?v ===== 1 LOCALS AND PERSON Al#1 Farmville and Surrounding Sections Bora to Mr. and Mr*. C. L. Moore recently, a daughter. Attend the Basket Ball game tonight at New Farmville Ware house. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohen spent Sunday in Snow Hill with friends. ki ' Several from Farmville have been attending court at Snow Hill this week. Mr. Guy Taylor, of' Hooker ton, spent a few hours in Farpa ville this week. Mr, and Mrs. G. M. Holden spent a few days , in Snow Hill this week visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R* A. Fields and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Beaman were Snow Hill visitors Monday. Mr. R. A. Stamper, Supt., of the East Carolina Railway, paid Fannville a business visit Thurs d ay. . ? Mrm. ]. B. Moore, of Burgaw, spent last week in Farmville visiting her daughter, Mrs.' T. C. Turnage. I We will hold services in the Pythian Hall Sunday morning and night A welcome awaits you. ? C. B. Mashburn. Mr. John Braxton and sons, of Ayden, spent Wednesday in Farmville the ' guests of Mr. Braxton's neict^ Mrs. C. L. Moore. A few minutes downfall o! hail accompanied the - heavy thunder storm and downpour of rain that passed oyer this iectiop Wednesday evening. Mn.J. Exum, of Snow Hill, spent several days at the home of her stater, Mrs. P. J. Bynum, near town, this week. She is now visiting relatives in Farm ville. Rev. Mr. Matthews will, hold ? services at* the Episcopal church, on Sunday morning and night, Feb. 28th. Also a leten ser vice on Monday aftejraoon, March first at four o'clock. In the local advertisement of Mrs. J. E- Jenkins last week, we stated she resided on Pine street, this was an error, she resides on George street, just, back ol K. A. Fields' residence o n Church street. There will be a Basket Ball game here tonight, I looker ton ve Farmville. To be played in New Fannvilla Warehouse, will begin'at 8:46. Admission 15 and 25 cents. Come out, you'll enjoy the game. 'Among those who went from FormvQle to Greenville to at tend the Townsend-Smith wed ding which took pi face Wednes day evening we note the follow ing: Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanley Smith, Mr. and Mr*. W; J. Tur nage, Mrs. Nan Smith, Mr. B. S. Smith, Misses Mae Strin??fellow, Sarah Martin and. Messrs. J. Y. Monk, B. A. Joyner, Harvey TurnnKe, Sam Albritton, J. B. Moore and Carl Beaman. *. >4 Tonight, Feb. 26th, a match game of Basket Bali.will be play fa ed in the New Farnivi'.le Ware bouse between Hookertonand Farmville. This promises to be a good game and everybody should turn out and therebjffea courage the boys. The Fantt [ vitk boys have just . recently or, The game will be called at the admission 15c, ' tor and 25c. ; TOWNSEND-SMITH WEDDING IGretuvillc Jf. The weddipg Wednesday eve ning at 9 o'clock in th? Christian church ol Mr. G. R.'Tov^psend and Miss Vernessji Smith fifled the church with a large ilitodfc of admiring friends aud relatives. The chancel was Jbeaptifully d Pej orated with potted plants and evergreen vines Kith baskets of pink roses, A number of .candle Clicks were, placed among the potted plants, adding* much ? to the attractiveness of the decora tions which formed a most ap propriate background for the \ wedding scene. 'A choral' service preceded the entrance of the bridal party, in Which Mrs. T. E> Hooker sang "At Dawning", by Chadman, which was followed by the sing ing of the Bridal' Chorus' from The Rose Maiden" by Mias "Lil lian Parker; Mrs. G. B^W. Had ley and Messrs. iRodney Polack, Chas. James and C. BTRowJette; Mrs. J. L. Cnrper accompanied them on the piano. Mrs; Hooker, Mrs. Hodley aqd Miss Parked carried large bouquets of Killar Pey roses. The wedding march from Men delssohn was, played by Mrs. J. L. Carper as the bridal proces sion moved tip the aisle; and dur ing the cerenr "A Memory." The bride walked up the aisle with her father, Mr. R. L. Smith, who gave hei in marriage. She wore, a white sateen gown with duchess lace an?T pearls with train, and Carried a large bouquet of bride's roses and liUies of the valley. j* .Mis# Mary Lee Smith, who was her sister's maid of honor, wore gold cbarcaeusv with real lace trimming, and qatfieA a bouquet of pink sweet peas with sweet pea showfR The dames of honor were Mrs. P. J. Forbes, who wore pink charmcusc withhold lace, and Mrs. . Sain White, who wore wbite charmcuse with lace trim mings. Both carried bouquets of white stast peas. The four bridesmaids were Misses Martha apd Ann Taylor, of LeaL&vUle, mid iliiscs Francis Bagwell and Susie Moore, of Greenville.' They were gowned in white -charmquse' with gold trimmings, and each carried a iarge bouquet of long stemmed KiHarney roses. The flower ajrb were Louis? Smith, with Willie Turn age, in the right aisle and Eleanor Smith, with Fred Forbes, Jr., in the left. The girls, dressed in white with pink ribbons, carried gold bus kers of pink roses, while thsi boys ?tretChcdmtfinW. Mr. Towusend had atbe^man Mr. T.li of Danville^Va, rand the six ushers iJNre Messrs; B.- A. Joyner of ).farmville, 'M. B. Holderiy of Wilsoit. Rod D. M. Clark, Barney Warren, jjesse Speight and W- H. Smith, of Green\1ll^^^,V?^*a^S^J The wcddion ceremony wa$ performed by Rev. J. J". Walker, the bride'n'tf.islor. The ring k'eremony was As the bridal party fell the church the "March" from 'Tant> hnus^r was played by the orga nist. After the wedding a reception was held at the home I bride from 'iV.11.1.1 . 11 . 1 . . in way of ice cream, mints and ueart shaped ^akes decorotod with lilies of the v?Hy and salted almonds were served in the din ing room by Misses Annie King, Christine Ifason and Earnest ine Forbes. y/> Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hurrlssmet the guests as they passed through the door leading from the dining room to the hall and escorted them lotbe siting roopi. Mr. J. B. . Kittrell (tod Miss Rubella Forbe* were receiving nt Ihe sit ? tiflt; room door. Punch was l*t*ed by Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Flanagan and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Quineriy. The guests were nexl shown into the gift room where Mr. Chas. japthes . and Miss Lillian Parker and Mr. Rodney Polack. and Miss Susie Warren were receiving. The lafteriumber of handsome gifts of which the bride; has been the recipient were shown in this room. This large number of wedding pres ents attests the popularity of this couple and shows in "what high esteim they are held in tliis city and county. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend left on the early train for Richmond where they will spend a few xtays before beginning their bri dal tour .which, \vill include the exposition at San Francisco with numerous other cities in the West. 'fThey 'will- make- their home in- Farm villein the future where the groom has n wide business' connection. '? itfft'* Tutelar item. SO cento. YOUR - . . ORDERS Watch This Space f ' ! ... r?i . the Date of the Beginning of a, *vV- ? ? ? ' .v' . i. c Serial '? : ? i. ? - *. v . Picture m Million Dollar ? / V; Mystery at the Pastime Theatre. .... .? . \V* ? 1 " "" " ? -- ? m T FOUNTAIN DEPARTMENT BY A. r. EASON. Reporter Local Happenings Wise and Otherwise Mrs. R. A. Fountain went to Tarboro Saturday. ^ ' ? Mr. E. F. Gainer, of Farmville, was io town Thursday. Prof. L. A. Mattox spent Sun day visiting near Wilbanks. Mr. R. A. Stumper was in town Saturday on business. Mr. F. L. Eagles went to I Farmville Saturday on business. Mr. Abner Eason went to Greenville Saturday on business. Mr. K. R. WoOten, of Falk land, was in town Friday on business. Misses Nellie, Cbristeen and Clara Smith, of near here, were in town Sunday. A large crow<jl of our people attended the concert: at Shiver's Hill Thursday tiight. Messrs. B. O. Turnage and R. A. Fields, of Farmville, were in town Friday on Business. Miss Mary C. Buckner, prin cipal of F.agles School, spent Saturday in Macclesfield. t Messrs. R. A. Doricr and W. R. Crisp wer^ in town Sunday on their "usual business." Misses Ruth and Deltna ''oore, of near Macclesfield, were in town Sunday visiting. There was a ball given at Macclesfield Friday night Quite a number of our people attended. Messrs. R: T. Eason and W. T. Felton, Jr.,. and Misses Mattie Walstoa and Pearl Johnson, of Maccle jfield, spent a short while io town Saturday afternoon. Misses Lillian Gardner acd> Annie Owens spent Sunday in I'Xrmville visaing Misses Peail and Neva Owens. ; Mrs. Robert Allen, of neor Greenville, spent a ^?krt of last week here visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jno. I. Eason. Mr. K. C. Edwards left Sun 'day morning for Jno. Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Md , where he will undergo an oper ation. t Misses Maude Turaage, Etta Mercer and Nellie Owens went to Tarboro Saturday to attend the teacher's meeting which was held there. Rev. J. E- Kirk held his regu lanservices here Sunday morn ing and night. There was a large crowd present at each ser vice. We are very' glad that Mr. Kirk will be with us again on Monday night. March 8th'. This enables him to be with as twice a month. s HOTICEI The firm of W. D. Gay nor St Co., composed of W, D. Gaynor and K. R. Wooted has been dis solved and W. D. Gaynor has resumed all fespoikibility for all debts against the firm and all that owe the firm will please settle with W. D. Gayrior. K R. Wooten \V. D. Gajnor. A Gooil Motto "Work". jALOMEL WHEN BILIOUS? NO! STOP! MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATES "Msta's Liar Tom" Is Hiralass Ti CIuq Ynr Slsgshh U*r Ugh! Calomel makes you tick. IVn horrible! Take a doee of the dangerous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel la mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of tno bones. Calcmel, when it oomea into contact with sour bil? eraahrs into it, breaking 1& up. Thia la When you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are slug gish am? "air knocked out," if your liter is torpid and bowels constipated I or youvhavo headache, diuittesa, coated tongue, if breath ia bad or stomach aour, just. try a spoonful of harmless Dodaon'a I*lrcr Tono tonight on my guarantee. Here's ray guaranty* ? Go to any drug store' and pet a 50 cent, bottle of Dod son's Li vet Tone. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't fttraighten yott right up and make you feel line and vigorous I want you to go back to the store and get your monev. Dod son's liver Toijo is destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine} ? entirely vege table, therefore it can not salivate of* mako you sick. ? I guarantee that on? spoonful of Dod son's Liver Tone will put. your sluggish liver to xsczli and clean your bo-arcls of that sour bile and constipated w^sto which ia clogging your system and mak ing you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entite family feeling fine for monthe. Give it to your children. It 5s harmless; doesn't* grip* and they like its pleasant taste. TT'S always hardest to sell a carriage for the fjrtt baby. We realize J. that and .this is the model that almost invariably pleases both father and mother. _ etrical design, perfect finish, detachable bSfc cushions, revfersf and oxccilent springs appeal to a man's judgement. Its stylish roomy body, and beautiful corduroy upholstering always * eye. s , ' , I to skow ihisCkrrla^e and oar other new and your hnsbcnd some day (his week & Monk Bros Dealers and Undertakers CASOlUpA

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