Cooleemee Personals Veach Family Tours Bahamas MR. AND MRS. JOHNNY VEACH and son and Mr. Veach's mother, Mrs. Ruth Veach of Route 4, spent over a week touring Bahama Islands recently. They made the trip especially to visit Mr. and Mrs. Bill Veach who live in Abaco, one of the islands there. Bill is employed by Owens-Illinois and works in their sugar mill. The group also toured the mill. MR AND MRS. STEVEN STROUP, Julie and Sherri of Madison, Ohio were the guests of Mrs. Stroup's aunt, Mrs. Beatrice Shore of Joyner Street, over the weekend. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bean. MISS ANNIE PEARLE TA TUM left on March 11, for a two weeks visit with her nieces and their families, Mrs. Ellen Young of Falls Church, Vir ginia, and Mrs. Janet Daven port of Bryans Road, Maryland. She then went on a nine-day tour to Natchez, Mississippi and New Orleans, Louisiana, with the Moore Tours, Inc. of Char lotte. She left the tour in At lanta, Georgia. Enroute home, she visited her nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tatum at Anniston, Alabama. The end is near. bo get going to your favorite electric appliance dealer Carolinians. Or a frost-free refrigerator f reeZ er that rDuke Power. It s your big chance to get a cleaner- ends the messy chore of defrosting. Or a freezer' that cooking electric range, maybe even one that cleans its lets you buy your favorite foods when thev're on siWial own oven. Or an electric dryer that ends weather wor- and then freeze and serve all vear round Catnh fhL caL> nes, the kind of dryer bought by 96 out of every 100 now. the ■•ST® I 1111 f . i 'sSjfSi« Duke Power S-SGT. AND MRS ROBERT CROTTS and son, Marc, were home the week of March 15-23, visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs. Eugene Crotts and Debbie of Route 4, Mocksville. They made the trip especially to visit Mrs. Amanda Crotts, who has been very ill for several weeks. This was Mrs. Crotts first time to see her wily great grand child. They also visited with Mrs. Eugene Crotts' mother, Mrs. Rosa Harrell of Salisbury, who also saw her great-grand child for the first time. Part of their visit was also spent in Winston-Salem visiting Mrs. Crotts' family, Mrs. Howard E. Butner and children. MR. AND MRS. DELANO McCULLOUGH and family, Greg, Teresa, and Jeff, of Greenville, Tennessee were the weekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Gregory of Pine Ridge Road, and Mrs. Mattie Sue McCullough of Route MR GLENN McDANIEL re turned home from Rowan Me morial Saturday and is much improved after undergoing sur gery last Monday. MR. AND MRS. BUDDY AL EXANDER and son, Mike, and Richard Barber were the week end guests of Mrs. Martha Ann Boyd and son Sam of Erwin. MR. AND MRS. JOHN BAR BER and Ann spent the week end in Dunn, N. C. visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stewart, formerly of Cooieemee. MRS MILDRED PENNING TON and Mrs. Sara Scott of the Charmette Beauty Shop attend ed an all day study course on hair styling on Tuesday. April 7. The classes were conducted by Mr. Louis of Memphis. Tenn. Detailed instructions were giv en on hairstyling and hair cutting. MRS. BEATRICE SIEE and twin sons. Kirk and Scott of Long Island, New York arrived last week for a two weeks visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Ed Johnson of Edgewood Circle. MRS. LILLIE BLAYLOCK is a patient at Davie County Hos pital. WORTH POTTS has been a patient at Davie Hospital for the past two weeks -Cnplaiww. Journal, Wiinnimy, April IS, If7o •••••••••••••••••••••• • Ist Qvality • • Seamless Nyloas • S 3 Pairs For SI.OO £ • Pleie Keif or Mesh sizes B'/;-11 J • Newest Spriej aid Semer Shades. • i P*N i J Departneet Stere J • C°o4«smee Shopping Center £ 5