5 Rcpprter and Post -VA f RJFJJI TH I PEOPLE MMkmrmi t U Dtrnhnr X. C, iVaf-nffce ...i cr 3WoICfow 3icXr. THURSDAY, AUGUST ao.l. A r. BWVUAOO HnmHuh ira ARQ ARISE LJLW. By signing the Oleonwrgurine bill JPreatdeal Cleveland has given exeou tire uuvfciafc statnte winch, it e iloerYy'sV aftmTof the Federal Cob titaUm eTlfie Oleomargarine law pass ed byiWNetr'-Trofk Legislature, ep rrovei"oj "(Jowwrf Cleveland and act nside'by the Court of Appeals wi a ' vmmttoa of tba Constitution of this StaK TV law has aaim- nmHaaoe which transcends .Wo tie te eWtmkt and approval establish a 'rMsdnt wnica amy prove mischievous WnonMuM and commercial TaArerfa af the enejrtrr. One industry is lihevtotim of sueh" legislation this "Wirt another msv bo the victim next jeat.-r. Y. BtruU, JW, Qittmnrgtrioo, as wo explained at the than this bill was paved, ia tho sub stance need In the manufacture of arti ficial butter. Tho subject was a very dSBeah om to legislate on, and Con gress balanced matters by imposing a ' re venae tax on the article. The oppo nents of tho bill asserted that the wassain was a proposition to tax out of STtonns an arttclo from whieh could be manufactured, a wholesome artiolo and bought by people wbo eanno afford "to pay the price asked for dairy butter, and that tho bill proposed to legislate for the destruction of one industry but without giving any guarantee of genu- inca and excellence to another industry that w to bo protested." Tho advocates of the bill maintained that it was measure to prevent tho nianufaoture and 'sam of aU imitations, whilo tho oppo neotaof the bill insisted that is an attempt to tax this article out of exis tence to favor better farmers and dairy men- admitting that artificial butt 'made from oleomargarine is but sham hatter. The new law has not brought np the price of butter, u its opponent prediotod would be tla rcu!t, for good 'batter is down to tea wnt3 in some pop- . nloas localities. TAXES FOR EDUCATION. TBI FIX W MNHC1I inE NORTH CARO- UMA SCHOOLS ARE PLACID. Ralkioh, N. 0., July SI The . 8apteme Cowrt of this State recently dsniilsd that taxes for eduoatioual pur- peees beyond 66! cents on the hundred " dollars valnation of real and personal property are unconsvtational. The Constitution is mandatory upon the Oomauasioaers ol the several counties to keep the pubilo schools open for four consecutive months in caeh and every year. The 8tate tax and the neoeesary county taxes reach tho constitutional 'Kmir ef Ml oeets, and the .State and 'eoaaty awthorities are now pexsled to ' deviM trays' sad meant whereby the Legislature nl its next session can iswe snmnfant money tor this purpose withont infringing upon the Constitu- - ton. The graded schools in almost every town 'and the several norms . schools will all b crippled during the next school year unless something is t done to raise, money that is now avail able for this purpose. Of course the . nakeoU for the colored children will safer more than the schools for the white children, because there are so Jhwrf private schools for the whites. Ia 'this view the loading colored educators tWouf hoot the State have issued an ad aeil 1 1, stating the Cuts and catling upon their people in every county to meet mid send eight delegates to a Bute Convention, to be held in RJeigh en Thnrsdsy, November l?th next, to srnmdnr the whole subjnst and draft a 'aasmetul to be presented to the Legis latar at its sssnien in January next. ' The eolored people have a number of graded achoola and also normal schools 'at Plymouth, Frankliaton, Salisbury, VayittewiDe nail Kew Kern, that are sermasIy afeeUd by tm deeisien. The i Is te ask the Lcgislatnre to the nevmsl esbeols at some n plaea snd to 'donate 6,000 acres ef m4 enlemsint to the Board of Educe. tim, ia order that the agricultural be tare may be attached to the ahool. 'JT Yf Thm. We have beard several complaints made against President Cleveland, bat the annexed, from the Washington let ter of tho Alexandria Gaz?tttt has the merit of novelty , ho over deficient it may be in justice to President Cleveland: An old Democrat, well known through out the entire country, says he hs had numerous interviews with the lToei- dent borore and since his inau.uiation i of them at the IWdeat's invitation, bnt that in all of them ho has never heard him atter the words De num eracy, .Dewseratie party, wo, or us. He mys he believes .the President has been induced by the mugwumps to think that his personal popularity with tho people will make his administration vucceas, irrespective of the support of his party, and that bo is above his ptr- Sueh a conclusion as that arrived at by an intelligent Democrat makes the President a nun of much lea sagac ity and common sense than m generally accorded to him by his bitterest ene mies. Danvilit Regiiltr, Dtx. A man of transcendent parts like Jaunty JBontham could afford to boast. as he did, of being a man of no party as well as of ail countries, though he name at length to occupy the position of a party loader, but if Mr. Cleveland possesses tho ability, and Independence ta mako hi admuisatration a success, irtespeotive of tho support of his par ty,' ho is endowed with qualities of a higher ordor than we had reason to think. We hopo he may prove himself equal to tho work. Herbert Spcnoor, who poseossoK one of the great minds of England, U said to .be' passing away . lie has been trou bled for years with insomnia and ner vousness, and has been ia the habit of uaing a hop pillow to induoo slerplrat the obstinate trouble has finally got the better of him, lie has had much influ ence on the sciontifiti thought of his time and may bo assigned a place next to Charles Darwin. He is a bachelor and has dwelt in a London boarding- house, at 37 Queens Garden, Lancaster Gate, for many years where wo mot him in 1872, while calling to dine with an English friend. Atter dinner w betook ourselves to. tho billiard renm when our English hriitt acted us to take a tablo and cue, but out foejiiig in the humor of playing we declined, when Mi Spencor remarked to ua "i'ou Ameri cans are too littlo given to livraion." An srtielo could be written cn that theme. SEQUEL TO THE MARTINS VILLE TRAGEDY. Danville, Va., August 11. The first of the oases in the late Martinsville fight between the Spancor brothers and the Terry brothers was concluded at Martinsville to-day. John D. Spencer was tried far .tho murdorof J. K. Terry bnt was acquitted. The evidence show ed that Terry was killed by another person. The other oases will come up hereafter for trial. PROMINENT REPUBLICANS ANGRY. Ralitoh, August 12. On Tuesday the Republican State Executive Com mittee met here and doeided not to call a State convention. To-day a number of prominent Republicans, angry at this aotion, issued a call for a mass convention hero, September 22nd, for the purpose of electing a new commit; tee. : The Chisago Anarohists have all been oonvtoted bat one of murder in the first degree. Very confiietiog evidence was given on both sides ; the Anarchists tried to show that the police did the shooting and the throwing of the bombs. Tho Republicans, who issued n call for a convention us defiance of Dr Molt, received letters from Hon. Thom as Settle, of Greensboro, and F. B. Lofton of Kins ton, approving of their aotion. Niw rons:, August 11 The Re publican State committee to-day decided not to hold any State convention hb year. A eall for n Republican Maw Con vention to be held at Raleigh on 22nd September has been resolved upon Our unpleasantness with Mexico is in the way of jbemg settled dipkxnatieally, that h peacefully. - Mexico has a standing army of 40,000 STATE NEWS. The first tobacco wa sold at Wer- ri'Btcn, July 29 at 6.75 per hundred. In the Hidden mine, in Alexander rcunlj, a piece of 'IaiUerwta was discovered weighing 270 pway weights. Wadosdoro leJttligtMtr : Two hundred thousand dollar's forth of rain has fallen in Anson county during the last week, German ton EaJtrprist : Betid Poia- dexter, Esq., has been appointed U. 8. Gauger for this eoaaty. e hear l U. 11. Mitchell spoken of as a candidate for Senator from this District Winston. Progrtstitt Vmer The dedicatory services of the Methodwt Piotcstaut Charea will take place on the 2'2d inst The 7th of Septei bcr is the day sot for the holdiajt the Republican convention in Winston to nominate candidates for Jatlge and So licitor for this diatrwt, Mr. J. C Wommaek, of ClmnnMnsvilto township, brought ia n speoimon of Davidson county babies yesterday, a little girl ta months old whose weight was thirty two youads, and as good eatored as she U fat Hickory CareVunaw Judge Mont gomery is holding Burke cert this week. There were 15U eases on the State Dvokot, ranging from the highest to the lowest grade. About three-fourths of thorn were scat there by whiskey and the other fourth might be divided with tho saato never fiuling pause. The Newton Shuttle-block faotory ta shipping its work to Australia. They are baying hmkery and dog-weed timber from the country around and scattering money where a will de the most good. Wilmington Siar : Eggs an sonree, selling at 20 cents a dotcn. The ex periments that are King uivu in the asportation of petroleum in bulk aaross the Atlantic ocean, are attracting at tracting attention just now. If they ara suacossful. the tran?:rtatioa of spirits of turpentine in the same manner ia likc.'y to soon follow, and shipments ia caks ml! be abandoned. Auorman ship altered lor b'iU-ttartying, recently took cut CUl.'OK'nsfioni Phuadct- phia and, tliJ uteaauhp Primate in the inxi irsde tx-ta Phiiadolphm and Cuta.is to be titled with twclvo com partments to carry 1,750 toot of oil. Newbcrn Jovrnii; E.irty Tuesday mominff 12th i-it the spoke and hanlle faetory at Uiec"boi-o,. ownd by the S'irtU Caroliu:! .'poke anu hiudl coui naBT. was diioovun l tc be on Sro, and before the flaiivs "v-! l bo ex'kgwMwd the property wi cntirvly doswoycJ. Tho business wac bv'mp sarned cn by Mr. V. O. Iluud'ey, with hcidquartars at New York, and the entc;-riso usual ly afford! emptoyuivnt to ubont sixty hinds. Sir. Iluudley undo large pur ehaeuf timber iW the Cape Fear & Yadkin Vallry railway, and filled ex tensive orders fur nvmaUviered geeds ia Australia and other furvia markets. The Charlotte tlironiclu sajf the fire origtiated by ineendiarju. The prop erty wu- e-insidcribW invidved by debt, aiid Lad euiy ' '0 ioarjiw;- Salem iV.. 'i-.-o'!! MoCanlesa died in Wiat m u !a-t Fridav. II remains weru iu'trro-1 in the cemetry on Saturday A oi lection was taken up in the Salem Moravia church, en Sunday, lor Uomc Missions, amounting to the sum of $189.17. John F McCuistoa will ba. ordained a Doaooe ia the Moravian eh arch ea next Sunday, by Bishop Ediaend de Schwcinits, of Bethlehem, Pa., who arrived here on Tuesday. The ordination will take place in the Moravian ehureh at the usu al hour of sorvic. Dr. Swift it making improvements in the yard is the rear of the old Salem Hotel. The last of the fatuous boxwood circle has been grubbed up, and tho cedar circle diminished until only half a dosen trees remain. John Ellcr, the pioneer Le ghorn chicken raiser, has had more than 300 chickens of this breed hatched dur ing the summer, and there have not been one doteu of them died yet Oxford TortkligM- Ruuer has it that Webster, of the ReidsnUe sTeaMa, wUl be in the field as an independent against Hon. J. W. Reid. Chas. Reynolds will be likely te run on the Republican tick et. CoLJae. R. Winston has announc ed himself a candidate. . A Republican aomioarinr convention fui the Fifth Conrreswional District will be held in Winston the 7th of September. A strange looking spider, weaving a saost remarkable web attracted a large crowd to the rear of Mr. -J. E. Ctdeahiemer shoe shop one afternoon ef last week. The weS was of ordinary sire and tex ture bat ia the centre appeared plainly the following tsaractera as if worked in with the meet selieate white silk toss W INDIA. The letters were about a quarter of an inch square, and almost perfectly formed. It was secured, together with the web, and has been sent to a ciu-tist. GENERAL NEWS IN BRIEF. A bettor fording is mid to prcTr.il in Belfast, Ireland. Later dates ef the 16th, anticipate krs&tcr troubles at Belfast A oall baa been tar ton millions S per The call matures Sept. IS. The town af Stint, Net way, was earned. Involving a loNf $1,000, Wisconsin formem neve been swelter ing ef late with the merewy from 96 to 107 k the shade. The Univml Peace anion will hold its session, tegtnamg Wedneeoay next week, at Mystie, Conn. The number of miners killed by an explosion m the Weodead CnlSery at Leigh, England, is new placed at M. A Joint stock company has been form ed to rebuild the spoke and handle factory wbiek was destroyed by Ira at Quensbatn. A Canadian easterns ameer has sew ed a number af email boats belonging to fishermen, on the grewad that they were, tmble w." Dr. Vraak U. Haaufton, the distm- guuhed sargeoa, dwa at his residence, Na. 43 West nirtyeoond street, New York, of pulmonary disease. A ooiigrB!4ooal convention at ChaHet- loo, Mo., required 41 balluta before a nomination ooourrod. James Walker was the winning oandidate. A celebration ef the cae handredtb anniversary of the United States con. stitntieaal eenventmn. which met at litis 1786 will bo .held there in October. At Marldebead, Mass., a yonag ataa wbo bad jumped into the rapids after a drowning olull was reseaed by the kg of tua diseirae't trousers, wtioh was thrown hua. Mexico appears very desirous ot maintaining peace with, the United State, bat still refuses to give up Cutting Arbitration is talked of in Washington. It is reported from Tombstone that Capt. Lawton's eoawuand of United States troops, ho have been chasing Indiars in Saaora, Mexico, were met by Mexicans, dimtmcd and taken prisou- At SuDinor Hill station, on the Pen' nsylvania road, near Pittsburg, an iron hriJje weighing 190 Km was removed a disUneo of ti.irtytwo tcct in forty mtrtitos, by haf a d-Moo ncn, by means of sixty-m jatcs. . Albert Stovjw, a colored oittten of IhKjL, Tex., it said to be in ail with Cut dug at Pass del Norte. Ho had only juit crossed the line when arrested betns mistaken for acotber man. He is bold without a trial.: Daniel Magone, a lawyer cfOgdens- burp, N. Y , a prontineat Democratie politician af the nortUmn tjerJbas been appointed by the president to eueeeed Col looter Hodden, rctgned. - It is said that Mr. Magone is a fncad of the prcs- ident's civil strvico policy. James Staros, a farmer, loll CUatu- oooga, Tenn., about thirty years ago lie loot track ef his wife, and after wait ing tea years without hearing from her, ha married again. He is now on a visit to his eld borne, and was surprised to find his first wife still alive and awaiting hm return. HANDS AND ORGANS FROM 1 LTJEEEN4 SATIS S0U7SXS2T KU3K EOUSS, SAVANNAH, OA., PIAXt S, CWHrrrinr, UaMn & natuHi Maihiohek, Bent .V.K varying trow OrtJASS Mason A Ilamtin, rackaid aad lty ale cua tSO to tkVis and wrrMfe'te4OF nlieit-d. Srmt for illuatnted catalopffi, prices and lei ma. rROr.C kV mcSOU, Agemt, OCim Suige S!wfng Machine Co., (ippottie Cface, WlKSTOX S. C, rrof. Wi'joe will aim train Vocal Classes, Cbirca Choir and Sunday Scbauls la tit; er country. Mnttoo-strictly by aote. AU,i rjvr lrm en Guitar, Flut and Cera. Jloiicial iaelnimiwm limed aad iinsliiii. Oak Ridge Institute. A FIRST CLASS HIGH SCHOOL- . With Special Business College De partment A DMIT BOTH SEXES. AFULLandlarroch rars AcVmtc ('ours of Mod in Ctaasks. Nataral S -ienc and UMhrwiatin. One id th most OonrHhinc and saoneaUil baunnt Ooltet e NmkS uf Wxungkxi. 100 udeuU en rjrWuis jtam last rar. Apeciei cbaata, Fah Tern ef lxta Kkacatiwi, Veoal Mm W, atat I'nUrqrk, aixicf the Instiwosiaa ef - rt and eiperteneed macliw t. UftsHls to naluasn en Ns ninmnch HwOna, and relets t tta etadeuta ia all Aytrmwaa uf aminw awt twvmna. Npw 1-iMarV .SkiTMy liall. Krad KcwaSm. Fc'l earye of M'riinnJ tfi-n-ers. Lraliou la erry a) diiUnMo. FU vntir't Aurun tun. tut cuci. Jtc, aihnm J. A. JI. H. inil.T, l-rtncipala. yi ivri. at nut. k. a, auu. C-BZAT 2AB9AINS SHOES & HATS OVTXBKD aT SOAK'S SHOE & BAT HOUSE SIGN OF The Bis Gold Boot, WINSTON N.C. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL roit TDK HEXT 8IXTT DATS To make room for taousands of dollars worth now being made and to arrive between bow and August first. A full line of low and medium price shoes and hats in stock for mmiliosand merebaats. TO THE FARMERS wo offer special inducements ia ttie way of honest shoes and bats at less Ibaa AUCTION HOUSE PRICES. TO MERCHANTS We give Boston prices loss freight. We want your trade. OUR MOTTO: rax best goow iORtUE LEAST MOHBY. D. E. SMOAK. Io You Want Furniture? Everybody Does Then when veu so to Winston, don't fail to examine the immense stock of House Furnishing Good that Cicero Tise has on hand. . He at all times koeps in stotn tae largest assortment of BEDSTEADS, BABY CARRIAGES, Sideboards, Cribs, Wardrobes, Lounges, Parlor and Chamber Suit. Also a fine ot of Crockery j, Glassware, Chromo Oil Paintings, Dee- oraiea lea sets, rrem t.W an to f 12.50, Dinner Sets from $18 to 935. Carpets, Oil Cloths and Kattwgs A SPICIAIXT. H 13 PRICES DEFI COMPETITION Dea't take anvbodv's word for it. bat go and see for vonrsrlf, phot bis good, ana jon wui oe convinced. JOIVT' HVY YOUR TOMBSTONES UNTIL YOU SEE I. V. DURHAM, Winston, N- C ;OyDcsigns msiled freest a'W THOMSON'S COMPO UND m mm. A MILDiTONIG AUlt APPKriZElt A eiire t& l)yvjnia, InJIcoslion ami (Vi.st iiut:o:i. U nrcmotos tlic ssrctinm ot tlie L'ivit and Kidnovs, ami L'iva i?':l' oim to tlic tmsui. livlivwi Nmsuk lrostrtin filloiik; rn!r,n d Nirvouss, and enftvklcd couditiuii of tho general s)s- lem. MAM'F.VCrl'llST) nv Dr. V.O, THOMPSON, DP.UGGIST, wiiiMtoit, jn.c;. Parties having CUT MICA for alo trill find it to their interest to f Tcxpoud with A. O. SGUOONMAKER, 15S William St., New York. UH'HAHO WOOU. KAM I. F. OOODWIif. UK.NKV HKNDCRSOH. men's w. liACOX. WOOD. BACON & CO. ItlrteiT antil Jwbbon of DRY GOODS, irOTIOJYS, WniTE GOODS, ETC. Htm. m Market St., I'HILALELPHIA, PA. JHRESHING machines Trn sk:ng engines ss.e anlw. 1 to miinM tSSHT A. B. FAROUH1B. wa nnx, Tm otrte M.MCOI Boraata. b,. nnlA, iJh hliJl T. UCOTT, sea noatwer, M(W VOfttt. WAMTrDTSJtfaS!,S McMmVmv metm mmt it 1 1 evjsrrd. lannwaMlMfitio (wm.CoodMlV7. H1 A bQU rr4$ tlZu.. mvan WORLD AM roa a iC5Mf5hl Cstltti "fiSSMT" tgrmjnd Rem tm1 Um4 1sai ow-sr ff ohr CnHesr, M K nwy mn, talsm, fat wWsm st-ajWwyrA 3 Tem.w. ne-r,-TvV Omnlwf Oaw4sawemCeenTw VhmlVwr T taikem mm! rVnatvA, atowt . t&r n4. tynyW! Ill n sa t Tvl meats amtahar, M Vm rrrzj' jrrrz. ' 1 li llWawinslalLlIt- Send For rUCE LIST ON jobprhstoq WILLIAMSON & CORIUE, Booksellers Stationers, STEAM POWER PRINTERS When you want KIRS t-CL ASS JOB PRINTING send your erdsisle them. rial disoonnt to Teachers Merchants cn School -Books. De pository for SCHOOL BOOKS sdopted by State Board ef edweanoa. They BROWN'S WAREHOUSE. -Old. Tried aad TJnavtv ' For fourteen years the leading house, and with fourteen yoars exporicnee in handling and telling tobacco, We Offer You in Addition the best accommodations, best llgbttd salesroom, good handling far four ta- - baoso, bett auetionew, the best"treBtUal,- ted and of course the coolest kenee ie--hot weather to be feaad in Winston. Witli n Iarare IIovtBe, builtj for n large trade we nam many advantages snd recmemner we alwys Otiiti'rtitteo highest market prices; Whether first sr l:iat sale drive fir Brown's. Yours truly BROWN & CARTMR. A level floor affords ample roam for wngws and can aceommodate all IN THE HOUSE. Tlie Latest and Best. THE. NEW REMINGTON Sewing Machine 13 TIIK BEST MACHINE for the family Knns easy. J'trfcct In constructions Beautiful In appearance. -Baa all Improve meuts and attachments, and Is warranted fat five years. . ; Address RENlKGTONfS. M. AGENCY. Southern Department 283 Broadway Now lark. rEI'PER SONS . Ageaht DANBURY N. 0. , CATAL6SII OF SCHOOL BOOKS . w- w rmsv m AND- 1 esa rornith yoa with any bookpublisbed.

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