Farmville Enter prise I A.C.MONK.Fi*lisfcer. V. A. ROUSE. Editor and AaA. M?r. j Out DoHir Um ytr In (4mm. Entered la tfca Pott OUIc*r?t Farm ?1IU, N. C., u leooad cUm auUl matter. THURSDAY. MAY 7. 1914. Men and wolves now ate adout the only game unprotected by law. Never carry the whole wodd on your shoulders; trust the Eternal Have you noticed that when the weather just exactly suits some folks they are sure it will not last long? When a man declares he hasn't any good neighbors and you wish to see the reason for it, just look straight at him. The cost of high living is fell in the south as well as the north. a Mi? has iust been sued for $17. ooo for stealing a If you can think of anything that can be done to beautify or build up your town, go doit Keep your capital at borne. Patronize home industry; kelp your mer chants so they can sell cheaper always get your work done at home if possible; subscribe and pay for your home paper; don't steal or borrow the reading of them. If you follow these direc tions and your town does not improve it is not your fault. When a man abuses his town he owes It something. When ever be abuses his neighbor he probaly owes his neighbor. Whenever be sbuses anything, e ?ri.Um.loI.he Wilt I CDmiU _ __ a good word of your neighbor, don't say anything, and if you can't say ? good of your town, move out of it You help to make a community in which you live, and when you curse it, yon cu'M- yourself. Especially worthy of remem brance at this time are words 01 Abraham Lincoln concerning regard for law; "Let every rev ?irence of law be breathed by every mother to the lisping babe that prattles on her lap*, let it be taueht in the schools, seminaries nnd colleges; let it be written in primers, spelling bocks and ' 'rr.3Dacs;let it be preached from pjlpila, and proclaimed ia.legis isitive halls, and enforced in justice; in short, let it becomi thejvlitical religion of the nation. On# pile of garbage left undis f troed a few b~? ? in the summer tin.8 Will be a roosting place for fits tbaf "?n carry disease germ* Into scores of homes: A few ??"?? properly placed by a dirty Uy cause illness v\ hich nets th$ do??*> the hos pital and the undertaker a big sum. Anil a tew cents expended V ^ "first place would have prevent tbe infectioo. Insnn imtion js expensive, nil right; but ?ojne times a lot of people fail to realize it even when the argu ment^* ? conclusive ] PAVED HIGHWAYS REUNION TRAVELS Jacksonville Has Many High Class Roads to Points of Interest Trip* to a* Taken Over Th?m In A? tomoblles During ths Reunion of Ceetfederatee Mt/ 4, 7, 1 Jacksonville, Fla., April.? It Is ?'? to say that hundred!, and possibly thonsands, o f vlaltora to JackeonvlUt daring the week of the (real Reunion of Confederate Ytterui and Sons of Veteran*, will make the trip from their homes In automobile a. Numer ous Inquiries have been received from all porta of the coon try concerning foad condltlona, and especially In re tard to the practicability of reaching other polnta In Florida bar automobile Iripa from Jackaonvllle. - For the Information of auto owners*, desirous of bringing their cars to Jacksonville at the time of the Re union. attention Is called to the fact that the city license books show thai there an over >.000 licensed automo bllee In Um dtr of Jacksonville alone, and during the paat winter season mora than 1400 motor-driven vehicles have passed through Jacksonville en _ro?W to' lailuus places oa the1 flerlda peninsula. Unless there were fairly good roads, leading from Jacksonville to other sections of the Bute, there would not have been one-tenth as many cars In Florida this season, and the home people of Jacksonville would not hare Invested so heavily la motor vehicles. Duval county, of which Jacksonville Is the county seat, was aaonc the first of the Florida counties to issue road Improvement bonds and to begin the paving of Its highways with vitrified paving brick and concrete. With a population of only 78,000 In 1?0?, this county Issued road Improvement bonds that year to the amount of $1,000,000, and It was provided that not more thaa 9160,09c was to be expended In read contraction each year foe four years. The bonis were sold at s taadaome premium and the money has all been expended on the roads of toe county, with -a result that this eoaaty now has some of. the very bast la the south, and these roads are a >oy to the joyrider ?hd to all person* who nee them. btaches la til* world, affording a speed way four hundred feat la width and twenty miles la length. Ilera U the Ideal automobile conne and It la vis IM by thousands of car* every year. From the city to the seashore the eovaty hu contracted a magnlAcent boulevard, paved with vl trilled brick and with concrsta for the entire dls (tkla Hundreda of can traverse this Atlantic Boulevard, as It I* kaowa, dally, aad during tha Renalon many tWieesnils of visitors - will main the trip by aoto to the beach. O ate oa the seashore they via Had much to laleraat them. Bart bathing will be at its best darlag tha Reunion week and aaay visitors frcm Interior points, wko have never before bad ths oppor tunity to ptaase Into the big breakers of OU Ocean, WU1 find the aixperlenc* a novel aad delightful one. Vraag Jacksonville to Bt Augustus tha distaaoe by aata la IS mil** aad the trip Is easily made la t?e hoofs, la (act. the record for the trip la eat bear aad ale* mlnstas, but that Is *1 ssost too fast for a trip to the-oldtsl city la the United Btatea. The road from Booth Jacksonville. 0*1 the oppoelte side of the ts*>*?tte Bt Jobu fiver frofc the Reonion eliy, lis paved with shell (or alae mile* sad the going to good. Then come* six ?lis* of brick pevlng over which ths Fix Up Your Liver And Fuel Good Why Risk Being "All Knocked Out" By Calomel? Oodson 'stiv er Tone Takes Hs Place And is Safe. When you are constipated and your liver U sluggish it is no longer necessary to try to fix yourself up with calomel, which everyone now knows to be a poison that sometimes remains in the sjtftem and causes evil af tereffeds? ond is *~often very dangerous to many people. Dodson's Liver Tone is guar-; apiccd to (ake ilur place of cakv me), to be a pleasant-tailing, easy acting vegetable liquid, with no bad effctfts and causing no pain nor gripe nor interfer ence with your regular duties, habits or diet. If you are not entirely satisfied with Dodson's Liver Tone, go hack to the tftore where you bought it and get your monty back. It belongs to you and Dodson's wants you to have it. ?J. M.|Wheless|sells|and recom mends Dodson's Liver Tone and they will cheerfully refund put n. l?ose price (SOc.) inAantly with ut quedion if the remedy fails i please you in every way. Us ? bp proved beneficial (o ?y thousands and probably fill to you. (Adv.) QualHr Counts. Tor all kinds of dressed lumber aouldin?8 and shingles, see ifcQ^iorton, representative for tanTOnburg Lumber Co. SHERIFF. I wish to announce to friends id the public generally that 1 im a candidate for tbe office -of iheriff of Pitt county, subject to (ic action of the Democratic ttimary, and >vili appreciate the 'otes and help of any. W. SIMON MOYE. For Treasurer. [ I will be a candidate for tbe [(ice of Treasurer of Pitt coun subjetf to the adion of the lemocratic primary. I thank the people. for the support given ae in the pa&, and, if deded romise to give them the same ' :e I have tried to give Ihave heen ia office. . W. B. Wilson. x. 'in nla Woa :periencc tfuittwij k and h thought the to do any of of CarduL 1 gained 35 o ? as well as i would We Don't Pre-Suppos %oijr Size. When you slip" into a suit that is tailored to your individual order by our femoua Chicafco tailors, ' TiA I jHKg, it fit* properly all over? fVom coat collar to trcmser-leg bottom. Every portion of your figure ha* been taken into account. Look at the best-dressed men in town and you'll understand why they come here for clothes Larve tout mmwom today I Sip No Man's Wwdrobe U Complete WHhiut A. BLUE SERGE SUIT G. M. HOLDEN ..MY TAILOR" ~ FARMV1LLE. N. C. fir.. iTi iivi OUR MOTTO. be paid promptly.

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