'. , -WASIUNGTCJ. . ,rv Congress, which convened this year on Jan uary 11, s expecle44o. conclude its.wwk either this week or efi rly Text week, Conference , bijls ojl ti. y i, Ivug Contirals, TS Rp. ytsipn, and Selfcemployed Retire ment jjieauctjons aremcejy people.' t ' v -uv , .i j, GORE AMENDMENT.-a.n glad to gay that the Gara-Ajueq-dment to H. R. 10, which would apply a special tax. rule .to. lump sunx, peiimets of employee, pen- 1 U.J 1 . .1 1 i J 1 . the ,. Senates House, - Conference tp be rssed by. Congress jn the Committee , It was .retroactive final fT f1 Dit fVlA a0Ceir1fc A T0" I ti....L n. nnjJ if .tiMB " mrai- ' 4,,f final r;.'.'s of the session. A Pn. tjil pivu u-Employees Pay Bll j "may be apiproved by both .Houses ofior to artiwrnaien . .. , -A- itfci.ai.jui . and it -was. not Just 'l' i ul .xi i ' i governing pension funds.. ' WIM'IIW.iUh. has W. Mm4i kgitlatw iwmk W iW;u0n most ol Ous s.the proaoh,,?h ft fQftcSted. uarijcu- larjy in ut iax Aevisien 0141, and the Omnvunicatfons Satellite bill. which ' gen$-ftt$d , 'filibuster - by reason- of Its moderate ap- ; sroachJ Even ifthe --watered-down Farm bttl,' approved by CoBgress after a iaird; tjry.- reilect aino- t . derate appj-oach fo legislation. ' , '. . '.'Earlier' this session the Senate $tecM i8r Weflipli cm V ; i Aged bill,, and the House: disap proved of te Urban Affairs Plan. It appears unlikely that this Con- I rest will enact , the Mass, Transit, i Youth.' Employment, : or Federal is Aa to Education -bills, , Congress a haV cleared registration governing ; public , worksi 1 Communications S : Satenite: and ' Welfare .Program r Revision, s" Corporate, Excise, and '- Travel taxes, and Sugtr Controls j rere entended earlier during the session.- A, Reserve Callup ,Resa; sution granting President sta- ' iKIpy authority, wtil February 28, 1963 to cai ,4 active duty 130, OwO.'members of.the.ArbM Fpfr I ceo Ready Reserves . won quick approval. i" ' ' . I0nnk Cotvgrfess naa. ajiproved , g; constructive, legislative program . ) and that its moderate f approach 1 i rejects - the, ; seirtimfentSjr of the .J k . . n .. ?t 11 W J i" 1 I Attnmnla ,aro some ifood orovislons in it. Can dor compels me to say that thre. are man uungs m the puj. wncn I do pot fawor.1 ;, Ip eseBcej; gress had to pass a bi because tthm alternative of no' action was worse! If no bill had beeii passed, f' : ' (V. .ni4nnlltt. tin ft.r.tris on wheat and feed grains would jpv$ ojperftef jfn. ,Fpc 'some years we have .had Wheat and iced grains, running out of our earsi.'W'e have had a system with virtually no controls on feed- grains,; but ' with higl price supports. IAhave 'he con vicon. ;tat ft 1 ,W ;a t ioing .to have price supports, it Is just as essential , that ; we have" controls feed , grains. Cattoit, , tobacco, and .peaut.'ppran ,hayerffctiv controls along with - price sup ports. These programs have wor: ked wel,l., TJie furreftt farnj pill illustrates once more than io coor k? -Joeing major, legislation it jis or all bad, ThefaW 'ernativeg are ' plain, "but as yet Congress has not givea'a ciieair cut answer. A -a i f .1,1. 1 vS-lX Free . iMonogramintj 4-- . v 1. 4r "1.- ti""J '" Jr"! In It. look' of ur .Implicit, yel L'rol preilctobl. fall weother. Th QVTof Col b ile hi Datron35 Cotton) the wuc (aih on. prtiectlon. and at the same "-k- ; ,. following color,, , Yoy ww M In Vooue Black & jpla4' , ..J -' By oen. a. avereu juraan ( WASHINGTON i The Senate . has jijist .nassed (egisjetion ...wfeicj,, neip us to greauy expanij our syn ool lunch program in orth .Qaro-. .lina. : 5;; v;:,;- -.V? c Under the proposal. ..the National schnnl lunch .' toroeram V; allocation ' formula would be changed in fuch'J a way mat tne .scnwjp jpi..ftonn Carolina, woultjf' receive ' About, fM mUlion a year Instead ol the miUion they are aow receivings . , .The bill that- would accompiisn this has been oendhiK ia tbe Csn-, cress for some1 time.. A-J2hflif Pien nl Jha . ..nafA . Sithcnmmittfia. : joh larimlfiirat Cospnrrli anrl General Ugislatloiui i JiresMediOve tir-. ings.-oo the bill nd ectep, fs.sia manager In the Senate.-;; In oast vears. the States baye re- ceivei gcanl( 'rcjm the FeiSjal Government for school luncl mo- arumi im uih munis ui iulu o.iiuu&- ag population end per capita in come Of the State, inis iormuia has worked Sfery well In the past, hut It has become outdated. Under the new formula, the funds will .be distributed on the basis of tne num ber of .lunches served in the past combined with a need factor based on the ber capita - income of the State. In both Xiategories of, this tpxumlai North . Carolina will re ceive larger-thah-average grants. In act, vnder the. hew formula, only one staW, New York,' will ff 'ceive,more otal funds per year than North Carojina. . . One of theihifin reasons North Carolina will benefit from the new formula is the fact Vthat,;. we. hf ve always had a very active and wide spread, school lunch program; Oyer the years, local school boards have made unusually good arrangements and provided for good facilities;? tp serve children , hot lunches in the school buildings..1 Last , year , tor exapip'le, we. ha,d nearly, UOft sh iij the prograin, afld,.abqi4 J00 mil-,' Uon hot lunches wece -served in. the sphoolsi. Thjs ,i9 yery goad ecrd ana . $b iuw?pvfit lor tnewer vm. j, The Rchool lunch Droeram. is. ad- rfliiDstere( bye U. J. eprtent ;qJ,; culture. .;JJ , parjment mat 00 Airort cash trranta to the danced W mtU-fto ff"6 WnWHW -W ww .Mt 1 that the new fund allocation, formu la will moan thai we in Norib 6ar- the years, ahead, M.I ..... IF. . To Receive ; Compcnsutioir n - fnKmif. .Antjiher 31 some two tnUJiqn disabled yetgrans, will Start receiving cnec jiyr umm- sea compenstiuuii. fmijuij; oq millinn vearlv. -T D. DeRa- mus Manager of the yetej-ans . iTnHor tprano of the new law signedT by' the , President' $eptetn- i -r . im mnrlA in rhfl Cwwber payment for a special to a . 100 percent disabled vete- -ran Is 1 Increased " frpm ' $225 month, to 250. , Ip addiUon to paymems cases upoij percentage if disabijity, ad ditional "StaijUlory payroieuw are made for speiSed disabflities or icombibattans pf disabilities such as ' blindness, deafness, and loss of limbs. ., . ; Th's nuvimum amount that may b receive by a wartime veteran .who nas no aepenaepis, and ttvh,o is so serious disable that fa' requires ' ai4 and attendance, hps ibeen" SnireaAed under he new law from $600 to $725 monthly.' ductive people. land makes prosperous PromDt treatment of strep infec tions such as - "strep sore throat" can prevente recurring attacua pi rheumatic fever and lesson die pos sibility of rheumatic heart disease, accoding to the Norftli Carolina Uoort Assnpiatintl. -'f i- S' it shall be unlawful To take or kill a female black oear wwn a cub or oubs at its side. i Many women with mild heart de forts that do not reauire correction, and many who have had successful hanrt nnAmtlnn can have children. October payment f ?S I koVever; this Is an individual mat increase wh amounts i toa hree ndtt tient gbould a months retroactive sunt This ap-1"? MUK .. . DeatHs LE6AilQTICES;; NOTICE OF tlfcA Of'. . SHOT.CPNS .- Under orders of the Court, the undersigned Clerk ; of the, Suep erior Court,, will, on Monday.Det a a, one o'clock P. M. sell at auction to the highest bid der for cash at the Coun nouse door in Kenansville, N. C. ,i 5 single pafreli J2 gee shot guns 1 16-shot 22 caliber automate -rifle. 'v -V, This Jhe 1st day of October, 1962.vn 4 A:" : -Vj? - . C ..." i .iit, nn ueiiui i-iiiii -i i "r ' J' . . - ' , ; MRS. (G&EIWIE TAYLOR Mr', eijjnie Taylor. 61 wjfe of W. Frajtws Taylpj?,d Thu rsday might in Sampson Memorial HospitaJ at fJlmton. Funeral services were heo: c..,. oftarnmui at 3:00 O'clock 'at thFwst Paptist Church to Warsaw cuiiuw.-v5v "i-twy f ra,rersofi,, waw'i . av ru RW. . Paul Wiuli. Interment fpl 5we4 in peyotionl Gardens n,ear Warsaw i . , . ,., .... . Ia wkjitloa to br ftujb s is aurvived by one fetei, son7es seeX. Tillcrrian ,of the .Air Force, live suuem.' vm" and Mrs. iacy "vhj ,' 1Lr ' VirHtfinia Hudson of Turkey, Mrs. W- H- Peddie of Rocky Mount and Mrs. S. W. Black Of Durham, one ororamr Nornxm.AndROiJ.pf Mjt. Olive. NOTICE OF ADMCflSTRATIO - .Thf undersigned, ;avlni.quali fieoV as Executor blinder the. Last Wilj . and Testanent pf Glenaie A. Taylor, deceased, m p; jpUn County, this is to JWtjfy all perpons havio claims f against said .ete to present them to- fhe undersigned on or . before tjie ?nft day pf gcto ber,' 4963, or this vnotlfte. will be plea! jn b of .thereepvery. All pef sons.inaeDiea w spia .eataus win please, nake hpiiiedlate payment to the-' undersigned. Of ' ' ; ": i 1 le- unaersigne. tv This the 2ndV da of . f aylor,. Executor, under the Lastf- JVill id, testament . of CUennle A. Taylor, deceased. '. Warsaw, N., C.'"7.fy:-, . " H. B. PhilliDS. Attorney j - enansville. N. C . t r IV-ZtJ-V XX. -Si. - T"-' 1 r i ..' .AntVA MtrvoAtitra oaiTTv This nn pjjes to the UctoDer cnecKs, oniar i . W . .iLm.m) Hiam is the VA."The compensaiiJon checks are processes uuunmM.axy wiu Alatrym,li HntA frrvfrRQnB' eduiD- llWent so 'ifliat the checks received by1' veterans with service-connected disabilities about October 31 will contain the first of .the in creases. Designed to reflect changes in the cost of living since 1957. when the ' last compensation increase for . vdterans tdisab)ed, n service went' into, effect, ,the average pay ment will be. 9.4 percent more than the .current 'rate., ..opJgnjK&oj . for. peacetime seryice-iconnected; disjiljiilities is paid .at uro?iipna.tely 30 per rmt nf that for wartime service- ponneced disaibUities, Mr. DeRa- .nnus.aoinfea. out. , , The increases, are on a stfd- ing . scale , s? that We more seri ojjsjyj inured veterans are to re 'fiejveT6' Ther benefits. The in crease' for a veterans who is 10 Dercent .disabled goes from $19 to. 201 a months and the payment with her physician before attempt ing to have a DaDy, according ui the North Carolina Heart Asspcia Hnn - . The soil, pe ireedom, is npt ap preciated limn It's gone. Our Greatest asset is the land Poor land makes PQr people. Pro- Reduced Rate First Fair: ; m. oefiv Kir1 ... the State Fair Early Bird, that is, gets the bargain. . -i Special rates for early arrival 'An;n Aiv nf th North Caft vii ic...6 - gtet Fair were announced today by -Apiculture vnBn'9Ilvun " Y. BaUentine," acting manager of the Fair. ' . 'f Ballentine stated that all ve hicle loads of people which ar rive at the (fairgrounds prior to 12;00 noon on Monday, Oct 15. vyin be admitted to 6ie grounds as a group for ' only Sl-00. '. ..Mnv u,v,Mti' thnvt come py car bus, trucfl or tobacco sled- Ballentine expiamea, ; me eiimc vehicle load pays only one dollar not in the ratpft - But" he em phasized, "they must arrive at the gates ueiore nooa. "A full program pf activities min u available io the fairfoers on openlTia day, with a special program for the older folks. We know that most of the kids will be in school" Ballentine cbntin naA "and we are making the morning program especially at tractive to the adults with a Fun Festival designed for the older folk, the Golden Agera , . . the w'ninr .citizens will Darticipate in tnVTirogram. to the J, S. Dortor tKnl l jstartinff if 9:30 a.m. and continuing until .the formal open ing exercises at noon. All the contests of the Fun Fes tival -are open to any one born before . January . 1, 1900. There'll K awards for the oldest married couple, the oidest walking per son, the woman with the longest haid. the nun with the biggest foot, or with the boldest head and a dozen other contests including the best woman and best fiddler, best hoe- callers, etc. This airs nerson likes to eet started early, have his or her fun and , to get ljome early . . .so the Earlv Bird special rate is designed oartioularly to be bit tractive to J'h . . . ourisniEvuoiaen Agers. c If 'you want to enjoy a real bargiah Be a State Fair Early Bird. , " SUNDAY AT CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST CIURCH . E. PAR"ERSON. MINISTER Sunday School 9:45 a. m. fayette Batts, Morning Wfqrsbip tt-W n. MusW to Church Choir Training Unjon 7W P-, m. . . H. C. AJJen. Pu-ector Fveninff WorshiD 8:00 D. m. WARSAW METHODIST CHJJBCH L. T. WILSON MlWlSTJKitt CHURCH SCHOOL 9:5 a. m.' A. M. Benton Sup't. Worship Services 11:00 A. M. Sermon: Music: WARSAW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NORMAN FL0WP9S MINISTER Church gchool 9:50 p. m. Allen W. Dreughon, Jr. Sup't Morning WprsbiP 11:00 A. M. Pioneer Fellowship 6:00 P. M. Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. CALVARY PAPIST CHURCH PAUL MULL, PASTOR Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Colon McLaurin Supt. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Prayer Service 8 p. m. Wednesday 7:00 Training Union John Yancey Director WARSAW PENTECOASTAL HOLINESS CHURCH PASTOR Rev. Jesse L. Danials Worship Services Morning Worshfp 11:00 Evening Worship 7:30 Sunday School at 10:00 o'clock i Every Sunday Norman Barwick, Superintendent Thursday Evening Prayer Meeting 7:30 It shall .t. i V v .i , or Ttiira cubL.(.,j,.Tor t. i pose pf fhw regulation, r ' f defined as any bear wej.' a fc" than pO pounds. - t . It ' shall be'. ftnlawfuJ etjow dogs to run or ,hasp deer durin the plosed aeason. , Cut sudangrass (or nay -from heading to early ..bjppm tege, for age experts advise..-' KEIIAIISVILLE One Pay Only Saturday, Ociober l -iif.l f ' rut DiAMrrB n family fHOvn isf'ssai ;vai RCASONABLC-WHOLCSOMCINTIMATC-LCAtlN) I W RtriBimiiLT wwrtiun i mori ,a.T ' IT-TIT M J I Q CENERAL ADMISSION I f IS i 1: ArftirBAL ADMISSION I Children under 12 r Fifty Cent A Adoits: One Dollar o n nri.L n. 7 1 1 1 - . a . m M . t Grandstand Reserved Utiair eat ue BKira, "" J" i Bale under Big TP only) Dut plenty of Good Gen. Adra. Seat J LOCAL SPONSORS now have the general admisiioa UckeW on sale tsy purcnasing; yon dciu ,vircu an; them earn a much higher percentage than if you wait and buy your ticket at the Circus 1 On Lot East of Town On Beulaville m 1 And 8 P. M. Auspices Lions Club Sew and Sqve 6u4ing - - Prints find Plain Colors , Feather Proof Tick jj .Brmdeloth - ; -Ppolorl1 v 1 55 ' : ' ... a: 39c yd. 49c yd. 29c yd. 39c yd. 39 c yd! 3 w'Efelai: c yd: 69c yd. 3c yd. I Cotton, CordUroy , - , f Short Lenithsi i. gain backjCrepc Elack ; it taheJ iyidS - o Drapery iTawricI o "pun T)r:pery 14 F&tiif s Ihd OirjiLtj . 4 1 ? Wide N&Ssm and t i Colors "', Free Parking- 'J .v A ' ' ',"-.;'.'-''.' '- - - ' " "' ' Jordan EhoJ-JinJf Center Clinton, N. C. Carolina Warehouse 7ni TRlirK IJVNE. AT FAISON HIGHWAY CONTON, N. G I V -w '-'--- Experienced Warehouse Men - Courteous, Dependable Service A MIGHTY FINE PLACE TO SELL YOUR TOBACCO HERE IS PROOF JOHN CAPPS SMITHFIELD, N. C. Pounds 216 232 238 . 262 1240 Price 73 73 73 73 74 Amount 157.68 169.36 173.74 191.26 216.08 908.12 Pounds 300 300 300 300 244 300 300 138 164 2346 J. E. WHRTEY MIDDLESEX, N. C. Price 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 65 1 i AmounV 216.00 216.00 216.00 216.CX 99.34 106 'A nn7 -We Will Sell Your Tobacco The Day You Choose - IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEL THE REMAINDER OF YOUR TOBACCO 1 TGLiEDGD" : UafG CLINTON, N. C I ' 701 TRUCK LANE ' . ' . ,