THl FAKMVILLt MARKET Prlcti Cur Merchants are Offering for What Iht Farmer Raises.- Pit' pared Br T. l. Be W. I. Tumage. Butter 30 EkK? 20 Poas 2.25 Country Hams 20 Shoulder* 15 Bacon 12 1-2 Strict middling Cotton 12 14 Middling 12 1 8 Ask J. T. when tweet Magno lia's bloom. Mr. CB. Townsend spent a few day* in Wilson this week. Mr. G. M. Holden paid Stan tonburg a businew visit Wednes ? day. Miss Cora Jones, of Snow Hill visited freinds in Farmville this I week" Mrs. E. C. Beaman entertained the Msgaz. e Club Wednesday afternoon. ^ Dr. J. E. Wooten, of Greenville spent a few hours in Farmville I Wednesday. Mrs. D. II. Dixon, of Goldt-1 boro, is visiting her brother, Dr. I J&s E. Patrick. j Mr. W. C Thomas, of Green ville, paid Farmville a business visit Thursday. Mr. Z. V. Jenkins, oJ Rocky Mount, paid Farmville a busi ness visit Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Morrow, of Raleigh, were guests at Hotel . Davis a few days this week. Messrs, A." M. Moseley and C. C. Vines, of. Greenville, were visitors in Farmville Wednesday. For Sale? Egg settings of 15, White Orpington, "the laying kind." $1.00 per setting.? Dr. Jaa. I E. Patrick. Note the change in, the adver tisements of Beamon & Monk Bros., Bank of Farmville and Joyner Furniture Co., in this it sue. Mesdames G. A. Rotise and G. M. Holden went to Snow Hill Wednesday to spend a few days w ith their mother, who is feeble] in health. Qlute a number of our towns I people went to Raleigh la& Fri I day night to hear Metba and! Kubelik. They report time and 1 money well spent I Mrs. Robert Parrott and Miss Mable King, of Goldsboro, after a week's visit to Mrs. Alice King of this city, returned home Thursday evening. Femember the special K. of P. sermon at this: Chriilian church I Sunday morning of this wcckl and go out and learn something of the principals of this noble or ganisation. 1 ' LoA? Buggy blanket Saturday | night between my honpe and FaimvillS* Description: Red on ode side and green on the ?0m* V. Finder will phase return and re ceive reward.? A. J. Moye. j5 I Manager Guy ton of the Busy] Bee Cafe, Aates thst he is now now ready lor business, and from now on the Busy Bee will be the > moft inviting place for ladies . ttjjand gentlemen desiring unex * called service. Among those of FartnvUle r!p?#ho ottended the Viverett Sav ag^wtdding at Speed Wednes were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Warren, Mire- Eleanor Warren, Mrs. J. L ehttklefoid, Mrs. C. & Rountiee and Mr. Pre&on Murphy. Right Rev. J. H. Griffieth, oi Kindon, toraer re^lor of the Episcopal church in Farmville, will oondudt service here in the above named church Sunday ?? night Feb. 22nd. The public is * ; especially invited to hear him. I See Mr. Rufus Rollins, and pay him your subscription to the Enterpiise for another year. You will not only be doing us a great (avor, but will also help him. He will gladly give you a receipt for all due as well as for your re newal. All Coat Suits and Cloaks at co&? Mrs. J. Wells Smith. Mr. McD. Horton and Dr. Paul E. Jones left Wednesday afternoon for Washington, D. C., to attend the celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of Knights of Pythias; the" occasion being; known by Pythians as the Golden Jubilee. Fpr Sole? Pure Bred Buff and While Orpirgton eggs. 15 for $1.00? J. H. Harris. All members of K. of P. are reqeiled to meet in |be Lodge J room at 10*30 o'clock Sunday .morning and go in a body to the Christian church where a spec ial sermon will be delivered, on the principals of the order. "Fhls week is the fiftieth anniversary of the K. of P. Lodge. You can get a Bargain in ? Suit or Long Coat at Mrs. J.We'.s Smith. Mr. Marcellus Smith, of near Kinjp Cross Roads, had the ml* hone becoming frightened, and badly bruised op. We are glad to Sate however, that his injuries arc -not considered ; serious and ftatin a few days he is expetfed to be alright ogain. The Southern Express Co, has recently rented arid moved its place of business from the two railroad Nations to one ol the Sores in the Tumnge build ing on Main Sreet Mr. J. B Moore, Jr., formerly or Rurgaw, ; hay been put in chaw of same He^tttfiU express Witt bc^ac town office. Mr. John Moore is confincd over Pollard's drug Sore with Sm?ll Pox. This is the only case of this dreaded disease that is known of in this seSion, and it it to be hoped it will be the only one. A large number of our clt iiens, however, ate taking no chances and have kept local phy sicians busy doing the vaccina ting Sunt It will be "Oh, my arm" in n few days. Women Find This is Better Than Cal omel 1 - t Miaf Mothers and Witts Hare Leaned That Dodson's Utter Teat Is a Fine Remedy For ConsUpa iha. T-1 ? ?'??:< ] J. M. Wheless will tell you that it takes the women to real ize the merit* of a new remedy for constipation and biliousness quickly and surely, whether it is for themselves or someone else Inhere are today a great num ber of households in which Dod son's Liver Tone has come to take the place of dangerous cal omel as well as all 'other reme dies for such ailments and when an atmosphere of health and hftppiufess now prevails. . Dodson's liver Tooic is uncon dUfooaDy guaranteed by J. M. Wheless, to be a safe liver reme dy and regulator, absolutely harmless and with no bad after- . effeds sach as are liable with calomeL Dodson's is a pleasant taiOins vegetable liquid and clears the aching head and suffering body with to pain nor gripe. So perfetf a remedy has Dod son's Liver Tone proved to be that your druggiit will refund the purchase price (50c.) infant ly without quetfion if you <L They by Dod -i E""?swwwaesawaEaeasape?BsgiJSSjau.. . . r- ? DOLL IS OLDEST HUMAN TOY of Children M?nllor?d In Um m ..II ?.i Ill>ta?lr?l mr it m -| A KtUiiltu ?? AlW^MIfa Tho era of reform haa reached tbe doli, than which we can conceit* of no better or longer established institution. DolU were known in incient Egypt and Alia Minor; the children of Greece and Borne re joiced in them. The nine-year-old ?rlfo of Mahomet ia aaid to hare in luefld her prophet-epouee to join Htr in play with a favorite doll. The natives of Africa have long cherished ; them. CortM found Montepima and iiia court amusing themselves With elaborate ' dolls and the Indiana of North America and tho Esjumo of Alaska are credited with haying poa seseed this toy from time* unknown. The modern doll of civilization has undergone an intereating erolu tlon, both aa to material and con struction ; but it ia only re<yntly that we have witnessed the passing of the expressionless face of waxen beauty and the appearance of what the ad Tertiaementi call "character dolls." Now we havs dolls that are quixxi-: cal, dolls that are impertinent This.1 age-old and universal toy ia being humanised. The caricaturist ia at work on it, and there ia nothing in || art more human than the caricature. Even the hands, .that so long had bat one attitude, are now being made to convey a hint of mood or a sug gestion of animation. It ia an in $5?&5t?S? & for yourself in the toy department OF COURSE NOT ' Pint Critic ? She'll aerer make i success ia grand opera. * Second Critio ? Why not? Hot Critio? You can undentam wry word (he sings . mtANW MONUMENT TO WICK. Projecting from the wall of i hiouae overhanging the lake of Thun in SwHaarlaad, may be teen the boi of a small rowing boat, with thi name Petronella painted upon It The wife of the owner of the hou? m drowned from till* boat whilt rowing on the lake. Her huabaml m a memorial to bi! wife, to bnild the boat into his home The room destined to contain it however, prored too short for thi whole length of the boat, and thi bow project! from the wall, jnai be neeih the balcony. The hoaae ii eloae by one of the ataamboat pier* and the tm&eoo on table appearance o) this strange memorial excites read curiosity among the psssengsn o i the steamer*. GiTTINQ BEFORE THE PUBLIC. ? ? - "That rode person had the aarar am to aay that they nerer rest your boois," said the admirer. "I shall spralr to the publisher about It," replied the author, com plaoently. "He will insist on adrer rising my wtwka ia tha literary col umna indeed of. na to eportity ORUEL ONK Z;. . "What's tha unusual sigh! jWtereraawr "A^oc^on the^street without i Muoella ? Peroiral bluahee orerj Ime he opena his watch. ? vT Warerly? PU bet t)*M fa a worn ?a ia tha ?ml ? ! r Lots For Sale. I Five rood residence lots in Norfolk Highlands, on car line, nenr Indian River Parlr. Sell Cheap for cash or installments. ! Dr. James E. Patrick. Report of the condition of the BANK, of FOUNTAIN at Fountain, N. C., at tlM close of business Jan. 31 RESOURCES ' HM and Dlscoants ) 31?5C?I erdralls, . 311 71 C. State Bondi, 4'. 1,5*.' nklni House, $ $71.76 & Fixtures, 1.868.% 2.44S.7I Bank* & Bankers 9,80.14 is 264.68 ooin - 249. r Cola, iocladloc >11 minor cola currency 1,052.72 Natlnul bank & other U.S. note* 976. Ml ? 4M4ij?0 LIABILITIES ?' J? Slock paid lt< $ 12,350. _J Fund 1,500. Irided proflls, lest cur *1 expenses R taxes paid 1,201.60 ?"ends unpaid 57.00 Certificates ol Deposit 9,284.41 ?Its ?obJ??l to check 23,700.19 era checks outflnndlne 152.00 Tolsl S 48,245.9f Stale of North Corollas, County ol P*Ussi i 1, K. T. Woolen, cashier of the above nimtd bank, do solemnly swear that the sboro Alternant It I rue to the befl ot my knowledge and belief. K. T. WOOTEN, Ca?hlcr. Subscribed and sworn to before me, ihii 21th day of Jsn. 1914. A. C. OWENS, Notary Public. My commission expires Dec. 31, 1914. CejrwS? Atlcil: R. A. FOUNTAIN R. L. IttFFERSOH ?EL- C. W. JEFFERSON DiretAora >" ' ' ' JUST ARRIVED ' ' 'i'd^k tz Ju^t the latent and be^t things in furniture and house furnishings. We invite you to copie and see the beautiful line ju^l received. Each V ? m \ . f peice is a beauty to itself. We will take pleasure in showing you. HTHE PROVERBIAL "rainy day" holds no ter rors for the family circle whose bulwark of protection is a BANK BOOK. | . Sad, pinched faces and, haunted looks have no place there? comfort and happiness reign supreme. You can well afford to deposit a little in this bank every pay day? all that's needed is the . y determination (d begin. ^n-the, ice is "v ontebt^'a eaay sailing and you'll be astonished how rapidly your swings will grow THE BANK OF FARMVILLE FARMVILLE, N. C. * ? ?

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