The MiSisii Dollar Mystery By HAROLD MAC CRATH Illustrated from Semes in the Photo Drama of the Same Name tor the Thanhouser Film Company (Cop/right, 1111, by B*rold MMOmlk) CHAPTER III. i * The Safe In the Lonely Warehouse. The princess did not remain long after the departure of the (<olice .with thf bogus detectives. It bad been a v cry difficult conker to wriggle out of, ail because Bralno had added to his plans after ahe'had left the apart ment. But for the advent of the med dling reporter tbo coup would have 'succeeded, heisnlf apparently perfect ly Innocent of complicity. That must be the keynote of all her plans: to ap pear quite Innocent and leave no trail be-'ilnd her. She had gained the con fidence of Florence and her compan ion. And she waa rather certain that sbe had Impressed this laiy-eyed re porter and the atolld butler. She had told nothing but the truth regarding her relationship. They would find that out She waa Katrina Pushkin's cousin, ljut blood with her counted as naught. She had room In her heart but for two thlnga. Hralpe and money to spend on her caprices. v / 1 How long has your highness known Mr. Bralnc?" esked the reporter Idly, u he smoothed away all signs of his rocent conflict'. "O, the better part of a year. Mr. Hargreave did not reoognUe me the other night That waa quite excus able, for when he last saw me 1 waa cpt mors than twelve. My child." she naid to Floreneo. "build ho hopes re garding your mother. She Is doubt less dead. Upon ecme trivial -matter I do not know what it was? she was confined to the fortress. ; That was seventeen years ago. When you enter the fortress at St. Petersburg, you cease to be." "That Is true enough." '1 did not rcca'J myself to your fa . ,ther. I did not care at that moqieut to shock him with the remembrance of the past Is not Mr. Bralno a re markable men?" All this In ber charm ing broken E^glisn. "He Is, Indeed." affirmed Norton. ??He's a cupcrb linguist, knows every body and lies traveled everywhere. No matter what subject y'bu bring up he seems well Informed." ."Come often," urged Florence. "1 shall, my child. And any time you need me, coll for me. After *"? ' cm nerrly your aunt. You will "find Ufa In the city fcr different from that Trhlch you have bocn accustomed to." Bhe limped down to ber limousine. IQ tripping up Norton he bad stepped upon her foot heavily. "She Is loroly!" crisd Florence. "Well, I must be 03 my way. also," raid Norton. "I am a worldly-wise cue, Mies Florcnco. So la Jones here. Never go any place without letting him kaow; not oven to the corner drug store. I, cm going to find your lather. Some one tvas rcscued. I'm going to And out whether It was the aviator or; Mr. Ilararoave." - Jonoa drew In a deep breath and his e^cs clcccd fcr a mon.^nt. At the d^or he s polio to the reporter. "What do yoa think of that worn a?r *TI believe that (be told the truth. She Is charming." "She la. But for all her charm and truth I cannSt help distrusting ber. I have an Idea. I ehall call up your of OM at tbo end of each day. If a day cdmes without a call, you will know that aomethlng Is wrong." "A rerr good Idea." Norton shook hands with everyone and departed. "What a brave, pleasant young man!" murmured Susan. "I like him. too; ant) I'd like him fat a friend," said the guileless girl. "It 1a very good to have a friend like Mr. Norton," added Jones; and passed out Into the kitchen. Ail the help had been discharged and upon his shoulders lay tb* burdon of the cooking till such tltaa when he could reinstate the cook. There waa a stormy scene between Rfalne and the princess that sight. "Are you In your dotage T" she asked vehemently. "There, there; bring your voice "down a^lt Where's the girl?" "In her home. Where did yon snp pose she would be, after that botch work of letting me go to do one thing while you had la mind another? And *1? ordinary pair of cutthroats, at thjur ? . ? The thought came to jse after yoa left. 1 knew you'd ileooghlse the men ?ad understand. I see mo reason why It didn't work." It wouM have been all light if *W tod oonsifUdd a clairvoyant." "What the dene* do yoa asenn Mr thatr Bratne derpaad^i rcugbly. mean that then yoa would have " your friend the reporter waa "pen tho scene at Its .most tnt ? ^ _:v .. " Norton T" - ? f*~la. The trouble ia wj<k>oc. yoa been so suosoacfal all these years #0 a bare iTSWn overconfident. I yoa that there is a dfofrramr -rd man sootowbere back of all rs*tord^J: 'lA lT in><h?dh*gM*H he near by. Ha ns t hata the balhx rntm JHH K to? they picked up way tne aeronaut. Tlvo ilve T.iousanu toii'A have been hla fee tor reletting Har greave. Here Is tho greatest thing we've ever been up against; and you start In with every day method*!" "Little woman, don't let your tongue run away with you too far." "I'm not the least bit afraid of fou, Ljo. You need me. and It has never beon more, apparent than at this mo ment." "All right. I fell by the wayside this trip. Truthfully, I realized It Ore minutes after the men were gone. The only clever thing ! did was to keep tho rfaSk 011 my face. They can't come back at me. Rut the thing looked so easy; and It would liavo worked but for Norton's nppearar.oe." "You all but compromised me. That butler worries mo a little." Her op pression lost Its anger and grew thoughtful. "He's always about, some where. Do you think Hargreave took him Into his confidence f" "Can't tel|. ' He's been watched straight for 40 hmirs. He hasn't mailed a. letter or telephoned to any place but the grocery. There have been no telegrams. Some one In that house knows where the money 1*. and It'c ten to one that It will be the girl." "She lookes enough like Katrlna to be her ghost." limine went over to the window and stared up fit the stars. "You haye made a good Impression on the girl?" with 'hi* back still to ward her. "1 had her In my arms." "01ga,4my hat Is off to you/' turn ing. now that his face was again In repose. "Your very frankness regard ing your rtitttlonnhlp will pull the wool over their eye*. Of course they'll make inquiries and, they'll And out that you haven't, lied. It's perfect. Net even thnt'newspaper weasel will see anything wrong. Toward you they will eventually- ease up and yon can act without their even dreaming your part In the buslnes*. Wo must nqt be seen In public any more. Tbla butler may know where I stand even though he cannot prove !t Now. I'm going to tell you something. Perhaps you've long alnce guessed It. Katrlna. was mine till llafgreave ? never mind what his nume was then ? till Har greave came Into tho fold. 80 sure of her was 1 that I used her a* a lure to bring him to us; She fell In love with him, btit too late to vara him. I bad the satisfaction of aoelng him cut her celde, curse her, and leave her. In ono thing she fooled us all. 1 never knew of the child tlll-you told me." Ho paused to light a cigarette. "Hargrcafo was madly la lore with her. He cursed her. but he cama back to the *ous'.' to forgive her, to find that aho bad been seised by tbo socrot police and entombed In the fortress^ I had my revenge. It was I who sent in the Information, practically bogus. Dut In Rusrla tboy never question; they set and forget. Bo he had a daugh ter!" Ho began pacing the floor, his hands behind bis luck; and the woman watched him, oscillating between love and fear. He came to a halt abruptly and looked down at her. "Don't worry. You bare no rival. Ill leave the daugbto" to your tender merclcs." "Tbe butler," she said, "has full pow ers. of attorney to act for Hargroave while absent, up to tbe day the glr! becomes of legal age." "I'll keep an eye oa onr friend Jones. From now on, day and night, there will be a cat at the knothole, and 'ware moose 1 Coufd you make up anything like this girl?" suddenly, ? V ; "A (air likeness." "Do It. Oo to the skip which plckrfd up tbe man at sea and quit the cap tain. Either tbe aviator or Hargreave la alive, it li Important to learn which at onee. Be very careful; play the game only as you know how to play it. And If Hargrcavo la altv4, we win. To morrow morning, early. Tears of ans gulsb. and all that. Bailors are oajpjis when a woman wee pa^AM*, color, t?? member; jost tbe" ind the; aallent features. N "Aren't you going to tigs me, Leof He caught bar. hnudo. . "There Is a species of Delilah about yo1 a. OUa. A klaa tonight from your llpa would snip my locks; and I need a clear head. Whether we tall rr win. whet thU i?ne la played you a hall be my wl'a.'' Ha Wisxl the hand* and strode out Into Ota hall. T 1 The woman gated down at her kmell white baMta and smiled tenderly. (Tbe tlgraaa baa her tender momenta!) Me meart It! ? ** >?, ' * She went Into bar dmatog room and for an hour or njore worked over her fa<M and hair, MM ?>e was certain that If the captdn of tha ahlp described her to anyone else h? could not fall to gfcre a f?lr description of Florence Har Brtl Nortrn reached the oap Other I lh?Vs?t kfa* of l.??HHH i pan; or me r.ruicfces oiga Perigorr. it COM him a pcckctftl of money, but the cud jisUfled the mean*. The princess bad r.o past worth' mentioning. By tjle^ln* llil? ."f?d that t<Mse'.h?r he be cann :i-i?; t4 t) c.1 she had told, the simplo tru.te regarding the relationship to ploroice's 'mother. A cablegram had given him all vlio facta In her hlf tory; there were vc> gap* or discrep ancies. Tt read. clear tnd frank. Tmil u Kurjjun accrct agent to know what he win talking about. j .80 Norton'fi n\ispicions ? aud he hud' entertained aonie-~were completely lulled to sjeep. And J?e wouldn't have doubted her ut all except for the fact that Brainy had bceh with* her when he had Introduced liargreave. Har grcavt hud fearcd?nrajae; that 'mach ?tho reporter had elicited from the but ler. But there wasn't the ^lightest evidence. Ursine had been tn New York for nearly six years. Tho princess had arrived In the city but a year gone. And Cralne wae a member of several fash lona bio clubs, never touched cards, and seldom drank. He was an expert ohcts player and a wonderful amateur bllllardfct. Perhaps Jones, the taciturn and Inscrutable, had not told him all he knew regarding his master's past. Wei!, well; ho had In his time un tangled worse ertarlfl. The office had turned hint loose, a free lance, to handle tho case a* he saw fit, to turn In the fetor? when it was complete. But what a story it w>g &olng to be when ho cleared It up! The more no tifying It was', tho greater the zest and sport for him. Norton 'was like a r "I Am Not Afraid of Veil, Leo." , gambler wlio plcycd (or big slakes, and only big ?label stirred bl? crav ings. Tho captain of the -tramp cteamer Orient told him the earne tale he. had told the other reporter*; bo had plelcsd up a man at ?ta. The man li >d been brought aboard totally exhausted. "Wat there another body any wheror "No." '"What became of him?" "1 tent a wlrolen and that cecmcd to bother him. It locked >0 that he did not want anybody to learn that he had boen rescuod. The moment the boat touchcd tlto pier ho toit hlmaelf In the crowd. Fifty reporter* came aboard, but he r,a* gone. Acd 1 coul l but tell them jnat what I'm tollinfe you." "He had noney." ."About a*o thousand.", .t- ' "Pl?a*o dttorlbe him." The captain did so. It waa the aame description he had given to all the re porter!. Norton looked over tho rail at the trig warehouse. "Via it an ordinary balloon?" "Thtro.yotfvo got me. My Marconi man ay* tho .balloon part was like any other balloon; but the passenger ear was a new business to blm. It -J could bsdrlven ajalnst the' wind." "Drivrtl against the wind. Did you toll thla to the other chaps f' "Dont think I did. Just remem bered it. Probably some n?w Inven tlon; and now it'* at the bottom of the Via. Two met. as I understand It. Went off tn this contraption. One 1* gOUg/Or good." "Kor good," echoed tlis reporter' gravely: Gone for good, indeed, poor devil 1 -.'Norton took out a roll of bills. "There'* two hundred In this roll." "Welir* oald the captain, vastly as .uiuii'N"' ^ "If* your* if you will do me a small favor." "If It doesn't get me mixed up .with the poUca^ I'm only captain of tiWtgf; and gome of the harbor polltfit have taken a dl*ll|re to me. What do 1 you w*nt me to do*f* ? . /.^i "Tho police w*n not bother maybe both. Uia.pco.U.r He | ?to1 I the truth. I , V tbe man went tenon TrttS'u packet ^ Un der JiU arrt." "Tie * knot In that. ' "Say tint the mua was gray haired, clean shnren, etralTbt, with a r-zr high up 011 his forohrid, generally cov ered up by hi#, twlr." "That's battened tfcv.ii, m? lad. Oo OB." "Say that you saw him enter yonder warehcixc, and later depart without hla packet." "Easy as dropping my mudbook." "Thut's all." NorK.i gave tbe cap tain the money. "(Jood by and mauy tbauhs." "Dcu'l men Hon It." Norton tctt the slip and procoedod to the ufllco of the warehouse. He a|> proacbed Iho manancr.'a desk. "Hello, Grannls, old top!" . The man looked up trorn hi? work surlily. Tlim blj face brightened.' "NOrtouJ What's brought you here? 0, yes; that balloon business. Sit down." ' "What kind of a man la tbe captain ot that .old hooker in tbe allpT" "Sbif'ty io gun running, bat other wise as equere aa a dlo. Looks funny to ace an old tub like that fixed cp tylth wireless; but that baa saved lita ncck n dozen timer when ho waa run ning it Into a iocie; Not going to In terview me. are you?" "No. I'm going to ask you to do me a little favur." "They alwayasay that. But apin her out. If It doean't cost ma my Job, It'a youra." "Well, there will be a person mak ing Inquiries about tbe myatertoua aeronaut. Ail I want you to aay Is, that he left a packet with you, that you've put it in that aafe till he catla to claim It." Orannla nibbled the end of bis pen. "Suppose some tone, should come and demand, that 1 open the safe de liver?" "All you've got to doJa-to-teU-thcin to ahow thn receipt signed by you." < Tbe warehouse manager laughed. "Got a iot of sense In that Ivory dome of yours. All right, ^ut If anything happens you've got to come around and back tr.o up. What's it about!" "That I dare not tell you. This much, I'm laying a trap and I want some one 1 don't know to fall Into It." "On your way, Jamea. Hut If. you dont send me some prlie fight tickets next week for this, I'll never do you (anntber favor." In reply Norton took from his pocket two bits of paateboard aud laid them on tbe desk. "I knew you'd be want 1ut something ]|k? this." "Hingslde!" cried Orannla. "You re portera an lucky devtla!" "I'd go myself if there was any earthly chance of a real scrap. You make nw laugh, <1 ran. You're alwayk going, alwaya hoping tbe next one will be a real one. nut It'a all bonk. The pugs are the biggest takers on top the acd. They've got ua newspaper men done to a frazzle." V "I guess you're right Well count on mo regarding that mysterious bundle In the aafe." , "At three o'clock thia afternoon 1 want you to call me up. If uo ono has caMcd. why the game la up^ -Jlut If some one does como around and mako Inquiries, don't fall to let me know " "I'll bs here till five. you up then." Then Norton returned home and Idled about till afternoon. He went over to Hlverdole. Firs times be walked up and down the tront of tbe Hdrgreavo place, flntlly plucked >'P hit courage and walked to tbo door. Aftnr all, he waa'a lucky mortal. He ' Jd a ftocd oxcubo to visit this house every day In the week. And there vat something tantalising In tbo risk be took, noeldes, bo wanted to ptove to himself whether it \ra? a passing fancy or something deeper. That1* the way with humana: wo never ace ? sign "Frosh Paint" that wa don't have to provo It. * He chatted with Florence for a while and found that, for all aha mil ht be guileless to -the world, she was a good linguist, ? J oa musician, aud talked with remarkable keenness about book* aid arts. Rut unlasa he routed her, the oadneaa of htr position alwaya lay wiittM la her face. It Ha noi difficult for him to conjure up her dreams In coming to tbe city and the blow which. Ilk* a bolt of lightning litrom a clear *ky, bad shattered them .nithleealy.-' . ; "You asusl come every, drty and toll me how you have prorreasod," she ????. . ? ?in obey that order glrdly. when ever I can possibly do it. My vMta will always be abort" , "That la not netoeMwSft A . '.'A. , "No," uld Norton to hla heart, "but It la Wise." t ?> *? Always he found Jones "waiting fot fclm at tbe door, always ln tbe shadow.' "Wttir tho wbittttred. "I "have laid a neat trap. Whether Vila balloon waa tbo one tbat left tbe top of tbla hovro I don't know. But If fliere fete two men In It. one of them Has at tho tjottom of the ***." \ "And the man found f? .T)ie butlar'a voloe waa tenao, .' >V V? t K-S i.i "It was not Harercave. I met O.V. b?t once, and aa be wore * beard ihoo. trapT* tnem. tic no; aware oT <ue ract that the average reporter carrtc* more aecrets In his bead than a bripia min ister. It was, than, up to hiB to set about to al'ar tb?* ?nd #* the man'a com pie t? confluence. ? Maaowhlle that urn* morning a pretty roung woman boarded the Orient and naked to he led to the cap tain. Hut eyea vara red; aha had ?rldentlr been weeping. When the captain, auaoepttble i!ke all aallora, aaw her hla proinlipa to Norton took wtw-; , ? .'v^jfc Thla la Captain HaganT" (he aaked, balling the handkorchief aha held In bar band. , "Yek. miss. What can I do for jrout" He put ills hand* cmbarftssedly Into hla pockata ? and felt the crlap bllla. But tor that magic touch ba would have forgotten his iines. He squared hla ahouldara. r "I htvo every assurance that the mad yon picked up at aea'ia my father. 1 am Florence Hargreave. Tell me everything." , ? The captaln'a very blundering de ceived her. "And then he bustled down the gang-plank and beaded for that warehouse. He had a - package which, ha was aa tender of as I.* It had been dynamite*." "Thjtnk you!" ImpuUlvely. "A man has to do hla duty. mlaa. A aallor'a always glad to rescue a man at aoa," awkwardly. When aha finally wot down tba gangplank the sigh the captain heaved, waa almost aa loud m the e^hatift' from the donkey engines which ware working out th?! crates of lemons from the hold. "Maybe she la hla daughter; bat two Tiundred la two hundred, and I'm a poor sailor mar." Thru . Qrannis came lri for hla troubles. What uas a chap to do when a pretty' girl appealed to htm? "I art sorry, miss, but I ean't give you that packngc. I gave t be man a receipt and till It Is prcaented to ma the Package must romala In yonder aafe. You understand enough about the business to rcnilt4 that. I dl4 not solicit the Job ' It waa thrust Upon me. I'd give a hundred dollars It th? biamo thing waa out of my snfe. You say It la your fortsno. That baanl been proved. It may bo gunpowder, dynamite. I'm sorry, bnt you will have to find your father and bring the receipt." ' The young woman left the ware house, dabbing her eyes with the sodden handkerchief. ' , "I wonder," mused Orannla, as be watchcd her from the window, "t won der' what tho deuce that chap Nor ton fa up to. The jglrl night hare been the man'* daughter. ' , Good Lord, what an aas I am! Thoro wasn't any man!" And so ho reached over for the telephone. Immediately upon receipt of the message thq reporter set bit machin ery In motion. Some tine before dawn be woui.i know who the 'arch consplrnfor was. II.) questioned Oran nla thoroughly. and Orannla' doscrlp Uon tallied amazingly with that of Florence flnrf reaye. nut a calf oyer tho w Ire Mated to him eoncluslTely that Klofence had not been cut of tho hoaso that morning. On the tr. or row the newspapors had seare-hcads about an attempt to rob the Puffy warehouse. I< appeared that 1. 10 police had heel* tipped be forehand and were on tho grounds In time t? : gather In sev$n?T notorious, gunmen. jrho. nnder pressure of the third degree, vowed that they had baen "hired and pnld by a man In a mask' and. had' not tho slightest Idea whnt ho wanted them to raid. Noth ing further could be gotten cut of the gunmen. Yhat they were lylag the police had no donl>t, Vut tl-.ey were; up against a stout wall and all ?- , , ?. ; ii"'1 QUICK ACTION WANTED, When one is coughing and spl:tln?? v.ith tickling throat, tightness ju chest, soreness in throat nod lungs? when head is aching and. the whole body racked with a cough that won't permit sleep? he wants irame diate relief. Thousands say Foley's Money and Tar Com pound is the surest and quickest acting medicine for coughs, colds, croup and la grippe.M3. E. Moore, successor to S. M Pol nJ-u-i i >X J. Loyd Horton Attorney-At-Law Room* 3? -3a. Horton BulMlng Pracllccj wbcrtver ur* vlcv* arc dctlrcd. ? , , FarmviUe, N. C?N,U??. FARMVILLE LODGE I. 0. 0. F. No. 373; Meets every Monday night in K. of P. hall in tfce Horton Build ing. All visiting Brothers wel come. FARMVILL^, LODGE, No. 218 K^f P. Meets Every Ttaeadty Night in fcieir Hal) in Horton Bldg. Visiting ^rothers Welcome DR. PAUL E. JONES DENTIST Office in Ltusg Building FARMVILLE N.C. ? ..... i ? - W. C. DRESBACH Civil Engineer & Surveyor Greenville. N. C. COUNTY SUKVf YOK FOR PITT. E. M. COX Attorney-at-Law FARMVILLE. - N. CAROLINA Otflca over Citbaai Bank fl_ h .1 1 ! j. * ? \\Tl. _ _ ? - - - _ _ jk T\ I...I - rracucw it D?rcrer dcttkcs ire ucurea. Spctial \tttmi\mm Piid to ftiirflioM nid ' ? Writiog of Deed*. Mortgaftt, Etc.

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