Farmville Enterprise A. C. MONK. PuiJkhtr. G. A. HOUSE. Editor aiul A. ft. Mgr. Out Dollar lite yew ? In iiv tct. ????*?> - ? Eitetcd io the PoK Of (Ice at Fuua ville, N. C., u second cUm mall mailer. THURSDAY, FEB. 5, 1913. No man ever helped himself knocking other people down in character and business. Il is the boy who attends strict ly to business and makes his em ployer's interests his own, who will make his mark as a business man. The woman who has a home and keeps it well, has no narrow sphere in life. In the home is the hope of the nation and the church. ^ Don't grumble. The moftun fortunate class of people living upon this green earth are the grumblers. They rob home of its joy, society of its dues, and themselves of the be& things of life. Our town is one of the cleaned in the &ate, yet we want to beat the record and there is Aill room for improvements. Get busy, peo ple and clean up any little rub bish that may be around your home. Would it not be well lor par ents who have children attend ing school in the town to take in tercel enough in the schools and their children to visit the schools at lea& one time during the term. At this time of ihe year peo p'e are naturally discussing in their minds the question, where shall we buy our goods? As our answer to this important prob lem we refer them to tbe adver tising columns of this issue. There is many a young man proud of his mother, who would Arike into the du& any man who would insult her, yet who, by his own evil doings and h&d habits is sharpening a dagger to plunge through that mother's heart You can begin to teach a child to take pride in his or her home town very early in life. Explain to them bow it detratfs from the beauty and value" of a town to disfigure its sidewalks by piling cirt on them or marking them up with crayon. ? ? - ? ,.J We are here to give you a newspaper. Our ambition is to let do item escape usl However, we can only be in one place at a time, so if you see an item get ting away from os please capture it and deliver it -at the office and great shall be the reward. The days, weeks and years slip away like water in A runn ing stream. Time'* great clock never loses a moment Relent lessly, surely the moments pass, and our eager hands are notable to detain them. We cannot keep back the flying y<3trs, but we can and should keep the bless ings they bring. Hold fa& to the lessons they have taught Keep the memory of iheir joys. En rich every day of life with tbe garnered wealth of tbe days be hind. ' ?? ' Fakt Newspaper Agea i Chrea Two r?ara. ? ? ? 1 ' ' tr . T. V. Cooper flfcs* C H Cole man alias P. W. Frank, who has been soliciting subscriptions to magazines, LediesHOfOe Journal and SaturdayEreuing palm ing himself off as a mute, there by gettiag the qjrmpathy of tbe subscribers, and failing to turn the money into the head agency was arreted a few days ago in Selena and carried to Wanenton where he was wanted (or trial; convicted and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. It turn* out that he has been going all over the country including Wen dell in his itineracy soliciting1 and obtaining nioney in this manner; that he was arreted and jailed in Baton Rouge, La., as a dangerous and suspicious charader, and confined in the jail there; that he broke jail and has been continuing his work all through North Carolina and oth er States.? Wendell Times. Make Cotton and Tobacco. The experience of years has taught those who have tried it the folly of putting all their eggs in one basket, of placing full de pendence upon any one thing which is susceptib'.e of change, for when the smash comes and the change comes to pas3 they are undone. At a meeting lad week of the Sand Hills Farmers Association held at Wc& End, in Moore County, Mr. Bradford Knapp, of the United States larm demon oration work, was one of the speakers. The subjed of tobac co as a crop was under discus sion and in his address to the farmers Mr. Knapp gave them the sound advice that the mem bers of the association should not depends <00 much upon to bacco or any crop, and empha sized that the principal business of the farmer is the improve ment of the soil, diversity of crops, cultivation of men and in stitutions, and attention to anni mal husbandry. Tharfarmer who depends up on one crop is not a wise farmer. He should consider what has happened to the farmer who de pended solely upon cotton, sole ly upon tobacco. When price3 went down there wis smash for these baskets of eggs. That farmer is wise who keeps his land in fine condition and who diversifies his crops. Tobacco is bringing good prices now, but who cad tell what may happen? Mr. Knapp is doing a real service when he warns the farmers azainft depending upon one crop ?News & Observer. Font's Experiment. The event of interest in the in dustrial-world the pafi week was tbe-wuwHiued revolution in the bushwas methods of the Ford Motor Company. This eoastti ed in raising the minhnum rates of waxes from $2.34 a day to $5 a day, in dividing a gift of $10, 000.000 among its employes, the taking on of a large number of e. tra workmen .and the division of its work hours each, making a continous run of the fa<5tory. Of course Ford gets a tremen dous amount of advertising out of this, and in the final analysis he is expe&ed to make $45,090, 000 in profits where he has been making $20,000,000. This he witl be able to do by the never shut-down plan through ' the eight-hour shift and the increase, in ?Ke number of workmen. The extraordinary success of Henry Ford in the manundun c f auto mobiles has been brought visi bly to the front by this recent de parture. It develops that this company manufadhires one half of the total of 400,000 machines turned out in this cpuntry, the output of the Ford fo&ory have jumped from 75,000 to that figure in a little less than a single year. This success has been attributed entirely to type of motor? 8>is and the territory covered by the salesmen and capacity of pco dutftion. What the industrial and manufacturing world will be mainly intereAed in, however, is the trial of the eight-hoar shift The net remit, it is expeded, will be the amassing of a profit that will more than ju&ily the increase in wages and the distri bution cf the prize money. He will be able to make $190 oo each machine where IphisbMO making $100.-Charlotte Obaer. QUEEREST OF UVINQ THINGS NaturalUU Mava Atlirt Oivan Up TtMlr effort* U Explain Mm Twrtfa and It* Ways. According to Hacdooald, a Bcotch naturalist o| vide repute, the turtlr ia the ilrujjtat of all living thinap and the moat Unfathomable. He M live in the water aa well U oat of it, and can aaemingly go for indefi nite length* of time without air ov food or light He is neither flab nor fleah no* fowl, and yet he haa the character!* tic* of all three. Aa for hi* eating, it eeem* quite superfluous, for he can remain ahut up in a barrel foe a number of week* and emerge at the end of the time apparently none the worse for the lack of food and I light and air. The baby turtle aaeina alio ju*t aa I indifferent to it* aurroundinga a* it* parent* are. A* soon a* it come* forth from ita egg it scuttle* off to the aea. It haa no one to teach or guide it. In it* brain teem* im planted the idea thai until ita armor become* hard it ha* no defenaa againat hungry fiah, and ao it seeka ahelter in gulf weed and feed* un molested until ita armor gets hard. By the time it weighs 26 pounds, which occur* the first year, it knowa that it ia far from all danger, for after that no fiah, however hungry . or well armed with teeth, can inter-] fere. The turtle immediately with- II draws ita head into ita neck between |J the two ahdla, and all intending de- |j rourers struggle in vain to im- {] press it. jj TURNED IT TO PROFIT . -7ZF>' "Wh?t did the gas company d< when your committee complained U them about their poor service V "They made light o f it" - '< WHAT THEY LACKED. Two men on a train were appa* ently old acquaintances, and they were in a jovial mood. Both were gray, but each had a luxuriant head of hair. Near them aat a (tout party with a shining dome that waa almost destitute of hirsute covering. The two friends exchanged face tious ranarka about silver lscks, then indulged in some pleasantries about the "thinning of the thatch," with casual references to doorknobs and billiard balls, much to the amuse ment of the passengers, but to ths evident discomfiture of the bald The talk finally developed into aa argument of the cause of baMims, and after considerable jocularity, the pair tuned to the peariy-ps*sd stranger, and one said: "My friend and I We bean dis cussing the oanse of beldnsas, hut w? can't seem to aspea. Would voa mind telling us what you regard as the real causa of baldness r* Ths stisagas wbidsd sbiat, aye i Us questioners fiercely sad sauted *m? ?? r COAL MINER MCO A HEHO. A hers of ths fit was abcasfHii by a search party in the" fl? ght^ydd mine, when 270 vinttws of the re cent Weiss colliery disaster are still entombed. The uftoui tsached the Pretoria district and fonnd thirty bodies, amongst thsu being a bttle boy and a miner arottad wheeo neclc his arms were stiD dinging. One of the ssaidi part j said ths paritian of 'tiiiWl+i ?swying the hoy, in ? brave attempt] to we hU life, whan he was W MAKM HOME < : ? ? .-Oj .1 Tb? buvafcw who heas number of times they hi the Atlantic should bhriSn^hsj itory of Donald r on Pie stsamehlp Owanic. hasl baeic. It fc estunatod that he hail L->.. - ? A J A/WIAA nUlas am x.% ? A A fl WnHO ?(WV?w ??? OB w? At- I Untie ocean. He made 240 tripel |Vu one **?!, VllETHREE kOADS : :V . TO SUCCESS that have placed our name for RELIABLE GROCERIES at the top of the ladder are before you. When you can get fresh, choice and pure Groceries from US ? why ro elsewhere? and fore Worse? See our FINE GROCERIES to day and yooH deal with us al ways. ' J. A. MIZELL & CO. Pom No. 26 NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD. Route of The "Mlgkt Express" Schedule In Effect Ju. lift. 191*. N. B. The following schedule ? ires published as Information LY and are not guaranteed. lINS leave fap.mville m ?EAST BOUND? 12:34 A. M. Daily Night Ex press for Edentoo, Elizabeth City sod Norfolk. Pullman Sleeping 9:02 A. M. Daily for Washing ion and Norfolk. Coonedta for ill poit'-s North and Wm 6:06 P. M. Daily except Son lay, for Washington ana inter mediate flattens. -WEST BOUND? 3:52 A. M. Daily for Raleigh, ncds to all points South and ft. Pullman Sleeping Car A. M. Daily except Sua _ ioc Raleigh. ; Sfc35 P. M. Daily for Raleigh. II. S. Lcard, K " GenT Passenger Agt W. A. "Witt, Gen'l Superintendent. B?. Norfolk. Va. Hiil l i. i . ? It has been generally commented upon by Grangers visiting this se&ion that ours is a town of comfortable homes and good music. This distinction is gratifying, for where happy homes and music abound, there is marked refinement and general contentmenL ? *v ' "V. ' : ? It is our aim to make every home a home of mftsic, and to accomplish our purpose, we offer theih on the easie& paying terms. : : : Come in and select any Piano, Organ or Victrola in the store, and PAY FOR IT TO SUIT YOURSELF J Joyner Furniture Co. T. E. JOYNER. Mgr. FARMV1LLE, N. C. ?i_j 1 11 1 1 . 1 'I" ' 1 OUR MOTTO. ?IBS 1 wish to announce to ihe judblic that I have located in Farmville and am representing the Consumers' Monument Co., of Ball Ground, Ga. one the largest monument lactones In the South and will be pleased at any time Jte oerve your needs in this line. , v ' ' .1- ^5