If Pays To Advertise Through Tlfe Columns of : The farmville Enterprise IT REACHES - THE JWLE : .*? / ?>,' H. 1 J\i I J1 'i vUytim Merchants} (get > Let Vs Writ. Voo m - tad w^fi op^n your WITH INCREASED W FARMVILLE LODGE, No. 218 K.ofP. Meet* Every Thursday Night in their HaU in Horton Bltfi||j k . Visiting Brothers Welcome FARMVILLE LODGE I. O. 0. F. No. 373. Meets etery Monday night in K. of P. hall ia the Hortou Build ing.-. All visiting Brothers wel : ; ' V - I : PHOtaS : Otfic. 4, H. P. MOSELEY FARMV^LXE, N. C. ke on Main Street V whh W. M.Lmjj. ?e Norse j| irmville, N Fannville,^. Carolina; 1 5- Promptly attended t(k I . %)lfice in Horton V . ? ; _ I |- ' , SPSS COX ?afc Attorney-*-!** ; ' ' ' PARMVILLE. - N. CAROLINA ones ov?r Clti*en* Bank ?%- - ?i WkaM?*4&H^a mi . n^-Sr?/l to Ca?aion? 'm> JAS. P. TAYLOR Photographer STUDIO up flairs in Hud Hard , ' ' ' vrm Co's. Building Fumvllle, North Carolina. Farmvil le Motor Gar Cc W. C. COLLIE, Mgr. Located Comer Belcher Moon St; Phone No. <5. F. G. ALLEN, FanaviUe, N. C. ' Ghejftnut, Moore & Baker's SHAVING PARLOh Located on Main Street Clean linens, and Sharp Raiora. At The Brooklyn Navy Yard President WUson Grave Dead's Relatives Present Fifteen Thousand" Heads -Bowed as Secretary Daniels Read names of Sailors and Men Who Fell at Vera Cruz Fight. Significant points in Preside tt Wilson's speech: Wehave gone down to Mexi MMfcpre mankind if we can BPpthc way. Wfedpn't want to light thr Mexicans. We want to serve the Mexicans if we cut. ? * A wnr of ngeression is not c war in which it is n proud tffiilg to die. v ?, J3ut a war of aervice'Wtf thfirp. ioVwhlchiTlsti proud things to ft* - I' is^u^ as hard to do your ^tyvhen m' ,.;4 ? ' Jitn NfcGulIers, the murderer of Deputy Sheriff Bain la& year in Guilford, is under sentence to die, June 19tb. Wednesday of I'"VP W, C Unrjinpr^ sentenced Sid Finger, the Rowan I murderer of Pre&on Lyerly, to die June^ lUhr Finger's attorn eys did not appeal.- Unless there is a change, there will hie two deaths on tHai date. Will T. McKensie, a white murdered U to die June 12tb f6r the murder of his "brottaet^m hiw, Peter Jones, in Robeson County. This murder irsaid to have been, pect'lOlfly' vicious and unprovoked. McKenzie is a man who had some property. Another appeal has been set tled in, .the case of Jim Cameron, tmirderetv but no date set. ? . News and Observer, 10th. colored messenger. .At first the lad was very respedful to every body. Mr. Root asked him where the wnflebaskets was, and the boy politely replied that Mr. Riley had taken it. "Who is Mr. Riley" asked lhc Secretary, only to find that it was "Pete." A little later he asked who lefi the window open, and the an swer came, "Mr. Lantz has been washing window." "Look here, my boy," said Mr. Root, "don't call everybody miiter; use tticir fir& names. I can't tell whom you mean." In the course of an hour the boy opened the door and called, "Sap, Elihu, there's a fat guy outside who wants to speak to you.,, The "fat guy" was President Taft. There is no record of what Mr. Root said next. . No Discomfort From Dodson's Liver Tone Violent Purgatives Need No Longer Be Used lor Constipation, so Why Run Risks of Their Disagreeable After Effects. To overcome constipation and sluggish liver pleasantly, easily send safely, Dodson's Liver Tone is guaranteed by J. M. Wheless who will cheerfully refund pur chase price (50c.) at once if you are not entirely satisfied with it. Dodson's Liver Tone is made to take the place of calomel and other strong purgative. It has none of the disagreeable and of ten dangerous after-effects of calomel, a form of deadly mer cury. Dodson's Liver Tone is strict ly vegetable liquid, containing nothing harmful. It not only leaves no bad effects, but works easily and naturally, without pain or gripe and without intcr fearing at all with your regular habits, diet or occupation. A trial may benefit you greatly, why not tee about itftoday ? ?Cataitfa Cannot Be' Cured* ' ??h lyOCAT^ XPPLICATIOKB. M Ih.T cannot reach tho i?at of tho rtle?m. "cZ *nd In order to euro It you must Uk? In fernal remedies. Hall'e CatatTh Cure to ?^iCKji^iem*i,3r*' and ilc4> upon the blood and raucous surfaces. Haifa Catarrh Cure la not a quack medicine. It wss prescribed by one ofthe beetphf Blcla&B In this country for years and is * reyular prescription. It ft rrmpostd of the t-jt tonics known, combined with tho beet blood purifiers, actln* directly on th* mucous surfaces^. The mi Hon of the two fncred* fluces such .wonderful catarrh. ? Send .for test* F\ J. CHENEY A CO/ Sold, by Druggists. pr.t, , Take BaU'e Family PlUsfos e You don't have'to insiift on the beA when buying here bectus? THE BEST is the only jjr^de we keep. We invite your judge ment on the ' ' FINEST GROCERIES yi town. Health-building, pleas ure-giving; and dime-saving. Come in, look round, you'll figd ? nothing but fancy prices. We solicit your trade. J. A. MIZELt & CO. Pone No. 26 . EAST BOUND-' 12-34 A. M. Daily Night Ex press for Edenton. Elizabeth City and Norfolk. Pullman Sleeping Car. 9:02 A. M. Daily for Washing ton and Norfolk. Conneds for all points North and We& , 6:06 P. M. Daily except Sun day. for Washington ana inter mediate Nations. ?WEST BOUND? ? * 3:52 A. M. Daily for Raleigh. Conneds to all points South and We&. Pullman Sleeping Car Service. , 8:29 A. M. Daily except Sun day for Raleigh. 5:35 P. M. Daily for Raleigh. H. S. Leard, Gen'l Passenger Agt. W. A. Witt, ? . ? Gen'l Superintendent. Norfolk, Va. Pastime Theatre 3 Good*Moving Pic tures every night Two shows ? night, the firrft show begins promptly at 8:00 o'clock. Admission 10 c. INSURANCE SEE : /. A. MEWBORN at the BANK OF FARMVU1E,N?. Agent for ?* ?'< National life Insurance Co. of Montpelier, Vt., Eat na !, amd other beet Nre uranee Companies .