? ; ; See our line of Calendars, Leather Goods and Novelty Articles, Fans, Etc. before you buy. Ovr line it surpassed by none end equaled by few in quality. reasonable THE FARMV1LLE ENTERPISE, Farmvillc, N. C. * " : Miss Sim? Gay returned Wed nesday from a visit to WendelL For Sale.? Nice young fresh Milch Cow. ? S. V. Joyner. Mr. aod Mrs. G. M. Holden spent Sunday in Snow Hill vis itinz relatives. Mr. Thomas Rollins is in Trenton on a visit to his sifter, Mrs. C. E. Swain For Sale ? Yoke of Oxens, young and well brokt.? G. T. Tyson. . Mrs. J. A. Mewbom and little daughter, Sarah, returned Mon day from a visit to friends in Norfolk, Va. Mrs. J. L. Carper and daughter Mary Moye. of Greenville, spent Thursday in Farmville with Mrs. W.M.Laog. Weregret to note the illness of the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Edwards, which is confined with fever J For Sale ? Old County Home will be sold to higheA bidder in Greenville firfl Monday in May. ?Board County Commissioners. Many farmers throughout this ?edllonhave been busy setting tobacco this week. The poA few hot days have put a move' 03 plants. The "Class of 1914," of Farm ville High School, met with ' much success in the presenta tion of Miss Fearless & Co., in Snow Hiii left Friday night. Get the habit of calling on us for anything you want in furni ture or house furnishings. We handle jufl what you are look ing (or, not the ."Juft as good"? Joyner I-urmture Co. FarmviUe Lodge, No. 373, L O. O. F. will celebrate the 45th ad versary of the order Sunday May 3rd, 1914, by appropriate exer* cases at the Chri^wm^bhurch. The members and visiting breth ertn will meet at the Hall at 10 JO and march to the church in full '*???; r . ? Owing to tbe trial of State a gain A S. M. Pollard which haa kept a large number of our townspeople in Greenville for this *ctk, causing things to be somewhat dull, together with the hot weather, motft of those left here ha* caught the spring fevef? the rather hay kind. What came near being ? ser ious automobile accident occur ed at th* interaction of WUaoc and Contentnea Greets Monday afternoon when Mr. Jeb. Carlyle of Snow Hilt, who uns driving a ford touting cor, butted into a Overland being driven by Jim Moore, colored. Rttlunsteiy, only the can were badljbdisfix ured, the men escaping without iojury. MORTGAGE SALE. conforred I s deed from ) Smith An Evening Wllh Mrs. Myrtle Bynum. ^ . i The Pbilathea Oam of the Methodist Sunday School had it* regular monthly meeting Friday evening April 24th, with Mrs. Myrtle Bynum. Alter we had aa all around good social talk, (he meeting was called to order and a devotional exercise was rendered by Mr*. H. E. Lance. She gave us a* our reading the 23rd, Psalm, and offered a short prayer; next came the report from our secretary, with which ?11 seamed pleased. We had a good little amount with which to finish paying for our Sunday school library which this class has recently inAalled. Latf, but not leaft, our hotess and one member it our class was missing, bat not for long, pretty soon in came the napkins, and next refreshments fit for a king. I'm sorry to say that all the class could not be present to enjoy this hospitality; some were absent from recent grief in their family and for whom Mrs. Lance very feelingly prayed. All at once we became con scious that we were flaying too ipng, and very reluctantly bade oar hostess good-night, thanking her for such a pleasant evening, and voted to have our next meetinr with Mesdsmes Cobb and Dail, Friday evening May 22nd. School Closes Neil Week. The Graded school-here closes next wetk. The exercises will be held in the opera house. Wed nesday night the Primary grades assisted by the music department will give an entertainment, and oa Thursday night the Third Year Pupil?, ' who will reoeive their certificates, will give a shot t class program followed by an address by Congressman John H. Small. To all these entertainments the public is cordially id vited. Qualilv Counts. For all kinds of dressed lumber mouldings and shingles, see McD. Hurton, representative for Stantonburg Lumber Co. For Treasurer. I will be a candidate fcr the office of Treasurer of fiti coun ty, subied to the atfion of the Democratic primary. I thank the people for the support given me in the pad, and, if eletfed promise to give them the same tervice I have tried to give since 1 have been in office. W. a Wilson. Constipation Safely And Easily Over come ? Ho Need to Risk Unpleasznt, Often Dangerous Calomel ? Dod son's Liver Tone Takes ' It Place. You can now profit if you wish by the experience of many people who have found un easy, pleasant remedy to take the placc of calomel fox constipation, sluggish liver, etc. Podson' Liver Tone is best to take instead of calmel and has brought the brigt ness of health in to many households, f t has none of the disagreeable and often dangerous aftereffects of calomel. J. M.Wheles?, a reputable local druggist, positively guarantees to. relund purchase price (50c) of Dodson's Liver Tone in case you are not entirely satisfied after using it and as they will recom mend this remedy as a strictly, vegetable - liquid, containing nothing harmful, you run no risks of any kind in trying it now. Dodson's Liver Tone never leaver bad after effects but works easily and naturally, Mithout pain or gripe aud with out interfering, nt all with your regular habits, diet or occupation. ?%. Beautify ^ Your Home Witb : . "I want to ten you what wonderful benefit I have re ceived from the use of Thedfoni'e Black-Draught," writes Mi* Syhranla Wooda, of Clifton Mills, Ky. - it *1 lt5^,dsLbM no ?qu*1 for u bad! colds, liver and stomach troubles. ( firmly believe Black-Draught wed my little gM* life. Wheg she. had the measles, they went to on her, bat one good dose of Thedforrf's Black-Draught made them break out, and she has bad no mof? trouble. J eh*t never be without W["'- v,. We beg to announce to the public that we have added to our line a full line o( Collins, Caskets, Burial Robes and all : ether accessories to an up-to-date Undertaking establishment We have with us now Mr. S. G. Wilkerson who is a licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director and has had long experience in the business and is capable oi handling a luneral correctly ' ' V We will serve you night or day. & Monk Bros The House of Qualify, in Watches, ' Ijukve in Stock a nice line of Elgin and Waltham Watches in Genti and Ladies sizes at "Real Barprains. Se me before you boy I can save you money. I also carry aline of Chains, Fobs and Jewelry, and I will guarantee to save you money on Reparing, as I ciji fully equipped to do the fine# of work* I also have on harfd some very fine Elgin and Waltham Watches which mu& be at a LOW PRICE. D. R. MORGAN FARMVILLE, N. C. - Next door to the Express Office ?_L . j-'-i BUMP" COMES. ? ?? v. i - A man may go on quite a long while spending ? every dollar he earns, and have great tithe doing ' it, but eventually, ;VthornsM will ehow. < ' The "rainy-da;" is bound to come sooner or kite, when tv! mis-spent dimes and dollars would come in mighty good. The time to throw off the spending habit it now , ? sftart by depositing juft a little etth week la this bank, and see how much more comfortable ' and independent you will feel aa the habit grows ? * ? THE BANK OF FARMVILLE \ r> A *\??nr* ? ? ? -*? and your dimes and doOat* multiply. m FARMVILLE, N. C. We Have In This Gar or Otherwise