Farmville Enterprise | A. C. MONK. Publisher. O. A. ROUSE. Editor will A>?. Mgr. One Dollar tht year? In Entered la the Fo?t Office at Farm* vllle, N. C., u Mcoad clut mill matter. THURSDAY. APR. 30. 1914 TESTIMONY IN CASE OF STATE VS. POLLRAD. (continued from 14) page) week that Smith was going to kill him. Names of men furnish ing information J. L. Burnette, J. W. Moore and Monroe Cam eron. Smith had made persona] treat Saturday before. Pollard was in barber shop and Askew usked how hog case was com ing on. Pollard said that Cox was getting up, something, but that if be proved all he knew about Cox that he would have his license. Cox came in and told Pollard he wanted to see him. Asked Pollard what he had bee& saying about him. Pol lard said that Smith had told him (Cox) Smith said yes and be was man enough to back it I up. He claims that Smith cursed ? him and tain rm l?'d him that he would give him five dollars to bring Yelverton down there. Pollard told him that he bad bet ter bring him 17.50 on a note he bad colleded for him. Cox call ed him a damn liar, Pollard got up; Smith grabbed him by arm and carried him out. Pollard told him he had treated him wiong. Smith told him if he did n't go home he would kill him. Saturday afternoon at 1:30, came back home at 5 o'clock, Back to -)l 8uW a:>J remain ed a few minutes after shcotiug Went heme and tokl his wife what had happened. After this, court took a rccess until 9:30 this morning? Saturday. This rtoruinjj'a session of convened at 9:30 nnd the de fendant, S. M. Pollard, took the fT||nintiliflw Kf the pn*^niW? ThIiTvM finisb ed shortly after 12 o'clock and immediately following this came the next witness for the defense. Vance Belcher, who testified that he had known Pollard for several years and that be bed known Smith for about the same length of time. That he bad heard of the trouble between Smith end Pollard at the barber shop on Saturday night, Jan 10th. That on Sundp.y Jan. 11th in the presence of Mrs. J. P. Taylor Smith told him that be gave Pollard a damn decent curs-, ing the night before and that Pol lard had cold feet and woudn't resent it. Was in baber shop at time of shooting and some said to go in drug uqtc. That, upon arriving there, he found Pollatd and Smith clinched. Pollard bold ing the breach p< a pictol and Smith the barreL He helped to separata the two men and that he took a pistol from Smith's right hand overcoat pocket Tufit he of>ened the door for Smith to be carried Out and that Smith drew out his pistol audi fired at Pollard. He was asked | by mayor Turn age to serve as police that night and heoomp'ied with the Mayor's request Robert Little the next witness for the defense. That on Satur day eveniug of Jan. 17 be saw Smith behind Pollard's store in FaramUe and held the followng obo rasa lion with him. Smith afe^ him if ha had any whiskey that he had some iron We knd that he needed a driuk. That ibe two Went to a near stable ' took a drink. That I hka that ha had out that lftoTdock Saturday night Jan. 17, | tin Pollard's a punch I and Smith had some I thatftrilerd ?*>[ out of bete" and tHr Smith sitd "1 shall not" at tbe same time Teaching his right hand for his pistol and taking a step forward toward Pollard. That Smith's overcoat prevented him from getting bis pistol out and Pollard drew his pistol fired on Smith and that upon this Smith grabbed the barrell of Pollard's pistol and that the two clinched. That the second shot fired and he run out of the store and watched through the window as the two were sepe rated. The next witness was Mrs. S. M. Pollard, who te&ificd that she was married to S. M. Pollard Odober 30. 1902. The witness also testified that during the week prior to the homicide that her husband took every precaution to avoid Smith and that he remained at home moil of the lime, that during this time many reports of threats made by Smith were brought to him. She further te&ifted that on the night of the homi cide her husband came home and told her tbe whole Aory of the tragedy and he remarked to her that he did it in defense and when the officers wanted him they could find him at home. Church L. Perkins teAified that he was wuikiug in Pollard'* drug Acre in Farmville the night of the homicide. That on Sat urday nifht, January 17 about 10 o'clock he was cleaning up soda fountain, Smith entered and walked down toward rear. That someone called for a package of cigarettes and Pollard went to cigar cose and waited upon cus tomer. That Smith walked over toward where Pollard was stand ing. Pollard said "Cheii, I told ! ou told you that I didn't want you around here, "get out" Smith fftepped forward toward Pollard trying at the same time to get bis hand in his pocket as if lot a piAdft. At this moment Pollard fired. W. C. Askew, testified that be knew the defendant That he also knew the deceased. That he married the si&er of Mrs. Pol lard. On Sunday morning he asked Pollard about the affair aad Pollard told him that Smith had followed him a part of the way home cursing him nil the way. That on Saturday night January 17. be heard two shot* fire anFarmville. That he had been in Farmville the night before And that the ladies of the town had notified him of the same and bad requested him to have such broke up and that as officers of the law it was their duty mat since tne homicide be [had held a conversation with Vance Belcher and that Vance Belcher stated that he' thought it to be one of the moat cold blooded murders he had ever known of. That Vance Belcher stated that he talked to Smith a few minutes before homicide and that at that time Smith seem ed to be in a very good humor and that he did not think that Smith come into Pllard's store expecting to hurt him. He stated that he though that if such had been Smith's intentions he would have gotten Pollard before the defendant fired hi* gun. This conversation being a direct contradiction of the testimony ol Vance Belcher given on stand. Judge Daniel's ordered .that the testimony given by Vance Bhlch er be stricken from ?598ZTII____ several years and knew ?, general character and i to be bad That he knew and that he was not considered violent and dangerous man. A. C Monk testified that Smith was in his store about ? quarter to nine on night of the homicid*. That he again saw Smith about half hour after he had been shot. That be heard Smith say that Pollard was a coward ana w*? not game. That be wouldn't give him a show. That at the debot Smith again mid that he was a coward. That he ordered him out oi the store and upon his asking what ho meant that Pollard shot him. That be had known Pollard for Several years and knew his general character and reputation to be bad. That for the last few years Smith had not been considered a very vio l?rt I'Rtt dangrou* man. J. H. Tborne testified that he had been in Pollards druz stose and had been up stairs byway nfladdcr ? certain amount was also tfken out for the bouso It L. Davis testified that he know Pollard's reputation and kBQtv Ida general character to be had in tome respects opd had known Smith end did not know him to be a violent and dcogrnus man. That about one o'clock on Saturday of homi t ide Pi.llnrd cuma to ?e him lor a few minutes. That Pollard told him that on the Saturday] That oaThursday he bed been amcs j the NOT ON THE WAY. -/? . ? -*r ^ We has ju& added to our already large and well se lected &ock 3 solid cars more ? 1 full car of Mattress and 12 of Furniture and House Furnishings, and can now supply your every want, need or demand. !?? See us before buying anything for the home; we'll take pleasure in showing you whether you buy or not. And should you buy from us you'll never have cause to regret it We stand behind every thing we sell, regardless of the price. ? We have also ju& received a large shipment of the ' world famous "FREE" SEWING MACHINE, guaranteed to laft a life time, and then some. Joyner Furniture Co. T. E. JOYNER. Mgr. FARMVILLE, N. C fWJdthat b? wooJd hiive to catlry on hi* bussmess id a little different shape from what he was at that time. Pollard replied that i! you doa't go away from her* I'll fix you ao you will have tojtijr away. W. C. Joyner, said he knew both Smith and Pollard ?sd that he?heard Pollard say that if Smith came in and around his- place of business that he w ould ask him out and U would be advisable for him to ret away. Mr. T. H. Rouse aald he had worked (or Pollard. Said Belch er brought Pollard a manage from the Solicitor stating Pollard had better stop doing any crook ed business in that store or >b?r would investigate. He also testi fied that Pollard sold bottletf iroods and some of it was label ed Blue Ribbon. TTwt Pollard toqk the tables off the Blue Ri>> bon bottles and sold it as jwar Tom Bon ling said be beard a conversation once between Pol lard and Snvtb nnd b**rd Smith 'ell fuiUru Unit be wt.ulu to Aqp doinc so much tuituwful business or he would ?nke hold of Wu. Mr. Robert Newton said he t.nd been up tain of Pollard*, itore where they played poker, and that be had seen Mck pot* as large as $50. That he saw Smhh about. 45 minutes after bo was shot and that Smith fated that he .was shot to death but bated to be shot by a dirty coward with out any chance to defend him li A. Joyner testified that lie wvs in court when the Fogas joyner case was not grossed >y _ a ?* ?? 1 "Groceries of Quality" OUR MOTTO. Our line of Heavy and Fancy Groceries ia now the freehett to be had and la complete in every way. We carry only the beA and JiaMlyoM every w??t. Remember friends our terma are cash, and for you to get our prompt attention and bert prices, aa you expedfc, your accounts musft be paid promptly. Farmville, - * *?