-MU-1 IPays To Advertise through The Columns of ? he Ftu-mv.illc Enterprise I PEACHES - THE PEOPLE Mer/chantsl Get Wise Let Us Write You an Ad. and we'll open your eyes WITH INCREASED BUSINESS Subscription SI a Year in AdVance. G, A. ROUSE. Editor. g ARM VTLLJC, PITT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, MARCH 12, 1915 IE NORTH AROLINA ANTI V - m jhe TKirsly Can Now Get Only Two Quarts of Boose A Month Lawfully. ? [The following is the full text the compromise Liquor bill |at passed both the Senate and ouse and is now a Staie law: rSec. 1. That it shall be unlaw for any person, firm, or cor ration, tor any agent, officer or iploye thereof, to ship, trans it, cany or deliver in any man r or by any means whatsoever, hire or otherwise, in any one :kage or at any, time from a nt within or without this State iny person, firm,*'or corpora 1 in this State any spirituous inous liquo.s or inlOAiirJliux :rs in a auantily greater than quart, or aoy m,?lt liquors in lantily greater than five gal It ; and it shall be unlawful for s tuous or vinous liquors or it xicating bitters so shipped, tr lported, carried or delivered in ny one package to be con tafed in more than one recepta 2. That itsliull beunlaw any person, firm or f-orpor at any one time or in any ;ge to receive at a point, wit i the Slate of North Card lino >r bis or her' use or for the use any person, firm or cor ponon, or for any other pur post any spirituous or vinous liqu ? or intoxicating bitters in a qu itity greater than five gal lons' raah li cced and a more alcohol] uous' act || "Sec, fulfor fictil nnothei or malt bitten o any spiri or intoxi ful for sr any way name in ortf 3. 1 hat it snail be unlaw any. person; firm or cor n, during the space of 15 utlve days to receive any or vinous liquors or bitters in n quantity tities totalling more than or any malt liquors in cre&ter than five- col lided that the provisions ions 1, 2 and 3 shall not the receipt by a corn er for transportation to in another State where it not forbidden by the such State. J- ' [ . 4. That . words 'mait liq useii in this act shall be to include only such rs as contain not to ex* per centum of alcohol alt liqaors containing five per centum of ill be held to be 'spirit the meaning of ^his t it shall be unlaw* person to order in ? or in the name of rituous or vinous or intoxicating receive for himself s or vinous Uquors bitters so ordered That it shall be unlaw n to allow or m tl)e use of his ordering for another very to another of any It iiq fermonted or malt liquors or in toxicating bitters where any. charge is made for such meal or ?ervice. "Sec. 8. Thai all laws authoriz ing or allowing the sale of spirit uous, vinous, or malt liquors or intoxicating bitters by any medi cal depository, druggist or phar macist be and (he same are here by repealed, ond it shall be un lawful for any medical deposi tory, druggist or pharmacist to sell or otherwise dispose of for gain any spirituous, vinous, fer mented or malt liquors or intoxi cating bitters, provided that any medical depository shall be al lowed to.dispose of any liquors on hand at the time this act goes into effedi by selling and ship ping same to any person, firm or corporation in any State other than North Carolina where such sale would not be illegal. "Sec. 'X That the provisions of this act shall not apply to grain alcohol received by thily licensed physicians, druggists, dental sur geons, college, university and State laboratories, and manufac turers of medicine, when intend ed to be used in compounding, mixing or preserving prepara tions, or for surgical purposes, when obtained as hereinafter provided: PrcviJ;:'. I.owever.i that nothing contained in this nci shall prohibit the importation into the State of North Carolina and the delivery and posession in said State for use in industry, manufacture, and arts of any de natured alcohol or other dena tured spirits, which are com pounded and made in uccordancc with formulae prescribed by a