1 .0 ! ii ti t ', ' '!':. f I jV'iOcctobr s 2.. " V ;Fcrlbi;::;:jOfOclo!:2r e Westerns North ' -reached ,Sta CiMiity, ill 1858, Lhordee Indians cit iand$ to the .Carolina' in the ifnpVyreatjr t l .o, iA 1793. 'f -rHY O"' ' ;r '3.T t ; doors' of the ""J)Cai. j, .-College .f j.firiculture I . and iu.kaM Arte Opened in 1889 Wkith 71 student l 71 o whom . were North Carolinians. ' ; s v V October;--4.' ;J 1858 Benjamin Sherwood He-lck,' professor . at ih Vnjwrsity' of North; Catilhia; itoiU,td .'iDefena"! of hii b; vphtumist' iWi " Th XJti i vcrsity ilismiaswd 4ita. aad-h-. f'.wt to SNew . York r ' i October K'li tfitt Wildcat emorial oh- Captitu -quore in jRaleiah to4hfii)ien f the Eighty. HFirst (UTiWoatii ,Oiww8ion...f ytar jiii wi t.f t f ye - October 6. In 1728 Hycotte Creek. HJ8 miles from Currituck was "reached by the commission era who establishedfthti boundary line ItctweNeDtfr CarUria,fnd VuKi;4a. --y :. ,-: Vrt Octnber 7 In 1780 group of ' Dvtei'wauntain' men. led 'by Campbell,: Vjgevier,''- Shelby '.. and Cleveland,; attacked. Colonel Pa trick Ferguson's Tories and Bri tish, i? .who were camped on : top of King's Mountain. Ferguson was killed and his losses were 110 kil led, 123v wounded and 864 rap tured 'The patriots Jogt 28 killed and 62, wounded , . . -:L October 8. The North Carolina State Agricultural Society ' was organized in Kaleighan, 1852, celebrated itsj 20eh atiniversaryt , October' 10. In -1709 Baron Chr istoph' de . Grafjenried. and . Louis MittjhelJP Wad a contract .jKitfc Queen Anne of Great Britain to care for 600. Palantines, for each of whom the Queen allowed 20 shillings in clothing and 1 5, 10 shillings lawful money, The E- ron settled New Best..-"Kir October 11. fai 1764 Governor William . Tryon, re ache oJtfofth CafoliiMt froriv .England. ,V;'v1h' C OotobedJ. Oft this day in 793 thevcornefstoiPt Old 4s3. buildings be,teea, at jlho uw Ker?itKof, North; Carolina, dhapel Hill was laid y Willianx JSich' ardson Davie, Grand Master,' and members of the Grand Lodge of Masons ih; North Carolinav ? V October 13. Ii 1871 Kowan Co unty held the Western North Ca rolina Agricultural and Mechani cal Fait In Salisbury. During the samp jnontha. . Ipyrnameflt,,, cow nation, ball,, and. -Jwbn. .Robinson's Circus and Menagerie 'exhibition were held. ' '- i-i U,:" . October . 14. 1 1756- the first postal contract servJcij Waft awar ded -New Bera'sv. James Duvis (public printer), who was autho rized; ito "forward public dispat-i ofcejtf. tj- all parte of the province,", l October 15. In 1951, Ijrncans Hazel, one of the nut disastrous storms ; ever experienced S? NorU Carolina, struck the coast and eastern interior. ;"': October 16. General WilHara Snallwood reported to General Hpfcttio Gaft'Si Octobarv4tl) the Tories w,ere defeajtedj t Sria low Ford . i .. yrm pnt wndr sixty ,'Virgijiia nod aiorthj CfVflr Una militia,',' Thi, Kevolutionsry battle took, place in 1780, in Sur ry County. October 17 John Charles -Mc Neill of . Scotland County,", born nar, Wagram, whff, wrote "Songs Merry and Sad" and ;"Lyrics from Cotton Land," died in 1907. He lies buried in the Old Spring Hill Cemetery in Scotland County. October a , ueinwn .foovyt created by a papal edict in 1910, wbs -the first oathedral abbey. created in the Western, , Hemw- phere.'Vy(:;'''".i. is - October 19. jn statue io o "Three Presidents North Caroliija Gave the Natioa" Ahdrew Jt ekson-t JumaseK. Polk aid. Afldf rew Johnson. was unveiled in ,1 r.-iie?::'!..; for TW SaU 01 tea! Tobaco caNTdkM.'" : . : s r i:NOE5IAN HOPE. .WARSAW A Few Of Our Averages JULIUS WELLS, TEACHEY 81 8Qi:: - Si AMOUNT 243.0Q 243.D0 240.00 76.B0 240.00 243.Q0 240.00 17?.?2 PRICE AMOUNT 81 81 80 80 80 46 45 204.12 : 191.16 201,00 204.80 144.00 39.56 18.90 Average $77,00 fen-v-hv': lbs. ; m 274! " '" r;, ,!J .,,,.,...,4. 284 ; Nf: 300 ::fi; fmmwm &E.RACBXEY TOM EZZELL, WARSAW ' ' PRICE ' 77 77 77 '74: 75 76 76 77 77 AMOUNT 210.93' ' 218.68 217.14 222.00 225.00 moo , 45.60 218.68 , 217.14 Average $76:21 PROPRIETORS Clinton, hi. G. B. ROSS CLARENCE KIRVEN,JR. C lu J en Capit-i ; are with Pre sident Karry. ii. ,V'nan making the, .principal addreas.!; V. ? October 20. Colonel fidward Ja mes Parrish of Elurham ,was born In 1846, He opened the ,tobacco UiadejjWith Japan and was deco rated With" : the t'Medal of the Saed, Tfeii6i-.e"y the ifiuperor oj Japan1!' , it :&,iy.'k$ " .' .ypt Ukper 21.? James Da is, he first-',North 'CatpUna printaiv was born iii 1721 In ..Virginia, -r-J s-. October 22. The "Raleigh Re gister and North Carolina State Gazette, an influential newspa per, vwas fuunded m 17,09 by ip seph Gales, Si. ' 1 ! 5 ! October '23. In 1396 the first Rural Free Delivery , (R. F. D.) route in North Carolina was es tablished in Rowan County. Oc'tober 24.' In 1059 Uie State of North Carolina received $1,-1 000.000 worth of machine tool qiuipuient to be used in the new Industrial Woeation. Prograin. .he first State thus, to be smglea out i by , the' Defense! Depai tmeDt (jfjtlw V4ed States.; The. equip ment will be on loan for five ycaus to the Division of , Vocational Ed' ucation'rt'V 'A- October i 25. Fifty-one wonlen met at the home btr Mrs. EUzsj beth,; King in IBTdenton and resol ved to support the Amerlpan ca use, in 1774. This meting U re ferred to ' as "The Edentoa Tea Party." occuiej bt . a I. -n und Coji federate forces at Warm Springs in Madison County. , v v ,. . OQtober 27. ' The. Confederate Ram :' "Albemarle"" was suuk by the enemy , at, Plymouth in 1863 with Union U- WiJliaon B. Cush ing. "perform jn thfe dariiui feat o& des'ingi(ho liWiti tofpe- ''','.' i?, f''-;-' .'! ' .-:'", , October 28. A statue was un veiled. i& to Sir Walter Ra leigh in Whitehall, Lo4oo, Eng land i .''belonging equally o the OW World and the New'' ac the Id Wgrld nd the New" - ac cording- to "the 'program presen ted. I , , , October 29. Sir Walter Raleigh wa executed in 161. He was a soldier,, navigator, .explorer, , his' tDfian autuor and poet. - He oat- fitted five expeditions in. an at tempt to establish tliei English in the New woru. our capital wy of Roleiahv was aamed for him. ,w Octobe 3fl. In 4029, Claries 1 granted,hi4 Attorney-General, Sir Robert Heath,, , a . patent l.jr, the province of 'Carolana'', ,-- the land south of Virginia,, ' , , a October 31. Governor Arthur Dobbs, Royal Governor, was iworn into office; in 1754. :" i ,Tbeae dtes are based on the conroilationa of Elizabeth W. WiJ- born of the Stite Department of Archives - and' Htstoity Kaleigh Will assure car owners that they Will not be :" -'it by surprise when hazan' conditions d .-vAuj . suiUenly," the vehicles chiof"d--f:lared.- .v:;;"-'. He urge 1 mot! ) ;;.:.!' to have spe-J c ,e iii ij.."niii3.' safety, '.-I p;;iH.'ini;iit of any known or r ana roaa peeiea rr. : s or repiacemi will hasten the day of troub) 0 the road :: either in a Veni( Decommg Gsawea tana,; usus ciat'tttatkft gmn.to, the worjs--- far. mm a garage) or m provi. ipg : effectiveness -qf all lighting !a hiajor' contributing .factor in , (Wipers, tires, 'taifly. ;'Mater, der froater, and exhaust system. . "It's not trite to say an ounce of prevention ; in i this case Is the Departme'nt of Motor Vehicl, shows ithat 134 persons lost: theil lives in Street and highway ' ', Explorer Units .Star Fall Activities Activities that appeal to high school, boys are .uctiitf featured this-fall by.Explorer unite, ttf thf ruscaror Council,. Boy, Scouts of America. Ci J-oan Jucrr council Prosidzut . unnounces.. , "A .highlight cf this f nil's cti- viiis is the -new exploring pijo gram in eerger.cy jireparodnoss which hps iust been , announced by the Boy Scouts A Asik4," Derr, said. ......., .-f.-.'v;;.. A highlight of iliis fall's, ac tivities ta the now exploring proi gram in emergency poipumlness which has just been ar,nounc d by the Boy Scouts of AmeBica.'" perr- said, v-j.;,x The 80-mimite training event is the first ot four se-diions to be held during the net twelve . tmo nths, Dert; explaine, .and. it will provide 'training in mobiljatio- and cpnnnunication. Other :, sions . will cover . rescue aid , ana public safely, family prepared ness .and emergency . living, and water safety. ,(. !. -.. Exploring (with its adult like program places .emphasis on . de veloping special .skills, learning about -a variety of vocations, de veloping eri appreciation. the outdoors, ncoura&ing personal fit nessi giving services to the, co;n munfandjpnjarng 'Jbtj:w-. I cent' of .the reStywsjJi)ities 'and benefits of. citizenship. in. a free, society, perr said. r; ; - . y . Other activities which have been suggested for this, fall's, Ex ploring program are a freshman barbecue, conservation ' demonst ration, vocational ; exposition, in ternational ' tape, exchange, ..hunt ing safety field test, and a safe driving qui? night. r ':'. Boys who' are at least 14 years of age and in the ninth grade or r higher or fifteen years of age re gardles pf grade, are eligible to m 1 Exiplorers. Information about Exploring is available from Tus oarra Council office, r- ' ,i--.V' . '"' ''! Oclober Jempfs Js Ta Ride BALEIGH -U- Pleasure driving it this time of year can provide Tar Heel motoring families with some of the year's most memo rable , trips, k accordiAg - to . Motor Vehicles Commissioner , Edward Scheidt. ,- -- - ; "But neglect In maintenance or operation of the family, car -can lead to decidedly unhappy ev ents," he emphasized, , Colorful October tempu us all to devote 'much' of our leisure time to outdoor activities, know ing it won't be long before cold weather forces us to spend more EflD YOUR COnOTIPATIOM vonniE5 I. Jlon-worries oitce aVi jdt J. put aside chemical laxatives, oils or pre i like rouahuge that may npiel your " system. Instead, taWe SsauTAN in a, . glass ef water every day. , . Smutan is aa all-vegetable laxa ' tiv aid that provide! the proper , moisture, bulk and peristaltic atimu lation you may need to promote daily regularity. This is entirely different , : from chemical laxatives, 'frove ttl : 1 Take Seutmi daily to eud your con 1 at ipation worries. Introductory Oiterl ' Send this ad plus 10c with napie and. address for $1.00 sue l Stain AH, Bos 740, New York 19. N.Y. . s 7rr Discover tha Wonderful BlpoSfrenflfhtnlng r- Action Cf This Women's Iron Tonic! strengthen your blood within ont After a good night's deep, do you flU feel tired out? Often this run-down feeling is due to "Iron Hungry Blood'7 sim pie iron deficiency anemia). Then It's needless for most women to suffer such awful weariness. Take Lydla E. Pinkham Tab lets, only Iron tonic made espe cially for women. Rich in iron, Pinkham lablets start to day Thus quickly help build rich, red blood . . , to restore strength . and energy so you feel fine again fasti If your blood la so starved for iron that you Just drag through the day, get wonderful Lydla E. PinUiam Tablets from . any drug store today.. Then just see. if you dont soon 'feel like a "new" woman again. FEMALE AILMENTS Famous Lydla E. Pinkham Vegetable Compound (Liquid) also brings blessed relief from the miser abie discomforts of change-of-life and monthly pain. ' v n-pcn! .Cb'cv-r T ling r::.c: -lid C r - ' - -"yei ' " 'I : MODEL s-un oil hq:.:3 k ' twfn''towl : Only ' high y it hWs like magi) Suilt-ia ILOWk , : CxAsaf t tvat Hofrt. 'J-tik-.av-.-i, i pull and him . - fagutd fh.". Super Neef Hntf , k ? - CASTIROriCCrVCTiOM - ' 0 QSNUINE PORCELAIIH '"XlFir'JSH SIECLE3 CIYIS YC'J lin. ; hott:2 k:at ovi2 Yen r:.r-:i. ! , (fl ht .- .. .v see this new C0N$0 r- - ' Jr tCash U You Have. It - t Credit If You Need t. No Down payment ' Up "to 3 Falls To Pay On ftr.Ann f,r0mn ULflvyJ L'wii w.i L 'v WALLACE, N. C. SlillfeTO-flC S G7C33L7 ' U ; v'- V-. ' South.Center St. Beside Railroad MOUNT OLIVE, N. C. ; , , , ,K Wi&s:r "iikt a ff7 nF tmf radaaiik Vfll if .4e AiiUWtom .k'M4afy fl. I B ROUTE 1 r n, 11 JUST A FEW OF THE BARGAINS YOU'LL FKID 111 EACH DEPAKOIT MOUNT OLIVE, N. C. : s r " rr-n '-J. pf, f . .. ,- 1 :.. . ': " .-J:..,. - .. Y " 1 - P ' "1 lio Limit Save 5c Per Lb. ' ,4 - . .. .." ; ' ' .- f . . '. -- .t ... r . : - ' .. - . v. . i t ... v- . .1 ' Carton Plus Deposit J I, - k J f r - , n r J , , f , - 'i v 24-boUi us PROIIUM - t Crackers 23g Box HOUSES rao, 1 ir. N . - - .. a No Limit 1 Save 14c bag Pit. Olive Way Tack r sweet rrcia.ES lpt. RED DELICIOUS n ' n j. 6 02. II!) 1 !'. - ' - J - ...', (Save 23c) . v-: , if i i if r I

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