tcniicus, eyeing him strangely. "I don't bcllevo It!" the old man ccrcamed, aghast. "I won't believe It. You're lying to me. you jade! You're lying?" "I am not, "the. broke In coldly. "I am telling yon tho plain truth ... They followed ua all morning In that red racer, flrlng at us all tho -while. Finally they caught up with ua here, ?bout noon ? came up this road ?hoot ing over tbo windshield, it was our Uvea or theirs. We turned tho hydrau lic stream on them and washed the car over ths cliff. If you don't botlove me, get somebody to show you their faces." She Indicated with a gesture two ronns that lay at a little distance back from the roadside, motionless beneath a sheet of canvas? the bodies of Xrlne's creatures, recovered by tho -mining gn-ng and brought up tor a Christian burlap : ? But Trine required no more confirm ation of Judith's word. The fight flickered and died In hla evil old eyes; his stricken countonanco assumed ? hue of p&llor even more Intense than was normal with It; a broken curse, lssuod from hla tumbling. thin, old lips; and his chin sagged to his cheat, heavy-weighted with despair that fol lowed realisation of the fact that be no longer owned even one friend or creature upon whose conscienceless loyalty be might depend. The laat bitter drop that brimmed hla cup of mlrery was added when Alan Law himself appeared, leaving the miners' cabin In company with hit betrothed ? Roae now soothed and comforted, smiling through the traces of her recent tears as she dune to her lover, nestling In the hollow of his arm. , To Alan, on the other hand, this rencontre seemed to afford nothing but the pleasantest surprise Imagin able. "Well!" be cried, releasing Rose and, running down to the car. "Hne'i luck! And at the very moment when I was catling . my "acky star bsrd names! Jlqw can I ever reward your tf tt ughtfulness, Mr. Trine? It beats mo how you do toeptrack of ma this, Lightning Kill* Trln. and IWkM Down AUn end Rota. . * ? * ' '"'I'sM' way? happening alone Hire this ererj time I nccA^a car the worst war la tho frofktld! "DtIto oo !" Trine acream*d to the chanffcur. "Drive on, do you hearT' But Judith bad atepped up on the running, board and >w?a eyeing the drt?er coldly, with on* band algnlS cantly rotting on the butt, of the V eapcrn at ber aide. The car remained at ? standstill. Belpburou* profanity followed, a pungent itream of vituperation' that wa* cheeked only by Judith'* Inter ruption: "We're bad to gag yon one* before, you know. If you wast- naofte tAslfi of that ? keep on!" *?ot where'* Parent !" JudUh do manded when, after helping Rom Into the car and running off to thank Chair. , through her love.'s protestations! Judith lost In profoundoat melancholy; Trine- nursing his rage, working him self up Into a client fury whoa* conae luences vvtro to be more far-reaching than oven be dreacjed Is tali wildest momenta. Ita first development, for all that -was desperate enough. Tbo u?od monomaniac occupied the right-hand corner of the rear aeat. Tbus hla one able ban'it waa nest to Judith, In cloae Juxtaposition to the revolver In tbo holster on her 'hip. Without the least warning bis lett hand closed upon the 'weapon, with drew It and leveled It at the back df Alafi's head. As he pulled the trigger Ju^ltb flung herself bodily upon the' arm. Even so, the bullet found .? goal, though In another than the Intended victim. The muscular forearm of the ? chauffeur received it. With a shriek of pain the man r? leascd the wbeel nnd grasped bis arm. - ? \ ? l Before Alan could move to prevent tbo disaster the car, running without a guiding hand, caromed off a low embankment to the left and shot full tilt Into a shallow ditch on the right, shelling Ita passengers like peas from a broken pod. Alan catapulted a good twenty feet through the air and alighted with ouch force that he lay stunned for several moments. When he c^mo to, he found Barcus L helping him to hla foet; a heavy sev en-passenger Touring car halted In Jhu_ roadway Indicated tbo manner In which his- friend had arrived on the scene ot the accldep*. ' When damages were assessed l|t wan found that none of the party had Buffered serlojuly but the chauffeur and Seneca Trine himself The former had only hi* wound to show however, while Trlntf lay still and senseless St a very considerable dlstanco from the wrecked automobile. Nothing but a barely perceptible reaplratlon and Intermittently flutter ing pulse persuaded them that the flame of life waa not extinct In that poor, old, pain-racked body. CHAPTER LI ML The Last Trump. Toward the evening of tho third day following the motor spill, Judith sat In the deeply recessed window of a beOchamber on the second floor of a hotel situated In the heart of Cali fornia's orange-growing lands. Behind her Beneca Trine sat. ap parently asleep, In a wheeled Invalid chair. There was do occupant Of the room. .Though he had lain nearly two days In coma, her father's subsequent progress toward recovery of Ms Mr. Blato had been rapid. ' Now, ?e cordlng to a council of surgeons and physicians who bad bo?n summoned to deliberate on his case, bo was In ? fair way to round out the average spaa of a soling man's lifetime. lie bad apparently Buffered nobbing In consequence of bla accldcnt tndfj eorloun than prolorj^J uncoruploiSe nes*. For tbo last "twenty-four "hours he had been in fall possession of bis faculties and (for tome reason IbJKiC sltdo to Judith to fathom) "mtbt+ monly ch<*rfaL v~ , Trom this circumstance ? she drew? a certain ooiAe of Destined anxiety. Twice In the Bourse of the morning she had caught his eye following har with a gleam 'of sardonic cxultlncy* as though be nurse* some secret of ettnordUOT poMMUitiee. ^ And yet (she argued) It was quite lmpoiflble thit be shcaM bare some .fresh scheme brewing for the assaMln nt ion of Alaa. Not a soul had had any son of comaanMallni wito' Mm since his recovery but tbe attending sur. fceon, a man of unimpeachable char acter. a meek- mannered trained nurse, and UcrseW. Judith Dnder such dr.; ctmetsncee he simply could not liave irtit a new conspiracy afoot. 3$ '1 yet . . . She was oppress od dressed Don and women, tit* gueetfli Invited to the *cddlna of Rom Trias ?nd Alan Law. Within, another i?tp minutes the Man Judith lo?cd with all bar body and soul would be the ijusbaad of bar ?later. .. ... ;*? ? She had told herself ahe >u ro signed; but she was not, and ah* would never be. llqr heart waa break Ing In her bosom u *hs sat there, watchluf, walling, 'listening to the ever b.nvler detonations of .the otf proachlug thunderstorm and to the Jubilant peaJInc of a Krcut organ down below. . . The had told herself that, though resigned, aho could not bear to wlt? neu tbe coremony. Now aa the mo-, meat drew near when the marriage' would bo a tMiig finished, fixed. Irretrievably, sbe found herself un able to endure tin (train alone. , , slowly, against hrr'wlil. she rose and atole across the door to hrfr fa ther's chair. Hlo breathing was plow and regu lar; beyond doubt he slept; unques tionably there was 110 reason why ahe should not leave him for ton nflnutes; even though he waked It could not harm him to await her return at the end, of that scant period. Like a guilty thing, on feet as noise less as any sneak thief's, she crept ;rom the room, closed the door si lently, ran down the hall and ' de scended by a back way, s little-used staircase, <10 tbs loner ball, approach lng'lbe scene of the marriage. Constructed In imitation of an old Spanish- mleeic& it 009 of the finest organs In the worlffT at this cIom rang?, Its deep-throated tones vied with the warnings of the storm. ' .'uoltb. lurking U js. passage way whose epen .door revealed the steps and. chancel, was shaken to the very marrow of her -being by the majestic reverberations of the music. 3lnce they had regained contact with civilization In a section. of the country where the Law estate had vAt holdings of land, the chapel .was thronged with men and women who had known Alan's father and wished to honor his con. Above stairs, In the room Judith had quitted. Senrca Trine oftpned both eyea wide and.langhed a atlent laugh of savage triumph wben the door closed behind h(s daughter. ; At last he was left tj his- own do vices ? and at a time the most fitting Imaginable for what he had In mlad. .With a grin, Eentca Trlns raised both inn and stretched 'than wide apart. Then, grasping the arms of his chair, he lifted blnnielf from it and stood trembling upcrt his own feet for the first time In almost twenty years. Orast'og the back of the wheeled chair, he used It ft s crutch to giflde V-. fc:Ve and c:rjttsia -racrtmcnts* Hut these beeMno: momentarily stronger and more eonfideut Th!?( then, m the iacfeatb# had hugged to his eaibltteffod' bosom, n secret unsuspected even %y tho at' tending surgeon: (hat through tha motor accident tbrco day* ago he had regained tbo use or tlmba that had booh stricken motionless ? strangely enough, by a motor ?>? nearly two decides slcce. Slowly Abut surrly moving to the bureau IT tha roo7i, ho opened ona of Its idrawefs uil took out some thing bo hod. without tor knowledge, ?m Judith put away tbero whllo tha thought ho slept. Then, with thin bidden In tbs pocket or hit drabiiux gcr.n ho steered a straight It vary 'flellbcrata OOBrae to the dcof; Jtt hlmselt out. andJlV.c n isatertallted llpneter of tfie man he once 1 ?* li n . navigated 'tho Opfrtdnr in the hekd.ot the broad central staircase aud 'step by slap, clinging with both 'hands, n?<;otla(ed tho descent. Tho lobby ot tboTiptcl was deserted. As tha ceremony approached Ita end ?vary guest and servant lj? tho fioaao was crowding tho doorway to /tha chapel. Hone opjlcsod tbo pro rtr 'Ala ghastly vU(o#.-..r dors, finding an almost supernatural strength to sustain him till ho toand hlmseir face to face with his chosen enemy and lictliu. The first that blocVed bis jrigy leto tfa chapel, a bellboy or the hotel, ?eked round at tUo A??t touch of tha dm^Kka hand npoii Ma shgjilder and ehjnoi back with ft err or terror ? * cry tha( *** echoed ? from hair * ?V?lt?qt from the world beyond tlja | y*ve^tltei? "lain nnvsr M I sh t ' truth. TM ere Alan's wife. . . No. Uaten Wtnw Tou ren??a Jbet- I hat 'York' when y'od mbatltuted tor Rose. wbei> Al.m tried to elope with her, and you went with him to Jersey City, and stood tip to to married by a preachcr-gity named Wright? and Marrophat broke In Juat at tbe critical moment and busted up the partyr .V'-, . ' Bkin/? In th? room; but for ih6 i PfJfent o* hta conch. iMifp MSIowtr, ?lmo?t' fcurfully, ?h ) to hi. bcrfkldo ?nd itood looking fata the Uco of her huibnn*;: And vhllo'?h? looked /&WI: fluttered, hit rc.plratlon qulckcn f*lat color crept rtilo hi* jtjStf'rt ? *nd Kla ajrw oponed wtto Aa I For Tim Mr*. Vk cetf Wm Unble U AtUad to " Pleasant Hill, N./C.-"I suffered toe SA? turn men," write* Mrs. Writer' Vfac^nt, ot this town, "tad the third and la*t time, wai ray %oret. v. I faad^keadful. nervous befcl^ches and prostratlje, tnd "was scarcely able to wrik4boMC'' Could not do any of my housework. I alto m dreadful painf in my back aad side* and when one Jt those weak, aiatdag ipeOa would pome on ma, I would have to gf*a op and lie down, until it wore off. t waa certainly in a dreadful state of health, jrtea 1 finally decided to try ? - t :? '**>A ? V? ^ ' I would have died U I hadn't it & \ .'-Jl'-;.' After I began taking Cardui, I was greatly helped, and all three bottles re lieved me entirely. I Urtrwrt up, and grew so much sbtmfef In 'three, months, I tell like an Cardui is- purely vegetable and gentle - acting. Its ingredient have a mild, tonic eHect, on the womanly t tor Im inmsil strength, improves the appetite, toaee upttie ner vous system, and helps to pale, ullow cheeks, fresh sad rosy. Cardui baa helped mote than a million weak women, during the past 90 years. It wflTspnlr do jtor you. what it has done Mr ttem. Try Cardui today. pgfl rtructiont ? 1 W I ? m7 mai HI 'located in Bricks, ~ "*? jUAtir " S,?re a( Warehouse) ~ ^SL?21business 'We'carrv : ' 1 Remember "?d *?"" ^ "" JpwwJTjp ut^?_k'w ? ' <*"?< Stti. , * ~ p,eWe in sS expert ?eat carve, will i J. Loyd Horton Attorney- At-Law jj Uoca-.p 3? Si. H0r'0" *BullJ!n? >. Pn?ctitc? whcrcicr tcr \ icc* arc Oalrbd. ? Farmvllle, N. Carolina. PARMVILLk lodgS ^ t. 0. 0. F. No. 373. . . Meets every Monday night in K. of P. hall in the Horton Build j^ AUvi*^ Brother."^ PARMVILLE Meets Every Tuesday Nitht is their Hal. In Hortoo BHg. VttHStaKBrothersW^come JS IN VITED ^ to the quality, variety; and prices BEST GROCERIES JN TOWN Coffees, Teas, Flour, fruits, etc Trade-winning prices. We're tagging the goods, showing the brands, and selling in rapid-tran sit time. Don't delay? buy our GROCERIES TO-DAY. You'll need 'em all tomorrow. J. A. MIZZELL & CO ^:-|5 Fmnvitto. M-<& vj|^| | For Life and Fire