11l ■rathms CompAsinJl Yean Swvice - - - Recently, Dewey "Chick" Fowler (left) and Psul E. Fowler (right), brothers, reached an em ployment akHoie villi Ike Erwm M3b Plan m Cooieemee. *Chick"*, who is a member of the Greige Cloth Room Department, began his textfle career with the local plant on Aprfl 10,1933 and Ptel, who works in the Cotton Warehouse Department, began Aortly thereafter on May 27, 1933. Thirty fire yean of con tinuous senrice with the ssme company by brothers who begsn their careersat pialkJy the same time is certainly an oddity as well as being an anrowfJhhment of which they can be proud. Both are to be congratulated for their efforts. HH GE Service Award presented to us for 7th time. -—:—— • - .. - B«»t' »*mLl / bK. \ U id® fli '- • J£*t* * iZjr /. fl| t \ Uifc v jufl - %dI Hi iß^^^^B^M|MßßMHPfffi|BWß^Bß^MßMM^^BH|^^a^E|^B^^ lfc *w ,^fH9|S^^B3^K^2MlH^^^H|&P^^jH ' ■- * ||t .L,„J II- - ,1,,!. • - »« I uinl 3« II ©BICWF 13? VwNXrfl WW®|^f®Jl« OR'-'- : . % r *-v i * v :'• ™ tii T*s£' " * f. '*' You can put your confidence in our Appliance Service Department #%|jPii Recently, we were awarded a certificate of met it for performing out- WB EN standing service on General Electric appliances and televisions in oufc > - '3 sill trading ana- by J: A. Cornatzer, Service Manage* for Walker Martin, fte. j&jß t>rKiVfw& State Distributor of General Electric appliances and television. : wb $f i.(i A V H i;i:vo •"-; .■:■ ; :,- •' - tn 9 »•—. McpaMiHi«iOTiw **—.'■ "•*."* ■■■»•»»«>"' ■ > iiiwiii«>>w ••» CS. 7H WHMMII It ' ' *'. **!,■ u'Jfilc-S Manager Visits Michigan Plants IMmt CMv. Am., it the wrifi first pmat meteorite AMOrS CITGO SERVICE SdUMqr St. at Lexiqgtoa Phone: 634-52 ft NEW CONSTRUCTION 6. B. WEAVER^^ ft SONS IIECTRK CO. Pkm 636-2561 1315 llartfc Mala St. 5