches this acous -tical "dry run" in his neWjbook, 'Music, Acoustics, and Archl tecture." While an orchestra played to this fiber-glass audienee, ' trained musicians roamed the hall , in search of dead spotv' echoes, and other acoustical pitfalls. The utmost fidelity in sound was achieved by adjusting mobile ceiling panels a rnp bihty that makes possible future changes to accomodate other listening needs."' ",'-' . .:- : '.. :." .',. ;. . . Scholar, lecturer, author, musician and world traveler, Dr; : , Beranek has produced a book, which, like Philharmonic Hall, " , is a music lover's dream. Years in the writing, jt comes alive ' through roaghificeftt photographs and descriptions pt $4 coneert ; halls, through Dr. JBeranek's interviews with musical - great. . through Dr. Kugene Ormandy's eloquent foreword. V i' Published by John Wiley ft Sons, "Music, Acoustics, 'and: Architecture" describes how 'the cooperative efforts' of musi cians, architects and acousticians culminated in Lincoln Center's v Philharmonic, Hall. A publishing chef-d'oeuvre, it is likewise a ,. mmual fr jthe, architects, and aaousticians of he future., ,-. the Tree Fann program is active in North Carolina and .? other state. Kationwlde, the system nw ,has more than 59 million acres of well- managed tirrtberlands enrolled The same forest lands that pro vide the nation with a mountain of wood are also providing many other benefits -' recreation, food and cov er for wildlife, and protection to valuable watersheds. This "multiple use, means the nation's woodlands are working to meet the , many needs of the public, according to afpi. . .,v.';.-'b Protect You And Your Family . . . ; ... -."'iC-fi. . -.-f -''" ''" r.J ;. .( ."i-'. : . :gggpio Inspected WKn'Jf-VAVi Tree Farms Base Heeds !,- imports and when the unemploy- ment of religion clause" of the men arises or other reasons, The success or failure of the Trade Act. of 1962 will depend upon how it is administered. If the administrators are unrealis tic in their approach, -if they do not iignt for American trade out lets, if they do not drive good bargains for American industries, the bill could create ' more pro blems than it solves. Properly administered the Act can helD American trade. 'i The Trade Act of 1962 like ai. trade bill has many limitations. It cannot take the nlace of wise ta'STipolicies. nor prudent govern- First Amendment in that it auth orizes loans and grants to church owned and church - controlled, in stitutions of higher learning. When this bill -was before the Senate some months ago, I .anti cipated that: it would probably meet, Hija lafe s proponents insisted on keeping in the bilj the provisions . extending the. benefit of federal tax monies to church owned and church-controlled inv stitutions ofr higher . learnings ft was for . this: reason that I .sought in vain at that time to persuade the Senate to adopt an amend ment which would have res trie : -fy few;.' B mental operation within federal .' ted aid of this character to public DATIK PRINTS :. Dark-toned mystericug beauty af the East . . .i 1 translated by VaKex In this fine eronp of transl. tioa cottons! Wash wear fabrics for dresses you'O live teJS". Choose from colors. $1.00 yd. , ACETATE PRINTS 100 Estron Acetate in beautifully dark designs.' Hand wash r dry clean. Wide selection of artist- cany Mended colors. 45". $1.29 yd. FINE IMPORTED COTTON Bates printed "aottoa saUn" In distinctive color combinations. Wonderfully different from say fabrlraSwiTe ever seea! Manufacturers use them; , New colors , ; new f exturesl "' "'' -!': ', v.'.ii: :V1.' - : .-, '" ,.(.4 It's exciting to create your very own styles, to fit your particular figure problems, to stretch your fash ion dol lars! Here are some rich quality fabrics that we high ly recommend for your best sewing results. BOUCLE WEAVE Textured Acetate and Rayoa by American Silk Mills for the really smart 'designer took". Black, red, blue. $1.98 yd. ' " ' -SCHLANG WOOLENS "Twist Tweeds" are signtficaiU ia new weaves as well as classics. 54". , , , $38 yd. . , . v ' "M0IIAIR'V?.V' t'''Y Mohair offers further excitement la checks, plaids dnr able knit Jersey, printed Jersey, and soiida. Alf from 54" to 0" wide. , $1.98 to $3.49 yd. , ; :.':.'.'' '.TRIMMINGS ; ! 'W: : : B rouse through nr , newTy fkrrnfd shipment ef trimmings. A fine selection of for trimmings In thl, group, 1; j ,;, ' ; y. J , ' ; ; l PIN WALE CORDUROY f A superior quality that's washable and still beauti ful after much wear and washing! Our large selec tion includes Black, White, Pastels and deep-tone fan colors. M". :, $1.00 yd. IMPORTED VELVETEEN & VELVET . ' . From Italy to you ... in Black and Autumn hoes . . . an exquisite fabric for those occasions wbea yon want to lopk your very , best ( Water spot resistant. ST $249 & $2.98 ycL. made "vena! v . $1.39 yd. ' . Golden Thread highlight the Golden M's. Choose from these, .for evening or daytime wear: " Lame". -Brocade", "Spotlito Satin", "Pes D'Fran", "Matelasse", "Silk Prgandy" "Chiffon", "Velvet" f Velveteen" , . .. ; $1.29 to $2.98 yd. i. "c , . m : .,- A "A RALEIGH - Jf all the wood used in the U. a,'.m one year, were stack ed to cover an average city block, the pile would reach 4.63 miles into the, sky, Yet.evn, wjjh,;this heavy use, the ; well-managed : forests of North Carolina and other states are growing more wood each year than if being bafyested and lost to na tural casuesv: v.--..' . ' Amarjcans last year used about 12 billion cubic feet of wood in the manufacture of useful - products, such as houses, '.' '"papeTTBid more than ,000 other items, according to American Forest Prodct Industr ies, , wmn :fjf paiionauy the voiuntairllAiferj'"cii Tree Farm System of growing frees as a crop on taxpaying lands. , ' Credited with playing 9 big part in maintaining fij ; favorable bal ance of tree $rotytht oVet removal, IRS Jnfeiisified cly-owBod and pHbUcly-controlled UBiversittei andpllegJs. f ' " " ' - ' The Internal Revenue Service an nounced today that it has intAnd. fied its delinquent collections acti vity. The stepped-up - enforcement : ( v yi.CT.vow ?.iiiainiy: at taxpayers who are liable for Social Security and Witholding Taxes and Excise Taxes on sales at retail and by the ihanufacturerti. Them . 'often referted' to as trust fund- taxpayers because they collect taxes ttom- the general public which fin required to be paid over to the A. NR. FARMER Noy, Is The Time Jo, Sell Your GOOD Tobacco " '. ' i ..yy: G0LDSB0R0 Is The Place Thurclciy's Entire , .Sale Avg. $63.57 I .... ., f .;. , ....... Per Lbsi 100 .i-mS Years Experience In WKeet IigrjitientS I All Work Guaranteed or Money Refunded : - 24 Hour Wrecker Servic ;3:Tlres;';iWhoe ; . Vars9iv and Also lker''a1nEvaM " ' ' - nm Inglividyql Farmers Averaging Up lp ; $75. For Entire Load J Briri The Remainder " Of tour Tobacco ,v. - . , , : COLDSCO.IO : : - Where You Can Be Assured Of Top, Prices And Service ' GOLDSCOM -TOuACCOj I OARD OF TRADE 4T J X x -A ., 1 -l nil mt-" .': t . . ' :.K V . - A f , v ' ": -f-rt 4 . . t . - :y mm Vn 1 I y.,Sfmmy v yy :.$ 'i t-f-t',', f v "''-v f-' . yM'i I Wjy4sylU '.?. f I L. i v . r - . - . i t ; :'' '.. . ...'., .. . ' ' '".' : - - . . t -'. . . - . School Calls For Energy! 1 , ndnan is tnna oa fin onortrv KniMt lfV cura imti '4 . children get tjie lift they need "With Farm Fresh ' ' Wayne Dairy Milk. Our milk-is -produced on local ik '-' farms, processed in our modern-plant and rushed - . direct to you. Try Wayne Dairy milk . . ; in shining 1 -.'- .glass or new wax-free plastic cartong. s I .-' " :, .1 ' J. . ( c. GOLDCcor.o, ?;c::t:i Carolina