Farmville Enterprise A. C. MONK. PuMkher. <;. A. ROUSE, tuiitor an4 Am it. Mgr. One Dollar the yta r ? in aivn.iQC. taka- 10 (lie Pott Offlcc ml Farm vllle, N. C., u tccoad cUm mail ouUter. THURSDAY, I EB. 12. 1913. Man should not be judged by his incomes lax alone. Congress is getting so, it w ill Stand without been hitched. You cannot spell piety with out spelling pity, much less live it. Poor roads are the expensive things that curse a country dis trict The lockilep is to be banished from financial as well as penal in dilutions. One-half of the Washington officeholders wonder how the other half got in. A woman knows her new hat isn't becoming to her because her deareft enemy tells her it is. If Congress will be good and attend ?tri<5tly to business it can have a holiday to enjoy the Four th of July. Goethals for Govern Dr of the Canal Zone and Gorgaa for Sur geon General is a eood ticket for Panama. When you see a womap wear ing a clinging gown it's a sign that she is willing to admit she has a good figure. ft may become necessary to unscramble all those cities that are seeking the New Govern ment regional reserve bank? Bring on your governmental pioblems: while he waits further news from Mexico City the President u running a little short of work. Those 702 pennies given to Children by John D. Rockfeller may come to have great value among coin collector! as rare curiosities. The woman who want* "de vorce made easier", and "mar riage more difficult" muit not have noted the surplus of old maids and grass widows. Miss Margaret Woo J row Wil son's plea for the use of the cchool-house as social ccntere shows that she has inherited a fair share of Papa's brains. Tiger skins are the latent fad in Paris. New York has one it would be willing to dispose of cheaply, but u&'crtunately it is &ill on the Tammany Tiger. Let us applaud the cuilom that compels congressmen to leave their guns outside the Cap itol even though it seriously in terfers with the homicide records of some emotional &atesmen. Woman suffrages in New York ?ate advised to. wear mourning for six month* if they fail to get the vote. The Prom ised saving in dressmaker's bills haa given New York bushands a new incentive for ftubborness. . Have you ever noticed that the averaged man will torn out of the way of a go-cart, with a baby in it, and lift his hat to the proud momma who wheels it with never a murmur, and then and then scowl at a crowd of "society" women 6a their way frosi'mtfettec, who crowd Km off the side walk? -V I President Wilson seems deter mined to leave the progressive parly with nothing much to do, but endorse his wise ads. Have ,'ou noticed that while fanners' toys are flocking to the cities to do clerical drudery at little more than ilaivaiion wages their city employer*, the far sighted business men, are invent ing heavily in farm property? asks the Chicago Drover's Jour nal, and then adds that it feels safe in asserting that more than half of the wealthiest business men of Chicago havc.bought ot are buying farmf. Tlie fad is a significant one for young farmers to bear in mind. It means that while the value of properly is at a low ebb now, the lima will come when much of the beil farm properly will be in the hands of those* who are paying smart country boys $10 per week for ten to fifteen hour counteror desk work per day. BEGINNINGS OF FREE SPEECH En|llah Hout* of Common* Fin* Do llboratlv* Body to JUoort Rlfht ot Dtocuoolon. The Ant legislative body of mod ern times to claim the rights of free speech and free discussion was the English house of commons, which declared in favor of such a right on December 19, in the year 1621. This brave declaration marked a most im portant step towards the liberties of England and of all the world. Prior to' that time the members of the com mons did not dare to criticise the ruling powers. It was this parlia ment which tint formed the court' and country, parties, and which had engagtd in disputes with James I. Eight years. after the declsration of free speech Charles I. dissolved par liament, and it did not meet again for eleven years. In 1640, however, what was callod the "long parlia ment" was convened. It was this house of commons that first attacked the house of lords and voted that the upper chamber was useless and dan gerous to the liberties of the country. The bishops ware also exoltki^d from voting on temporal matters. The house of peers was abolished in 1649, but four years later Cromwell dis solved the long parliament BALD. "He UTi ha alwayr take* hi* wMt kirict." "He'* a no such thing. Look at the top of hit hud." "Perhapa he take* it alter a tfmggie." LOT* OF EXCITEMENT. "Plenty of excitement at the W?ra bat wedding." "80."? ? "Eren the bono threw a shoe." Don't Let Constipa tion Ruin Your Health II Deaden j the Brains and Weakens the Body. Nature Meeds Re al and Harmless Aid b Over come It. Nature does her. best to fight condipation and it* evil t-ffefls. She fights to the la& atom of her Arengh, usually she has to have assistance. To avoid the sluggish brain and weakened body, the sick headache, coated tongue and biliousness, it is unwne to use unpleasant calomel, a medicine so Arong that it leave* moA peo ple "all knocked out.* Don't take chance* with your health. A great number of people have learned tbai Dodson'a Liver Tone (50a) make* oae brighter, heuliheir and happier in a per fe<ftly easy and natural way, with no pain nor gripe and no bad after effedi. ). M. Wheless guarantee* it without oonditipn and will re fund purchase price if you are not entirely satisfied. Dodson's Liver Tone is a absolutely safe pleasant taAing vegetable liquid and a wonderful liver Aim ul ant which take* the place of calomel but be sure you get Dodson'a. ? ? 'v' , j Imi/fflONAfc SUNMTSWL Lesson j 1 if K. O. OKLL.KVIS. Dlwtur of Kvatm* j &? Moody Biblw In?Utttt% i LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 16. { CHRIST'S HATRRO OP SHAM lb j UIBBON TBXT-Luka UJ7-M. QOLJ3KN TEXT-"B? Ml <S*crlrt4; Qo4 is not motktd.-- <M. 1:1. ^ Thla la a (trmng* bruUut *p! (to "din*" miiM literally, to bi taat). Jmui accepted tires Imitation* from the Pharisees *? accu**d of being a glutton and win* bibber, Matt IMS; Luke 7: l?, 44. Ia tkls Instance we are told plainly (v. M) why be bad been alM to thla feaat At a later time, o.'?2, during the P anion week, Jesus deliv ered a special discourse against th* Pharlseee (Matt 21) In which he re peated many of the thlnga we study today. it Muet Be Clean. ' i I- hi* vs. True cleansing (vv. ltd 44). The orthodox Jaw la very puno- 1 tlUone to avoid ceremonial uncleemtt^l naaa. In Chrlit'a time thla ctrer allam waa at lta highest derelo; To be denied waa far worae than to morally unclean. Thla Pharlae* "i veled" that Jeeus waa not like' concerned with hla outward acta (V. M. a* alio Malt. 23:25, 14). To hatful a dean cup and platter waa mora ln> port ant thai to have a clean heart/ In a fragment of Ooapel found at Oxyrhyncua, Jaaua la reputed to hare aald to a Phartaae: "Tho* hast waahed In water* wherein dog* ?win* have been cast, and wiped outalde akin Which al*o anoint and beautify, but within are full of acorptoa* and all n***. But I have been dipped In water* of eternal life which from the throne of Ood." Ploua ten, preaented la pride, muat be iw wardly purified. Jeeu* pronouncea three ' woer," grtafe that like an avenging n?iaa*ls hang over man of *uch a character. (1) A "woe" agalnat thoae who mat1* a a how of tithing the common tarda* mint and herb* and at the same time avoid the weightier matter* of Jiut r? latlon* to their fellow man and to Ood (v. 41). We are not to lect our church! jr dutlea a( all theaa cannot be eubaUtated rlghteovaneae (tea Mlcha ?:!). (f A "woe" against thoae who love place* of proomlaene* (?. 41, of. 13:6. 7). Thla iplrit ha* not from th* church after a lap** of Mules. Zt la anckrlatlan, unckrlatUka. The great one must bo the **rvant of all (Matt. 11:11, 10:11, John 11:14, IS. Phil. 1:6-8). (1) (t. 41), The third "woe" U directed afialnst hypocrisy. To touch a grave waa to b*eom* a? clean, and hence tfcay war* white washed to give men warmlag. Many Christian* are without beautiful to be* hold, yet within full of dead mea'a boo** and aH manner of nnn'a*nll*na* The Throe Wo**. EL Baal v*. Sham Llvaa (tt. 4t (4). The lawyer* w*r* tho tUeoioclane, the expounder* of th* Moaale law. Ev Ideally the worda of Jeeus produced great conviction. The word " ear (t. 41) means "to ee treat spllo-| tally," and the probablUtlae are thai ho epok* to J**a* aa If to rebate htia. Inn* at one* pronounce* thro* wool upon him and hts class. (? A 'W1] because they laid burdens upon other* which they th*aa*lvo* weald not ova* touch with oae of their On*er* (Matt 11:4). That Is, they addaC to the law minute and troubt*oo?M detail* vhtch they dedarad to be nor* 1? portant than th* taw Haaif. (I) (t. 41) a "woo" la pruouaatad upoa ' them for haaoriag the dead prof' and at the seme time rejienag p*r**uiUng the** that wara Uvlaf. To hoaor daad teacher*, to prate* the prophets of the part, thoae Whom w* csnno* *adar* whllo living, la a foi-m of hypoerlay which coot* tat Uttle. lt ImpUr* that had thoy Urad la the day* of their father* thMr aoadaot would have boea Indifferent, yet they an with, the living prophet*, following the a?| ampia of 'hetr father*. Ood foresaw this (r. 41) aad th? faithful minister of hi* word mast expect a Hke treat ment (Mk. 14:14, U). ($> (V. 11) Tho third "woe" was proaouao*4 agalast I thoae religious teach *r* ' the k*y kuaalidg*. th*r neither entered thecaealrea nor would they allow oth*r* to aatar; "y* *ntar not la ytmr**lT*a, neither aaCer y? them that are aatartaf la lo enter." (Matt. 11:11, Am. St.). Thaee law yer*. theologian*, wara protaaaadly M> I torproter* of th* taw. that taw whtafe I THE THREE ROADS TO SUCCESS that have plated our name for RELIABLE GROCERIES at the top of ihe ladder are before you. When you can get fresh, choice and pure Groceries from US why go else where ? a nd fare Worse? See our FINE GROCERIES to day and you'll deal with us al ways. J. A. MIZELL & CO. Pone No. 26 NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD. I Roife of The "Nlgkl Express" Sthedult la Effect /in. 11 lb, 191*. N. B. The following schedule figures published is information ONLY and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE FARMVILtE -EAST BOUND? 12:34 A. M. Daily Night Ex press for Eden ton, Elizabeth City and NorfoiJc. Pullman Sleeping Car. 9:02 A. M. Daily for Washing ton and Norfolk. Conned a for all points North and W aft. 6:06 P. M. Daily except Son day, for Washington and inter mediate Nations. ?WEST BOUND 3:52 A. M. Daily for Raleigh. Connedls to all points South and WeA. Pullman Sleeping Car ?Mrvice. 829 A. M. Dally except Sun day for Raleigh. M5 P. M. Daily for Raleigh. H. S. Lcard, Gen'l Passenger Agt. W. A. Witt, Gen'l Superintendent Norfolk, Va. ? It has been generally commented upon by Grangers visiting this sedtioo ? that ours is a town of comfortable homes and good music. .. This distinction is gratifying, {or where happy home* and music - abound, there is marked refinement and general contentment. It is our aim to make every home ? home of pnuic, and to accomplish our purpose, w? of far them on the eaaieft paying terms. : : ' Come in and select any Piano, Organ or Victrola in the ?tore. and PAY FOR IT TO SUIT YOURSELF ; ? | - ? | Joyner Furniture Co. T. E. JOYNER. Mgr. FARMVILLE, N. C {?''a Our line of Heavy and Fancy Groceries is now the fresheft to be had tad to complete in every way. We carry only the be? and can supply your every want. ? Remember friendsour terms afe cask, and for you to get our prompt attrition and bedk prices, aa you expect, your accounts mult be paid promptly. J >. 'i J . Farmville, - ' L - ft. Caraitaa ? ii ? i ; I ^ ? ? ? ? Announcement! ? ? . ? . ' , I wish Jo announce to the public that I have located in Farmville and am representing the Consumers' Monument Co.. of Ball Ground. Ga. one the largest monument (actorifeinthe South and will be pleased at any time |> serve your needs in this line. ; > >

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