THE DANE MPftRTER-PitKT "NOTHINO SUCCEEDS lUIICE. SUCCESS." VOLUME XV. tx'Ci Reporter aid Post trauma nuu at DANBUBT.N.C PEPPER k 80N3, Pr. 4- Prop . BATES BUM tll'TIOM Cm Tnr. peoahl in adf ....ill"? BATH A Om Sqaai (ten Udm or la Wmt wik wldltlaul luMrtU OctrActa for longw tlMV IWUl "i".......l ,da-la nrottfwtleii to tH. at TnManrtadvartkMra wulb . otelar14 MMfdlX to thM nlN at t tuey a&MtfcMwmbbarem ' tt-Uitar tHItMMK mkmmm IMifllw taMtv PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WF. CARTER, UT. AIRY, SURRY CO., N. V ract'eawhrevarh'aervicee are wanted R.L.HAYMORE, ATTORNEY-AT LAW 'Mt. Airv.-N.C 8pkl attention given to tlic collection alatins. ; , 1 lira B. V. KING, WITH JOHNSON, SUTTON $ CO., XRY GOODS, Moa. ST kiKl Houth Sharp, Stmt, T. w. jonrnoN, . M. butcon. X. II. R. ORABBS, 0. J. JOHNSON. F. DAT, ALBERT JONES. ay &.-JosaQ0,' manufacturers ot 8ADDLKRY,HAKES8,COU,An8,TUI!WK Ho. SM W. rialUruoro street, lialtlmoro, JM. W. A. Tucker, H. C.Sraltb, 11.8. Bpratflua Tucker. Smith Co.. Mannraetarhre & liolwulo Dealer In MOOTS, SHOES, HATS 'ASH VAl'S. Ho. 15 Balttmora Street, llaltlinoro, AM. Jt. J. it. K. ntteT, , WITH Ilcnrff Soniwborn Co., WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS. SO Aaiiorer St., (itetwconOenaan lrabartt Stat BALTIMOUJC MD. H.BONRBBORli, B. BUWJJtB JUeyhen Putney, L. U Ulair ; W. II. MILES, STK$UEN,PUTNEY$ CO. 'rtj. Vliflfxil eYa"r in Boots, Show, arid Trunks, . - 1219 Mam Street, , gtj. 8-81-Om. UIC.UMOSV, VA. 0. B. LBfTWUK. . with WIKCO, ELLETT A CMMP, RICHMOND, VA., Wboleatle Dalri l BOOTS, SHOES, TEU1TKS, AC. Prompt atuntlon paid to orderi. and aatit etloa gautanleed. , . p Firytaia SHU Pritn Geodt a ipwiaby March, 6. ianat w. rawiaa. . looia o. mud . E W. P0WER8 & GO., WUOLESALB DRVGQ1STS, . Damtaraia ' FAINTS, OILS, DTRS, TARHI8HKS, Trnob nd Amoricm WXVDOW OLABS, PUTTY, fcO. 8M0K1NQ AND CHKWINO 0IOAR8, TOBACCO A BPBCIALTT . U05 Main St., Biohmond, V AiaaG .. : -., '. J. L. C BIRD, - : with - W. D. Kyle & Co., wrcirrKiu axo jonnEia or HARDWARE. Cutlery. "iRONjfcAlLifaBd CaariaoiOoom ' ' No. 9 GoTdrnor Streef, ' BICHMOXD.YA. BOY YOUR SCHOOL BOOKS ' OF . "Williamson & Corrie, ' BOOKSEtUM AND STEAM POW . ER PRINTERS, . . WINSTON, N. O. Liberal diaeounta lo werchanU and teachera . WILSON, BS8fcCH , WJOLtSALB OROCURS AND COMMIS In S Howard Itraet, wrnnr of Lombard; BALT1M0RB. ' rakr eooaitnHjr oa bud a butra aac ' Well aaaorud atnek af Orocwlw .aallabla tot Boaibara and Wtaura trad. Wa aolleitcoa alpimaott or CouaUy rodue uc u Cot . too; tmthm; Olwuft; Beamx Wool;lriai; Fraitj raj Bkina, eta. Oat bctlitue for tto baaiiwnarataebaeai warraatquik aaiel ad raturaa. A U ordere Ul kTC mm mi Muatio. . . I f 8UBSCRIBK F0& Your County Paper, -zThe ReDorter andiPosU op titr reoPLBi por wt raorutt urTna.rr.uri.Ki run tub rKOP'.Ki KOR THB fKo.'LKI uriiutrsorui ruu Ttuc rsui'Lt t ONLY $10 A YEAR! SUBSCRIBE MOW CAMACA ! To the Weary, Feeble AND PLE A S IT R E S K KK VM Boeing the need iu tlas ac:tion of a place wbere tlio weary, feeble and brot en down may recruit their health and rest; who e they aod thoir families way spend the hot season pleasantly when it is necessary to leave their homes or ohango air, that the failing health of soma lored one may be restored, we have laid out A NEW TOWN and are now offoring for sale lota in probably the healthiest seotion in North Carolina. The town U located on a beautiful Flat Mountain Rido 21 mileet west from D anbury -t about i of a mile from the celebrated piedmont springs; about the' same distanoe to Pepper's Alum springe of niilo from 8m'tth'a Chalybeab pringi and two miles from 0. K. Moore's BaJphu spring, wbiU the looatian present t The Finest Views of Moore's Knob, the Hanging Rock, and other prominent peaks along the Sauratown mountain. Tho lota are well covered with large and small forest trees, which will afford shade in summer and form Ueavitiful Groves. Tho isholo U i, ., . . Surrounded by Sprin(s of the purest mountain water, en tilling it to le Indian name, oCamaoa, a land of springs, which, together with tho pure mountain air, would bring col cr to the faded cheek, and strength to weary frame, even if there was no real mineral water within a hnndred miles of tho plaee. The undersigned propose also to .erect a saw-mill, planing machine, 4o., that they may build oottages or fuiniah lum ber to thoso who wish to pwohaM lots In this healthful locality, where no mn larin ever oomes, and n aM of typhoid fever was never known, eioept it was contracted out of the noighbwrnoad. The jrico of lots this season, 50x100 fcot, sill be $-25 each. For fur'ber particulars addrev, . N. M. k Y. R. PKPPKR, Nay 80, '86. ' Dnnbnry, .N. C DAKBURY, aurttAmm Mk wmrnitn, . v . CuucTwro-t. AnpkA , IWeX Oueo ntore, Q aU a4attt Death I Xb attktt'a raaAtioaat vttdt). One saeso A cesMaflst aarrow oaitti : A streoaj; wto wsm ban 4MU lmltt'usAabMkAikb. ItaidwoneA. OtarematoeaettaAasalsstasasjt u : Tb worOi wo djwbtM r tisA, . ':.v . U ea4 UeOd bt Ambitloiaa, rauttouty jtvt tbe na T strtko fraud wftn rvwilttto ' baud; A (atriot, tf a Mitteat He lv4 bit aattxe but. So let the awuraius boib b rass riw baMr tfcoop- fea btt y, And k the pebile yiNt au4 to$tt. Thetr fittiag trib py. Thn let ua bow abo bis btor To set oar fc et tatty Kms And wound no imof a Uta osw Wtth worUs Ciit &:h ivnUo. A Fascinating CTrl. vt r, ft-. iasw. of a I'tek S(rtt XSt. ftfArrsa t. Kot Mk Daly w thoty iMd in atttKid:taotv'btud the eeter af th big rt'freuBeut rooiu at Btlstvv Jan- ttort, lut that ants a girl with a d& ft-'tcnee and a reumrkabte diffvrea froiuhor six wotempwrarie ewJ by Messrs. Javelins aud FrcsKwaU, theemaicat watratoTs, to attend t want ud withe or a pawg rwwd olaiuuiiug fur soap, wu-'a-?, kHs, bw and bitter al to th ftiMM audutorUaa couiuvaud. tu hsa3k here for That her ?rw- .1 appearaee waa at:rett wat Ltnr good fortune ur ber msf ju, aad was certainly not br halt, sb waald scaroely karebee plscod at ttattlvte Junetion had sbo been oW, ngty, or "squat". She was a tall, god-twkta$ girl, with brown ye aud brawn hair, and she attended to br duUea with n grave If-possession that waa trmarka- ble in the BattWtun Janotton girls, who wui doiuoustrativxly fnssy or old!y ia- difforent, aooordxag to tb taw of tomet who preaonted bimsalf to tbaii mereifal ounudorAtk)a. It may he said at onto that the Junction girls a they were, generally termed in the enoWat town of Bank-ton -did not thiak mA M IkUy. did not make great frtenda with Mm I)aly, did not lake her into their littk eonfideneea, or aak her to Join tbew m their Kttle itrulba aftor the eatistg hrroM was closed forth night, or whn bonrs off duty allowed at evuatry raaihtae ia varieas direoboea aad nadar varmns and MnetimM atrikteg cimawtanona. Miss Daly was trk up MIw Wrt said : bnt then Miss Ikaly bad uVliad to see, tb shop in BatUeban with ber after on oTeaiuux'b exptxteao daring wbieh Mm Part bad gtggted p aadt eally all the cay p High stret, aad looked after rry weU-drwed man an- dcr fifty betwee the station and tb Coin Market, oxohaugjag wgowKave ings'' and uhowd':-4jY with a fair ten per coot, ol the number, N Daly was vly," Mma Bland tWoht ; bnt then Mis Bland wa a Blaia-sfvie girl, who let tbaa L a, the toaa "tar it" it they buCKd her too tteli or ratbxf at tima did not fct Mm have it, but looked aver tjkair beada with aatoay gUr, and allowed them to eoraat tot drink in van. Mis Daly waa "eoons' on joaaag Todd, and ought to be asbamed of berslf to lend him on like that, U'ua Racket tmark ed ; bat then Mia Racket bad hvea tpcoma' ea touaj Todd berewlf; bad laaacbed herwli at Todd, in taet bad negreoted good onstamart fcr Todd, and been taka oat one lor n ;ni. driv by Todd ia ta. happy halcyon day bxfor Mwa Paly amen, tbem Kk blight, N is Daly hrdl, old l.kt a V!.ht , behind tb rorWaUaaeat eowatar; b was atway vary; pal aad prwty in bar blwk dras and generally ry a raid, nlo sawihiag t of th eomiama yonag Todd anas eat at tb tammon brightened be taatnr vitb a aaaibx aa aay m a aw wr w una mm to tb ooV on Mis Daly's pait, N. tHUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1886. teM nUamistcrtM to the sV&ga f yawag Todd.' lie made m ntytasrj af tham biaamlf, be wa rn nrejTtiMn, bin aWmgs bad been nfafwi aama twsmrj taw befcse sad in imaUan aaaan by tbo lair Ueboa wbom Memra. Javaltat and Freeh trater bwisetin nntberirj tt Battlcton Jsac tion, boAann kattaaea &d yoang Todd baan aa dwrply aad torrthly impread Mk nnrtitJllu nSur, bte was aaw absArbiag, tnamaaVtg aad sofUamg btm Bb an nstparaBelei droe; whicb givtnt bun n diitait lot his iaauly an4 neaUy mwianaiuiga; whiob was aiitW( at hm lb eaWwaity and naxio af tba luaity itaat,taaU bad baea a arejaihavawav nnnnV tVat-Tardike kind af a &mily $i ylwr and yaart be- MaIk$n JMritinM. Tb IVdd fuaUy wn big (oik in BaUktan, and not to ba despised oat oC HattktNK take tbem altther. TVne wr not kkUty of thm, lcy ooo mbeiol Mr. Todd, tba relict of Bar tbl(a Todd, a be bad mado taneh wtwy by wlwecasJe gnats and Iadia rnbbara down a dirty tlam in Mincing laa,an4 b)f of vWa property was aettkd Ibr US on bis widow, with rever siw to aa wily oon, the yaaag Todd of eatr im narrative ; Uitm Jtisses YdJI aii fv.iK-rs, eat tsw:m aud with MM) au4l, and with etrang bias- ea toward hia cbaroh aad hib oharob canto, and vibMe awaty was strictly ettkd on tk-ite!w; and yonngTedd, wbttsft ton-wey bad euW itself strictly en. him, tw, np t thi present period of r stvr j, for n c avt himself and thgitattt reft-Jacnt counter had aa t!w of it, cavi.yss popl said. Why Si se: ju5 Todd it was bird to dUr. Vlis ttoro was an old Tdl 712 ary to twa by ox- press wrr aaoruir, it might have been Lpprpriatd but Wa aid Todd had V4y w s .. j,, thu 345 Todd beoarue Ljt f, cially as T41 bad wW cht and lar. Ccrumly he i i.K,,, ,,:r ! BmMI ,u u. xvnro Otolkwrs, a Jwrt 11K j.Kst and a polo oap, Tntro wro tares things which ho a td tared baror Alixs Daly earn to Ittlt--bM pipe, his bull btrricrpup and bimaelfi bat aha bad changed all tbU aa with tha beach ot the wand of an antban trass. 8aa bad oallcd the bull btrrkr "that nasty dog," and it bad bw ettaignod to its kennel from that boar ; tbo bad bated the sight of atca with ?mrt ptpaa ia ihei; atouthj bo rora diaaer, bo bad beard her any aoce, and Wa bad Ukn to aigars and to smok ing tbewi after aigbt p. aa. ; and as for biiaaelf; tbeta r fit of dos;xmdency npon aim at timos wbon be thought he Ljj, ,u tld kii nunc ua o aoooi aimseu una not com ytt, and yucg Tll ltvcd at the reftejabmant aonater of Battlcton Junc tkn, kg a Miss Daly woald sorvo hi at. Wbe tb trains came ia aod tiiiX Vr a) way oosaing in at intorcst iag enaaa of his caner be woald retire to tb bk aad ataad a tb forms, so that h might watch Um IVly ever tb bead of tb trAvdors, aad make snr that nbvdy bad fallen in lev with her, and wa iaUntlinaUy lingering over bu pork pi or sandwich; and when tb train wentont bo ratwmel bis place, pat on ttlbow on tbt otmter, and talk ed and gatfd gsoeraliy gtred, as his power of eonTwrcatioa wci limited, and Muis lUly did not care fur tho euh yrat on which b waa disposed to grew t)vaBt billtafd aud ball terriers. So r!r a loungor at tho eoauter so gowd a etsMsrcr, o well-known an iaaabitaat of Battletoe, was obliged to be rcerd with a fair amount of cour tesy, and b was reivd in quit a ajstoriy pmaibly nmr than akterly maneby all bat Mis Daly. Miss 9taly said "good nwrnutgw aad "good voniag, " ally "good voing," vary graeioaidy to aim, hat h did not iaattato lb t) I of tbo rest of the young ladte or pat heratlt oat in anyway for Mr. Tdd. Censeie f tb power she wWldd ever bis sawvptible broast, she did net baite to meet hi rcqmremenU at tb bar; did not laa evar tb eortn ter aad talk to bim betwoen tb and WMb atand and tb dishes of bans : did awO miwJ biaa Laaraiahilwl while a. r4!WNs,t b.mmeriag away witbtb miUod dg of a ahiUiag to at- traot bar attention ; did not whisper or Uagb v slap Kim ia a kittenish impalas; aad brtyd not ere a jealona aymp tnai wVmi h ulrel h Mi Tart or Ma Rteket c aryb dy rise. t rM Mi. Imt t, ' a KtMlLraai l ea t make ar wt, a t4il.ums- 1 Jd in tSh-qirJkf Lwbrwroom, tare month after Miss Daly had becu in Battleton, and after she bad said, "Xo, thank you," to half a dotcn pairs of Courvoisier's glovos, of whiob be had begged her aeoeptaooe ; "she isn't like anybody else 1 ever knew at the Jnne Uo. Polly Racket would ntk lis of her for fun, bnt she an awfully niot girl somehow. She isn't silly, either, or she'd fancy I was going to aok her to marry. She' a sharp, elevor little wom an, pon my soul, but I can't make her eC And that' deuoed odd, too, see ing what a lot of girls hare been alwaya running after me." It was not odd, bat young Todd was beyond tbo disco vary of tbe aolntion ti the mystery ; his self-ooaplaisanoe stood in the way, and the girls who ran after him were of the ordinary olass of high stoppers, whose mission ra lifo waa to be always running after somebody. Evoa in his own sphere, acd wherc the exact amoant of his inooni and his ex- pentstions wore kauwn, young Todd was sought and flattered by some of "tho slock and sliiniup creatures of tho chase : but young Todd never propesed, and had been always happier and mors at his ca?o at the station buflot, or in the strojts when tho shop girls wcra going homo. Happier, till Miss Paly appear ed ; then it vra all over ttith !ii:u his nonohalant airs aud grins and grim- oe. Ho strolled in anl out no more ia his old patronising way ; ho eame in oarly, and stopped as a rulo all day ; he wai tho slave of ths refreshment count er, tho ghost of his former sa!f, the talk of the tittlo town whore everybody talk ed. His mother oondcccnded to ak a few questions of him at last, and to tell him what tho world is saying: ho laugh ed at her questions as irrelevant, and the fhoeking expression he used as re garded the world needs no repetition in i these virtuous pages. His sisters eat tr ued him and Lis tastes, anci bo "care it them hot,' as ho afterward expressed himself t,i a friend, for meddling with his affairs acd viui't concern horn. Ho never interforvJ between them and their larki with the curates, did he ! Let him alone, and I10M let them alone; nobody need bo atraid ho was going to mako a fool of himself, or throw himself away; Lo knew that ho was about well enongh. Trust him. Bnt nobody trusted him any more fur this declaration, and the homo of the Todds became 'shallow-land, in the midst of whieh much suspicion and un charity and conspiracy wero brooding. They affected to lot himt alone, and ho let them alone according to his nsual way whiob was very muoh alona in deedbut they wrote long letters and urgent letters to TJnole John, the main stay of the fauily, trustee, executor, ' nf ,, man of war in the Indian service, and they begged very earnestly for Uncle John to take tbo matter up, as tbe whole affair was becoming very serious indeed. They had no influence over Edwin young Todd was Kdwin ; he was his own mas ter, aad they wore desperately afraid of what would oomo of it They had been afraid also to telt Unolo John before ; they did not like intruding upon his studies, his new work on " l'ortifiea tkns aud Fireworks," his new ohargc rod hot and slashing, against tho secre tary of itate fur war on tho irou-platcd stocking question; they knew how hard he bad boon upon his nephew and god son in many matters; but aa he was tho only being whom Edwiu regarded with any degree of awe, tliey trusted he would ooiiiO to the rescue and -'put a step to it," all befuro the family was disgraced tot ever aud ovor by a mssallianoo, or by ome dreadful scandal that w-s al most as bad if not quite a lasting, "I'll soon put an end to this non sense," said Mnj. Crawshaw, after read ing bis sister's letters. "I'll havo no mora of it. He had put an end to a great deal of nonsense in his time, being a hard-headed, sharp old soldier in his way, and he waa very sure of his power hi demolishing this stp bubble affair in loss than four and twenty hours. Ha knew the wuld and what it waa made of; be understood men and women, par ticularly foolish men and designing wo men, whom he had come across in a experience of fv and forty years, to whom be bad taught wisdom and given warning before this ah ' many times before, for other people's takes and his own. Let him march and away against tbo enemy at or.oe. TO) KB COMTIXftll. A New Haven firm manufactures ! over 100 kind of barometers and thor jntniaetora. LEK AT FRUDERICKSBURG. In the August C'enfiiry, Major J' Iloraoo Lacy gives some of bis rominia oonoes ot General Lee. From his ar ticle we quote as follow : "Ascending tbo heights, I soon reached what waa called the headquarters bat terry of General lice. Afar across tho valley and river in tho gray !igt t of oarly morning oould be soon the white porches of my homo. Chatham, made historie by Federal army eorrespoodente, as tbo Laoy House. Tho poroh&s were filled with officers and gayly dressed women, and from half a score of .brass bands rang out across the valley Yankee Doodle and Uail Columbia!' The commanding ofieer of tb batterry nak ed if I wauld permit bun to scatter the nnbiddrn trnests at my home. At bis request I asked Lee to authorise tho Gr of the heavy guns, which would have kid Chatham in the dust. With a smile he refused, and, asking me to walk with htm, we withdrew a short distanoo. Ho then motioned mo to ait by tho trunk of a largo tree. "Looking across at Chatham through tia IL'M-glass ho, said, Major, I .never porwit tlie urneecssary effusion of blood War is terribl? enough, and its best, to a christian taxa ; 1 hope jot to see yon and yonr d-ar family happy in your old home. Do you know I lovo Chatham better than any place in the world ex cept Arlington ! I courted and wen my dear mfo under tho shade of those trees. By the way, not long since 1 was riding out with my staff, and ob serving how your grand old trees had been cut down by those people, I snvr that a magmfiucut tulip poplar at the head of Uic ravine, north of the house, was still s'anding, and, with somewhat of your rhetoric, I said to Yenabla and Tayler : "There is nothing in vegeta ablo nature so grand as a treo. Grap pling with its roots tbo granito lounda tions of tho ever-lasting bill.-, it readier iu s'.urdy and gnarlod trunk 011 high, spreads its branches to tho heavens easts its shadow on tlto sward, and tho birds build their noils aud sing amid its uubrairaous foliage. Beheld, the monarch stripped of attendants and guards awes tho vandals by tho simple majesty of his sublimo isolation." Pook- etiug my field-glass, and riding on, I heard mingled with laughter a request fronyhe gentlemoa that 1 would bring glass to bear once more on me monaroo of the forest. I looked, and even wbilo I had been talkingjthe axe of tho vandal Was laid to the root aud monarch bad fallen." Then, moved by emotion unusual to bis oalm and equable nature, he contin ued, 'I had three hundred aorea of woodland at Ailington. Serving the United States Government for many years oa the frontier, I marked wi'h my hand each tree that was to be used for timber or fuel. They tell me all my trees are gone yours are all gone'; then rising from tbe log, with a firo and passion rarely witnessed in mm, anu ith all the majesty of his sublime presence, he said : Major, they have' onr frees; they shall never have the land! 'Tlireo years after tho oloie of the war 1 was a visitor at the homo of Gen eral Leo, then president of Washington and Leo University. After dinner tho General retired, and I was invited to see Mrs. Le in her chamber, Sho was a great sufferer and confirmed invalid, incapable of notion save in a roller-chair whieh it was tho chief delight of him who had so long directed great armies to move from room te room, bonding over her with tho grace of a Sidney and tho devotion of a youthful lover. I told Mrs. Loe tho story whioh 1 bavo so imperfectly attempted to reproduce. Need I tell any woman who reads these pages that tears streamed down that patient, furrowed face or that a light and joy from bcyoud tho stars beamed through these tears, as sho knew that the thoughts of her great husband wan dered fax away from the clash of arras to the memories ot their youthful love and courtship under the shade of hor ancestral oaks, for Chatham was origi nally the property of a near relative. As I concluded the sentence, "They shall never havo the land,' hearing a sl:.ght noise, I turned and saw the Geuoral, who bad silently entered, m dressing goan and slippers. The great buck-shot drops slowly rolled down that face, whose oalm was never brokon by the earthqnake shock of battle. Blowly and silently ho retired, and I oould hut feel tho deepest oompnootion thai words of mine should have sent ano'ler pang through that great bcait." .. u.if ii?a.,. M CARD PLAYING GIRLS. ' There an o many way in wbieb gain can bo amusing, entertaining ad a- ful to themselves aad ihet that it seetua a great pit that nay af ttaaw should resort to somaaon Tiri men. That they do in tb entertainment of privat aad homos, aad at tb nati summer resort, appear to b a. m aarfoawt question, and that tb resalta will ap pear in unlooked-for ilimiiliatwsai k tho future of what 1 Bailed go4 MU ty may beset down aa among tb tain ties of natural lav Yonag kdia may not be expressly aMaytiba an such prosy moral argument, basft tb 1 aboaW not forget that taMyonag avb' gamble with them, and wb appear t 1 enjoy tbe fun, lot their rint ht young ladies in the exact uaasara tank -the latter oeasa to be governed by la womanly feelings and standards of char acter. Men ruay laugb at the shrtwd noss of a girl iu a gam of card for stakes, but sho is not the girl they trw. or honor or that they ear to marry. That is an argument to the quick, and may find its way horn. The man who' marries a gambling girl is already an luoipic-nt suitor in a diroro ttrcensboro Irorfcjua. HOW TO PEEVE-NT TOBACCO FROM MOULDING. Messrs. Watt Bros. & Woaaaek; f Rcidsvillo, N. 0., have Jaddrd tb following to the tobacco grower f Vir ginia and North Carolina: Feoliug an unusal intrrost ia TOUT wok fare, bow that tobaco is low, and ap preciating tho fact that yon can neither afford to let your tobaooo damage nor smoko it by drying it out with wood, we would advise thoee of you who are uot ready to market your tobaooo to clean out your barns and sprinkl v ery week or ten days on the floor abnt two gallons of lime. It will prevent uiobiture fioin iLdng; keeping tb bam dry aud thus preventing the moulding. Wc kuow tho experiment to b a suc cess; it is very cheap, and we art very sure it is worth your attention. Tilde.1'8 Wiu,. Th will of tb late Hon. Sam'l J. Tildon was load at Greystono on Monday evening by law yer J as. C. Carter, in proseno of tb relatives and the throe exeoutors, Hon. JohnBigolow, Audrew IL Green aad George W. Smith. Th document wa a long one and oontainea about 10,00k words. Tho whole estate is pka i ia th hands of the executor aa trustee. Eaoh heir ia t receive an equal shar ia tb line of his or bor eoasangainlty that is, noioes and nephew qaal amounts and the ohudien iiottain amounts. None of hi relative ezoept his sister, Mrs. Pelton, are given aay specefie bequest forever. To bar be be queaths tho residence No. S3 Wt SSV streot, and the sum of $100,000 to liv upou. His estate 13 aaid to b vortbt $9,000,000. T T 1 -I 1 - An incident in New York p Ion or Ufa what times war in 1800: "My mother siad to her nearest neigh bor a Mr. Roe, living 0 aaibt and a half distant: 1 bav got a fleece now, for I . baw JasA carded the colt and picked tb wl wit of an old bed quilt and am nanAing MooB vngs. Mrs. Roe replied: So b I got a fleece, for I shaved onr dog, aad with wool from a bed blanket will aooai havo a pair of stockings, loo. A abort time after that the whole Mighbrbo footed it four mile to ee two absap, s. groat and unusual wa tb mgbt.1 Washinoton, August 10- -Cant. aV W.Anderson, ofSumpter 8. 0 rb is 96 years old and who i " -g pilgrimage to Boston on foot, applies. at tbe police headquarter bar too for tracsporation on th ear. Bo (ay he could walk, but bis money ha givr out. II had a little dor with Ion. A young man in th West sbot biat- self a year ago beeans a yonag weaaan refused to marry bim. Th girl aaid b waa n fool, but tb boy ord Tbo other day the girl eommiMad wateid because' the boy mfuaad to naarvy Ur. Th woild change, aod aa do boy and. girl. Col. Denny showed tb AhviU. Ctizm Srrda twelve saaall bnt rw nine diamonds fonnd agaaongtb guld wasbiuga ia McDowell eownty. Ue al so exhibited other valuabl geaaa, all ht 6".- f , A letter ddre,ig mtmy reached Little (Jhecege, for Vbkab ; was iniended. " ' ..' r