Farm vi lie Enterprise Published by The Enterprise Publishing Company G. A. HOUSE* Editor and As it. Mgr. B. A. tomtit. Hut. CiHor. (in< Dollar I he year ? In ?d?.ic*. Holered la ihe Post OIllcc at Farm ville, N. C.t as second class mall nutter. FRIDAY, MAR. 1?), 1915. in (his issue headed "Thoughts of an Idle Hour" by Mnj. F. W. Barber, hit any of our readers, \ye hope it will help- to guard t'leir tongues from this terrible habit. We could each luue at night feeling better if during the day we would make it a rule to speak of others as we would they speak of us. Oftimes a hap py life is shadowed by the awful habit of possip. Halter thy tongu$ that it speak not evil of thy neighbor. Fashion lias decreed that women must reduce in weight in order to wear the latest gowns. What a calamity for those who cannot reduce, and yet will not wear an out of date garment! The handsomest, keened and most brilliant man in this com munity .owes us a dollar on Sub scription, and we are expelling him to favor us with an early call. (That ought to bring 'em all in.) the article elsewhere A. lccal calamity howler had the audacity to come into our office yesterday and open up with his customary oration on "hard times." We permitted him to execute a masterly retreat. American women are wearing: military frocks this season, and 'American men are trying to srteer as clear of European "fash ions" as honor and common | sense will permit. Manufacturers arc known the worid over by the labels on their goods, and wide awake mer chants are known by their ads in the local paper. Are you advertising? Deposit a dollar in any bank and it will draw 4 pet cent inter est. Invest lt?in 52 issues of this paper and it will yield 1,000 per cent before the year is up. Bank with us. If this country muEt be forced into war wc expect our public off icp holders to be the first to enlist. Then wc mere mortals can bask in the sunshine of their patriotism. Here's a bully good idea! Let's have a law requiring every sen ator and congressman who votes for war to enlist and go to the frount. Then there'll be no war. v. ? ? * It the re& of the European countries get the itch and jump into the scrap, wc won't have to bother about the immigration question for the next few week?. A wise man once had a dollar which he wanted to invest where it would bring him the greatest possible returns. We got it. Paying the income tax is o distinction fevy of us crave. ? ? ? . It's easy to quit and juit as easy to stqy quit. > ?' ,ii jij .i_ in ? Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury a M tnenrurr *?ilt run.W jMl# tho ?cn?* of ?m?>l anil cumpl&.'Jy ? rtrran*-* ?whcls By?tcm vfcM co tfcrfJTT li tnwMir* lh# ntioAia rurfarcJ. Su it ankles ph> IM BUOAia rurraccJ. ?U;U CAlcles nh tMvcf b* extent .on prrsenni Sy ssn^ta jsz&ja&a i6? sb Stan?" Cure,' < : tv ? ey a fo. iMfniry* MM '? upon ttso Moil f.!?( rr.u;333 B. tit** of Jh? nyotcir It tai?M |MN Catarrh Curr bo rum yrji rr.-t <h? ecna. Beta by Droira?UL Wm *i t*r Vol Us, ?VW?S?a>r K very body fights but U ncle. } Vera Cruz is on the map a gain. Mexico is sby on food-XliUo j brains. Now just why does a ? con ceited man ' invariably walk | alone? Some folks wander in tbcir minds, btti are never able to stray far. And just why does the month j of March lunimi one ol J <? Cannon? Some fellows are always en- 1 thusiastic when they talk about | themselves. Drug users have suddenly sprung into prominence as a| drug on the market. The professional kicker kicks at everything in sight and dents nothing but himself. if a man talks too much he is a gossip. If he folks too little he | is a Clam. Poor man! . It may be true that there is nothing new under the sun, but there are a lot of funny things flirting around in the shadows. "Letting good enough alone" is all right, but it never getr you | (o the top of the ladder. If you haven't that dollar you owe us handy, juA bring around j an ouncc or two of wheat Too bad! Deaf old congress quit and went home and we dean forgot to comment on the joyful- fadt. When a man wants a thing he wantNt mighty bad, and when he don't want it at all he often wants it airway. ? _ i ~ . Wisdom is born of knowledge. Knowledge is extracted from the columns of this paper. It costs a dollar a year to be wise. Am You i Woman? The Woman's Tor, Ftf SALE AT ALL DROMSTS v ? J* - . W4 1 ANNOUNCEMENT! lL . WE are pleased to Announce to the public that we have induced the stockholders of' the Dar den Warehouse Co., to build and lease to us for a number of years a Ware house,? 100 * 250 feet. WE expe& this house to be ready for the coining season, when TT ^ where we hope to see and serve all of our old friends, as well as M AKE new ones. YOURS TO SERVE R. H. KNOTT J. R. NEWTON ' .. I I? I AVE == Bed, Pork; Sausage a* d Fish, daily. Braids Wednesday*, ??><: ? ?? Oysters Saturdays. We also have in Adck anything in canned goods, Peas, Cera, Tomatoes, Peaches, etc. ?. "Sun KM", table peaches-the b e?. Maine grown Irish Potatoes, Cabbage, Ruta Bagas, ar4 fnri!* National Bisket Company's, Cakes and Crackers.? Always [ZfJ s ? -Sffis#5' t- M We are prepared to deliver any orders on short notice. Phone 134. When in need of any of the above. > . you are in the market for an Oil ^tove NOT "" We invite you to call and see our display of the famous ?pwMini ' r if,. * ? <''?'? ??' i This &ove will save you 25 per cent in your oil bill and will ? ' heat quicker. They are "Built to La&" : ?' " ?".'??? r ? . '<*. , o - L ' WE ALSO. HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF BOSS OVENS which are asbestos lined, making them hold heat and BAKE BETTER * \ JOYNER T. E. JOYNEB. IflGftf ? FARMVILLE, N; C. Report of the condition of the | CITIZENS BANK at FarmviUe, N. C. at the close | of business Mar. 4, 1915 RESOURCES Loam and diacounts $59,273.42 Overdraft*, 147.21 House, Furniture and Fixtures, 4,000.00 Due from- Bank* and Banker* I3.290.4i Cash Items 176.42 Gold Coin 14?, 50 Silver coin, Includlof all minor coin currency ' K75.Mi National bank notes and other U. S. notes 2.0A4.49 Total |82,239.0A - LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In f lS.OH.M Surplus fund . 8,400.00 Undivided profits, less curreut expenses and taxes paid *00.83 Bills Payable 10.0M.M Tiricccrtfleaics of Deposits 9,411.05 Deposits subject lo check 38,954.41 Cashier's checks Outstanding 65.2fc Total 4 82,237.-03 Stale of North Carolina, Count* of I'ltt SS: , I, T. C. Turnagc, cashier of the aliow named bank do solelanly swear that the above fatement isirue to the beA of my knowledge and belief. T. C. TURHAGE, Gnhier. Sworn to and subscribed before me I this 9th day o' Mar. 1915 W. CHESTER HARRIS Notary Public. My co minis* on expires Feb. 11, 1917 Correal Attest I. H. HARRIS ' f. \V. HOl.MES j. H. DARDEN . Directors Report of the condition of the BANKi)f FOUNTAIN at Fountain, N. C., at the , close of business Mar. 4, 1915 1 ?X- RESOURCES Loans nnjl Discounts J 21,576.90 Overdrafts, . - 337,09 N. C. .State Bonds, 4's 1,500.00 All other. Stocks, Rlortgs, etc. I, W0. CO Furniture & Fixtures, -? 1,921.74 Due from Bank*:tk Bankers .<5,199.47 Caah Items 24.11 Gold coin . 15.00 Silver Coin, Including all minor coin currency 195.17 Natinal bank & other U.S. notes I.52J.40 ? '/ To)al , ?-J4,J9S.70 LIABILITIES CSs^juJ&cckpafcJlu } 11,549. Surplus Fuatf ? ' !;! iS&SiBM Undivided profits, le? cor- ~ roar expenses & taxes paid llt>.7" Dividends unpa'd 10. Bllfs [wyal.lo - 3,000. Time Cerilllcales of Deposit 5,947.97 D?ix>ilts .ubjort to cbeck^ 1I.IU.44 1 Cashier * Checks ouWIasdln? 344.50 j I Tofl . |M,m.7(>| State of North. Gtrollaa, County oil Hilt SS: ? '?ST ? 1 I, KjT. Woolen, Cashier of tb bunk. So solemnly swear that the I above slate mentis U?e to the best of ray know'cJgr and belief. K. T. WOOTRN, Subscrlbod tf/Smim ' ' this 15th START LITTLE-GROW BIG f HE NICKELS tuul dimes saved soon grow into dollars doUars and, as time wears on, with your money making money, all fear of adversity or sudden misfortune wi3 be dispelled and contentment and happiness reign supreme. ? ? ? > . vr. We pay 4 per cent interest on your deposits? begin ing the moment they're made. ::: THE BANK OF FARMV1LLE . f ARMYILLE, N. C. ^ '? T 1 Our line ol now the fiv y Groceries is id is complete

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