.:c. i n r- n n V PP P n M A T" iw- c CPe Hill, was homeith ..,.;.'' M.'V,.' -Aliis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis 7 mi ;'Mrs. Stacy Snuth an wghtervis 1 ited in Jacksonville Sunday. i s Seaman f Ben 'Will mtih'-13l if Norfolk visited hisjiiouief, .Mrs. ' J B. B. William soh hit week. "-" ,; , Mr. and Mrs.. Lowenr,of Kinston ware guest of her mother Mrs. Lou- lse Mitchell , and Mc,, R, V. Wells ij Vra Thft (Halms. onH HainktnK. ; V Mr., and. Mrs. Hqllingsotttawer Ml toe weeitena jWakley ;, ' spent thai weekend WltlMser arl -. ems,, rar, -.ana mrs. unaries'uraay a stodentt' at v. pKiey. . 'Oliver Vpctnl n JPamhrnlrn t Vil lege, Pembroke was home with his parents, Mr; and Mrs. Ellis Vestal Rev.: and' Mrs. Lauren , Sharps and family spent the week' eniLin Garner and StatesviUe. ' ' Mrs. Lucille Stokes and Mrs.; C. B, Guthrie shopped in Wilmington I Monday. , " . t Mr, Tyson Bostic and father, Mr. Andrew Bostic of Whiteville, spent the week end in Asheville.sMT. Bos- tic's son Willie Grey returned home is ircCTkcjiu. - ...fv'-ii''"-: . : I uc a nun- YVllue virey reiurucu uuiuo Miss Brenda :Gradr ''"nJIinstoD-f With them ' after graduating ' from unf --4hr waatanA l.Mi.l--t TVnll CU....1 ' - ' . . ...-...(- . . i.' rkU School - Shannon Brown has accepted i Dosltton in Conway,' S. & ..' Lab. ir rTTT ". H - - ' E " X i JPlctured above, holcfing two lion cubs born Christmas week at . J the Siasota. Vlorida -Circus Mufieum, is Lois Barnes, youngest ur rtmia rn-nwnpr,. Aoeer Barnes.. The biz top i - show , Is scheduled to appear in KwMyilW oil' Saturday,. October 13 ; ill Avhihlt fin fnt nn Reulaville Adad. v at Keriansville.City Limits... t -r:N""' "' v':,;;.-' ; : .The sponsors will conduct a predate of general admission- tickets jvVtmwJUiWB thirty nepjqoTejott tickets whlcK they sell before ' f Circus Day than on tickets purchased at'the.slwwjEou, President ii foth' sponsoring organiation, Snodle WUson .said'. T '"hnician, ' ,".. f v Florence Currie, Mrs. Lu- c tokes went to Kaieign Satur day ..nd visited with Mr., and Mrs; r onher Tabor. Miss" , Florrie f He nt Peace Colleee returned ha j With them Tor the 'week end. Losses Hollv and Susan Payne of Braxton SDent the weeK ena wiui their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holungswortn.; 1 : - Mr and Mrs Andrew Patterson visited in Goldsboro Sunday. : Mr. And Mrs. Joe (juinn ana sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Aman ft.en neHv In. Renlflville Sunday.; ' ' Mra Elnlse Rvder accompamea her sister, Mrs, Harold Siverston of Knrei Beach. ' to Richmond, va Wednesday to attend the . funeral nf their brother-in-law Mr.- vann Jordan. ' ". -" Mr and Mr ' Baker and Mrs. Verdle Brown spent the week end in Ashnviile. thev attended the ex ercise at Dell School of Technology nf whk-h Shannon -Brown ; was a Misa 1 Annie -Laurie vestal of At lanta,-' Ga. is visiting 1 her father Mr.- 0. A. vestal and tne r-ins ve tsl famllv - . - i ; Kidnev McNairv of Goldsboro vls- itAd hia crand i Darents. Dr. . and Mm fwirlino- last weeK. . Mr .Tnvca '. Pavne 01 Asnevme yisited her parents,' Mr., and Mrs. Robert Holungswortn .auruig uie weekend.'-, - t 1 Mr and Mrs: Gordon Kornegay have"' returned from visiting their nr. ; Tir William- Korneeay at Lnrt mash, while there they al- - AfvsUA aeveral adioinbu New H ISland states and the New Eng land taposmon ai . : ,om-uis":u. Mass,.', - I,,'. WK, ana Mrs. uoran jbhws Mdin&ninii Ihv Ml.i Mattie SL trnrai nf Oldsboro visited the N. B. Boneys here on Sunday af ternoon. . , 1 " Mrs. 1 Southerland returned or Saturfav from Princess - Anne, Va. ' where she spent , several weeks recently with mer flaugn ter, Mrs. Wade Gayior,.the for- tner Mary Bebh Southertana. '..Mr, and ,Mrs. , Bob Burgess ac companied Mr.- and Mrs. Donald. Munnhvvanii nn Neil tn Liberty md Silor City1( recently to visitj relatives. . . ;. ' r Mrs. Frances Moore ..and , son ay of Dunt spent the week end her with her parents, the Jcfe- Sittersons.f.'S;. f. mJ v.Vi.y companied her brouier,..Bi:a VW lisonson Jr. back to their nomt iij Norfolk, Va. after a visit witn ft!n irCnther Mra. Ima' William son Tvho was an operative patient In Duplin General isospiwi. rer cently. " " - . . X. "Mr. and Mrs KoDert ion o Fayetteville were here, on Satur day to visit' relatives and friends. They fwere enroute to fiait nm and JKinston to Visit other rela- U,am. that , nicrht. TheV. Were 8C companied by their daughter Syl yia Eloise whd spent Saturday fli ght here witn Alice urowii u son Jerny. was on? Camporee; witl the Boy Scouts near. Fort Bragg; '' Mr. and Wr. xtoscoe jpne(,uv Mr,- and Mrs. wey wlej ,6p Sunday -fn Winstoiiraiemi-W4 w the wavihoTna'thvftlted JV.. and Mrs. My yoopwg m mm!ns Tnrtv rVwtic 'and Mary Lou Reynolds of .M!ti Olive ( Col-, lege spew ui wccaviw u- v I- --J-thelr' resperfive.'parents:' . ih ' lfrntTw, Chambers - iUi, dim v J , , spent Wednesday rnlght Mr. poy Kennedy,. &n sited telativfes m Kmtoaf on Jast Fridaiyiatfternpon, tHiR Mrs.' , Ygipi ft,"in,.' triM ni-aiiH JWafcrort and Ml, f el , rL,tin:v : W9irfct v,.DerU'ty Grand Patrort'flf WMftpif 0,.;lnc Grand Chapter, cif WWfh Carolina, rr tvi; Eastern? Star made their official Ihspe(jti6nof';:Keif! ansville Ohapter No.' zis peretm l-.i m..lo.. nicrht. ht B' iVelOCki- icrai - A"UWj .-.ft... . j- -t. Twenty six members and. 13 siting Stars attended tnia, mew ing' which was presiciJ over oy Mrs.' SiXe Westbrook, Worthy M&T tron and Lewis Westbrook, Wo rthy Patron of the local chapter. Among the visitors welcomed were; Christine ano reuon uw I win of NeWton Grove Chapter No. 267; Hazel and miourn onuui of Garland Chapter No. 274; .Majtjj; gatet Carroll -of Clinton Chapterj. No. 23SJ ., .Francis Whitfield and Annie . Bouse of Kinston " N.r p. -i tah .mi a .1. s,iitton 6t War- saw Chapter No,-122 ampamed by Nancy Herring,' Ma Katz1, Eu w TmW anil Irene Strickland, After, an Instructive : and'; inf flrnia tive meeting,, aoaV Tiour; was enjoyed-vThe. 'h'ostes'.,eyett phe punch, party cake squares, mints and saitea-nuis. ine tuuH" was composed of MesdameS;Dor8, Evans; , Millie ' Westbro6kt Koulse K. Poney'GladieWiilliaini and Louise Wells.:' ' G.1 Pays Visit To Garland l ) ':'Hri rain ia "Dixon ' Holland, District Deouty Grand Matron for . hA"fitfi"niKtrwt nf the Grand Cha- Ktei' -of North Carolina, Order of the Eastern Star paid ner omciai irinit t the Newton Grove chap ter on Monday night of this week. h wa BccorrlDanied there by Mrs. Thelma a Murphy, a past iiiatiiu ... . w - ,tr Mrs. Holland paid her vffi- 'nibt iiris t tn the Koseooro inap' ihu AtTi.coftn nioht and was ac .wj . . . .. . .. T - t. . 1 Lt.jtkniirt mrvsmin mere ov tier hubuouu. !A.)L Holland, a past patron of iVoJtuvevillo Chamter. also a for- imet xDiatrict Deputy Grand Pa- tson oi inis ujstritu PTA Met Monday I' A rpux WAiion.irillA "Purftnt - Tea tltCl -MWVWlWH ----- - T night forlW irstjfneWg Of the 'filailto'I?!?? Bostic, i ..An. infupmative talk", was made rents'.to Teacher?. S:.:.-' ; j,'i'k-" inAfter ,the.m)ngrf ;sociat w enioved at, which time re- fireshent. 'f ft'seryed .and a get-acquainted hour was enjoyed by teachers ano parents. &. ' mi'i.i I ll'1 Ml ' ' 1SG0TT STORE JUST A FEW OF OUR ECIA . FOR THIS. WEEK 1 c r .i'ti SMOKED SAV-MAR n n a fpfff JV I G A ' tedlirssDifflDt.Se U V j : !n.!:' s '- v : sr. ' " Mil ' " V' . -'i-. e 250 sfyes . $750,000 ,4 i--'-:.is.v-'.ts iv L - -sl: ooruraay-.ycroDroiii .t4's 3r ' i.vit "v Ink-! unrir irfa lACKSi exoert ' New' Tork fBrrler Jiad tyUst, who wffl be aere1 at Belk-Berry to aaslsi yoa in yoar MlecUoa! f : . .k li mink, 'beaver,. 71 - ; Here a wnas 7 u ----- .. . . , , fcl. . . i Km&dLail. fox. stone taartea, Ne rerwaa lamo, ' . , . . . . i .tyWl Id Jackel.. .cr., .Uiles, cape, bolero., boa., ahnig Wbri of .tl.r. Tetf. Uk. .ff K''IZZ Fur In B;l. trtecteWWr f ."J " 1 . every budget! '. "V- . if K Belk's Second Floor P ullVliui in' 1 j Wilmlnoton, N.C Party Honors Alice Brawn - A Mra TKiirVnnri Kromri hosted a eenrage.party "6n .last . . ...... m: -.A.OA.-'.tt1 Saturday, ,nign m Vr?jvrs, . 11:30 .the I-ruiMng which ty9W'Ps girls tuid V Dcm- thfr .'James S--o Mia. ?pKrtn1 lilatricfcVfhe hipy 'occasion twa"fa 'Hdhv ;j ...o;." ' V.o1nKrntincr ' her 16tK oirth- day. '" A ' color note of pin; W White was emphasized m ine 4,10 ral decoratiorta and on the refresh; merit table where punch was ser, neA fiiAna with the birthday cake. Lentertainment which clneisted gjilted nuts, and mints were aiso nH Mr. ' and : Mrs. Paul " Ed Dail assisted the Browns with the mostly of music and indoor, games as well as a lot of teenaue cone. versa tion. . r ' ' ''-'" Marina Bdckirrtp Oakley, Judy ipambers indCaro- tyn tiresnant 01 . uu""" -uriu Mnrinh 'Klackmore .of ' War- ow in the K retsch. home 6n Satur day' evening, the occasion was' Mar inas fifteenth birthday, inis ae-, iirrhffni nirm-is Dartv was enjoyed Ay many the teenagers of JVarstW and KenansviUe.- uancing ana -crodplaymgr was enjoyed throughout the- evening.- During the.)cial hour Mrs. .Kretsch' assisted ine nosiess in .ervinff the beautifully decorated birthday , cake. r punchr and ipoUto chips fronj ah attractively decorat ed' table overlaid wun; wnite .cioxn and tentertd 'with aa'aangemeftt of fall fkwersi: -MarttaL received many lovelyi gift fMest, StJb- Mrs: John .Roer.-Brtt- ii -of Boonton. New Jersey 'an nounce the birth of a son John riobert on September' W - Weight 8 lbs, 4 ozs. Mr3. Briscoe it the fo-wrver. Rebecca Grady, dau ghter of. Mrs. ..Ruth P. Grady and ha late Bob Grady of Kenans- vtlle, ''-;' H : ': Mr. and" Mrs.' Bob' Lawson of Fayetteville, N. C. announce the birth of a daughter, Cynthia Ai: ie. on September, 28. 1962. MfS. f jnr.nn i the former Anne Blan- ton, granddaughter cf MraGmja Jrinsoa of Kenansvipe'.VJ mi IGA EVAPORATED nn n 11 tt ! Iivu U IL i'tin Attend AnnuatyJi Health Aloof."1 " Miss Mary Lee Skyes.' Mrs;' Helen Ballard, Mrs.' Eudell OSrner Mr. Joe Costin and Mr. 1 Maurice Holmes, all ataff members of the local Health Deptartment attended the Annual Public Health Meeting at Ra!ei,-h en Thursy and Friday of lt vet-k. t,.:-" ' m&p&rsQnais t'Si.tnd Mrs. Tommy Grady of -rf.-ii z. . Kinauin . were suesur- ui mi .ahu Mra Cecil Korneeay sunaay. Mrs. Minnie! Summerlin of Mt Olive iDent last week with Mrs. nan Waller and daughter Lorena iFriday Mr. and Mrs. Edd Carter visited ,at;'WJlacft'lth the Alton Carter farnllywfe f rj ; and Mt7fi'- ftummemn !of.enansvi and '.;Mr. and Mrs. T1MV1 snmmre in went to mew err Sunday to visit Mr. 'and Mrs. J. E. gtnnfinr ' and children. " Visitinn: Mr .and Mrs. Jonas Dail AihHnv were Mr. and Mrs. Currie nil 'nf Warsaw. Mr. and Mrs. Clif too; ker and children and Mrs. rt?;L Y-i 1... IlnlU, PiHira muntn af Mrs: Etts Outlaw dur ing the week ei-i were Bobby Out laur-nf Kinston. Mr.) arid Mrs. Ken netb, Beasley and children and Mrs. ircio Mae Price of Belfast. Mrif-Wlllari 'tan -.of Goldsboro mitt u ami Mra. Edd Car- ail" (Pr.t'rW. - .7 tefjTuesy 'and yisited other re- latrVes jaftdi irtenas.oi uw wimuuu- i !. . : tfc'.-j-W'JMWai &"lrUC r saturOay jr. ,ana in;CAu .-s negay and 1granason;,ij mwuucu a, birthday ' dinner for Mrs. Abner Phillips at her nouse, near mm saw. ' Mr. and Mrs. BiUy Dail of Wil mington were week end guests of the E. B. Dails. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Jones 01 rum mil Wad dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Thigpen Wednesday. VQuKe.'k.t delegation irom iing iiMoa W. iB Church attended the Union meeting of the Third Eastern distrtot- held at tne Assemoiy Grouhd near Pink Hill Saturday. Mrs. Delia Dail lelt Monaay tor Norge, Va. where she will visit ner son and family, Mr. ana . Clyde Dail. Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Don nell Kornegay and children were visiting the Douglas Townshend family at Warsaw . Mr.1 and Mrs. Koiana inig-jcn, were'EuesU of the Jack Thigpens at Grfiton Sunday for dinner. Edd Ttornegay and Melvin Powell visited Dan 'Waller and Fred Out law atpuplin General hospital Sun- day i' , Sunday Mr., and Mrs. Ray Carter were dinner. UQ$tatof ' the William Turners at Mt.,01iva. " , Alton Register ol Warsaw spent last week wiui me. -much family; ' " u. . ari Mra. Jonas Dau spent a short ;time-with Mrsj Walter Sut ton near-Cabin .Saturday. t-.Mr '.tad. .Mra. Edd Carter were visitor of.r,.. arid, Mrs. W. O. Jones at if ink jlunaay. , , . 7un-Milinv a week visit in. Maine with her son and family, Mr. and . j i'U.l.. XAra nnrsev Whaley returned to her home there 6aturday. , wnntr MrS.'tfOnos uuii nnu A..io: visited briefly with Mrs. VUUH" m . Claud Powell and Sonya at Warsaw "wiffif SmftfiOf Goldsboro is visit- Jnjrvttffthe Tart .Herring wis wee. K-Mr.1 tM tirsT'Charlie Rodgers bfrcWarsW visited Mrs. Cammie Taylorl!' and ' Mrs. Dannie wnaiey Monday. Amohg visitors in the Cordon Eszell home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Ezzell and children, Dno. rhanel. Mr. and Mrs. John d fin.ith and children. Mt. Olive Mrs, Agnes EKell of Summerlin Cfcosp-oads and the Mack Summer- lifAof Kenansvuie. ;: ' ' . H family Dinner rh. Voiinwinsr from this area at tended a family . dinner at the eariton -Motel, in Southern Pines nday.i fl. ,-;':."i-.iY; ::: -- ""':' ?: llr., and. Mra.JiH.,D Korriegay and chitdren. Mrs. . Helen Waller Mr. pod , Mrs.,Taft. Herring and Janet, Bill Herring. Mr., and Mrs. nr w" Rpntl and Joe : Mr.,' and Mrs. Nathan Scott and Tommy," also Miss M. Whitman of Kenarisvuie vicinity. . The motel is owned and operated ho Mr-.and Mrs. 'Alton Scott of Sut! "i Pine. . ,, ! frostX morn ufiiiigra 49g IGA liscyit 6 Cans HOUSES IGA Apple 303 Size Cans nowttkPeDsl Take home an , extra carton! 28c - Six BottltfXairTon Plus Deposit $1.10 Permease' Tall Cans ltd DELICIOUS APBLES 4 lb- Bg 29c I CUP THIS COUPON j Worth ! 50 EXTRA 1 S&H Green Stamps I With I I 4-2 Roll Packages ! VANITY FAIR Toilet Tissue I W w a w w VANITY FAIR TOILET TISSUE 2 Roll Pkgs.(w Plus 50 Extra S&H Green Stamps ONE MORE TIME 5 Lb. Sugar 49c IGA - 26 Ozs. SALT 2 Boxes 15c Ooen Wed. Afternoon H -'. at this ; ' i rv J re 9 STORE j ; JJ S wecivgY I P ST? n-Ft ' )T i U 1 n 3 UsSJ ,.- SUPER MARKET ; - - . . SJ ' h ; Konansvillc, N. C. Can f -

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