Farmville Enterprise A. C. MONK. Publisher. O. A. ROUSE. Editor and AVft. Mgr. One Dollar Ihi y??r? In adul ter. THURSDAY, MAR. 19. 1913 A HELP TO FARMVILLE. The^aore we learn of the Home Life Insurance Co., of which our .hustling and enter prising young business man Mr. H. L. Humphrey is General Agent, the more we commend it 1 to our communty and the ^lale. We have ju& learned that the i Hank of Farmville, of this city, has been designated as the Com i pany's depository in the ?iat^ of i North Carolina, and that all pre- i miums are colle<5icd at the Farm ville office which are deposited to the Company's crcdit in the Bank of Farmville by their Agen cy Cashier, Miss C. I. Deal, whosv office is ulso in fhis city. By this adion of the Home Life Insurance Co., it shows to the outside world that entire confidence can be put in our lo- i cal banks. The "Home Life" deserves our ! loyal support, as it shows by its i action it is willing lo help build up our town and community by designating our local bank as 1 the depository for the entire dlate. 4. ' There are few towns where the stores present a more pleas ing appearance of (heir respec tive places of business amf such pride is certainly commendable. Tliat is not all. They carry uooil, clean blocks, for fair deal i >g draws n splendid patronage frpm the surrounding territory. We olten wonder if we fully appreciate our hojne' county, settled as it- is- with - an honest, thrifty people, arid our progres si ye little cily steaming with en terprise and hospitality.- We can truly say with the psalmiif "the lines are falUn unto me in pleas ant places; yes, I have a goodly ' heritage" Mr. Redden A. Morgan, who lived at the Dr. Bynum place near Farmville, died latf Sunday ; after an illness of some time, - and was buried Monday in the family burial gfound. The ser vice were conducted by Rev. H. E. Lance of the Methodiii church in the presence of a large crowd of sorrowing; relatives and friends. We arc pleased to Aate that t*ie Oxford .Orphanage Singing Class will give one their ever pleating entertainments in the Town Hall 'at Fountain Friday of next week, March 27tbi at 7-30 p. m. Everyone that can possibly do so should go to hear ! these children. You will not I only enjoy ihe occasion but at the same time be contributing to one ql-ibt lea and mo? worthy causes in the State. Our line of spring and summer men? women Let us show you.? D. F. & R. O. Lang. . Constipation May Cause Appendicitis It Pays to Be Watchful and Cartful Dodson's Uver Tome is Jtecom mended and Guaranteed. ? I In a number of cases it ha9 seemed that appenditis has re sulted from chronic constipation. Hence it is well to be careful and keep the sySlem in as good working: order as possible, for if you never suffer from constipa tion you are likely tolessenyour liability to other complications and troubles. Hut that docs not me?n that it is wise for you to use calomel, a poison that Slays in the syStem and often leaves bad effects be hind it, even after you may have appeared to be benefited tempo rary. As a matter of fad, calo mel is exceedingly dangerous to many people, perhaps to you. So it is juSt as well not to take chances. For ConSlipation, biliousness, liver complain), sick headache, etc.. Dod ton's Liver Tone Is guaranteed by J. M. Wholes* who will cheerfully refund pur. chase price (50.) in&antly to yotf in the event that it fails to give complete satisfaction. Dodson's Liver Tone isa vege table liquid, perfectly harmless, easy to take on highly effective without pain, ache or gripe and leaving no bad after-effects. It assists nature and builds you up inrflead of weakening you. So many people have been immen sely benefited by this good rem edy its' worth your looking into at once. Make no miilake? ask for Dodson's Liver Tone, (adv.) For Sale? A gentle and good farm and road horse, 4 1-2 year* old and weighs 1,050 lbs. Will work anywhere. For pricc and terms write or see B. F. CaiT, with D. F. & R. O. Lang, Fatm ville, N. C. For Sale? 14 Poland China and Mammoth Cross rf~* it 10c. Averaging 60 lbs.? W. li Flana gan, Farmville, N. C. * * ? "Groceries of Quality" OUR MOTTO. Oar line of Heavy and Fancy Groceries is now the fresherft to be had and is complete in every way. We carry only the beft and can supply your every want. Remember iriends our terms are cash, and for you to get our prompt attention and bed) ibices, as you expedt, your accounts muit be paid promptly. Rasberry & Thome, 1 ?> Farmvllle, iVr (tjr1 1 It Always Helps ??? O? ? ?_ ti*- ? - jSliB ? -?*i "y? Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., In writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman's tonic She says further: 'Before I began to use would hurt so bad, I I w*a k.^11.. AutA Cardui, my back and 'h'ead ?v thought the pain would kill me. ^ ? r 1 a uv as well as run a big water milL 1 wish every wonuui would give CARDUI The Woman's Tonic & . trial. I stilt use Cardui when I feel a Utile bwl, and it always does me good." Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cartful, the woman's tonic. You cannot make a mistake in tryinz Cardul for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Today! *jm t x % 1 1 1 1 i i : > ! ? THE HOUSEWIFE takes more pride in the equipment of her dln ing room, than the average man can realize. To her surroundings must suggest comfort and neatness, for generally, it is her living room, and the furniture must be in keeping. ' - - f " A new consignment of Dining Room furniture just received, will interest you. It includes numerom new ideas that will be sure to offer suggestions in home fumbbim. Itindades: Dining Tables, Bullets, Servict Tables, China Closets, Chairs, Etc., Etc. All 01 The Most Worthy Quality, And At Lett Prices. ! Joyner FurniM Co. T. E. JOYNER, Mgr. <- ' FARMV1LLE, N. C* oil Want fbe PrctHc#*1 And You Should Begin About Piques Lawns AND THE OUR UNE BEFORE BUYING. GENERAL MERCHANTS N. C. ? THE NUT CLUB If the Earth1# Rotation Dfljwrtt on You, Join Today. ONE HOUR MCfteYoU \M &MO<5r,MA??5 i amy More d~JteM Iwr MWee?;|l UuRtaarpoO; i >WtlO^BliT ^w-asTi* rTevi would hWi" L-qVtt plaTimo it NE*TDAV rJ0t CohPLihkITS SiU. 2 ? Yoo u. U bun* v?etcoM? . || I T5 SPEND ^OOft 30 0/US < V!1 ^AT'-meHirrcLUBV tWTfcifitt &*fS