T he boys had their fun today snow balling. Miss Ella May Karrett, ol Ahotkie, is visiting Mrs. T. E. Jo>'ncr this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Parker were Snow Hill visitors Mon day and Tuesday. The Home Life Insurance Co. 1 ai a message for you elsewhere on this page. Read it. A young man arrived at the Iiopie of Mr*. S. M. Pollard this week to reside permantly. Mrs. Charlie Joy ner, of Balti more, Md., spent a few days here recently visiting Mrs. Paul E. ? Jones. Messrs A. C. Bynum J. T. Dix on and R. A. Fields have been attending court at Snow Hill this week. Attorney E. M. Cox, and Mr. G. M. Shirley were Snow Hill visitors a few days tbis week; attending court Her many friends and relatives are glad to learn that Mrs. Allie A. Joyner, who was critically ill lasft week, is convalescing. Mrs. I. B. Bailey and daugh ter, little Miss Kate Jarvis, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Bailey's parents in Plymouth this week. Mr. E. L. Barrett returned to day from Baltimore aad other r.orthern markets where he pur chased his spring and summer millinery. Read the article on the laS rage of this issue. Every map that has the future of bis family at heart should carefully read c very word of it. Mr. Wilkerson, of itmporia, Va., an experienced furniture s. desman, arrived here la& week and has accepted a position with Bof.man & Monk Bros. Read the advertisement of the llub Hardware Co., in this issue. They will have n special demon stration and sale of Great Ma ji?Uc Ranges next week. Mr. B. S, Smith returned Thursday night from Richmond Va., with a car? load of fancy horses and mule;, and he invites j ou to call and see them. Sow more seed on your tobac co beds. You can get Ihem with the New Farmville Warehouse's ccmplimcnts by calling' at Par ker and Newton's drugstore. Those of our tobacco growers who want more seed for theit beds can secure same by calling at Parker & Newton's drug store They are furnished free by the New Farmville Warehouse. .. Tfie special Knights of Pythias r- serviced the Christian church Sunday morning was highly en jdyed by all who attended. The services were conduced by Rev. C. B. Masbburn. The special song service was also much en joyed. Her many friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. C. R Mash burn who was taken to the Wil son hospital Thursday for an operation for appendicitis/ flood the operation fine, and is getting along as nicely as could be ex .peded. Doh't fail to cune to Farm ville Tuesday, March 3rd, if you are a little hungry lor a good laugh at a small figui*;. Stone & Mauty's big spectacular shows wilt give 1wo performances here on that date, afternoon and night inhibition on show ground i and 740 p. m. All new and the greateA goats, elephants I tho beft lady and 1 with a hoA {Sand ideas, don't Mafler John Bert, tbe youngest cop of Mr. and Mr*. J. Stanley Smith was very painfully burn ed Thursday morning. It teems that tbe little fellow whs in the kitchen, and, n? he has probably seen tbe cook do, took the oil raq and poured some in the fire to make it burn better, the flames setting fire to his clothing. Mr*. Smith heard his screams and got to him in time to save him from serious injury or death, however the litlte fellow received, some very bad burns. Slock Holders Meeting. The subscribed ^lock-holders of tbe Building and Loan Asso ciation for Farmville are requeu ed to meet in the Town Hall Wednesday night, March 3rd, to perfell plans for operation. There are so far subscribed a total of 656 shares, and . others are expeded to come in. Go to the meeting Wednesday night prepared to pay your initiatory fee of 25c on each share subscri bed. Menial at Males lit Demonstration al Hub Hardware Co's Next Week. Wednesday:? How to make any kind of cake icing you wanf in a minute and a half. Thursday? How to bake a bis cuit that will keep fresh for a week. " Friday? How to broif flake, never have any tough flake. For Sale? Pure Bred Buff and White Orpington eggs. 15 for fl.OO-J. H. Harris. For Suit? 1>*K sellings of 15 Wliite OrpiogtoD, "the laying kind." $1.00 per setting.? Dr. J as. E. Patrick. For Sale? I have four or five young Single cone, White Lee horn Roosters yet for sale. If you want one, . .3 quick.? L. W, Godwin, Farmville, N. C. Loft? Buggy blanket Saturday night between my home and Farmville. Description: Red on one side and green on the other. Finder will please return and re ceive rewari? A. J. Moye. ? The "Home Lite"! The fifty-fourth annual statement of the Home Life Insurance C o m p a n y, of which GEORGE E. IDE is president, shows sub stantial progress along conservative lines. Assets increased during the year to more than $29,6M,Mt. after paying to policy-holders nearly $3,MO,OM, including .tsiMtt (in dividends). . - The insurance in force is more than S116.M0.M0, being an increase during ' year of nearly $5,750,000. H. L. HUMPHREY, Gen. Agt. FARMVILLE, N. C. THE FIRST OF THE SEASON. Stone & Maury's Spectacular Show will exhibit at Farmville, Tuesday, March, 3rd A High -class Vaudeville and Trained Annimal Show. A clean, moral and refined show for men, ladles and children. Trained annimals that do everything but talk. The berft lady and gentlemen performers, an army of the funnlerft clowns. Fine Bands of Music. Positively the greatest feature a efts ever seen. Don't miss the BIG FREE outside exhibition on show grown at 1 and 7 p. m. Lar tern* Strong Durable ftiitfrtwfc Give steady, bright light Easy to light Easy to clean and re wick. Don't smoke. Don't blow out , in the wind. Don't leak. STANDARD OIL COMPANY u -_-4 SIM Reward, $100 rs of this paper will bo arn that there l.?i at least ono 5~oo that sclcnco l.a:? bcrn In all 1 la stages, and that is Catcrrh. Ur.U's UUrrli euro I ? lijo only pcslUvo euro aor/ Lnown to tl?a mediec.1 fraternity. Catcrrh bciarr a constitutional dircasc, require 3 a constitutional treat ment. Hairs Catarrh Cure l.i ti!:cn In tcrnalty, r acting directly upen tl:a blood ?cd tnucous surfaces cf tho ?7atc:n. thrre* L by destroying tho foundation cf the di-> co39. and g.vlng- t':o patient ctrenstli by bnildin* up the constitution and ncslatlng tosturs In doing Its work. Tho proprietors hare so much faith In Its curative paw ns that they oner Ono Hundred Dcllara ?M spy elea thst l>. f^lla l) cure. fiend |UraHr. J. SIUIIya CO., TUcdo, Ohio, fitt tar fill Drn-rrlafn, C-*. . nits IlairsraoUy Ti'Ulcr oxia-tlpfttloa. - NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ' Having; qualified as Adminis trator of John Windham, deceas ed, late of Pitt County, North (parolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims oginst the estate of the said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned Within twelve months from this date, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said esfate will please make imme diate payment. Tins Januaiy 21st, 1914. . B. M. LEWIS, Admr. r, (j. James & Son, Attys. A SOLID CAR OF FURNITURE JUST ARRIVED. Ju^l the latent and be^t things in furniture and house furnishings. We invite you to come and see the beautiful line ju^t received. Each peice is a beauty to itself. We will take pleasure in showing you. Beaman & Monk Bros, The Big Store, - - Farmville, N. C. '"THE PROVERBIAL "rainy day" holds no ter rors for the family circle whose bulwark of protedtion is a BANK BOOK. Sad, pinched faces and haunted looks have no place there? comfort and happiness reign supreme. You can well afford to deposit a little in this bank every pay day? all that's needed is the determination to begin. When the ice is once broken, it's easy sailing and you'll be astonished how rapidly your savings will grow THE BANK OF FARMV1LLE FARMV1LLE, N. C. GET A ' \ FOR .* EASTER ??? ? J. TURNAGE CO.

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