FARMVTLLB, PITT OO CAROLINA, APRIL 16, 1914 It Pays To Advertise Tlirough The Column* of The Fannville Enterprise IT REACHES - THE PEOPLE ?4* A. C. MONK. Publisher. VOL. IV Merchants I Get Wise Let Us Write You an Ad. and we'll open your eyes WITH INCREASED BUSINESS G. A. ROUSE, Editor. FARMVTLLE LODGE, No, 218 K. of P. Meets Every Thursday Night in their Hall in Horton Bldg. Visiting Brothers Welcome FARMVTLLF. LODGE I. O. O. F. Ko. 373. Meets cvor> Monday night in K. of 'P. hull in the Horton Build ing. All visiting Brothers wel HuMorc 13 : PHONES s. Office 49 OR. H. P. MOSELEY FARMVILLE, N. C. Office oil Main Street. f Residence with W. M. Lang. MISSLALAISLEY couifty sum ES. M. cox Attorney-at-I^w .f ARMVJLLft^N. CAROLINA Ottlc* ovtr Citizens Bank Wbtram Scnlcet ?re Dtiired. Saedil at ?ci?nc? h&a been *?? to cute lu oil Its itaiu, and that la Catarrh. Hell's CatarrhCura la tha only poaltlva cura nor/ known to tha medical fraternity. Catarrh twin* a constitutional r^ulrc. a constitutional treat Ha'.ra Catarrh Curo la taken In ternally, acting directly upon the blood rjrf*c?? of the system. there by deatrcylr.r t>.o foundation of tha dlr and f.vlng the patient strength by bulldln* up tho constitution and ??-'?Hnr Pu. -r? ?n Zzlag Its worlc The proprietor* have so much faith In lta curitlve p