* ^ ' LOCALS AND! PERSONALS OF INTEREST TO Farmville and Surrounding Sections ^ JL Mr^Harvey Turnage spent Sunday in Durham. Mr. R. Townscnd paid Rocky Mount a business visit Monday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Smith Saturday evening, Feb. 13th, a son. Messrs. J. Y. Monk, J. ^ New ton and J. "Pi/ Edwards spent Monday in Wilson. ' j WANTED? SEWING at my home on Pine &reet.? Mrs. J. E. Jenkins, Farmville. * Miss Eunice Andrews, of Wilmington, Is the house guest of Mra.F aulE. Jones. EGuest were received at the door by Mrs. Crittenden, Mrs. Wm. Moss and Miss Deans. Little Mica Ruth Clark Browrv held, a silver waiter bearing hand painted place cards decorated with little Keupsies attired as brides. Io a game of heart that fol lowed Miss Ruby Young won the prize and Mrs. Paul (ones of Farmvillle, (he consolation, a China keupsie dressed as a bride. Ap enjoyable heart contest de lighted the guests. .This directed the guests to the dining room where a large heart bearing favors for bach, furnished merriment. * ? The dining room table was beautifully decorated in hearts and cupids appropriate for the season. A delightful saUtd apd ice course -was served by six little girls. The guests were much sur prised when they found; sticking in the little heart cakes an arrow bearipg-joyner- Deans, May? 1915. After mucbt happiness the guests departed declaring Mrs. Crittenden a charming hostess. I? Wilson Times. Crfep Uems. There-will be a ball given in Macclesfield Friday nighty Feb. 19th. i Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Parker, of pear Crisp, were Fountain /pi lots Sunday. Hits Lelah Parker and Mr. R. Brown were Macclesfield visi tors Sunday.-*-1 Miss Gladys Wiggins,, spent Sunday with liei aunt, Mre, Tbad Lewis. A large crowd attended Sun day school at Forbes church Sunday afternoon. ' Don't forget the concert Fri day evening, at Shivers Hill, ad mission, children 10c. adults 25c. MUs Evelyn Hooteo, Principal of Crisp High School, was. in Macclesfield, Saturday after noon. ' Miss Myrtle T urnage, of Foun tain, *pent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Sallie Corbctt in Mac clesfield, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Eagles, of Crisp, spent last Sunday in Leg eets visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Fountain. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Newton, of Fatmville, spent last Sunday with Mr. Newton's sister, Mrs. D. D. FeltOD. Miss Nell Taylor left Friday evening for her home in Snow Hill. She returned to her school Monday morning Misses Mary, Edna, Janie and Delma Moore spent Saturday and Sunday, with Iheir cousin, Miss Beltie L?wis, in Maccles field. ? Master PleasentlBrdwn, son of Frank Brown; had au awful ac cident last week, cutting the side of bis foot. Hope he will soon be back in school. TW QMm Ttet Dm Not Affect Tho Hud SffMJf ol its loalC and laxative effect. LAXA TIVE nONO Q17INIR8 u better than ordinary Quinine and doc* not cauae nervouanea* nor TinjrinK In head. Remember the full name and I Mk for the signature of K. W. GROVF.. 25c. j ^ Several from Farmvillc went to Gree-nville Wednesday even ing and witnessed Verdi's Beauti ful 'II Trovatore'. They report it one of the best ever seen any where. FOR SALE1 ? Fbrty-five acres well wooded land in Facmvillc township near W. A. Fields place on Green ville and Wilson Road. ^ B. F, Moore, Raeford, N. C. ADVANCE PROGRAM OF THE Pastime THEATRE FOR WEEK ENDING Saturday FEB; 20th. Monday Night: ? . TREY O' HEARTS | _ 14? in*2 parts. The Firft Law. White* Roses. Tuesday Night: The Return, (in two part?) The Hoojoo. Wednesday Night: Let Us Have Peace, tin two parts) Partners In Crime. Thursday Night: The Stpr Gazer. Dot's Chaperone. His Big Chance. Friday Night: Those Were Happy Days (in two parish The Girl From Texas. Saturday Night: Terece O' Rourke No. 1, (in (wo parts) They Didu't Know It. ? FOUNTAIN DEPARTMENT ' BY A. F. EASON, Reporter Local Happenings Wise and Otherwise ^ ? : :i,''..v'J.T. >'. ~ . a < Mr*. R. A. Fountain and son, Robert, went to Tarboro Tues day, Mr. and Mrs. I?d. Lovcjace, of near . Pinetops, were in town Sunday. Mr. W. M. Moore spent Sun day visiting relatives near Wul stonburg. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Owens spent Sunday visiting relatives near bere. Messrs. B. O. Turngge and K. M. Cox were in town last Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. W. J.1 Tug well spent Saturday and Sunday visiting relatives near here. Dr. Rose borough held his regular services here Suiyidy oighl, a large crowd attended. Several of our people went to Farmvilb last Friday night to see 'Seven Houfs in New York'.' Mr. W. R. Crisp and sisters, Misses Annie and Kate, of Macclesfield, were in town Sun day. ? Mrs. C. C. Baker spen^ Satur day and Sunday visiting her father and mother who reside near town. Mrs. B. F. Lewis left last Wednesday fbr her old home at Burlington, where she will spend several days. Wallace Lee, the magician impfrsinator and lightning artist, gave an entertainment here Thursday night, a large crowd attended. His .entertainment is high class in every respect Rev. ). E. Kirk will bold his regular services faere Sunday and Sunday night. We hope to see a large crowd present at each service for we arc sure Mr. Kirk will 'ia>e something to tell us worth while. * Mr. John Stanfield, a horse trader from Macclesfield, was in town Monday, late in the after noon he started home, the hone he was driving became fright* ened and' ran 'down lefferson Street, throwing Mr/ Stanfield out of the cart The horse caire very near running into Mr. W. E. Lang before he stopped. He finally broke ouLof harness and jumped over to Mr. G. M. Smith's yard and stopped. The cart was broken in a few placer, but investigation proved that Mr. Stanfield was not seriously hurt. BUSINESS LOCALS FOR SALE? Soja beans, L. A.. Mcwborn, Farmville, N. C 29-3t For cabbage plants apply to C. L. Moore, Farmville, N. C. Prices right. 2-S4t You will please call at the Hub Hardware store and -get tobacco seed C. R. Townsend. Choicc Black Minoroco Eggs for sate at 5Qc. per setting of 15: ? W. J. Dupree, Walstonburjf, N.C. . 12-2 4?. For Sale!? Few more choice Poland China Pigs. Price $18.00 pair, or $10,00 each.? W. J. Dt>, pree, Wallonsburg, N. C. CALOMEL IS MERCURY ! IT SICKENS! ACTS ON LIVER LIKE DYNAMITE "MSN'S Lhtr Tom" Stub Your Uttr Bettor Tku Gilmel aid Detut Salhnto ?r Mrti Yd Sick. ' Listen to mo! Takc .no more sick i cninp, salivating calomel when bilious or constipated. Don't lose a day's work I Calomel is mercuiy or ouickailvcr which causes necrosis of tnc bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact [ with sour bile crasbcs inlo it, breaking it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you arc slug* i ffiah and "all knocked out,'* if your ; liver is torpid and bowels constipated or you h&vc hcadadhe, diuincBs, coated | tongue, if breath is bad or stomach scur just take a spoonful of harmless Dod son's Liver Tone on my guarantee. ?L norths my guarantee? Go to *?* drug store and get a GO oent bottle- of- Dod son's Liver Tone. Take a spoonful to night and If it docsa't straighten you right up and mk*e > ou fcel?Hno and vigorous by. morula ? I want you to go back to# t lie store and get your money. I Dodson*s Liver Tone is. destroying .the ealc of cnloineV because it is "real Vliv.r medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore it can not Bull vatc or make you sick. I guarantee- that one spoonful of Dod son'a Liver Tone will put your sluggish | liver to work and clean your bowels of thai sour bile und constipated waste which is clogging your system and mak ing you feel miserable. T- guar an too that a bottle o! Dodaon's Liver Tone will, keep your entire family feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is | harmless; doesn't gripe and they liko its pUasant ta*t? 2 inch Continuous poA, White land Verni* Matin; regular $10 _vmhie at the new price of ... Vf $6.25 -v. agagc ; ? We are going to offer for a short time only some unheard of prices ou Steel Bedsteads, for the cash only. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity. Buy now and saye money. You wiH find a few of our specials listed here. We eliminate compe tition atthe car load prices I See our big ctispay ? - 2 inch cqntiauou pillows, in White only; $10.00 value, to so ] while they la& for only $5,85 ? 'fctttt 1 1-Iv> inches, 51 1-2 iaches | hitrb. in rtn'y. .At the lo* price