WMfe DfIHtEST BB The President has announr «ed an increase in the interest rate cm U. S. Savings Bonds by four-tenths of one per cent The increas? from 5.75 per cent to 4.15 per cent is tee first increase sinoe 1959. GARDEN tfil ; HEADQUARTERS FOR WOOD'S SEEDS Large Selection Good Variety AH Kinds of Greens, Garden Vegetables, Onion Sets, Potatoes. Peanuts Garden Peas Kentucky Wonder, pole White Half Runners IMTvalnter Henderson Bush u\ Speckled Limn Thoroen-en HndnsoQ Hybrid ArirfogoU B>nth.m Hj CORN Truckers Favorite '**' Hybrid Slowells Etergreen (8 varieties) Big Earl Adams No Cob Golden Cross Country Gentlemen Seneca Chief FOR RENT- Glamorene Polisher and Rug Cleaner W. D. BOWEN, Owner Western Auto Associate Store Cooleemee Shopping Center o m BfHßsg ■n n > o J! npriSTmnMiMn n5S7iSG5«^|!! 0 UtMJD ALL-WEATU* OIjI lEIK ALL-WLATVEI -r DEdl POWBICUSBON O > .(lwh'tmwj Mw h* —*—• »0» —I pfht ii|li ■ ■■■» fcfcri • IhMMNahjaalq.M cm ► .O Ml aoalaMkaeaf tMicarV O ► b>KH»«I *«»■»« • MMilll»»gllSI»lllw IriX*! 11 * wJI. *L*m treed Wc O 1 > eTiiiffr IlerMiMaeaatMi■.p.fc.t ItoHaaAS-Waatoerl ■■ i '■*> * 1 J| BSQor raOf ltjiMw bl»Lk—il »I 4"1 U»m MSxlStafcataMbladnadl TM X U IhWm Mack wail *2l" t i ' yjo ar r.r» » m tuli ilm bhckwafl »| 7 S3 TMmT »MH>IIIIIHIIIHJ •19" I T.aoar? Xl 4 tubeleti black will $24 6 * I IIBOOorS 2S xl 4 tubeiei* blackwal »I9 33 | M«UI«HhMMkUnMI *22" \ ÜBorCJI xl 4 tabeteaa bUckwall »26" ' " iassagagtfaa I I ;; NO MONEY DOWN! CO '' H = o =! GoGOOPfYEAR 4 [ OOODYKAKHRATiON-WIOC **MO LIMIT** GUARAHTM—Ho Urn* an manHw. Ma HmR w mSea. Ho Mm* Mto roods. No limit Mto i(Mti Far the !! entire Ufa of the tread. ■ ALL NEW GOODYEAR AUTO TIMES AM MIAttAHTEED against defects in workmanship and materials and normal road hazards. ' 1 i > encept repairable punctures. ■IF A GOODYEAR TlAt FAILS UNDER THIS GUARANTEE any ol mora than 80,000 Goodyear dealers in the United States i I . . and Canada will maka allowance on a new lira based on original {rood depth remaining and Goodyear'* printed "Exchange Price" current at tha time . . 5 ' of adjustment, not on tha higher "No Trade-In Pi ice." The Most Complete Tire Recapping Service In Davie County |||§|§s DAVIE AUTO PARTS, Inc. FARM TRACTOR TIRES. ' - % £'T Dial 634-2152-Mock»vllle, N. C. -C muff AN» »r GOTIf U Ihant, Secretary-Gener al of the United Nations and Charles de Gaulle, President of France agree on how to bring peace to Vietnam. They share the view that the ob jectives should be neutrali- | terference. MISEZY LO\XS COMf JLVT Late hours, according to a doctor are never good for one. Swell for two, though. News-Press, Myers, F1&. LOW BLOOD SFGAK FROM MISSES MEALS She was a lovely blonde wiis big, trusting brown eye s and long golden curls. She sat on nay knee and believed every ward I told her. She was two years old, and inclin ed to be a bit chubby. Later, when she was in high school, die was still blonde and lovely, but she wasnt chubby any more. She was if anything, a bit inclined to be thin. I asked her one day what she had for break fast that morning. ■"1 didnt have any break fast this morning," she said. "'What did you have yester day morning?" "I didn't have any break fast," she answered in a small voice. "WliMi did you last have breakfast " 'I can't remember." she whispered, giving me a re proachful glance frcm those lovely brown eyes. "Ail right," I said in des peration. 'skip breakfast." "That's what I do," she said, and skipped away with i giggle before I could ques tion her further about her dreadful eating habits. Girls, much more than boys tend to go without breakfast, though boys are sometimes guilty, too. Skipping break fast is an easy habit to slip into, and it is not a good one for that matter, for any member of the family. The number of meals a day varies with custom and circumstances. . In some coun tries today, five six or sev en meals a day are eaten: these are usually smaller meals than the three - a -day customary in this country. The number matters less than does the regularity. The body requires a regu lar supply of food in order to maintain the supply of nu trients available to the tissues at an adequate level. This is true especially of the blood sugar (sugar in the blood) which is the immediate source of energy. Wh?n the interval between the evening meal and the first meal the next day is as long as 18 hours, as napper.s waen the uleakfast is omitted, the blood sugar may fall lower than it should Low blood sugar creates late - morning inefficiency, drowsiness. fainting and proneness to accident through ineffective coordination. This is a mild form of the insu lin shock which happens to di abetics when they get too Doctor in the Kitchen IWtaMl Mf QNMBI much insulin or exercise, and too little food. It was what happened to one of my seere * taries who responded to my ' s buzzer signal by jumping * from her desk and starting to enter my office On the * threshold, she collapsed in a '* fauit. She had taken a bal let lesson the night before h after her supper, gotten up; e late and skipped breakfast,, 1 and had come to work with, t- literally, hungry blood. d A good breakfast should in e dude fruit, eggs or bacon or both, enriched bread or rolls milk, butter and jam or jelly, and a beverage. Ano 1. time enough to eat without •- ] gobbling! EATING IX REST A CRANTS "I never know what I want in a restaurant!" "I always get too much or too little in a cafeteria" 1 "There isnt enough choir? on the menu." "Everybody else eats a meal while I play with a salad" Restaurant meals are all the same!" Is that the way you fee] about eating in restaurants? I don't mean going out to a good restaurant for a nice dinner with friends or family i That's a party! I mean try-] ing to eat all or most of; your meals in a restaurant because you have no time to cook at home, or have no home to cook in. How can you be sure of getting a nutritious diet at a price you can afford to pay? It may take a little doin&. but it can be done To begin with, learn to dis-| tinguish between good res taurants and poor ones. The good ones are clean, attract ive. with varied menus and friendly service It's a pleas ure to eat there, especially as you become acquainted find a pleasant person, or a number of persons, to eat with you some time, it helps to break the monotony, and tends toward better and more leisurely eating. The main difference be tween home and restaurant eating is that when you eat out you select your food ready cooked instead of in the raw at the supermart. The same principles apply. You can. and should, get your quota of each of the four food groups, just as you do a: home meats, fish and poultry or cheese, or eggs: the dairy group of milk and its products, the vegetable and fruit groups, and the enriched flour-cereal-and bakery-goods group. The restaurant gives you a wider variety than you can have at home, and also al lows every member of the party to have his own pre ferred foods, which he can't 11111111811 THE Hi-Way 601 Drive-la THEATRE SALISBURY, N. C. Frl. & Sat. March IS ft It -u A ¥ nfWJBr W Y&S I \*3ss* Ufc—l faßrnMh Sunday March M .MKHA£LM(£RSQNJR NOW OPEN FBI. SAT. SUN. WINTER SCHEDULE do at home Awl there a* m oishet v> wash. If you eat nfubrilf m restaurants. try different ones from time to time, saw res taurant chefs are just like ham? cooks they tend to cook atongi the same lines move or Jess. If you are a homemaker. cooking three meals a day. you should welcome the «n --vitatian when somebody says, •"Let's eat out," Behavorian scientists are only now confirming what the airlines learned years ago Man cannot sit still for more than five minutes without getting « dry throat or a gnawing appetite. DO ftM7 EYES NEED * UEAffVJt * PASSES ★ PENS * SOLD BY Ea He's Office Supplies Everything for Offic* W. lues Street SALISBURY, N. C. r Pbsturep^ic*^^^^ -..■GDB® MKMomtag BmsaKbrtsss F Don't greet the new day "lackadaisyfcan/M Be brightl Be freshl Be through with morning backache from sleeping on a too soft mattress. Posturepedic can be your get-up-and-go , rn secret Designed in cooperation with leading orthopedic Sf/i if) (J surgeons to give you comfortably firm support it's available T / in 6 sizes: from regular all the way up to 76x80" king size. 9ts £££* limited time offer! eocbra length at no extra oost! Farmer's Hardware & Supply Co. Mocksvik, N. C. A *.* ?" * • ■ IMb* | CH.CJ M IV Army has aiuwmued pisns tt onMiR a number of «ir d?fense IntalliacK to pro vide >o«r-altitude defense to fonrard btnle areas. Each W. J. BARES QMLHY NPfIOLSTERY SHOP LOCATED IHWMJf ITOODLEAF AND COOLEEMEE —O.N HKHWAT Ml PHONE 284-3923—AFTEB S P. M. AlvNtWitoiak aataawr—WH Plrk-TpA DtHrcr (BrspaasMr For AB Mefch»aiin>) PIMW 284-3923 Alter 5 P. M. WANTED MAIRTERARCE FOREMAN Experienced with General Building Maintenance. Familiar with woodworking machinery helpful. Searf reply to: BOX tiS MOCKS VHJUE. X. C- f Page 7 battalia. vO km rm mm, aad wiO be i niilnwi witb the Chaparral pM aM» axwnied cb a arif ptnp^lai vehicle utd the Ska Mito* raaiir Vakan.