, ,'t. Farmvilte Enterprise Published by The Enterprise Publishing Company G. A. ROUSE. Editor and AiA, Mgr. B. A. lOYNtR, Asso. Editor. One Dollar tht year? In air*. km. Entered in (he. Foil OI/lcc at Farm ville, N. C., as second class mull matter. FRIDAY, FEB. 26. 1915. The use of the town's road macninc and split-log drag a little just at this time would greatly improve the condition of our streets, Some of which, due to neglect, have becomc very rough. This, it seems to uf, could be done at a very small coil and it would indeed greatly benefit the travelling public as well as pedestrians. A bright eye, a smiting face and a clean mind are more precious than gold? and they lead to its posessions. Wake up. It is easy to own an auto mobile these days. All you have to do is to find a bushel of wheat ?nri mnko the exchange. We repeat, every dollar kept in this community enriches the community just that much. Buy at home. Let every wheel turn? every plow move ? every man work. There's gold at the end of the furrow. Gambling with money is like juggling with your health. Sooner or later you get a raw deal. i Begin the study of diplomacy in your own home, and the rest of the lesions will come easy. When a pretty girl smiles every man in sight begins to swell out his chest. Tell yourself each day that you are a success ? and you will be one in time. t To tell the truth is comend able, but it often results in a black eye. The dove of peace is having a hard time finding a place to light. LAUD SAIL By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage executed and delivered by Doc. Thigpenaod wife, Rom Thie pcD, to Bertha Sutton on the 9th day of Jaquary, 1915, which mortgage was properly record ed in the office of the Reenter of Deeds of Pitt County ia Book K-10, pace 435, the undersigned will sejl for cosh at public auc tion before the Courthouse door in Greenville on Monday, March 8th, 1815, i he following des cribed lot of land situate in the County of Pitt and ia Farmville Township: That bouw and lot in the towa 61 Marlboro upon which the said Doc, Thigpen attTwife live, adjoining the UnjNl of J. 1 Wain weight and otbtn, said land sold to satisfy MTh?8?5!bTy of February, 1*15 BERTHA SUTTON. If you want it, g6 after it. wou'l come to you. ) . Schedule of Passenger Trains) Through Farmville ' i Norfolk Southern Ea# Bound Weil Bound | 12:39 a. m. 4:05 a. m. 9:06 a. m. 8:29 u. m.J 6:00 p. m. 6:00 p.m.] Sunday Schedule 9:06 A.M. 6.-00P, M.| Eaft Carolina Railway. North Bound South Bound 7.40 a. m. 1.40 p. m. 3.00 p. m. 6.40 p. m. 5.12 p.m. '*? Sunday Schedule W;38A.M. 3-J0P.M.I (Installment 15? the cod) /"> CHAPTER LI. ?' The N?w Judith. From sleep as from drugged atupor Judith Trlno awakened. struggling oack to consciousness like aoma ex haunted dlTer from the black depths to the star-smitten surface of a night bound pool. And for a little ah* lay unatirring. her half-numb wits funbllng with their baalneaa of .renewing acquaint ance with the world. At Brit ahe could by no meana rec ognize her aurroundlnga. Thla rude chamber of rough flank walla and primitive furnlahlnga; thla wide, hard couch ahe aharcd with her itin alum berlng alater, Roae; the view revealed by an open window at the bedside; a fair perspective of tree-clad moun talna through which a wlde-boaomed canyon rolled down to an emerald plain, conveyed nothing to her Intel ligence. A fonnleaa aense' or some epochal change In the hablta and mental proc eaaea of a young lifetime, added to her confoalon. Who waa ahe heroelf, thla atrange mature who reated hem ao calmly by the aide of Roee? If ahe w?r? Judith Trine, how came ahe to m there? Irreconcilable oppoaltea in every phaae of character, the alatera had aedukmaly avoided aaaoclatlon with each other ever alnoe childhood: they had not ahared the abetter of four walla overnight tlnce time ba yond the bounda of Judlth'a memory. What, then, had ao changed them both that they ahould be found In each close company? What, Indeed, had become of the wild thing, Judith Trine of yesterday? Surely ahe had little enough In com mon with thla Judith of today, in whole heart waa no more room for vnvy, hatred, mallca or any uncharlt ableneaa, ao full Waa K of love which, though It was focuaed upon the person of one man. none the lesa embraced all tLi world ? even her alater and aucceaaful rival In that onf man'a af fections. Thla change bad not come upon her without warning. She had been al moat Insensibly aware of Ita advent through the gradual eoftanlng of that old Judlth'a haVd and vengeful nature In the courae of the last few days. But now that the revolution was ao compllf hed, she hardly knew herself? she htrdly t-new the world. Indeed, ao differently did ahe regard It? not without eomethlac of the wide-eyed wonderment of a child to And all things ao new aad strange and beauti ful. .ado tula wm the work of Lot*! Now the chain of memories *u qulto complete, no Unk' lacking In its continuity. 8to recalled el early every Incident that had marled tbs alow growth of this gnat lore >be had i:r Alan Law, from that flrat day. not yet a month old, wheo ha had aaoaped the flary deathtrap aha had eat for hint and repaid bar oniy by rlaklng hie Ufa anew to aare her from destruction, down to this vary moraine when the stream from a hyuraullo nocile had aicept over the brink of a three hun d red-foot precipice a crimson racing automobile containing' two daaparate men bent upon compassing the death of her beloved. By that act of shear self-defense the drorld was richer for the loss of two black-hearted blackguards, and Alan law might sow be considered sale from further perstcu tion ? stneo there now remained not one eottl loyal | enough to Banaoa Trine to prosecute bis private war of vengeanoe against Alan. And though that agad mono maniac had means whereby he might parctiasa .other acoundrala and oor rupt than to Uas hideous pnrpoaaa, Judith waa determined that he should nover again 1?tw any opportunity so to do. Though Ala*, aha kaaw, would never lift Ma Uad to hinder her father's freedom of action, aha. Judith, meant to take etch etepa aa hla perse cution called (or. tf there were any Juatlca In the land? tf there wen any aiM-jlata capable of qiacrtartnatlng bar twaui Trlne's apparent canity and his deep- rooted mania? than auraly not Wi mora ahoald ifcea into hi* lory wtthoat wtttMeatac W? consign ment to an institution for the orfmt She. Judith, would eaa U that, and' "? ' ':'=g tf?w recognisea u Uu> quarters ot the tor? III at the hydraulic mining out lit) and out Into the room adjoining. ill than, pulllog the door to geally behind bsr, aha paueed and for maty missus stood la treses lroj>g contain platlou ot the man she loved? Alan law. asleep In * chair beside a table. hl? head pillowed on hU folded arms This wat leave- taking between then ?and ha would never know. Par better eo; Judltb fait aha oould not trust herself to say farewell to blm without breaking down and con f eating tba utter wretchedness that threatened to overwhelm her each tliae aha forced hereelf to face the thought that thla parting muat he Boat Like a thief the stole acroas the creaking floor to Altn'i aide, heel tiled, bent her bead to his and touchcd her llpa to his cheek ? a eareaa ao light that ha alept on in Ignorance ot It. Then, aa shs lifted ' her bead and atood erect, bosom convulsed with silent sobs, aha looked squarely into the face of Rose. CHAPTER Lit. The Old Adam. A long minute elapse^ before cither woman moved or epoke. Transfixed beside Alan's chair, steadying herself with a hand upon Its back, Judltb stared at the figure In the doorway, in a temper at once die oomflted and defiant With this she suffered a phase of Incredulity, was scarce able to persuade hereelf that thla was truly Rose who confronted her? Roee whose sweet and gentle nature had ever served aa the butt -Of jBdlth'S ? wintemnt enit ridicule. Here was revolution with a venge ance, when Rose threatened and Judith eh rank! It waa aa If the women had eg changed natures while they slept The countenance that Rose 'showed her sister waa a tboQdercloud rent by the In rid lightning of her angry eyea. Her pose waa teoee and Hert, Ilka the pode of an animal set to spring. - In her hand hung a revolver, the aame (Judith's band sought the holster at her hip and found It empty) that her sister had worn and for gotten to remove when she dropped, half-dead with fatigue, upoti the bed. J?d slowly, toward Che end of that long, mute mlr.&te, tho girl's grasp tightened upon the grip of the weapon and Its mtuale lifted. ? Remarking this, a flash of her one time tamper quickened Judith. Of a andden, with a start, she crossed the 1 ^oor <n a single, nolaetosa stride, and threw herself before her sister. "Welir she demanded hotly. "What are you waiting for? Nobody's stop ping yon: why don't yon shoot r - The upward movement of the hand waa checked: the weapon hung level to Judlth'a breast ? ai level and un equivocal aa the glance that probed her eyes and the tone of Rose's voice as she demanded: "What were you doing there?" 'If jao must know from me what you already know on the ertdeace of your eyea? 1 waa bidding good- by to the man I love ? kissing him without bis knowledge or consent before leav ing him to yen tor good and all!" "What do you meant" "That rm going away? that I cant stand thla situation any longer. Harro phat and Jimmy are dead, my father's helpless ? and I mean to see that ha remains eo. Nothing, then, stands In tfca way of your rasn-ylng Alan but me. And such being, tka case? and because he'a aa dear to ma a* ha la to you? I'm going to take myself off and keep out, of the way." "For tear leet he find out that you iovehbar tor owm bacd rmther tfcu JnaitK* bo*om. But bcfor* h?r Incer found ttrength to )ull tbe trlrt?r the nu it IU p jh). aUrtlad from hi. ilMp to tka 3vri7 No mutter how ' bwy the stort> WKf % he our delivery ?y? twnfr ilipitr to ' WWI^he hwvy de . mantis Dude upon It Let us serve you , thing in thp furni ture line. , \ib&? yt- ,? ? '? ** */VS3K2i!l&T NO matter how small or how large your purchase may be here, you can depend upon pormpt and safe delivery. : '? ? , ' > . ? We pride oar? Ives upon w delivery sytem. mid h?ve perfected It to snch an extent that It Ig , almost impossible lor a single to jo astray: Mn* the time set by you tordeMvery to carelnlly regarded and followed utmost to the mingle. JOYNER FURNITURE COMPANY T. E. JOYNER, MGR. X X FARMVILLE, N. C. matter that none ikouu m or peet ml be moved to Interfere. Round tli* shoulder of Ike moun tain, on the road along the edge of the cliff, the ?u tor* of freedom from observation. And rat. >uch la the inconeietancy of (he human animal, the lretinct (or aelf-preaervatlon waa stronger than her purpose: when a touring car awung round the mountain and shot toward her, aha checked heraelf hattily and lumped aaide In ample time to aacapa being run down. < The next InaUnt the machine waa lurching to a halt and the aosoroua aecontn of Seneca Trine ware Balutlnrf bar: "Judith! Tou bare! What tho darlll Whero've ye been? Wherj are lfano phat and Jimmy ?" Dining the nail a of her Angara pain fully Into her palm a, ahe breathed deep, fighting down hyaterla, reaasert lng her aclf-control In ad abort a apace of time that her father, failed to tir predate that there ,waa anything nn cotr-mot) in the mind of the gilt - "Where?" ha demanded angrily aa aha approached the ear, "where, I want to know, are Marrophat and Jim my? Haven't yon Men or heard any thing of them? They left me at ate o'c'ock this morning, to go after?" "Pead!" the girl Interrupted, aen (cuuftnued oa page four) \ ' Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly Tfce OMSund.rH ctnrril ?trtoatteaUu took, GKOVra TASTF.LKSS drill TONlCVlnrtt out Ike Weea. MUnvtttqiM A tree Tonic. For odeks ud ckMna. Ml BUSINESS LOCALS ^ Let me have your .order lor Che SpireHa corset.? Mrt1 E. M. Cox, agent. FORREN T.-Two Urge room*, unfurnished, for light house-keeping, or as bed rooms furnished or unfurnished.? Afc ply al Enterprise office. J.f -1 NOTICE! Ail parsons? meat women or children? are hereby forbidden to enter our Ware house on Sunday without per mission.? Monk, Horton & Bel cher. props., New Farmville Warei;puse. . ? EOb. SALE? Soja beans, L. A. Mewborn, Farmville, N. C. 29-3t For cabbage plants apply to C. L. Moore, Farmville, N, C. Prices right. 2 54* Choice Black Minoroco Eggs, for aol? at BOci per setting of 15. 1 -W. t Dupree; Walstonburg, ' N. C. " '%'? 'I ForSalel? Few more choice Poland China Pigs. Pricb J18.00 pair, or $10,00 each.? W. J.- Dq pre*, WaUonsbarg, N. C. White . \S YOU REVENTLY lay the flowers on the grave of iwdw deported dear one oo Memorial day, let your thoughts also dwell upon those still with you, depending upon you. PERHAPS BEFORE LONG THEY WILL BE PLACING FLOWERS ON YOUR GRAVE. How Will You Leave Them? Have you <kw* your share in providing for their needs in case you are taken away? Have yo?' saved what you could, to fall back on la the event of sickness or dfclress. This bank offers you all the advantages of a safe, reliable Institution. Start a Bank ac "? couat today. Apd make up year rated to pot , a little away each week. The habit is a good one, and wilj pay you well. THE BANK OF FARMVILLE ?/!&? mo ago. Our line of Heavy and Fancy ia now the freahetf to be kO and ia complete in every way. We carry onty the b?ft and can supply your every want.

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