of orange county Chapel Hill. Hillsboro. Carrboro—Between and Beyond HILLSBORO AND CHAPEL HILL, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1962 20 PAGES * % ^0 * ■f-§ 7'1 *r**. !-S»" $«2 ?• f £ ': ‘ £.«*" $ f | V , IK’: .« ' I %, 1 AUTO OWNERS WERE QUtTE eager to buy new tags, accord mg .to first day sales totals at Stancell Motor Co., the Chapel Hill office of the Carolina Motor Club. There were 633 motor ve hide state licenses purchased. Of these there were 353 sales of Chapel Hijl town tags. Buyer? both in and out of town were buying the new one-dollar Caro lina blue-and-white local plates, inscribed “Chapel Hill — Home of UNC.” In anticipation of sales based on college pride 3.500 lo cal plates have been stocked this year, as compared to 2,200 last year PROPERTY CONDEMNATION hearings in connection tyith the proposed Duke Power transmis sion line in the Morgan Creek area south of Chapel Hill have been- continued from scheduled times next week until Jan. 17 by mutual consent. The hearings will, be held before commission ers appointed by the clerk of court to ihspect the property,! hear evidence,- and assess. the damage that would be dofte by running the power line through the condemned land. NOTING THAT HALF OF ALL reports made by the .Hillsboro Merchants Association were for out, of town inquiries, the Mer chants Association bulletin asks this question of its membership: Does this mean . , . that 50 per cent of our potential customers are going to other towns to shop? Good question! DISTRICT SOLICITOR IKE Andrews, yesterday announced a finding in the UNO student cya nide deaths that nothing indi cated a third person was involv ed, but that a number of facts and circumstances indicated the two died “as a result of the act of one or both” of the dead youths. He said he did not plan to elaborate any further—an ap parent reference to an earlier story indicating he felt William! Johnson may have administered poison to James Michael Barham in some manner before taking his own fife. The solicitor com mended the work of Chapel Hill police on the case and said that legally the investigation would remain open. ----2. Circulation Today 7,267 7 99 PCT. DISTRIBUTED IN ORANGE COUNTY —..11 HI county board DLEC^S _ Donald M. Stanfoi vi (second from left) was on Tuesday re elected Chairman of the Orange County Board of Commissioners for the year 1962 at the cotmnts sioners' initial meeting o the new year. Other mem bers <>T the Board, al shown above, are Donaki McDade of Cedar Grove (left). Henry Walker (third) of St. Mary's Com numit\, elected Viet Chairman of the Board Harvey Behnett <>! Chape Hill: and Clarence Jones (second 'from right 1 of Hillsboro. At the right i' Conn ty -Tax S u pervisor—-— Sam Cattis. Serene in the snow... NATURE ABETS COLONIAL CHA RAl—A - light covering of snow acitjss Orange County Tuesday morning enhanced the beauty of one of historic Hills boro's oldest and most beautiful homes, the Nash Hooper-Graham house on West Tryon St., purchased " several years ago by its present occupants, Prof, and Airs. Alfred G. Engsirom. The stately two-story resi (tence was built in 1772 by General Francis Nash for his home place. From 1782 until 1789 it"was the home of William Hooper, a signer of the Declaration of In dependence. And during the 18605 it was the home of , William A. Graham, grandfather of Hillsboro's A. H. (Sandy) Graham, and Governor, U. S. Senator, and 1 Secretary of the Navy. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ County unit given $100,000 for new school construction I —Story on Page 2 \